the first house in history

Chapter 45 Sudden Stranger

After the movie, Wang Laowu sent the little girls out of here. It's too late to see. It's time to go back and continue to be my hero.

So everyone went out on the same road, returned to their normal height, left this small comfort zone, and went home separately.

I don't know how anxious my father and mother will be. I broke up with Cat reluctantly and came to my door. I knocked on the door, but no one agreed. I reached out and pushed the door without a lock. Suddenly, my heart raised my throat. Is there any accident?

Looking back at Wang Laowu, who was crying goodbye to the little loli, and winked at him. It took him a long time for this guy to come back and ran over with his buttocks and asked me in a low voice, "What's wrong? What's wrong again?"

I said, "It's weird! Why is there no movement in it? Why don't you take the magic weapon to find out?

Wang Laowu stretched out his hand and groped in the treasure bag. Unfortunately, he only took out a few pieces of memory bread. What's the use of this thing? I had to signal him to cover behind and quietly push the door in.

There was no one in the living room. Obviously, it seemed that someone had invaded and threw a lot of things on the ground in a mess. I didn't know if it was traces of fighting, and there were many people entering the house to steal. I immediately motioned Wang Laowu to stay at the door to pick up, and I quietly walked inside.

The door of the kitchen was open, and there was a pungent smell. At first, I thought that the natural gas valve was not closed, so I quickly covered my nose. When I walked in, I found that there was a lot of soup in the pool. It seemed that something was burnt and then it was poured out.

If my mother is cooking, she should not be so careless unless there is an accident in the middle of cooking, but the other party poured the burnt soup. Didn't she leave here?

I couldn't help but exit the kitchen and was more worried about the safety of my father and mother. Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps in my bedroom. It seemed that someone came over. I hurried back to the living room and hid behind the sofa to watch. As a result, I saw a man in strange clothes coming out with a rather solemn face.

Is this guy a criminal? I didn't leave his appearance, but looked at what he was doing. As a result, this guy looked at his watch and sighed, "No one has come back for so long. It seems that he has to go." With that, I was about to leave from the main door. I said to myself that Wang Laowu was still at the door. If he bumped into me, I was thinking of some way to remind the old five comrades outside. Unexpectedly, the leader was better to do it first.

The guy was blown to the ground before he walked out of the living room, but when he saw Wang Laowu holding a powerful electric fan in his hand, he walked in coolly. As soon as I saw this move, I hurriedly jumped out and rode on the man and pressed him and said, "Who are you? Why did you run into my house?"

The guy still had to struggle. Wang Laowu followed him and said to the man with a hypnotic microphone in his hand, "Don't resist, don't resist, be obedient." Then he stopped moving and let us tie him up.

I stood up and clapped my hands and said, "That's right, leader, cooperate with tacit understanding and give me a high-five." Wang Laowu pulled up when he heard the words: "You just found out. Let's interrogate this guy first."

Then I heard the kidnapped man say, "I'm a traveler from an alien. I passed by here to find someone to help, but I didn't expect to meet the owner of this house quarreling. Originally, I wanted to persuade him to fight, but I was severely taught, and then I didn't know anything."

"Isn't it?" As soon as I heard that you were really alive, Lei Feng came here and wanted to help persuade him to fight. I don't know why my father and mother quarreled, but where did they go?

After listening to what he said, Wang Laowu shook his head and whispered to me, "This man didn't tell the truth. I don't think he looks like a pure earthman. Be careful that some aliens can resist hypnosis."

As soon as I heard that this guy succumbed too easily, I nodded and said, "Why don't we interrogate it more closely? I'll leave it to you. I'll go to my mother and they don't know if they are hiding?"

So I left Wang Laowu to take care of this guy. I went straight to other rooms to have a look. As a result, I found that every room was messy, and even my room was not missed. I said that even if it was really a quarrel, it could not be so exaggerated, and even my room was a disaster.

I was confused. Suddenly, I heard some changes in the drawer of the desk. Shouldn't that drawer be a space-time shuttle? I haven't seen this thing since I came here. Is there anything hidden in it? I reached out and picked up a baseball bat and quietly took the drawer away. Unexpectedly, I was shocked to see my father. My mother jumped out of it like a living person and almost overwhelmed me to the ground.

As I stepped back and helped the second old man sit down, I asked, "What's going on? What's the accident? Why did you get into the space-time plane?

Dad sighed and said, "Did you meet a weirdo just now?"

This was a little wrong. I trembled inexplicably and touched my head with a very bad feeling. I was about to say what happened to the man I had just met, but I heard Wang Laowu's screams below, followed by the sound of being thrown on the door.

