the first house in history

Chapter 123 Ghost Blows Wax: The Suspicion of A Girl

In the face of the strange big Joe and Ding Yuehua, I intuitively felt that this was the legendary ghost upper body. I said with a cold smile, "If friends pass by, it's easy to get together and break up. Don't make it difficult for my friends, or we will see the real chapter under our hands."

Big Joe showed a vicious smile on his face and said, "What can you do with us?"

"There are ghosts and demons, you have to force Grandpa to be Sun Dasheng..." I rolled my sleeves and said, "Grandpa has to make seventy-two changes to subdue demons!"

"Then do it!" Da Qiao suddenly changed into a soft look, tore the collar on his chest and slowly pulled it down, almost revealing the white jade-like limited-grade warm jade, "If you are willing to do it on me, a beautiful woman?"

" boss, leave this task to me!" Zhang San suddenly became extremely brave and was about to jump into the arms of the beauty. I kicked Zhang San aside and said, "Don't grab my limelight. Is it your turn to do this kind of thing?" Xiao Qiao pulled her sister hard and said, "Sister, what are you doing? Everyone is watching?"

"She has been controlled and doesn't know what she is doing at all?" Shen Zhongyuan grabbed Xiaoqiao and said, "Let's give it to Su Tian. He is professional!"

This slot makes me unable to refute it. If I can't solve the strange incident in front of me satisfactorily, my famous name must be beaten, so I coughed and said, "Miscellaneous people, avoid it quickly. Let's see if there is anyone else that is wrong? Let's see if I defeat demons!"

I don't know where the white eyebrows came out and kicked me in the back: "You've been talkin for a long time. Hurry up and be a teacher!"

I said with a gray face, "You are too weak. Are there anyone who has fallen into the well?"

He stepped forward and suddenly took out a bell and shook it a few times: "Monsters and monsters, quickly appear!"

"This trick is useless to me. You should take the demon mirror!" Big Joe opened his mouth and suddenly bit me. I said in my heart that I was very good. Why did he become a vampire again? What are your attributes?

Reaching out her hand and holding the copper bell to block forward, which just made her bite the handle and put it on her forehead. However, she saw that Da Qiao's figure slowed down a little and seemed to be useless. It seemed that it should not be possessed by an unjust soul.

At the same time, Ding Yuehua also seemed to be crazy and attacked when he saw people. Fortunately, Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao stopped them, so they could not hurt people. However, their strength seemed to be getting stronger and bigger, as if they had mutated. Could it be said that they were all mutants and suddenly mutated genetically?

I hesitated for a moment and suddenly felt that I should change my mind. Maybe the person who controlled them was also here, so I suddenly pulled back and threw the white eyebrows in front like a ball: "Master, stand in front of me for a while!"

Bai Mei was used as a shield by me and coughed angrily. I took the opportunity to start searching around the hall. I didn't believe that I couldn't find the mastermind behind the scenes. I was walking and bumping into Liu Qing. When he saw it, I asked, "Are you also looking for the mastermind?"

"Nonsense! You really believe that you are a ghost!" I buried him and said, "I only believe that human brain waves can affect others briefly, but I never believe in ghosts."

"The so-called ghost is actually an unscientific statement of brain waves." Liu Qing corrected me with a smile, and then pointed to the ceiling, "Have you found that there seems to be something on the ceiling!"

I didn't look up directly, but raised my five senses to the highest, sensing the changes on the ceiling. There seemed to be a looming atmosphere there. Is it really a ghost?

"At this time, it seems that we should startle the snake!" I suddenly said with a sneer, jumped up, reached out and grabbed the gas and pulled it off.

The strange thing is that I seemed to grab the soft flesh and blood body and was hung in mid-air by a strong force. Now the coke is getting bigger, and I'm not up or down. Fortunately, Liu Qing quickly hugged me and asked, "What are you in such a hurry?"

"Is it possible if you are not in a hurry? Seeing that two beautiful women were destroyed so quickly, buddy can't help but work hard!" I pulled the thing down vigorously and seemed to hear a strange cry. The monster was not satisfied and hurriedly shouted, "Come on, there is gold!"

Zhang San and Li Siyi heard that it was true or not, and flew over directly, pulled Liu Qing back, and shouted, "My, mine!"

Ouyang Chun said happily, "You can't do this. Let me Ouyang Chun show you something."

Lu Fang said, "Ouyang, you can take a rest. This kind of thing can be done by our brothers!"

Han Zhang jumped and said, "I'll pull! Look, you city people are not the material to work.

Shen Zhongyuan pushed him: "Who said that? Don't be conspicuous here!"

