the first house in history

Chapter 167 Enemies in KTV

enemies in KTV

Mr. Pan wanted to cry and ordered to block the scene and prevent the news from leaking. The poor four young master limped down, and his soul was almost gone.

While Mr. Pan was busy cleaning up the mess, I went over and ordered Di Qing to prepare to leave with Yuhuan first. Wang Laowu came over and wondered, "What's the matter? There's such a big noise." I said, "Your old classmate has a bad year, and he will have bad luck this year."

Mr. Pan also had no intention to let our assistant send us go first. I saw him quarreling with the five rats in charge of the scene. Unfortunately, he was a local snake that could not fight Lu Fang and others. He was severely scolded so that he could breathe a sigh of breath. Wang Laowu said, "This is not possible. Isn't it all his own people? I'll take care of it."

I said, "Don't go. Your classmates have changed a long time ago. Leave this to me. Or I'll deal with Bai Yutang and they will listen to me."

So I went to fight with the official voice according to the plan and scared Lu Fang. I saw that it was your work mistake. This matter can't be done like this. Why don't we see you in court? As soon as Mr. Pan shook his head vigorously in the lawsuit, he probably didn't want to provoke official affairs, so he pulled me. I immediately turned back and whispered to him: "This You can leave this to my brother. To be honest, I can see that you can't afford to provoke these people. Mr. Pan, or I'll negotiate with them. You don't have to worry about the rest. You'd better send Si Shao back to rest.

Mr. Pan thanked me for leaving with Si Shao. First, I pretended to discipline Lu Fang and others a few words. When Mr. Pan left, several comrades immediately became living people and stretched out his hand to recruit black tigers for me: "Brother, you are good enough to cooperate."

I said, "Enough, that's enough. It's my treat to steak tonight."

"I don't need the steak. There is already a program tonight." I didn't expect Jiang Ping and others to refuse, saying that there were other entertainment activities.

So he was pulled by Lu Fang and others to eat a night market that night, saying that he had a full meal and was ready to fight later. I wondered and asked Xu Qing, "Third master, what on earth are you busy with?"

Xu Qing giggled and didn't tell me the truth. Zhan Zhao next to him sighed and said, "Don't mention it. You will know later. I was also lured here by them two days ago, but I found that I fell into a trap."

"Real?" While wondering, I was bored to eat. Because I was curious and asked for more than a dozen skewers of barbecue, it was easy to finish the meal. The big guy got up to pay the bill and said I didn't need to make it up. I directly paid the money and asked them where they were going. He answered: nearby bar KTV.

Strange, are there any aliens watching in KTV? I came to the bar with questions, saying that it was no different from other places. After eight o'clock, the song and dance were flat, and the lights were green. Lu Fang and the others found a seat and asked for a bottle of beer and began to chat.

As soon as I arrived at such a place, I should be restless and asked Zhan Zhao, "How many times have you been forced to come here?" Zhan Zhao stretched out two fingers with a sad face, "It's only been like this twice?" My speechless brilliantness.

I was wondering if I would find a chance to run away. Suddenly, Bai Yutang stood up like a chicken blood and whistled and applauded. I said to myself what's going on, what about dog fighting? Lu Fang and others also stood up and said, "Here comes, Xiaoyan is coming!"

"Who is Xiaoyan?" As I asked Zhan Zhao, I also laughed and applauded, "Welcome." Then I saw a weak figure appeared in the center of the stage. Although he was charming, he did not apply powder. Another vulgar meaning was that he sang a song "Deep Rain" with a microphone in his hand. Although his voice was generally elegant, he didn't expect Bai Yutang to come to support others.

"This is Xiaoyan, the new female singer, Ouyang of Bai Yutang." Zhan Zhao patted me on the shoulder and said, "Amazing!"

"I'm shocked. I don't think it's beautiful. It should be still a student girl. I guess it's also forced by the secular world. Have you inquired about the origin?" I followed Zhan Zhao and muttered, and Bai Yutang next to him began to take flowers to present flowers. As soon as I saw that the fifth master was obviously interested in others, I pulled Xu Qing and asked, "Isn't your Xiaowu's good deeds approaching?"

Xu Qing blushed: "Don't talk nonsense. You can't spread this matter casually. Just know it."

I sighed, "No wonder it's so mysterious. The hero is a perfect match for the singer, and our buddies drink." Pull Zhan Zhao to continue to drink happily.

When I was almost drunk, I went out to boo that the WC in this place was not easy to find. I almost touched the other person *, and then I was bombarded by *'s sister. Finally, I touched it into the bathroom. As soon as I released the external memory, I suddenly heard someone quarreling.

"What are you doing? Let go!" A weak voice shouted.

"What are you afraid of? Do you want to play? It's not that I can't afford it!" It's like a dialogue between a hooligan flirting with a good woman on TV.

I said what was going on. Fighting or flirting. I stood at the door and took a look, but a drunk was flirting with a soft girl. The girl was still quite familiar. Suddenly, I found that it was Xiaoyan who was singing just now. I was about to go to the hero to save the beauty. Suddenly, I felt that I should not care about this matter. I should let Bai Yutang come forward and give the fifth master a chance. Close to other people's sweethearts.

But you can't just leave and call people. In case the bad guy gets it, why don't you beat them? So he makes the time and space still, set where the two are, and turn to call Bai Yutang.

The fifth master is also in high spirits at this moment, holding a beer and constantly asking others, "Where's Xiaoyan? Is Xiaoyan on the stage?"

I went to hold him and said, "Don't ask. Xiaoyan, if you drink too much, go and help quickly."

Bai Yutang blushed: "Really, don't lie to me." The girl ran faster than me. I quickly chased after him. When I arrived at the place, I immediately lifted the pause of time and space, and then I heard that the rogue comrade was still acting: "How can I let the old man give me a favor?"

Without saying anything, he heard Bai Yutang shouting at me and beat him. He kicked the man into a Halley Comet with a kick. Then he pulled Xiaoyan with one hand and ran out with me. Xiaoyan was pulled by him and ran out involuntarily. The drunk man got up and scolded and chased again. I reached out and said, "Don't move, your When it's done, what else are you going to join in the fun? He patted his sleeping hole and let the comrade lie on the ground and go to sleep.

When I went out, I found that Xu Qing had all left. Maybe I saw Bai Yutang pulling Xiaoyan out, so I followed him out. Zhan Zhao was checking out. When he saw me coming out, he motioned me to leave quickly, so he followed me out of the bar and found that the five rats were waiting at the door.

I asked, "Where's the fifth brother, where have you been with Xiaoyan?"

"I don't know, 80% of them have gone back to the hotel." Xu Qing answered the question.

I said, "Let's not keep it. Let's call the fifth brother while going back."

So I took the car back. Xu Qing and others tried their best to call Bai Yutang's mobile phone, but this guy actually turned off the phone. It looked like something was going to happen tonight. I suddenly stopped the car and asked, "What should I do? We can't just leave the fifth master alone!"

"Let's find it separately and keep in touch." Zhan Zhao suddenly said, so everyone got out of the car and agreed to look for Bai Yutang nearby. I saw that Zhan Zhao didn't get out of the car and asked him, "Comrade Lazy Cat didn't propose to find it separately. Why didn't you come down?"

Zhan Zhao replied, "I stay here for easy contact."

Go, you just want to be lazy!