God-eating blood

Chapter 91 Five kilometers at the bottom of the river


Morin fell from the cliff again and jumped into the wide river, but this time Morin was much easier than last time. Because those blood-armed monkeys have all been attracted by Butz at this moment, and no one paid attention to Morin at all.

"Enjoy it!"

Morin looked at the cliff and grinned.

Those blood-armed monkeys are not easy to provoke, especially the blood-armed monkey king, who can uproot the branches of the tree of life with his bare hands, which shows the horror of its power.

And at this moment, the blood-armed monkey king is also in a rage.

How long has it been? Unexpectedly, another human came here to provoke them. Last time, they robbed the dragon egg in front of them. At that time, the blood-armed monkey king angrily uprooted its favorite tree and smashed it. Now that this human has attacked their territory as soon as it comes, the whole wide range of elemental magic is released, which immediately destroys the old nests of these blood-armed monkeys in a mess. Some blood-armed monkeys are even inexplicably smashed by those roaring flame meteorites.

There were deaths and injuries in the blood-armed monkey group, which naturally made the whole blood-armed monkey group completely burst into a hole!

They are irritable and bloodthirsty in their bones, and they have been provoked so repeatedly, which completely stimulates the ferocity in their bones.

"Oh!! "Oh, no!"

Many blood-armed monkeys roared and attacked Butz one after another. Because Butz sat on the fire dragon and suspended in mid-air, these blood-armed monkeys could not attack Butz for a while. They only jumped on the tree and pulled down the branches on the tree and threw them crazily.

These trees around are originally just extremely ordinary trees, but because they grow next to the 'tree of life' all year round, they absorb the special vitality contained in the tree of life, and these trees naturally undergo some changes. Now their branches are no harder than those ordinary swords.




For a moment, hundreds of tree branches were like ten thousand arrows, shooting densely at Butz.

Buz hurriedly drove the fire dragon under his feet to dodge left and right.


However, the fire dragon at Budz's feet was so flexible that he still could not avoid those dense and arrow-like branches, and many branches shot on Butz's body. Butz's white robe was suddenly full of holes. Fortunately, Butz also wore a set of dark black vest armor in the robe. This black vest armor is an excellent armor to resist material attacks. Those tree branches soared on the vest armor, but they could not break the vest armor, but the impact still made the part where Booz was hit a faint pain.

"Damn it! You...you are looking for death!"

Butz looked at his completely tattered white robe and felt that his whole body was completely ignited by anger for a moment.

Previously, Morin only tore up a corner of the white robe, and there is still hope of repairing it. Now these blood-armed monkeys have completely shot the white robe to pieces, and there is absolutely no hope of repairing it.


"You are all going to die!!"


Butz angrily crushed the elemental staff in his hand. Among the elemental staff, there were three bright gems burning flames.

Butz threw one of the bright gems burning with flames into the mouth of the fire dragon under his feet.


The fire dragon swallowed the gems and looked up to the sky and made a long dragon chant.


I saw that the original fire dragon's whole body was composed of flames. At this moment, a piece of substantial red dragon scales began to grow, and the whole body was completely expanded to No. 1, dragon claws, dragon tails, and dragon horns became materialized one after another. In the blink of an eye, the fire dragon, which was originally just composed of endless flames, really turned into a real dragon.


"Kill me!"

"I won't leave any!"

Butz's face is extremely ferocious.


The dragon roared, and the whole huge body suddenly flew high into the sky.

Although the original fire dragon can fly, it can only fly to an altitude of about 20 meters from the ground at most, but now it has flown directly to a height of 70 or 80 meters. For a while, the tree branches thrown by the blood-armed monkey could not hit the dragon at all.

At this time, the dragon raised its head high, and in front of the dragon's mouth, a fire elemental ring suddenly appeared. Follow-


The dragon's head drooped down, and the huge blood basin opened its mouth. From the fire elemental ring, a flame meteorite with a diameter of about 100 meters suddenly spewed out!


It seems that the sky is falling apart, and after the flame meteorite falls, the power is no less than Morin's forbidden spell! The many trees around were directly turned into ashes, and none of those rocks were intact and smashed. At this moment, there is no doubt that it will be a disaster for the blood-armed monkey group. Although these blood-armed monkeys all have the strength of the seven-star level, they are extremely fragile under the terrible destructive power of this huge flame meteorite. Whenever they are hit by the flame bursting flame meteorite, the whole body of the blood-armed monkey is directly from the inside out. It was burned black and died in an instant.