I said, "You still have time to talk nonsense. Dude is about to die!"

At this time, when everyone exerted their strength, the things on the ceiling were pulled down in a daze. With a crack, they broke more than a dozen bags of cement, and felt as if good things were flowing out. I lay on my back to the sky and the ground and couldn't help covering my nose and said, "It stinky. What kind of this thing won't be incontinence?"

Zhang San squeezed his nose and touched it forward: "Where's the gold? Where is it?" But he was kicked by Li Si: "I still want gold, think about Ge Ling!"

I stood up and continued to be my chatist. I stepped on that thing and asked, "Say, what the hell are you doing?"

The thing twisted and trembled for a long time and said, "I... I'm not a thing, I'm a human!"

"You are a human!" I said in my heart that this joke was too big, so I stepped on it and said, "It's impossible. Is there such a talent admired by you? Are you jealous of talents?"

"No! I was originally a human, but I was trapped here, and later it became like this. In fact, I was forced..." The other party was forced by me to explain the past. It turned out that the story began in ancient times more than a thousand years ago. It was a small mountain village... (Reader: Stop! Are you going to tell a ghost story?

... Well, the story is over. This is actually a ghost love! ( The reader is speechless: Are you fooling people again?)

... Well, the story starts from the beginning. A long time ago, it was not an island, but a fishing village.

Once upon a time, there were no inexplicable travelers or bored otaku. There were only simple fishermen who relied on mountains and water to eat water. They weaved nets to fish and worship the Dragon God, and prayed for good weather every year.

At that time, you knew that the folk customs were not open and the science was underdeveloped, but there were phenomena, and people attributed it to the curse of heaven. At that time, the people in the fishing village worshipped the Dragon Prince.

The Dragon Prince usually stays in the sea. When he is happy, the wind is calm, but when the Dragon King comes out to patrol, the sea will be rough and thunderous. At that time, the village head will take the villagers to the Dragon King Temple to pay tribute.

They prayed for the mercy of the Dragon Prince, and the least merciless thing is that they often worship boys and girls. The protagonist in the story is a girl who was unfortunately worshipped in the temple. Unfortunately, she, who was afraid of death, took the boy in the temple to elope.

At such a young age, they are so lawless and bold. I don't know if it is better to say that they have courage. In short, the two children escaped. Although they have escaped a hardship, there is no way to go.

They can't go back to the village, but they can't leave the island. The scared girl took the boy to hide in the taboo ruins of the island, which is said to be a ghost temple that no one can enter.

The two hid at the door of the ghost hall for a day and a night without anything to eat and no water to drink. Seeing that it was going to be dark, the boy was afraid and said he would go back to find his parents. They would only beat themselves and would not really want to leave by themselves.

The girl knew that she would die when she went out and would die in the Dragon King Temple, so she grabbed the boy. At that time, the door of the ghost hall opened, as if it had been specially opened for the two of them, luring the two children in.

The boy was so scared that he didn't dare to go in at all, but suddenly he saw that there seemed to be delicious food and a warm bed in it, so he couldn't help ** going in. The girl followed him and held his skirt tightly for fear of being thrown away.

When the two walked into the hall, the door behind them suddenly closed, and at the moment of closing, they were also locked into the darkness forever.

In the cold ghost hall, there is nothing, but only coldness and fear. The boy can't stand the suffering of living in the dark. On the first day, he can reluctantly say that we will go out. On the second day, he can try his best to find a way. On the third day, he began to ignore the girl.

That day, the girl found that the boy had become so strange. They couldn't eat, had no strength, and even felt cold all over. They should have hugged each other to keep warm, but the girl found that the boy was always silently scratching something on the ground.

Once she couldn't help looking, but find that the boy was writing "Go to hell". When he found that the girl knew her secret, she suddenly rushed over, pressed the girl to the ground, and strangled her neck fiercely and said, "It's all yours, it's all yours..."

(Wait... Stop, why did you become a ghost story again? Some readers complained.)

(Author: Don't worry, please read on!)

The girl couldn't help fainting, but seemed to see a strange light in a trance. Behind the light seemed to be a strange oval object. Several strange things fell on it, pointing at herself, and then she didn't know what she was talking about.

When she woke up again, she found that she had become another appearance. She thought she had arrived in hell, but she found that she was still in the ghost hall, but she was floating in mid-air like a ghost, and her body had almost no weight.

And the boy disappeared. She didn't know what happened, but it was certain that the strange thing saved her...

At this point, I finally couldn't help interrupting her: "What are you talking about? Are you saved by aliens, or is this supposed to be an alien base?"