God-eating blood

Chapter 74 Officially Begins

The next morning.

The sky is still gray. In a large square of the Adjudicator's College, all the adjudicators have arrived.

Morin wore a black warrior suit, with a slender figure and his unique temperament, which attracted the attention of many girls around him.

This made Beilith mutter dissatisfiedly: "It's just to practice. Is it necessary to dress up so conspicuously?"


Morin smiled bitterly.

I'm afraid that my conspicuousness was also caused by the defeat of Christine and the other three people two days ago. If it were the time when I first entered the Adjudicator's College, I'm afraid that no one would have looked at myself.

Morin looked around. This time, about a hundred a hundred adjudicators participated in this life-and-death adventure, and 'Death' Burley was also among them. It's just that 'Death' Burley has always been used to being arrogant. Standing alone in the corner, no one rushed to disturb him. After all, the name 'Death' is not for nothing.


While everyone was waiting, the whole sky suddenly darkened.

Then, a figure appeared in front of everyone out of thin air like a shadow split from the darkness.

Everyone's eyes suddenly focused on the person who appeared, and they didn't dare to blink.

He was about 1.9 meters tall and wearing a loose black robe, but now the robe has been pulled down and does not cover his head, so that people can see his face clearly. A long silver hair tied into a ponytail on his back, with blue eyes and a small beard on his lips. He seemed to be in his forties and looked extremely calm. After he appeared, his eyes swept to many adjudicator students.


Morin only felt a roar in his head, and the world around him was completely distorted. The whole sky turned into night in an instant, and he reached out his fingers, as if he had been completely swallowed up by the darkness. And the dazzling center in this dark world is the middle-aged man in black.

"This...what kind of ability is this?"

Morin's heart was shocked.

With his strong mental strength, he actually had such an illusion under the influence of the other party, and Maureen could feel that the other party did not have spiritual power, and seemed to be just a soul warrior.


The middle-aged man in black suddenly snapped his fingers, and suddenly all the darkness receded, and the surroundings returned to normal.

But at this moment, everyone's eyes looking at him were full of awe.

"I am the escort of your life-and-death adventure - Bud!" The middle-aged man in black looked around at many adjudicator students: "I will escort you to the Warcraft, and I will also escort you back. I hope that in two months, half of the people here will come back alive.

Usually, the period of life-and-death adventure is two months. If you are still alive after two months, you will be sent back by the escort in person.

"Now I'll give you five minutes to prepare. In five minutes, we will officially leave." After Bud finished speaking, he turned his head and walked aside.

Under the eyes of everyone, Bud walked to Burley, and then chatted with Burley.

"Isn't this Bud the teacher of our Adjudicator's College?"

"Yes, I haven't heard of such a teacher."

The adjudicators around talked in a low voice.

Morin looked at Bud's eyes slightly: "It's the strong man of 'Black Holy Mountain'!"

Now Morin also knows that the two inner cities of Black's leadership, one is the Adjudicator's College, and the other is 'Black's Holy Mountain'.

Black Holy Mountain is extremely mysterious. Even golden adjudicators like Margia and Gray don't know much about Black Holy Mountain. Usually those who can enter Black Holy Mountain are super strong!

"How can Burley talk to the strong man of Black Holy Mountain?" Maurin was a little surprised.

However, on second thought, Boley is now about 20 years old at most. He has such strength at such a young age, and he has always been only a judge student and did not choose to graduate. Obviously, he can enter the 'Black Holy Mountain' in the Adjurator's College.

"It seems that I still underestimate Burley." Morin shook his head secretly in his heart.



Under the sound of a loud hiss that seemed to pierce the eardrums, a huge bird, like a hill, slowly landed from the air. The fierce wind driven by the landing drove several weak soul warriors back several steps in a row.

In the Oringian continent, birds are used for a wide range of purposes. After all, even many powerful people can only go there on foot if they want to go somewhere. Even if they are very fast, once they encounter some more complex terrain, it will still affect their speed. Birds are different. Birds are not only fast, but also have no obstacle to flying in the sky.

There are two kinds of common birds, one is to transport birds and the other is to fight birds.

