the first house in history

Chapter 47 Iron Castle

Iron Castle

I was pressed under the stone, but I understood that Spring wanted to attract those Decepticons to other places so that I could continue to move, so I didn't use my magic power to leave immediately. Sure enough, after listening for a while, I found that the sound of fighting outside gradually disappeared, as if Spring had led those people away.

I immediately pushed away the stones on my body. I got out and looked at the mess in front of me. I had to step on the debris on the ground and move forward decisively. When I came to the iron castle gate, I found that the passage had been destroyed. Obviously, there had been a fierce battle inside. It seemed that the Decepticons were prepared this time. I immediately improved my six senses and moved forward carefully.

When I walked into the iron castle, I saw many robot bodies lying on the ground, which were basically what I had never seen before. Fortunately, there was no Tianxiao and tape recorders. It seemed that the dead were all runners. As I checked the casualties and saw if there were any survivors, suddenly a robot made a weak sound. , seems to inform me again.

I immediately went to help the robot and ask, "I'm Rebo. What's going on?"

The other party's communication system seemed to have been damaged, and he said in an unusually weak voice, "Come on, Optimus Prime is in trouble. The energy treasure must be kept."

As soon as I heard what's going on, is the Decepticon going on any conspiracy? By the way, I have vaguely read the comics of the Civil War trilogy before. Optimus Prime and Wei Zhentian seem to have disappeared through the door of time and space for a period of time. I won't let me bump into it so coincidentally, will I?

So he asked gratefully, "What's going on? Is the Decepticon going to attack Optimus Prime? How do they know about the energy treasure?

"Of course I told them." Suddenly, a gloomy voice said, and then I felt something pointed at my back.

It seems that there are still enemies here, and he is a sinister guy. I didn't turn around but break the parts of the opponent's weapon with my powerful delusional reincarnation. At the moment of the man's surprise, a moment suddenly a teleportation came to his back and grabbed his neck.

Why is Nima a dark guy? It feels extremely dark. I asked gloomically, "Who the hell are you?" Decepticon?"

"Desky Tiger?" The other party actually smiled contemptuously and said, "I can't be that kind of low-level creature, but you will never be an ordinary autobot!"

The extremely calm mind made me feel cold, and I couldn't help thinking of an answer - the fallen man, one of the original twelve King Kongs, the lackey of the universe emperor, so he laughed and said, "It seems that it's also your credit that the Decepticon can sneak attack here. Tell me, what on earth does your master, the cosmic emperor want you to do?"

"What are you doing?" The fallen man suddenly asked me, "The person who really needs an answer should be you, you uninvited guest - earthman."

Suddenly, purple gas ejected from his body and dispersed. I hurriedly stepped back to avoid the purple poison gas, and then the figure of the fallen man had disappeared into the purple fog. This man was probably used black magic.

Nima met this best, and the voice of the fallen man echoed in mid-air. He warned me, "Don't mind your own business, find your friends as soon as possible and leave here, or you will bear the consequences."

actually threatened me. I raised my head and pulled the trigger, but answered for him in my heart: There is no door. Grandpa was scared.

Immediately began to search for the remaining information of these sacrificed robots in the iron castle to see if they could get some useful information. It is said that Megatron must have mastered the whereabouts of the energy treasure. At this time, Optimus Prime should have inherited the energy treasure. The key is where they will meet.

Finally, I found the information sent before by Optimus Prime from the memory of an elder, saying that he went to Sebotan to investigate the situation. It seems that Optimus Prime will meet Wei Zhentian. When enough information is collected, I will input the casualties of these elders in the internal system and automatically analyze the Decepticons. The attack moves also have weapon firepower.

When everything was over, I was about to leave when I suddenly turned on a device inside the iron castle, and then a super-large display screen appeared on the iron wall. I didn't expect that there was such an emergency system. I saw that the information output above was actually important information of the whole Sebotan and the wisdom crystallization of automakers. It seems that The most precious things have been preserved.

While looking at these materials with exhilaration, I tried to establish contact with other automakers: "The heat wave calls the autobot, and the heat wave calls the autobot. Comrades, please note that the iron castle was hit hard by the Decepticon. Optimus Prime may be in danger. Please go to support as soon as possible, in the inner core of Serbotan."

After two calls in a row, someone finally responded, "Is that you, Brother Rebo? Where are you now? Comrade Huan and I will go right away.

is it timeless? Why do I think this tone is very familiar, so I ask, "Of course, it's in the iron castle, otherwise how can I ask everyone for help? Who are you?"

