the first house in history

Chapter 117 Surprised by the Alien "Sharp Brother"

After playing a game, the comrades made up as before. The bad influence of the popularity list incident disappeared. Yue Fei changed his words and said that he wanted to stay for a while. There was basically nothing wrong with the Song Dynasty, so he simply didn't leave.

Since Yue Fei didn't leave, I asked Xiang Yu and the princess if they could also take root. Xiang Yu said that I had to go back to do some private matters and come to me after thinking about it.

Then there was the princess. She seemed to be tired of upgrading in the game world every day. Before answering my damn omnipotent instrument, she sent a signal. Wang Laowu called.

I had to fart with the leader first, let the princess wait a while, and find someone to connect to the video call. Wang Laowu actually asked me sexy at the other end of the phone: "What are you doing secretly? Who was the foreign MM just now?

I said, "Leader, please check my post! That's the princess of the planet Aimas. She was accidentally brought back by me when she traveled through time. Now her family is ruined and she is waiting to return to the country.

"Emmas Planet? It seems that it's God's will. You have to do this. Wang Laowu said thoughtfully on the phone, "I have a task for you to receive the files later."

"What task?" As I asked, I looked through the information I had just received, but I was shocked, saying that a foreigner who looked like a sharp brother had recently spread on the Internet and was taken a photo, which caused a sensation.

How can I feel familiar when I look at the photo? In addition to the sloppy beard, ragged clothes, green hair and blue eyes, which are quite similar to the princess, and even have some temperament. Of course, if the face is not as black as charcoal.

"This? Is it a time traveler?" I asked hesitantly, and a long-lost name had already come to my mind, especially Ganda.

"Exactly, we have been paying attention to it for a long time and find that he is actually the top magician of the planet Aimas. I don't know why he fell to the earth. It seems that you should have some clue about this?"

I scratched my head and didn't dare to admit that I beat Youwen Ganda into a Halley Comet, and then turned into such a miserable appearance. I asked brazenly, "I don't remember anything. What's his origin?"

"Don't pretend. This man will be handed over to you. Take him back to the hotel and don't let him make trouble again. The secrets of the traveler can't be disclosed casually." Wang Laowu made a long speech, gave instructions, then turned off the phone and left. When he came, he gave me a must-kill. "by the way, the alien girl behind you just seemed to hear our conversation and ran out."

No way? This is going to be a mess. I quickly chased him out. I don't know if the princess knows the whereabouts of You Wen Ganda and will take him. In the face of a mentally retarded father-killing enemy, or the kind that once harmed the country and the people, I really can't guarantee whether I will not do it?

So according to the information Wang Laowu gave me, I rushed to the most prosperous area in H city. At noon, it was a good time for begging. I took out a universal instrument on the street to secretly monitor the other party's movements. Finally, I saw the princess and the alien 'sharp brother' at the gate of the supermarket.

"Youwen Ganda, I finally found you." The princess was furious with a magic wand in her hand, and a foreign beggar sat in front of her. Her eyes were dull and unclear.

"You want to pretend to be confused. I must avenge my father. Get up and fight with me fairly with magic." The princess stretched out her magic wand again and almost pointed to the beggar's face. As soon as I saw it, I hurried over and was about to pull the princess aside. Unexpectedly, the beggar smiled and opened her mouth to bite on the magic wand.

The princess was furious and shouted vigorously, "My level 20 magic wand, I want you to pay for it!"

What did I say about compensation? He was stupid and advised the princess: "He has become like this. Don't be like him."

"That won't work!" The princess pushed me away and said, "He just pretended that I won't be fooled. Let me go, or I'll be rude."

After all, there is a difference between men and women, and I dare not force myself to pull it. What if I am really treated as a pervert? I have to stand between the two and plan to persuade the princess back. Unexpectedly, Youwen Ganda still insisted on joining in the fun and handed the steamed buns picked up in her hand to the princess and said, "Please, don't be angry!"

