God-eating blood

Chapter 86 Mobile Magic

In the prison of thunder and lightning——


The huge thunder beast made a deafening roar, and the whole huge body directly hit Bailder and Angus.


Byrde's eyes were awe-eyed.

Although the thunder beast summoned by Morin is extremely powerful, it is not enough to pose any substantial threat to him. You know, witchcraft has always been the nemesis of elemental magic!

"It's okay. Fortunately, I brought 'it' when I came this time."

Byrde glanced at a gray cloth bag hanging from his waist, and then did not hesitate to untie the rope on the gray cloth bag directly.


Under a scream that seemed to break a person's eardrums, a shawl and a long blue skirt suddenly appeared.

The whole banshee is suspended in mid-air, with a long blue hair floating behind her, and the blue skirt also floating behind. There is no pupil in a pair of eyes, which gives people a feeling of hairy bones.

"Dead...dead banshee!"

Angus's face on his side couldn't help changing.

The undead banshee, that's the 'baby' fed by the undead wizards. Feeding an undead banshee is an extremely energy-consuming and financial thing for undead wizards. Whether the undead banshee can survive is a headache for the undead wizards. In addition to the life to be raised, it is also necessary to ensure that the undead banshee can be advanced!

Above the undead banshee, it is for the queen of the undead!

The undead queen and the undead banshee are two completely different concepts. Queen of the Dead, that's the 'killing weapon' of the undead wizards! Even the most ordinary queen of the dead has the terrible strength of ten stars! Moreover, the undead queen is completely the nemesis of the elemental master. Even in the face of the most powerful forbidden spell of the elemental master, it is a piece of cake for the undead queen.


Looking at the sudden appearance of the undead banshee, Morin's face couldn't help changing slightly. As an elementalist, Morin has naturally understood the existence of these 'biological' of restrained elementalists for a long time.

"For good, this is just the undead banshee. If it's the queen of the undead, I'm afraid I'm a corpse now." Morin smiled.

However, even if this is the Queen of the Dead, it is definitely uncontrollable with Byrde's strength.

Morin has been shocked by Bailder's possession of the undead banshee.

After all, the undead banshee can usually only be raised by high-level undead wizards, and the Bailder in front of him is obviously not in this 'high-level' ranks.



The appearance of the undead banshee did not bring any obstacles to the thunder and lightning beast. The cannonball-like fist of the thunder and lightning beast directly hit the undead banshee fiercely.


The undead banshee made an extremely sharp cry, and a green shell suddenly appeared on the whole body. The fist of the thunder and lightning beast hit the shell, but suffered a huge rebound, and the whole huge body was rebounded and fell to the ground.

"Sure enough!"

Molin's eyes hidden in the thunder and lightning narrowed slightly.

Whether it is the undead banshee or the undead queen, the reason why they are called the nemesis of the elemental master is because of their own horrible ability - the anti-demon shell.

This anti-magic shell can resist a certain degree of elemental magic, absorb these elemental magic, and then bounce back.

The anti-magic shell of the undead banshee can usually resist ordinary elemental magic. If it is a forbidden spell, it can't be resisted.

However, the anti-magic shell of the Queen of the Dead can even resist the forbidden spell and bounce back!

In the past, when there were elements in the Oringer continent, many powerful elemental masters died tragically at the hands of the undead queen. The Queen of the Dead can be said to be the most hated by all elemental masters, which is simply an elemental master killer!


After releasing the undead banshee, Bailder seemed to be fearless.

Although the undead banshee can't resist the elemental curse, Baiard doesn't believe that the elemental master who attacked him can launch the elemental curse. Even when elements existed in the Oringer continent in the past, the elemental curse could not be launched casually, let alone now?

"Go ahead and kill him!"

Immediately, Byard gave instructions to the undead banshee.


The undead banshee made a shrill cry, and then rushed directly into the endless thunder and lightning around her. These thunder and lightning can hinder Byrde and others, but they can't hinder the undead banshee who can resist elemental magic.

"Well, do you think you can win me with an undead banshee?" Morin shook his head and smiled.

A necromancer, Molin really didn't pay attention to it.

"Let you see what mobile element magic is!"

There was a touch of joke in Morin's eyes.

Then he waved the elemental wand and formed a complex elemental ring in front of him. Unlike other elemental magic, after the formation of this elemental magic ring, it began to shrink in the palm of Morin's hand. In just a moment, the whole elemental ring shrank and imprinted in Morin's palm.

"Hey! The undead banshee can resist elemental magic. You two can't do it, can you?

Morin's mind moved.


From the elemental ring of the palm of the hand, a thumb-like thunderbolt suddenly shot out. The whole thunderbolt was so fast that it directly shot at the trapped Angus.


