the first house in history

Chapter 176 Casino

Casino Storm

When the plane slowly landed at the airport in Las Vegas, I looked through the glass window at the blurred night outside and silently untied my seat belt.

Las Vegas, I'm here again.

I got off the plane with the suitcase handed over by Tu Xing. Soon I saw someone in the crowd who picked me up with the sign 'Welcome Mr. Su Tian'. I knew that it was the person Tu Xing arranged to pick me up.

I didn't contact the other party directly, but pretended to inadvertently squeeze into the other party and said in a low voice, "Take away your sign and lead the way."

The man was stunned for a moment and looked back at me: "Are you?"

I sneered and said, "I'm Su Tian. I don't want to attract attention. I'd better pretend not to know each other. You can lead the way in front of you."

The man immediately took care of it and hurriedly walked in front of him. I followed him to the outside of the airport, and a black Cadillac was waiting for me.

Getting in the car, I asked the person who greeted me, "What's the current situation?"

"Everything is arranged according to Boss Tu's wishes, and you can sweep those people's casino tonight." The man turned around and said in the front seat, and then reached out to introduce himself, "Li Qi, Boss Tu's contact in Las Vegas."

Contact person? Does Nima play a spy movie? I silently vomited in my heart and asked, "Brother Li, Su Tian has been bothered by you to take care of these days. But one thing I want to confirm is that those who sweep the casino are just bait, right?

Li Qi nodded silently when he heard the words: "Naturally, you have to operate the real big action yourself."

I immediately understand that they don't want to win those people at the gambling table. The real purpose is naturally the management right. What's the point of winning money if they don't get back the management right?

When I arrived at the place of meditation, I followed Li Qi into a hotel. As soon as I arrived on the second floor, my spirit was shocked. The whole floor here has been opened, just like a headquarters. Countless people hurried to carry out their respective tasks.

Li Qi took me to the largest desk and told me that this was my command room, and any instructions could be given here. I asked who was in charge of the sweep tonight. Li Qi immediately brought me a bull-faced guy: "This is a bull star gambler who is proficient in all kinds of interstellar gambling. There is information about dressing up those guys who occupy the casino.

The gambler patted my chest and promised me: "Don't worry, boss, thousands of gamblers are not our opponents of authentic gambling at all."

I sweated secretly at that time and couldn't help asking, "What do you usually bet on?"

"16 o'clock dice, alien flower cards, and fighting Mars crickets and so on..."

Damn it, I was stunned again. I really couldn't understand the same dimension, so I waved my hand and said, "Go and act quickly. Don't delay."

After sending away the leading troops, I began to look through the information handed over by Li Qi. Three hundred percent of the local casinos are under the name of the butcher, and less than 20% of them are controlled, but at present, 80% have been lost. The remaining two small casinos are paralyzed and almost all employees have been poached by the other party.

It is impossible to have such great strength by relying on some foreign agents alone. In fact, according to my intelligence, the casino in Las Vegas was still controlled by foreign dark alliances five years ago, but later the decline of the dark alliance and the sudden rise of the slaughter party dominated almost half of Las Vegas.

But after all, this is a place for foreigners. How can a Chinese be allowed to be in the limelight here? It seems that this time, Mai Gao is afraid that there is no support from the local gambling industry or even the remaining dark alliance. Thinking of the days when dealing with the dark alliance, I suddenly think of my old friends. Sikong, Yeyu and Jingyan, I don't know how they are doing now. I haven't contacted them for a long time.

Put away my meditation and continue to sort out the information. How to dig out these hidden enemies is the key at this moment. I called Li Qi over and asked, "Are the funds in place? When can we counter-acquisition?

Li Qi lay in my ear and whispered, "It's basically in place, but it's just a little troublesome. The local gang forces hinted to us that they don't want the Chinese to continue to control the local casino."

"Real?" I smiled and suddenly stared at Li Qi and said, "How did your dividends count before?"

Li Qi was suddenly stunned and did not answer directly, but wrote a 10% number with a pencil on a white paper. I immediately added another two in front of that ten, and then said, "Go and tell them that if there is no agreement, I will go to visit in person." Li Qi immediately understood and tore the note to pieces and went out to do business.

I turned on the TV to broadcast the local news station, and took out a map of Las Vegas to distinguish all the spheres of influence on it. When Li Qi left, he explained that a subordinate was waiting for me. I told him to say, "It's meaningless to inform the people who are standing in front and let them all come back."

The man was stunned and asked me with shallow experience: "Why?"

I looked up at him and replied, "The timing is not right."

What I didn't expect was that the news came faster than expected. Before the people I sent left, there was news that most of the people I sent were forcibly expelled, and a small part of them were stuck on the street and stopped by local gangsters.