In the river under the cliff.

Morin floated on the river, looking up at the cliff.

Suddenly, I saw that the whole cliff was full of extremely strong fire elements, and then the whole cliff was directly short under the destruction of these extremely strong fire elements.

"This... this guy can drive such a horrible elemental magic!"

Molin's face changed involuntably.

The elemental magic driven by the other party has even surpassed the elemental curse that can be driven today. At least my own elemental forbidden spell is not enough to destroy the cliff.

However, this scene made Morin more sure that the destruction of Tianze Town was related to the Holy Alliance.


"Damn it, it's cheaper for you!"

Budz looked down at the messy bottom, and his ferocious face still did not relax.

In Butz's heart, even if these blood-armed monkeys are destroyed, they can't compensate for the precious value of his robe. At this moment, Butz's anger was concentrated on Morin.

"I won't let you run away like this! Absolutely not!"

"I'm going to skin and bone you, and I want you to survive and die!"

Butz roared and was about to let the dragon under his feet chase Morin.



A violent and extremely sharp roar suddenly burst under the dust. The whole sharp cry cracked the rock, and the whole stone ground was shaken into countless cracks.


"It's impossible!"

Buz's eyes widened. In his opinion, it is impossible for a blood-armed monkey to survive under that horrible flame meteorite. But now this sharp roar is indeed the cry of a blood-armed monkey.

Under the sharp roar, the dust below was dispersed. I saw a huge head, and now the blood-red hair on his body has transformed into a dark red giant blood-armed monkey, staring at Biz with extreme anger.

"It's the blood-armed monkey king!"

"It...it has mutated?"

Butz's face changed slightly.

He once heard of the horror after the Warcraft mutation.


Suddenly, the blood-armed monkey king fiercely stamped the stone ground under his feet and directly stamped the whole stone ground out of a deep pit. At the same time, the blood-armed monkey king's body jumped almost 100 meters in height.


The jumping blood-armed monkey king directly punched the dragon at the feet of Butz. Butz only felt as if he had been hit by the meteorite. The whole person and the dragon under his feet threw it out directly from afar like a tattered sack, and flew out of the cliff and fell into the river under the cliff.


The huge body of the dragon was splashing with huge waves. Butz was also shocked to find that the body of the dragon, which was bombarded by the blood-armed monkey king, was directly blown through by a punch!

You know, after the dragon materialized, the degree of defense was extremely horrible, but now it has been punched through the body...

The power of the blood-armed monkey king is really horrible!

He looked up and found that the Blood-Armed Monkey King did not jump down, and Budz was also relieved. If the blood-armed monkey king jumps down, he may not be able to beat the blood-armed monkey king.


Budz suddenly felt that there was a glance staring at him not far away. He turned his head and saw that his anger suddenly surged into his head crazily.

"Don't run!"


Butz roared and rushed straight over.

"Don't run? You think I'm stupid!" Mo Lin sneered and buried his head and dived directly into the depths of the river.

Butz immediately dived down to chase Morin.

Morin kept diving, and at the same time deliberately slowed down his speed, so that Butz could follow him. Butz may not know what is in the depths of the river, but Morin is very clear.

The 'Naga Sea Monster' in the depths of this river is not as easy to deal with as the blood-armed monkeys.

Morin is very clear that now he has only temporarily suppressed the blood and violence, which will not last long. At that time, once you can't suppress the blood and violence, you will only die. Now, as long as Budz is led to the depths of the river, Morin doesn't believe that Budz can live in front of the 'Naga Sea Monster'.

"Anyway, you will die sooner or later, so let you give me a cushion!" There was a trace of madness in Morin's eyes.

In the chase, the two of them kept diving.

One kilometer...

Two kilometers...

Four kilometers......

The more you dive, the stronger the breath of life in Morin's spiritual sense.

When diving to about 5,000 meters--


The wonderful song sounded again.


What Morin never expected was that this song directly dissipated Xiaomao's power to suppress his bloody rage. Not only that, but this song also completely broke the seal that had only broken a small gap.

Seal the seal and completely lose its function!

"It's not good!"

Morin didn't have time to think about it at all, and his whole body lost consciousness in an instant. Now all the blood and rage in Morin's body have completely broken out!!