the first house in history

Chapter 19 Hero Saving Beauty Hero Crossing

Volume 1 All sentient beings travel

When he woke up in a daze, Li Xubai found that he had leaned against the white horse with a wine pot and left Chang'an City, and gradually drifted away on the winding post road. The sky was getting late and the breeze was cold, but he was happy and drunk, swimming between heaven and earth.

After a long walk, the white horse suddenly stopped and sniffed. He sat up from the back of the horse, but saw a carriage not far away in the middle of the road and patted the horse in front of him. The carriage seemed to have been hit and had already been damaged. The horse broke free from the reins and fell not far away.

There seemed to have been a fierce struggle here. Li Xubai looked along the way and saw blood spreading farther away. At this moment, he was alert, led the white horse, carefully avoided the carriage, and accelerated his pace forward.

Fang rushed half a miles and heard a faint fight. He watched and saw several strong men chasing an alien woman endlessly. He listened carefully a few words, but it was not an ordinary robbery of money. It turned out to be a vengeful and wanted to kill the woman.

Li Xu is a white man who calls him a sword fairy, and others call him a hero. Naturally, he can't ignore such idle things on the road. At that moment, he patted the horse in front of several people, danced a bright silver-like sword flower, forced a few people back, and reached out to pull the woman on the horse.

The woman hesitated for a moment, but was pulled by Li Xubai on her shoulder and easily put it on horseback. She only blurted out, "Who are you?"

"Li Mubai, if you want to get out, follow me." Li Xubai suddenly slapped the horse on the back and was about to get out, but the few people behind him chased after him and even lit up the hidden weapon. Li Xubai smelled a strange noise behind him. At present, he hit two poisonous iron thistles in mid-air with a backhand sword.

"Girl, who on earth have you offended?" Li Xu Bai smiled bitterly and met all the characters of hot hands.

The woman lay on his back and smiled: "I'm a princess in distress. I don't know if you believe it or not?"

"Princess?" Li Xubai urged the horse to run wildly and gradually distanced himself from those people, looking for a way out with doubts.

"There is a country in the southeast, called Silla. I am Princess Manhua of Silla. I was ordered to worship the lord of your country. Unfortunately, I encountered a Baekje assassin. They wanted to prevent me from making friends with your country." Princess Manhua intermittently told her background and the intentions of these assassins, and Li Xubai had understood a little.

What happened in front of him was even more difficult. He was afraid that what would happen would rise to the conflict between the territories. Li Xu hesitated and suddenly saw a valley in front of him. He subconsciously pulled his horse into the valley.

The road between the valley was very narrow. The two had to get off the horse and walk and walk more than a hundred steps. Suddenly, a hole appeared in front of him, with a faint light. He didn't know where to go. Li Xubai estimated that the people behind him would arrive soon, so he patted the white horse and pulled Princess Manhua into the mouth of the cave.

As soon as he entered the hole, there was only a forest green in front of him, and the light seemed to come from the depths of the mouth of the cave. Li Xubai smiled calmly and stepped in, but Manhua broke free from his palm and said fearfully, "It's so gloomy here. Aren't you afraid of any beasts in front of you?"

"What if there are beasts? Generally, there is no way out before and after, and maybe there is a pool in the area, and the light of the lake is reflected. I hear the sound inside, which must be the case. After saying that, Li Xubai continued to move forward. Princess Manhua was moved by him and carefully followed him. She walked more than a dozen steps along the way.

Suddenly, someone made a noise at the mouth of the cave, as if the group found that the mouth of the cave rushed in. Li Xu knew that it could not be delayed any longer. He picked up Princess Manhua's waist cruelly and said that he offended her. He indulged light skills and ran wildly.

Princess Manhua's face turned red, and it was the first time in her life that she was hugged so close to a strange man. She intended to break free but felt the cold wind in her ear. Li Xubai's speed was so fast that she could not allow her to refuse at all. At present, she didn't know where she ran there. She only vaguely felt that the light in front of her was shining, more and more dazzling, and even breathing. It's also a little short, and it seems that I can't breathe.

Li Xubai holding her was also a general feeling. I don't know why the green light in front of him became more and more dazzling, and it was difficult to breathe. Li Mubai was well practiced and his physical strength far exceeded that of ordinary people. At this time, he felt unprecedented fatigue and could only struggle forward and gradually slow down.

I don't know when he even blurred his consciousness, and vaguely felt that he seemed to have fallen into the bottomless abyss, and even Princess Manhua in his arms let go...

—————————————— Crossing the dividing line and suddenly come to the present——————————

"Oh! Brother, why did you smash my wall?

Li Xu opened his eyes in a hazy and saw a young man in strange clothes stab himself with a glowing stick.

"Is cosplay popular in decoration nowadays? Why are you wearing a robe? When the young man saw that he woke up, he continued to ask questions, and couldn't help smiling.

"Where is this?" Li Xubai felt pain under his body and slowly got up and found that his feet were full of broken bricks. He turned to look for Princess Manhua, but saw that she had just woken up next to him, with a doubtful face.

"What is this?" The young man was very excited and shook the murder weapon in his hand a few times, emitting a dazzling red light. "Did you hit my wall? Did you come to the wrong building? Why is this really happen in the world? I have to call Huang Hong."

Li Xubai didn't know what the young man was talking about, but he was sure that this was by no means the Tang Dynasty he was familiar with. Since parting with Su Tianyi, he broke into a foreign country again. He looked at Princess Manhua in a blink of an eye and thought that the princess from Silla would have some clues, but the other party was shaking her head as well.

"Brother, dare to ask where the fairy mansion is?"

"Return the brother's platform? Xianfu? Dude, your Chinese is good. The young man almost laughed and had a stomachache. He didn't know where he pressed, and the stick no longer glowed. He shrank back (Star Wars's lightsaber). "This is my home. My name is Xiao Yu. What kind of plane are you doing?"