It seems that the other party clearly came prepared. I think I have to take my second step at this time and inform Li Qi to ask him how the message was going. Li Qi on the other end of the phone said breathlessly, "Godfather Gargett said he wanted to meet you."

I didn't expect that they were really moved. I changed my clothes and was ready to go out, but the cat downstairs had taken the next plane. She waited at the door and stopped me and said, "How's it going, my hero?"

I laughed and said, "Your hero is about to lose the battle. You'd better inform your brother-in-law to prepare him for the second echelon."

"Isn't it? Is it so serious?" Cat suspected that I was going to go out and asked, "Where is this going?"

"Escape, the gangsters have come out. What else can I do?" Seeing that Cat was very scared, he pulled her into a smiling face and said, "Tease you, let's go and meet the big scene with me."

I got on the car prepared by Li Qi and rushed all the way to the appointment place. I remember that the last time I came here to negotiate with people, I was also forced to talk to people, but I don't know where they are today?

On the way, Tu Xing called me to ask if the situation was not good. I smiled and said, "You just need to solve the problem of funds for me. I just want to ask you if you have the courage to tear your face?"

"That depends on who you break your face with?" The butcher is also testing on the phone.

I smiled and didn't answer to hang up the phone. In front of me was the hotel I met. I opened the door and said, "Honey, get out of the car."

These foreign gangsters like to negotiate at the table to show their calm momentum. Godfather Gargett prepared a big meal for me, but he didn't expect that I would come with his women.

Excuseme! I didn't expect that the daughter of the gambling king would also come, which was disrespectful and disrespectful. Gagit speaks proficient Chinese and welcomes us.

I held the cat in hand to express my gratitude: "Since it is involved in the business of the butcher family, naturally there must be representatives of the butcher family present. I'm just an executor."

The guests sat down. Comrade Godfather was not in a hurry to talk about business, but let us taste the delicious food on the table first. I cut a roast pig for Acat and put it on her plate: "If you come to the host's house and don't eat a bite, it will be very rude."

Then I raised the glass of wine and said, "It's just that we still like to come straight to the point, is Mr. Godfather interested in my proposal?"

Gaget put down the knife and fork in his hand and said, "Actually, we have the biggest question, Mr. Su, how can you keep your promise? Even if Mr. Tu is here, he can't do the dividend you said."

I laughed and said, "That's Mr. Tu's business philosophy is different from mine, or your ideas are different from mine. The guests I'm going to win will be gamblers in the whole galaxy."

"Hmm?" Garget was a little surprised to hear this, "I'm afraid this is a fantasy."

"No!" I categorically denied, "Since both of us can invite alien gambling masters, why can't we develop alien customers? Have you been locked up for too long?"

In the face of my sarcasm, Gargit was slightly lost in thought and then asked, "Well, you should have a detailed plan."

"Of course!" I took a sip of red wine and said leisurely, "I'm going to launch the casino into the sky and turn it into a satellite around the earth, a kingdom outside the earth, and an extraterritorial casino."

"You're crazy!" Gargit suddenly slapped the table, and he probably couldn't accept such a strange idea, "What if we don't agree?"

I replied slowly, "I will enforce this plan so that you can become orphans wandering outside the earth."

"How dare you!" Gargit suddenly gave the order, and several bodyguards rushed out of the room and pointed a gun at my forehead. Cat was so scared that he hugged my arm tightly and whispered, "Don't talk nonsense."

I still slowly tasted the wine in the glass: "It's such a pity that Rafi in 82 completely ruined its atmosphere." The glass was smashed to the ground with a crack, and none of the gunmen in the room made a move, because they were all trapped in the stillness of time and space, and they could no longer move except me within ten feet.

I walked step by step to Gargit and compared my finger to a pistol on his forehead and made a shooting action. Although the godfather could not move, he could still feel the shock of being threatened by me. I could hear him thinking: What kind of weirdo are you?

I lay in his ear and said: A person you can't afford to provoke.

Go back to my seat and pull up the cat. I went straight outside, got on the car prepared by Li Qi for me and ordered, "Drive, go back!"

Acat lay in my arms and was very scared. She hugged me for a long time and came to her senses and asked, "Are you going to intimidate them like this?"

"Of course not!" I smiled and said, "I'm just helping them upgrade." Then dialed a number, "Jels? What's the consideration of my proposal?"

A cold voice on the phone replied, "You decide the time."

I said without thinking, "Just now. See you in the cafe in half an hour. The night rain will take you there."

Who is the night rain? Who is Gers? Cat asked me strangely.

"An old friend, a new friend." I replied slowly and kissed Acat on the forehead, "You go back first, sleep well tonight, and everything will change back to its original state tomorrow."

"You promised me, you must do it." Before getting off the bus, Acat took my hand and said reluctantly, "When I open my eyes tomorrow morning, I hope to see not only your appearance, but also Las Vegas as before."