God-eating blood

Chapter 11 Elemental Ring

Three days later.

Morin opened his eyes and suddenly got up.

At this moment, Molin's body is in his body. His clothes have long been broken under the high temperature of his previous skin. On Morin's body, he is covered with blood penetrating from his pores. Now the blood has dried up.

"Master, you finally woke up." Xiao Mao has always been guarding Mo Lin's side.

"I... I've been in a coma for a few days?" Morin asked doubtfully.

"Master, you have been in a coma for three days." Xiao Mao said.

"Three days?" Morin was stunned and didn't expect that he had been in a coma for so long.

"What?" Morin suddenly found that his body was a little different from before. The most wonderful thing is that Morin's height has changed. Originally, Morin's height was only about 1.5 meters, but now Morin's height has suddenly reached 1.6 meters, even close to 1.7 meters. And Morin's body shape has also become stronger than in the past.

"Master, let me help you clean the blood stains on your body first." Xiao Mao said, and the condensed water elements immediately cleaned the blood on Morin's body.

Now Morin's skin is faintly red, full of a faint blood luster.

"Master, I think the drop of blood you take has burned all the impurities in your body and transformed the master's physique. Nowadays, the master's physique is no longer a human physique. Xiao Mao said, "In the initial view, the owner's current physique is not comparable to even the green orcs in the small town. Among the many groups of orcs, the master's physique is already an extremely excellent physique. And I also found that the master did not digest all the blood of the blood-horned ape at one time this time, and there is still some undigested blood hidden in the owner's body.

Morin was confused.

As we all know, when the elements on the Oringa continent disappear, orcs can quickly be on an equal footing with human beings, because the orcs are inherently strong. Their physical brute force is completely unmatched by human beings.

And there are many races among orcs, and these races are divided into high and low.

For example, green orcs are the lowest-level race, because their physique is the worst among many orcs. And the 'Heavenly Roar Royal Lion' clan, like today's orcs, is the most noble race among the orcs. They are born with an extremely terrible constitution. An adult 'Heavenly Roar Emperor Lion' usually has the strong physique of a fourth-order warrior.

Many human beings can't reach the level of fourth-order warriors in their lives, but this 'Heavenly Roar Royal Lion' clan alone will give birth to a fourth-order warrior when they become adults.

"Xiao Mao, what is my physical fitness now?" Molin asked urgently.

For Morin, he doesn't want to be just an elemental engineer. After all, there are no elements in the Olinger continent now. Even if Morin becomes an elementalist, he does not dare to use elemental magic openly and randomly. Becoming a warrior is also important to Morin.

"Master, your current physique should be a third-order warrior when you become an adult." Xiao Mao said.

"Are you a third-order warrior when you become an adult?" Morin's heart was hot when he heard this.

After adulthood, he is a third-order warrior, which is already a noble physique among the orcs. Morin didn't expect that just a drop of blood of the blood-horned ape could bring such a big transformation to himself. No wonder countless people wanted to find the descendants of the three beast gods.

"Master, don't be happy too early. Your current physique is not a normal human physique, and your body will naturally change differently from ordinary human beings. Xiao Mao said solemnly, "Your situation is very special. It is neither a human constitution nor a pure animal constitution, so... in the future, the owner may become a human-like beast."

"Like a man and a beast?" Morin's heart trembled: "Then... don't I become a monster?"

"It can't be said to be a monster, because there was such a human-like situation a long time ago. It is usually called 'orcs'. Xiao Mao said.

"The Orc?" Morin was stunned.

"I know too little about the information of the Orcs now. However, the master's body will not change much for the time being. I want to wait until the master digests all the blood of the bloodhorned ape, and then the master's body will gradually begin to transform into the appearance of an orc. According to the current digestion progress, it is estimated that it will take about three years at the earliest.

Xiao Mao's words made Morin's heart heavy.

Although after taking the blood of the blooded ape, Morin's physique changed and was greatly enhanced. But for this reason, Morin will also become half-human and half-animal. Nowadays, there are no orcs in the Oringian continent. Once Morin becomes an orc, he will inevitably be listed as a heresy of the Oringian continent. At that time, even if the news that Morin has elemental notes is not leaked, Morin will become the target of Oringa.

"The master doesn't have to worry so much. Since there is news about the orcs in the message I know now, I think as long as the master opens up a larger spiritual space in the future, I will naturally know more comprehensive information about the orcs. I believe there will be a solution at that time. Xiao Mao looked at Morin and said.

Morin nodded.

It is obviously not simple for the elemental notes to cause such a big wave in the Oringo continent. From what Morin now knows, in addition to being able to sharpen his spiritual strength and have many elements, the spirit of elemental notes is even more omniscient. As long as you continue to open up spiritual space in the future, naturally Xiaomao will know more.