Oh, that guy must have conjudged me and Comrade Five. I quickly ran down to see what was going on, but I saw Wang Laowu lying on the ground miserably, with a bench on the back of his head. Nima was stunned. I came to help him up and asked urgently, "Don't sleep. You are a robot that can't die!"

Wang Laowu opened his eyes slightly and said angrily, "I'm a robot, but my parts have been stolen. Now I can't do anything without power. Help me get that boy back."

"How can I chase it? I don't have superpowers now?" I angrily searched in Comrade Wu's treasure bag. Fortunately, I found bamboo dragonflies and air cannons, so I rushed out with them on my body. After that, Dad shouted anxiously, "Be careful. I'll give you support later."

I casually answered and flew out of the door in a hurry. By the saying, I flew into the air and saw the guy flying proudly in the air with a small bag in his hand. Am I the legendary mysterious monster? I remember watching this episode before and saying that it seems that this guy's prop is higher than the robot cat. Some.

I touched the air cannon in my hand and said whether it was an opponent or not, so I suddenly shouted, "Bad man, don't run fast. The people of the Time and Space Administration are coming to catch you."

The man looked left and right when he heard the words and said with a smile, "Who are you scaring? If you really come, you still need to come..." Without finishing his words, I have shot it, so it's better for him to do it first.

The other party was not guarded by my sudden shot. He suddenly hit the bag in his hand and fell down immediately. He immediately changed his look and was about to chase down to grab his treasure bag. How could I allow him to get a series of shots to shoot out one after another, which made this guy scream in front of his chest. The flying badge also fell off, and it suddenly fell down.

I said that this relationship was good. Without the new four-dimensional treasure bag, I would not be afraid of his arrogance, and then flew over to catch the other party. Unfortunately, the man landed very fast, and it seemed that there was something hidden in his body. It was not just as simple as falling. Seeing that he was about to leave, a rope cover suddenly flew out of thin air. When I grabbed the other party, my eyes lit up and I saw the rope of the man in his hand like a western cowboy helping me.

Immediately stretched out his thumb, and then went straight to the strange man. First, he pulled the rope to tie him up, and then laughed and said, "I can't run away now. What's the purpose of not coming from the truth?"

The man still wanted to speak hard, but he was pulled out by a black tiger and immediately spit out a large pool of saliva. His facial features were about to move. It's really fortunate that my ability came back at any time.

I was about to press him back to torture his words and deeds, but I accidentally saw a person flying up below, with a cartoon pistol in his hand, pointing at me and sneering and saying, "I'm sorry, boss, this person can't be handed over to you."

I saw why Zhang San was. Why did this guy become a traitor again? He quietly stood behind the strange man and said quietly, "Zhang San, what's wrong with you? It's been a long time since I've been a two-five. I don't want to break the killing at the critical moment!"

"I can't help it. I was also forced to fall from the sky. Wouldn't I be sorry for the audience if I don't pick up a treasure bag? Besides, my brother can't wait any longer." Zhang San suddenly shot, and a laser passed through the strange shoulder blade in front of me and shot straight into my body.

Nima also learned this decisive move on the sofa. I pushed away the hostage in front of me with hatred and flew underground. At the same time, I shouted, "Brother, what's wrong with you? What happened to Li Si? Is there anyone threatening you?"

Zhang San chased after him but said, "The boss is still smart. I don't want to, but you have evolved too slowly. You haven't been able to recover for so long, and the comrades who haven't come back can't wait. If you can't go back to your previous Su Tian, then let me, my brother, will end your fate with my own hands..." Zhang San appeared strangely in front of me, and the laser gun pointed to my forehead.

At the critical moment, countless pictures flashed in my mind. Maybe YY had been too long. This setback was so urgent that I was caught off guard. I couldn't put on the usual smile on my face, but said numbly, "Will you shoot?" You won't shoot?"

A gunshot shocked several passing birds. My hand held the bullet inexplicably. Just between my palms, the powerful delusional reincarnation ability made me domineering.

It's time to return to the real me.

"Say, who is in trouble and where are they?" I looked coldly at Zhang San in front of me and waited for him to give an answer, but then I heard Zhang San spit out three words: "Saibotan."

Transformers? Is it that the automaker is in trouble again?

I sneered, kicked Zhang Sanli to the ground, turned around and said, "Then let's go to Cybertron to turn the tide."

PS: Everyone, it will enter the finale next month. No matter how this book is written, I am here to thank my friends who have been supporting me. I hope you can continue to support me. As long as one person is reading it, you are my greatest motivation. Then, I'm about to start conceving a new book, which may be fantasy or fairy. I hope my friends will support me at that time.