"Bah! Bah!" The princess pushed the steamed bun to the ground and said angrily, "What, it's so dirty!"

You Wen Ganda looked at the steamed buns rolled into the distance and was trampled. At that time, he ran to pick them up and couldn't eat them. Unexpectedly, he cried, "Sty buns! Steamed bread!"

Pedestrians who passed by gradually noticed and pointed out, "How can they bully a beggar? It's too unmoral."

As soon as I finished hearing this, I was embarrassed. I quickly pulled the princess into the supermarket and bought two more breads for Youwen Ganda. The other party burst into tears and laughed and said while nibbling the bread, "It's delicious!"

Originally, the princess was also angry, and she couldn't help laughing when she saw it: "stupid, you really deserve it."

I whispered in her ear, "This is not good. Everything has been revenged. If you want to restore the country, we will take him back and talk slowly."

The princess hesitated for a moment before nodding and said, "Well, I'll listen to you this time, but I'm going to stay opposite him and look at him."

"So you're not leaving?" I was a little excited. A Youwen Ganda came and left the princess behind. It's simply an evil fate!

Taking the princess and You Wen Ganda back to the hotel, Zhang San and Li Si looked at me admiringly and asked, "Big boss, why do you still take in beggars?"

"What a beggar, call a national teacher!" I threw away a sentence and took people upstairs. The two mountain thieves said inexplicably, "Are the national teachers so dirty?"

Put Youwen Ganda on the fourth floor and let the princess live opposite. If you continue to live like this, you have to squeeze into my office.

You Wenganda was also used to being a beggar and suddenly arranged a good room for him. He was very unaccustomed to it and said, "No money, no!"

I said, "I won't let you pay for it. What are you excited about?"

The princess suddenly said excitedly, "Let me use magic to see what's wrong with his brain?"

I said, "Don't, you look stupid again. Isn't there no doctor here?"

Notice Hua Tuo and Bian Que, two famous doctors, to come for a consultation and see what's wrong with the magician. Hua Tuo said that I have experience, and it's done.

You Wen Ganda covered his head and howled: "No, don't cut my head."

Hua Tuo stared angrily: "Who wants your head? How can you be as virtuous as Cao Cao and avoid medical treatment?

Bian Que patted him and interrupted, "It's okay. Don't listen to him. Just take a few pairs of soup. Come on, let me take my pulse again."

"Oh!" Bian Que suddenly screamed strangely and listened to You Wen Ganda's heart, "Why is your heart beating so strange?"

Hua Tuo also felt something was wrong and took a look, but everyone was shocked. You Wenganda had several holes in his chest, and disgusting insects crawled around. The princess was shocked and said, "This is the witchcraft banned on our planet. He must have been fed back by witchcraft, so he was stupid. Huhu doesn't even know who he is.

Bian Que said, "That's troublesome. Hua Tuo Xian will take action on the matter of the knife."

Hua Tuo frowned and said, "It's okay for me to do it, but we don't know witchcraft."

" Witchcraft, right?" I said in my heart that it was easy to do. I went to find a guy who could even do illusions, so I went to find the stinky master Bai Mei.

Bai Mei is nesting in the room at this moment, closing the door and knocking on the door. I said, "Master, don't hide. The ugly master also has to see the apprentice."

Bai Mei said angrily through the door, "Dead apprentice, I will demolish your master*. I'm crossing the disaster. Don't destroy my merits, okay?"

I said, "What kind of disaster do you get through? You hide at home and wait for death every day. It's almost time to hide from the disaster. In the future, if it is rumored that Wudang Baimei Taoist is also an otaku, you will be ruined for the whole life."

Bai Mei finally couldn't help opening the door and scolding, "Say it, what's going to make your master stand up? It's so sharp."

"I just want you to treat a patient." I roughly talked about the situation and rushed back to the room with Bai Mei. The old man looked at the situation of You Ganda and shook his head and said, "It's not a world. It's not easy to deal with."

I said, "It's easy to deal with. Do I still need to ask you to do it?"

