the first house in history

Chapter 58 The Commission of the Sea Monster

I rushed out of the secret room, and immediately became lively. As soon as I went out, I dealt with four or five little guys. By the way, these people didn't expect me to escape, and immediately panicked. One guy shouted on the radio, "Please be careful, if you don't abandon your weapons and surrender quickly, we will treat you very cruelly. There is a lady beside you.

"Real?" I raised my pistol to the surveillance head on the ceiling and suddenly shot, "Then just come here."

When I shot off their surveillance head, it suddenly angered these guys. For a moment, several of his men poured out. I shot and killed several of them casually. Yu Yingnan followed me and asked, "Aren't you afraid of so many of them?"

"Don't be afraid, because our reinforcements will arrive soon." A big brother was found from a guy, and I dialed A Xiang's number, "Hey, have you found Xianzi?"

"I found it, and your location is locked. We'll be there right away." Ah Xiang's impatient voice came from the phone.

I took out my earwax and said helplessly, "A Xiang is really so impatient." Casually turned back to Yu Yingnan and said, "It seems that I have to take a step ahead."

"What to do?" Yu Yingnan asked me puzzledly.

"Until these people's nests." I suddenly shot and broke the door of a warehouse in front of me. There was actually a monitoring room in the door. There were two guys hiding in panic. I went over and sat in front of the monitor and said, "Fuck, I won't embarrass you little characters, as long as you don't have any crooked ideas, yours. Where is the leader and is there any mechanism there?

These two guys still want to pretend to be tough men, but unfortunately, with my mind-reading skills, they quickly came from the real thing. Then I looked at the monitor, found the location of the group leader, and turned around and told Yu Yingnan, "I'm going to finish this matter now. Do you want to come with me?"

Yu Yingnan was stunned for a moment, probably afraid that he would hinder me, but soon nodded and said, "I'll go with you. I want to see those guys who want to kill me and tell them that I'm not easy to bully."

I nodded with satisfaction and had the correct attitude. This was my Yu Yingxia. She immediately led Yu Yingnan to tie up the two guards and went straight out of the monitoring room to the final destination.

Kicking open the door, several guys inside were still arguing angrily, saying that they shouldn't lock people up at all and kill the man. I raised the left wheel in my hand and smiled, "Isn't it too late to discuss this issue?"

Several guys were shocked and became ferocious again: "Ok, we have checked your direct line, Mr. City Hunter, the scavenger in the city, aren't you just for money? The organization can give you a lot of money. Don't deal with this kind of thing.

Is that right? So you have money to collect!" I rubbed my hands with a smile and said, "I don't know how much are you going to give me?"

"How about one million?" A fat man in sunglasses said with a cigar.

"One million is not good, at least five million. It's best if you can give cash." As I said with a smile, I suddenly shot a guy with a gun secretly. Looking at the blood flowing from his arm, I said seriously, "In front of me, it's better not to play tricks. If you give me the money honestly, maybe I can leave obediently."

Several guys discussed it and nodded helplessly and agreed. One of them turned to open the safe and took out a suitcase in front of me. I asked them to open it in person and count it to confirm that it was all yen. Then they took the suitcase and turned around to leave. When Yu Yingnan, he made a job for her With a grimace, he suddenly grabbed Yu Yingnan and ran out and locked the door with his backhand.

"You bastard, how dare you fool us!" Several guys roared angrily inside, but I laughed outside and said, "To be honest, my partner has informed the police that soon they will come to destroy your nest. At that time, you'd better protect yourself that you don't have too many enemies in prison!" Then without waiting for them to answer, I took Yu Yingnan to turn around and leave.

"Is that it over?" Yu Yingnan said to me with some disappointment.

"Otherwise, what do you want?" I asked her, isn't she relieved?

Yu Yingnan suddenly turned around and said, "I want to do one more thing, please help me..."

After listening to Yu Yingnan's request, I had to reluctantly agree: "Well, time is running out. It will end as soon as possible."

As soon as we went back to the room just now, I quietly opened the door from the outside. Those guys overwhelmed the door with a bang and fell heavily. Yu Yingnan grabbed one of them and asked, "Who is the boss here?"

The man inexplicably pointed to the fat man who had just smoked a cigar and said, "He is."

Yu Yingnan summoned up his courage, ran up and picked up the fat man's collar and said, "Tell you, I, Yu Yingnan, am not afraid of you. Don't let me see you next time." Suddenly, he slapped him hard.

This scene is really unique!