As soon as Angus reacted, with a 'bang', the thunder and lightning exploded on Angus' face, and suddenly blurred the flesh and blood of Angus' old face.

"There he is! Go and kill him!"

Originally, Bailder didn't know Morin's location, but he happened to see the direction of the thunder and lightning and immediately gave instructions to the undead banshee.

However, when the undead banshee ran to that position, there was no trace of Morin.


Another thunder and lightning soared from the other direction.

Byard also reacted very quickly, and his whole body quickly bent down to avoid it. Sing! Although Byrde dodged, Angus was not so lucky.


The whole thunder and lightning blew on Angus' mouth. Angus' mouth was full of blood, and half of the teeth in his mouth were blown off.

At the same time, in another direction, there was a thunder and lightning.


Baierdewan didn't expect that there would be thunder and lightning from this direction. He was caught off guard, and his whole right eye was blown up.


Birde and Angus let out a pig-killing scream with one voice.

"It's impossible, it's impossible!"

Byard covered his right eye, and blood flowed out of his fingers, but at this moment, Byard roared incredulously: "How... How could he run to that position all at once?"

The usual elemental magic often stands in place when it is driven because it wants to condense the elemental ring. Once moved, it is impossible to condense the elemental magic ring. So this is also the biggest weakness of becoming an elementalist!

The time between the two thunder and lightning just now is only two or three seconds apart, but the distance between the two lightnings is very different. Unless Morin is an elemental ring that condenses while running, it is impossible to do this step! When running, it is absolutely impossible for the elemental ring to condense successfully.

Otherwise, at the speed of Byrde's reaction, it will definitely not be blown up in such a critical part of the right eye.

"Well, in the continent of Olinger, even a father can't move elemental magic. How can you, such a small person, know the existence of moving elemental magic?"

Morin sneered secretly in his heart.

The so-called moving elemental magic is to condense the elemental ring on a certain part of the body to fix the elemental ring, so that the elemental ring will not dissipate because of running.

This condensed body part can be the palm of the hand, the forehead, or the eyes. After condensing on these parts of the body, it is regarded as a fixed elemental ring, so that you don't have to worry about dissipating the elemental ring due to movement.

It's just this kind of mobile elemental magic. Morin can't drive particularly powerful elemental magic now, because after fixing the elemental ring on a certain part of the body, every time he drives the elemental magic, his body has to bear the counterattack of this elemental magic first. The more powerful the elemental magic, the greater the counterattack. If Maurin dares to drive a 'mobile element forbidden spell' now, I'm afraid that he will have been killed by the reverse of the forbidden spell before he can drive it out!

Therefore, Morin can only drive some elemental magic that his body can withstand. Morin's body itself is strong and ordinary. Even if it is anti-eating, it can withstand it. In addition, Morin's spiritual power can constantly treat the damage caused by these anti-phagocation. Naturally, Morin can use this 'mobile element magic' infinitely.

If it were someone else, even if it could drive the moving elemental magic, it would not be possible to use it as unrestrained as Morin. Because Molin has spiritual healing, just after driving an elemental magic, the spiritual power has cured the invasion of antiphagia.



Morin ran while constantly releasing thunder and lightning to attack Angus and Bailder.

However, after the previous lesson, Angus and Bailder were much more alert and dodged Morin's thunder and lightning attacks.

"Kill him, kill him!!"

At this moment, Bailder has been completely furious and keeps ordering the undead banshee. However, Morin has been moving all the time, and the necromancer can't find Morin at all.


Byrde, who was roaring angrily, was suddenly hit hard on his back, and suddenly a large piece of muscle on his back exploded.

"Come out, if you have guts, come out and fight with me!!!"

Byrde was completely blown up and lost his mind. His eyes were red, and he roared like crazy.

Although he is an undead wizard, his means are of no use in this environment. He can't leave this thunder and lightning prison, but he can only be played by others like this. What makes Bailder feel most helpless is that he still doesn't even know what the other party looks like.

"Come out? Still a duel? That's ridiculous!"

If Morin didn't rely on such an excellent environment in the lightning prison, it would not be easy to deal with these two people. Morin would not foolishly run out and duel with the other party.

"I won't come out?" What can you do?"

Morin moved quickly while releasing thunder and lightning.

Although these thunder and lightning are not enough to be fatal, once they are bombarded, at least the flesh and blood of the two people who can be blown up will be blurred, making them suffer some pain.

"Huh, do you dare to touch Beris? It's just interest!" Morin ignored the howling of the two. It's just that they are constantly bombarding them. Anyway, these two people can't do nothing about themselves.

"My purpose is to make no skin intact on these two guys. For this purpose, continue to work hard!" Mo Lin smiled secretly in his heart.