"Flying chicken? What kind of chicken is it? This time it was Li Xubai's turn to understand. He had only heard of hen laying eggs in his life, and had never seen a flying chicken.

"Airplane? That's right... You haven't sat there. Haven't you seen it on TV? Xiao Yu was also dizzy and didn't know how to explain it.

"TV?" Li Xubai heard another new word, and even Princess Manhua was confused. Although she had been proficient in the language of the Tang Dynasty since she was a child, she really couldn't imagine what this 'flying chicken' and 'TV' were.

Seeing that the two were collectively petrochemical there, Xiao Yu couldn't help holding his laptop and playing a video for them: "Have you seen this flying in the sky? It can carry people or carry goods, and there is also a kind of propeller called a helicopter, which is inserted like a bamboo dragonfly on the top of its head. Xiao Yu found that their thoughts and insights seemed to stay in ancient times, so he tried to explain them in plain words.

Li Xubai and his eyes widened, and there was only one idea in his heart, monsters, all of monsters.

Do you understand? Anyway, if you smash my wall, you have to compensate me. Call your boss, and I won't embarrass you. Xiao Yu saw that the two still didn't understand and felt that it was far away. Did other people deliberately pretend to be confused and want to fool them, or did the compensation be more important? Such a large wall was smashed into a mess. How much does it cost to decorate it?

Li Xubai understood the word boss. He looked at the broken bricks under him and patted his chest to assure Xiao Yu: "Friend, don't worry, I will definitely compensate for your loss."

"Well, take the money." Xiao Yu stretched out his hand and thought that he was going to pay the bill happily. Unexpectedly, Li Mubai squatted on the ground and picked up the bricks and asked, "Give me some water and I'll help you build up again."

"Are you on the base?" Xiao Yu was speechless and almost fell to the ground and died, "I'm convinced you! I'll give you some water."

Princess Manhua felt a little embarrassed when she saw Li Xubai squatting on the ground to work, but as a princess of a country and couldn't do this rough job, she blushed beside Li Xubai to help him pick up bricks. In a blink of an eye, Xiao Yu brought a basin of water and squatted beside Li Mubai and asked carefully, "Brother, where are you from?"

He began to suspect that these two had run away from the mental hospital. If so, his wall would have been smashed in vain, so he began to cover the bottom of the other party.

Li Xubai replied to him while working: "Li Xubai, a person from the Tang Dynasty, only likes to drink two sips and can do a few swordsmanships. He has a nickname called Drunken Sword Fairy."

From the Tang Dynasty? Xiao Yu's head was crooked and almost twisted. He asked tentatively, "Do you really don't know where this is?"

"Isn't this your home?" Princess Manhua was surprised and blurted out to ask, then covered her mouth tightly and felt that she was talking too much.

de! The IQ is not low, and the response is quite fast. Xiao Yu wondered how to invite these two masters out, but Aunt Ma, who was watching the door downstairs, came up and looked at the tragic situation in Xiao Yu's family and shouted, "What's the matter, Xiao Yu? There is no notice of smashing the wall. I don't know if our community needs to pay the deposit in advance? Look, this wall has become a honeycomb. Ask auntie what I say about you and go back to the property to pay the fine.

Well, if someone else damaged his own wall, he had to pay a fine. Xiao Yu was speechless and quickly explained, "This is not the person I'm looking for. I still want to ask what's going on?"

"It's not the person you're looking for. Why did you build the wall? You're always confused as an aunt." Aunt Ma's eyes were bright. When she saw Li Xu's hard work, she actually praised, "What a good migrant worker, much better than the people who decorated our family before."

"Mian workers?" Li Xubai wiped the sweat on his face and wanted to stand up and ask questions. Xiao Yu quickly sent Aunt Ma downstairs and said to stop before things got worse. Aunt Ma didn't forget to ask when she went downstairs, "Why are these two dressed like costumes?" Xiao Yu had to be vague, saying that this was actually our buddy who loves to watch Peking Opera.

After sending Aunt Ma, Xiao Yu went back upstairs, but saw the two whispering and biting their ears. As soon as they saw Xiao Yu come back, they didn't say anything. It turned out that Princess Manhua had been here for so long, a little hungry, and she was embarrassed to ask Xiao Yu, so she secretly told Li Xubai when he went out.

Li Xu worked for a long time, and the wall was half small. He really felt a little hungry. As soon as he saw Xiao Yu come back, he asked, "Brother, is there a restaurant nearby?"

Restaurant? That is to want to eat. Why am I so unlucky? I have to pay a fine and take care of people's meals, but it's really interesting to see this person's work. Xiao Yu took two bowls of instant noodles and soaked a bowl for one person: "Grandman, only instant noodles."

Li Xubai looked at this noodle-like thing and smelled good. He tasted it with chopsticks. The taste was good, but it was a special chewy head. He took a sip of soup and praised it: "The noodles are good, but they haven't been boiled." Princess Manhua also said, "It doesn't seem to be soaked. Do you all eat noodles like this?"

Xiao Yu was really dizzy and said angrily, "Master Kang's instant noodles are delicious."

Li Xubai had a good appetite. In a blink of an eye, she ate all the soup and even drank all the soup. Princess Manhua was more particular. She chewed slowly and only ate half of it, but she drank a lot of soup.

Xiao Yu looked at these two living treasures and suddenly had a strange idea in his heart. Is it possible that he had been cross-traveled? Is the person in front of you really from the Tang Dynasty?

PS: At the same time, a black Audi stopped at the gate of the community. A man rolled down the window, stared at the building where Xiao Yu lived, took out the walkie-talkie and ordered: "Target locked, move! Code name Wang Laowu!"