"In these three years, the focus of my cultivation will be on spiritual strength." Mo Lin thought to himself in his heart.


In the following time, Morin found a lot of seeds of purple grass.

Dozens of seeds usually grow on each purple undergrowth grass. As the number of purple underworld grass in the town today, Morin has collected about 3,000 seeds in total.

"Xiao Mao, can you really plant purple underworld grass here?" Morin asked tremblingly, after all, this determines the survival of the whole town.

"Don't worry, master." Xiao Mao said with a smile, "Usually, it takes about six months for purple underworld grass to grow, but the owner's spiritual power has a strong breath of life. Therefore, as long as the owner uses his spiritual power to promote the growth of purple underworld grass, I believe that it only takes ten days for purple underworld grass to grow. And each purple underworld grass has more than ten seeds, and it is not difficult to grow to 10,000 in two months.

Morin was slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, in addition to medical ability, his mental strength also had the effect of promoting plant growth.

Morin knew in his heart that according to Xiao Mao, his spiritual power is related to the 'natural god'. Morin became more and more curious about this 'natural god'.

At present, Molin began to plant purple underworld grass in the spiritual space according to Xiao Mao's guidance, and at the same time continuously promoted the growth of these purple underworld grass with his spiritual strength. In this way, Molin can not only constantly improve his mental strength, but also make the purple undergrowth grow rapidly.

In ten days, the first batch of purple underworld grass has all grown.

And each purple underworld grass is generally one size larger than the purple underworld grass in the Tianze Forest. After successfully planting the first batch of purple underworld grass, Mo Lin quickly used the seeds on the first batch of purple underworld grass to plant the second batch. During this period, Morin's spiritual power is also improving rapidly. With the spiritual space of elemental notes, Morin does not have to worry about the consumption of mental power at all.

As for Morin's body, Morin can feel that even if he does nothing, his body is strengthening day by day. Although the increase is very small every day, in ten days, Maurin can already feel that he is much stronger than a week ago.


The quiet days passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

In the spiritual space of elemental notes-

Morin closed his eyes, but the spiritual power quickly condenses the water elements in the spiritual space. With the strength of Morin's spiritual power, seven groups of water elements can be condensed at one time.

According to Xiaomao's guidance, if you want to drive elemental magic, the first thing you need to do is to condense seven sets of elements at once. Originally, with the strength of Morin's spiritual strength, it can only condense up to six groups of elements, but Morin's spiritual power has a special affinity for water elements. Now the thunder element Morin can only condense six groups, but the water element can already condense seven groups.

After condensing seven groups of elements, the next step is to condense these seven groups of elements to form a first-order 'elemental ring'.

The so-called 'elemental magic ring' is the key to launching elemental magic. Every elemental master must first learn to condense the elemental magic ring before he can officially drive elemental magic.

The elemental ring is divided into many kinds, such as the elemental master who cultivates the fire element. After condensing seven sets of fire elements, the fire (element) ring is formed. Morin is now practicing water elements. After naturally condensing seven groups of water elements, it is the water system ring.

After forming the 'elemental ring', the order of the elements should be arranged on the 'elemental ring'. The order of each element of magic is different. After the order is arranged on the elemental magic ring, you can drive the elemental magic through the elemental ring.

The first-order elemental ring is relatively the easiest. According to Xiaomao, once it comes to the second-order elemental ring, there are as many as 20 groups of elements that need to condense at a time. Each condensation of a set of elements requires a strong spiritual power. It condenses 20 sets of elements at a time, and the demand for spiritual power has reached an extremely terrible level.

And to arrange the elements in order on the elemental ring, the requirements for spiritual power are also quite high. With Morin's current level of spiritual power, it can only be barely arranged.

And this is the most basic first-order elemental magic. The order of elemental order of first-order elemental magic is the simplest. As you get to the back, the order of elements will become more and more difficult. It is conceivable that it is not easy to become an elementalist.

"Water system law ring!"

There was a low drink in Morin's heart, and the seven groups of condensed water elements suddenly condensed together, forming a light blue circular ring. The whole magic ring was suspended in front of Molin, and Molin's eyes were limbbling.

"Water magic - fast arrows rush!"


Seven clear lines suddenly appeared in the light blue circular magic ring. These seven lines were outlined in the magic ring, and soon a simple water column pattern was outlined.


A column of water with a length of about 20 inches and a width of 10 inches rushes out of the magic ring and hits the front. Although this small water column seems ordinary, Morin has tested it before that the impact of this small water column is enough to easily collapse a large tree about four meters in diameter.

Morin estimated that with this impact alone, even the first-order warriors will be injured if they resist hard. The water element is also less aggressive among many magic elements. If it is the first-order magic of the thunder element, even those strong first-order warriors dare not resist easily.


PS: Please collect, ask for red tickets~~~