the first house in history

Chapter 98 Naco Lulu VS Chamcham

Naco Lulu VS Chamcham

Next, the five rat brothers and the seven heroes took turns to play, each with their own victory or defeat. Then the most critical time came. The female comrades began to be eager to try, and our long-awaited women's wrestling finally arrived.

First of all, after seizing Nake Lulu's favorable terrain, Ding Yuehua observed several battles among the male comrades and couldn't help jumping into the battlefield: "It's my turn, it's my turn. Don't grab anyone!"

Little Lori was not willing to show weakness, and was also reborn on the competition venue as Chamcham: "Ha ha, I want it too! Sister Yuehua, let's compare one by one.

Ding Yuehua saw that it was her, waved his hand and said, "Why are you? Let's change someone, or let Sister Yuhuan come." Sister Yuhuan said below: I won't get in peace with you loli.)

Encai didn't expect to be ignored. She flattened her mouth and said, "Sister Yuehua looked down on me, so Encai had to make a gorgeous counterattack for you." After saying that, he suddenly flew over and hugged Ding Yuehua's head.

This is interesting, and I actually heard someone cheering: "Tick her and push her down!"

I said that these are the only things in your mind, and then shouted, "She threw her down, and counterattacked fiercely!"

However, it was said that there was a fierce struggle on the court. The two female fighters first fought back and forth, which was incomprehensible. Because Encai always flew over and scratched Ding Yuehua's head, it triggered Ding Yuehua's big outbreak and couldn't help sending out her beloved flying eagle. Unfortunately, Encai just gained the upper hand, and Encai also released his own Pet monkey, so there was another animal world next to the two lesbians...

Finally, after a few minutes of hot fight, the highlights appeared. When Encai flew over and scratched Ding Yuehua's hair again, the unbearable woman Ding also stretched out her nine yin white bone claws. Ah, it should not be said to be a pink fist. The two grabbed each other's hair and began to tear it, and then fell to the ground and rolled. Entangled, I think the picture of gay men looking forward to will soon be born.

However, at this critical moment, a small black person suddenly jumped out of thin air, reached out to stop the two and said, "Hold for more than half a minute, please separate by yourself."

Damn it, you think this is a boxing match. I was about to ask who the black comrade was when Tongtian suddenly said, "I was preempted by the old man Bai Mei again."

No way, the stinky master actually opened a cheater. Did you really persuade him to fight in the past? Some comrades immediately protested: "It's not enough." But the old man with white eyebrows refused to leave on the court. In the name of persuasion, he pulled this for a while, hugged that for a while, and ate tofu with his hands.

Later, the two lesbians couldn't help but beat Bai Mei away together: "Hate, disappear!" Bai Mei said excitedly with a nosebleed, "It's worth it in my life!"

Ding Yuehua and Encai joined hands to beat Bai Mei away. Suddenly, they felt sorry for each other at that moment. Encai said shyly, "Sister, why don't you go first?"

"No!" Ding Yuehua shook his head, "My sister will come first."

"Sister first!"

"First sister!"

After a few words, I was furious again and began to scratch my hair. I looked at the game field boringly. Can't I have more excitement?

Suddenly, a voice said, "Isn't it over yet? Do you want the old man to judge you?

A thin figure fell from the sky, and the flowers satirized the courtyard and Zhong.