"No way, I can't even hear the voice of my cup predecessor?" That voice was actually ridiculed. I almost immediately believed that this guy must have been transformed by Wang Laowu. Sure enough, he still looked like an old man, so I said in a muffled voice, "Don't talk nonsense. Come on, hurry up!"

Then I was planning to put down all the displayed data, but I didn't expect a golden disc suddenly popped up under the computer, and Nima also supported the optical drive reading disk! I took out the CD and took a look. The eight achievements were the crystallization of wisdom. This thing may be what I brought to Optimus Prime. I was about to look at the prompt of the display screen, but what appeared on the screen was a countdown number, with the remaining 19 minutes and 59 seconds.

I'm going to play self-detonation. It doesn't turn into a speed of life and death without saying anything. I immediately became a car and rushed to the gate. When I said that, the place was quite open. When I left, I began to collapse everywhere. Nima asked me to take things away and give me such a short time to leave. Kai, there must be a problem with the procedure of the comrades who designed this organ.

I was simply a superpower and the aura of the second-generation leader. I finally escaped from the iron castle all the way. The bumpy road was uncomfortable. When I stepped on a safe boundary, I reluctantly floated out of a circle with a brake and turned into a robot form. Standing in the safe world not far away, I looked at the sinking of a generation of holy subway castle. .

Since then, the new legend will eventually rise.

Someone beside him suddenly shouted, "I feel relieved to see you come out."

I was shocked at that time. What kind of immortal is this? When I turned around, I saw the legendary old warrior cup classmate coming to me leisurely. Looking at the posture, was it the legendary Wang Laowu? I answered, "Leader?"

The cup replied, "That's right!" Then I gave him a fist fluently, "You just came to contact me at this time. What are you doing pretending to be a ghost?"

The classmate next to him showed his face at the right time and said, "You deserve it. You can't tease the boss casually. Are you at a loss, fifth brother?"

I looked sideways at my pronoid classmates and was about to ask the other party to take the initiative to admit, "Hey, I don't need to be the boss, I'm Zhang San."

Go ahead, you really have both shape and spirit when you choose this role!

I silently spit out a complaint in my heart, and then put my arms on their shoulders and asked, "Say, what's the unspeakable purpose for you to appear here so coincidentally?"

"Of course, it's to cooperate with you to complete the main task. Do you think we're going through it for fun?" Wang Laowu complained bitterly, "This time we have faced an unprecedented strong enemy that can only succeed but not fail, so let's cheer together."

"The leader is still so basic!" I gave him a blank look and turned to ask Zhang San, "What about you? If you don't tell the truth, or I can use mind reading."

Zhang San stammed for a moment, and then seemed to think about it and stammed more, "That... that, really... nothing, organizationally... said, said, don't care, don't care... Transformers... the internal struggle!"

I pushed him aside with one hand: "After listening to you, the awesome sky has evolved into a shocking sky."

Forget, if they don't tell the truth, I will just be mine and immediately deform and go out to support Optimus Prime and others internally. Even if I can't stop him from crossing with Megatron, I have to witness how this scene of history happened.

However, Wang Laowu followed left and right, hoping to stop me: "Su Tian, at this time, you should find the separated comrades as soon as possible. Some of them have not awakened, and some of them may have died in action. If they can't be rescued within a limited time, this Even if one mission fails, the two-dimensional organization will trap us here by playing tricks.

As I was entangled with the two of them, I said angrily, "Why didn't you say this earlier? Then we will divide our troops into two ways and look for them together. Moreover, Optimus Prime will be where all forces in the main battlefield will go, and it should not be missed."

After saying this, Wang Laowu couldn't refute it, so he had to say, "Do we have any superpowers to find someone?" I was about to establish telepathy with them and expand the scope of the search with the help of my ability. Suddenly, several fighters were killed in front of us and aimed at a round of bombing. Zhang San's back was directly blown up.

I saw that the situation was not good, so I hurriedly turned into a robot form to dodge continuously, and then took the time to turn into a particle gun and fired a shot into the air. I hate that these fighters were very cunning. Except for the first mistake of a guy's wing, others suddenly changed their formation in the air, which was so fast that it was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Nima, is it the legendary red spider team, then I have to reply!

Immediately, he did not hesitate to use his delusional reincarion and instantly turned into Hercules to expand the base mode. One part of his body turned into a tank and launched a fighter in the sky by itself. At the same time, he turned another part of his body into a rocket launch, and then followed the guys and knocked them down one by one.

When these miscellaneous soldiers were knocked down, they returned to the robot form and crawled awkwardly and fled. One of the red guys roared, "Bastard, how dare you attack my great red spider? Where did you come from? Why don't you wait to die quickly?"

Damn it, this is really a red spider!