Before these guys were free, I quickly pulled Yu Yingnan out of here. It is said that if time is running out, I have to bump into Saezi's men. When I went out, I accidentally saw the guy who was guarding outside, holding a rocket cannon in his hand, which scared me to stop there with a sudden brake. He hurriedly said, "What are you doing? Don't tell me that you have also been bought."

The sea monster said silently, "Go away, don't get out of the way. I'm responsible for you."

I went, but I didn't expect this guy to come to help. I quickly flashed to the back with Yu Yingnan, but I saw the sea monster blowing up the exit with a roar.

"Are you helping me?" I covered my ears and complained.

"I want you to owe me a favor so that you can pay me back as soon as possible." The sea monster was carrying a rocket and looked very handsome. Ah Xiang appeared next to him and sighed, "I was bumped into by him when I couldn't come back. I had to follow him. I said we'd better go quickly. Saezi will send mobile troops here in a moment."

As soon as I heard the first sentence, I immediately woke up. My whole body jumped on the sea monster, grabbed his neck and collar and said, "You big man, don't you want me to owe me a favor? You are obviously in the way. If it's not you or me, I will take it out."

The sea monster is still very calm in the face of me spitting stars: "Of course you can ignore me, but I will go around and say that city hunters are not keeping promises."

"How dare you!" The two of us quarreled and left the place of right and wrong, because we had heard the siren of the police car.

got into the car and everyone ran away in a hurry, but I felt that the atmosphere was abnormal and continued to ask, "Master Haifang, what are you going to do? Do you want to help you?"

"This?" The owner of Haifang actually scratched his head and said, "I want you to accept my entrustment to protect a person."

"Entrustment?" I looked up and down at the sea monster and said, "I want money, and I'm not a beautiful woman. You're not talking about beautiful trees, are you?"

"Of course, it's Meishu. She insisted on making any noise to repay her kindness and said that she wanted to stay with me. I had no choice but to find an excuse to challenge you, saying that if she can't pass your test, she is not qualified to stay with me, but don't want to beat her crooked brains, otherwise I will abolish your martial arts." Looking at the serious expression of the owner of Haifang, I suddenly had a very bad feeling. Sure enough, he continued, "She will challenge you three times, so in addition to not hurting her, don't let her notice that you will be waterproof."

"No, even for your beautiful tree, you can't treat me like this. Do you want me to die? You know that I have no resistance to beautiful women." I suddenly grabbed the neck collar of the sea monster and questioned, and the car was in chaos for a moment.

A Xiang, who was driving, said urgently, "Hey, do you still want to live? Do you want to have a car accident?" Suddenly, he punched each of us fiercely, and then the matter was calm.

I held my head and was extremely depressed, and then I saw that the owner of Haifang was also happy. The man's bare head was swollen with a big bag. I really had a small head on my big head, and I couldn't help laughing. A Xiang said, "Don't worry, Haifang owner, I will definitely let A Liang take over this commission."

"No, Xiang!" I looked desperately at Ah Xiang's serious face in the reverse mirror. "You can't unite to do this to me."

Yu Yingnan, who had never spoken, smiled and said, "Actually, I'm also looking forward to Mr. Detective being challenged."

"Hey, it seems that you still owe us the commission fee?" I stared at Yu Yingnan and took out his earwax.

A Xiang turned around and said, "Xiazi has said that this time the police will have a report bonus, which will be regarded as Miss Yu's commission fee."

"Real, thank you. If you can, I'll get off in front." We didn't expect to break up so soon. We saw Yingnan leave the car and waved goodbye to her, hoping that she could go back to that world earlier than us.

The car started slowly again. I looked at Yu Yingnan's shadow in the back mirror and suddenly found that her clothes and back had changed. I suddenly looked back and unexpectedly saw a white light and shadow swallowing Yu Yingnan in. It seemed that she had also completed her mission and officially returned.

I turned my head back sadly, leaned on the car seat and exhaled a long breath. Suddenly, I said to Axiang, "Let us take over the entrustment of the owner of Haifang. Even if there is no reward, it doesn't matter."

Is that right? Liang, why are you so generous today? Ah Xiang asked incredibly.

The sea monster also turned his head and looked at me: "No, are you pitiful of me?"

"No! I'm just looking forward to your beautiful tree being teased by me!" I shouted to the owner of Haifang, "If you don't like it, just pretend that I haven't said it."

"Don't be a stingy, I'll take you to see Miki and tell you the rules of the game." So he informed A Xiang to change the route and drive directly to the owner of Haifang's cafe.

Then, the next case will be the cat and mouse, which should not be said to be a game of beautiful assassins.