Bai Mei said, "Prepare two scalpels, two sea bowls, a big rooster, and a bottle of Wuliangye for me. By the way, wash him first. If not, you can directly pull the bathroom and take the faucet."

I immediately did so, called Zhang Sanli and Lisi, and brought Youwen Ganda into the bathroom. I sighed that they didn't cooperate. Seeing that we were going to take off our clothes, I smiled stupidly and said, "No, it's so itchy!"

Zhang San pinched his nose and said angrily, "Itchy your mother, my uncle has also been itching for a long time, and no one helped me wash it."

Li Si buried him and said, "Can you go to the sauna?" The service there is thoughtful. Don't save money to find MM online.

I said, "You have all five poisons now, and you still know how to go to the bathing center."

Zhang San and Li Siqi said, "Well, what do we do, mountain thieves!"

At this time, the faucet turned on and rushed directly to Youwen Ganda. He listened to our bickering and happily said, "What is sauna? I'm going too!"

I said, "Come on, do you still want to learn it well!"

You Wen Ganda was angry when he heard this. He patted the water in the bathtub and sprinkled our faces: "No, I'm going, I'm going!"

Zhang San and Li Si covered their mouths and hid aside: "No, I'm poisoned!"

I didn't have the temper to comfort him: "Good boy, I'll buy you Yida later."

Comrade Bian Que is still wise. He handed in a duckling and threw it into the water at the right time. When he heard that Ganda took the duck and did not let go, he was born for a while. How did I feel like finding a genius child for himself?

Finally, he washed Youwen Ganda, and the fragrant wizard comrade appeared again. His beard was shaved and his hair was washed. He was a handsome boy. He showed a silly smile and hugged Ouyang Chun who just came in and said, "Bear, so fat."

Ouyangchun collapsed at that time and pushed him away and said, "Whose child is here?"

I quickly pulled Beixia over and told him the actual situation in a low voice. Beixia looked at You Wen Ganda compassionately and sighed, "God is jealous of talent. I can't call him uncle bear again next time."

Youwen Ganda nodded obediently: "Well, bear!"

Ouyangchun didn't curse: "Why did he recognize me? He will lose weight tomorrow and will never suffer this again."

Bai Mei coughed and said, "Oil, go out if you have nothing to do. I'm in a hurry to get through the disaster."

I screened all the idle people, and Bai Mei began to cast spells. I asked, "Why do you always want Wuliangye?"

Bai Mei picked up the scalpel and said, "After the operation, drink and sleep, or you will have a nightmare."

I'm dizzy. Don't you have to be promoted to immortals? Why can't you see it?

The operation basically went well. Bai Mei broke Youwen Ganda's witchcraft and removed the poisonous insects planted on his body, but also broke Youwen Ganda's cultivation. He said to me with regret, "I'm afraid this man's witchcraft will be cultivated from scratch."

I nodded and said, "That's good, lest he return to normal in the future and continue to do evil."

Bai Mei clapped his hands and said, "I'll go back to my room if I have nothing to do. Don't come to me no matter how the sky collapses and the earth is outside."

I pulled him curiously and said, "Master, what important things do you have to hide in the room every day and tell your apprentice to help you solve your problems."

"Can't solve it?" Bai Mei waved his hand and said, "First, I have to avoid you. Master's disaster is because of you. How do you think I can avoid it?"

Now I'm puzzled. What does Bai Mei mean? I will use my sixth sense to speculate later.

When I opened the door, I went to inform the princess and tell her the good or bad news. You Wenganda was abandoned from martial arts and became an ordinary person who could not know witchcraft.

The princess's expression is very plain. Maybe she has figured it out now. She said, "If one day you hear Ganda recovers his memory, I will help him regain his mana and compare it again."

I pointed to Youwen Ganda, who was reborn in the house, and said to the princess, "Are you willing to do something to such a cute handsome man in the future?"

You Wen Ganda looked at us in a daze, waved his hand and giggled.