There is a big difference between these two birds.

Transporting birds is usually large, and it can build some buildings on its back so that it can be used to transport a large number of people or a large number of goods. Usually, a way to determine whether a bird is good or bad is to transport a bird. First, it depends on its size, and second, it depends on its speed. A good transportation of birds should not only be large in size, but also be able to carry a certain weight without affecting the speed.

For combat birds, the requirements for size and speed are not so high. Fighting birds mainly rely on their combat ability in the air. For example, when there is a large-scale war between some forces, in addition to battles on the ground, there will also be air battles! And the battle birds are the decisive point in the air battle.

Today, the most powerful air battle in the Orlinger continent is the 'Dragon Knight'. The dragon can be said to be the overlord in the sky. Few birds can compete with the dragon in the air. Even the 'griffin' is by no means the opponent of the dragon. The 'Dragon Knight' with the dragon as the air mount has always been unfavorable in air warfare.

Whether it is transporting birds or fighting birds, if they want to submit to humans and orcs, they must be tamed by the trainer first. If other strong people want to have exclusive birds, they have to buy them from the trainer. However, the more powerful the birds are, the more expensive they are. Even some birds can only be exchanged with other rare treasures, which can't be bought with money. This is also one of the reasons why trainers have always had a very high status in the Oringian continent.

Although the bird in front of you is not a combat bird, it is by no means not combat effectiveness at all.

Soon, many adjudicators climbed into the building on the back of the huge bird.


Then with a sharp hiss, the whole huge bird flew into the sky with its wings spread.

Through the window of the bird's spine building, Morin could see that the white clouds in the sky were rapidly retreating back, and he couldn't help marveling at the terrible speed of the huge bird.

Usually, if you walk from Black's Leader to Warcraft's Leader, it will take at least two days even if you don't encounter obstacles along the way.

But with the bird, it will take about a day to arrive.

Flying all the way.

It took about half a day.


Through the window, Morin suddenly saw a lot of birds parked not far away, with a man in black standing on the back of each bird.

"Is it a robber?"

Morin knows it in his heart.

On the Oringer continent, there will not only be robbers on the ground, but also robbers in the air.

"These robbers won't hit us, will they?"

Bedis, who was sitting opposite Morin, couldn't help saying excitedly, "I've grown up and have never seen an air battle. It seems that there is a good show to watch today."

Morin smiled and wanted to see the scene of the air battle in his heart.

At this moment, four or five huge birds were blocking the front, and the people in black standing on the back of the birds were staring at the front with cold eyes.


Bud hummed disdainfully, walked directly out of the building and stood on the bird's head.


Bard's eyes were awe-eyed, and a terrible momentum suddenly spread away.



Under Bud's terrible momentum, the birds under the feet of the people in black chirped uneasily, and the two birds turned around and ran away in fear.

"It's a master!"


Those robbers also changed their faces under Bud's momentum, and then turned around and ran without hesitation.

"Cut, it's boring!"

Bedis was disappointed.

"If they dare to mess around, they will die." Morin shook his head and smiled.

When approaching, Morin found that these robbers were only about six-star strength, and the birds under their feet were also the weakest 'eagles' among the fighting birds.


Five hours later.

The bird landed, and Morin and others quickly came out of the building on the bird's back one by one.

"Wow." As soon as he came out, Morin felt that his vision was wide.

This is a vast wilderness covered with green. A large number of plants are very lush, and many of them are plants that Morin has never seen before.

"Listen carefully." Bard's deep voice seemed to be magical, which made everyone curious and look around. They couldn't help but fall on Bud: "This life-and-death adventure will last for two months. Two months later, you living people will gather here, and I will pick you back. In addition, the Warcraft Territory is in crisis. The deeper it is, the higher the danger will be. In your verdict, there is a map of the outer area of the Warcraft Territory. If you don't want to die, you will move within this area. Later, I will send you a storage backpack for each of you. You can collect important organ materials of Warcraft. In two months, we will give you corresponding award points according to the important organ materials of Warcraft in your hand.

"Now, your life-and-death adventure officially begins."