God-eating blood

Chapter 198 The Power of the Saint

In the night sky, the bright moon hangs high and stars dotted.

The saint in a fiery red robe suspended in the night sky, and there were still echoes around him, shaking the air, making the whole fortress tremble crazily.


A dark purple beam of light rose to the sky and turned into a dark purple elf.

This dark purple elf is a woman.

She has dark purple skin, long silk-like silver-white hair that extends to her buttocks, and her slim and seductive figure makes people's blood boil. He was covered with a loose black robe, which was full of various elements and runes. A pair of charming eyes are staring at the saint in red robe fiercely at this moment.

"Aacon Lane!" The voice of the dark purple elf was a little hoarse, "You are here to let go of those human beings, right? It's ridiculous. You human beings have taken my child. If you don't let my child go, these human beings will all die!"

"Bertlem." The saint in red robe just looked at the dark purple elf in front of him, "You're wrong. I'm not here to save people."

"Aren't you here to save people?" Bertlem looked at the red-robed saint in front of him in surprise, "Then why did you come to me?"

"Your treasure - 'Fire Phoenix Shadow Chain', I want it." Aacon Lane, the saint in red robe, said indifferently.

Patlem was stunned at first, and then smiled, "It's ridiculous! It's really ridiculous! Aakenrain, did you burn your brain by practicing the fire element? Fire Phoenix Shadow Chain, I'll give it to you if you say I'll give it to you? It's okay for me to give it to you. If you are willing to sign a contract, you can be my Millennium Slave. Thousands of years later, I will give you this fire phoenix shadow chain.

"Bertlem." Aken Lane, the saint of the red robe, still looked indifferent. "Now you give me the Phoenix shadow chain, and you can still save your life. If you want me to take it myself, what I want to take is not only the Phoenix Shadow Chain, but also your life.

"The tone is not small." Patlem sneered, "I'd like to see how you took the fire phoenix from my hand..."


Before he finished speaking, the red-robed saint suddenly turned into a flame and rushed over.


The whole flame flashed in the night sky like a meteor, and the space trembled faintly everywhere. In an instant, he came to Bertlem, and his terrible speed was shocking.


In the flame, the palms of the burning flames crushed towards Patlem, and the air was crushed to make a bursting sound, and the space kept trembling. It directly crushed and penetrated Patlem's body, and then Patlem's whole body turned into a virtual shadow and dissipated out of thin air.


Bertlem appeared thousands of meters away, and a trace of solemnity appeared in a pair of charming eyes. Although the other party's blow did not hit her, the opponent's strength was obviously much stronger than she thought.

How about it? It's not too late to hand over the Phoenix Shadow Chain now. Aken Lane, the saint who was burning with flames, looked at Patlem from afar and said indifferently.

"Huh! The saints fight, and the victory lies in their respective 'holy rings'. You and I haven't used the 'holy rings' so far. Who wins and loses? Is it up to you? Bertlame sneered.

"Bertlem, I'm giving you a chance." Saint Aken Lane shook his head and said, "Once I use the Holy Ring, you will have no chance at all. As long as you are willing to hand over the Phoenix Shadow Chain, I won't take the time to kill you.

"There's so much nonsense!"

Bertlem's silky silver-white long hair suddenly became windless, and endless dark elements filled her whole body. Then, at the feet of Patlem, a dark purple halo about two meters in diameter suddenly appeared out of thin air. The whole dark purple halo is somewhat similar to the elemental magic ring, but it is countless times more complicated and profound than the elemental magic ring. Pat Lime stepped on the dark purple aura, and his whole breath changed.

"It's you who want to die!" Aaken Lane shook his head, and then his indifferent eyes became arrogant in an instant.


The endless flame that originally burned on him melted into his body, and then the endless fire element rolled. A fiery red halo also appeared at the feet of Aaken Lane.


"Double Star Holy Ring? You..."

Looking at the fiery red holy ring stepped on at the feet of Aken Lane, Patlem's face suddenly changed dramatically. At this moment, she finally understood why Aacon Lane was so arrogant, "You... have you broken through?"

"I said, once I use the holy ring, you won't have a chance!" Aaken Lane stepped on the fiery red holy ring, his long fiery red hair floated without wind, and his whole breath became extremely manic.

"One blow!"

"I just need one blow!"

Aaken Lane slowly raised his palm.


Seeing the 'Double Star Ring' at the feet of Aaken Lane, Patlem didn't even have the desire to fight. Although she is also a saint, she is no match for Aaken Lane now.


Aakenlein raised his palm and slammed it.


With Akin Lane as the center, endless flames fluttered around. These flames vibrated violently. Under this vibration, the air shattered like a toy, and even the space was shaken by this shock. Boom! Boom! The endless flame oscillates along the space to the distance. This vibration carries a unique frequency, and the power is even more amazing.



The flame kept vibrating rhythmically along the space. The distance was so far that the space shock caused made the space around Pat Lime slightly shake.


What kind of terrible power can make space shake? Even thousands of meters away, the shocked Patlem spewed out a mouthful of blood. Then a scroll appeared directly in Patlem's hand and crushed it. The whole person suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"Transmission reel?"

Aken Lane shook his head and sneered, "If it is a primary transmission scroll, it can be transmitted to 200 miles away in an instant? I can catch up in a moment. Although the intermediate transmission scroll can be transmitted to 2,000 miles away, I can catch it at will in a day. As for the advanced transmission scroll? Humph, I don't even have such rare treasures, and it's impossible for Bertlame to have it.

Aaconen looked at the fortress below.

"Originally, I just came to seize the Phoenix Shadow Chain this time, but I also came, so I helped these little guys by the way." Aacon Lane refers to the fortress of the fortress.


A flame suddenly shook wildly along the space and shook directly towards the fortress below. Then Aaken Lane's body moved, and his feet stepped on the fiery red holy ring, which was many times faster than when there was no holy ring before. There was no trace in an instant.




The flames kept shaking towards the fortress, and the space around the whole fortress also began to be shaken. This space is like a calm lake. Suddenly, a huge stone is thrown in. Even if it is far away from the stone, the calm lake will be triggered by waves.

Now this flame is equivalent to a stone, and it is still a stone that continuously triggers vibration.

Although there is still a long distance from the fortress, the space around the fortress also began to be shaken.

Just like the previous flame of Aken Lane was still far away from Patlem, but it directly hurt Patlem. In fact, it was not the flame itself that hurt Patlem, but the spatial vibration caused by the flame.

This huge movement naturally shocked many dark purple elves in the fortress.

"It's not good!"

"Quick, start the magic array!"

A group of dark purple elves roared wildly and anxiously.

Among them, several dark purple elves still want to rely on their own dark element magic to block the progress of the flame, but before they approached, the oscillating space directly shook the bodies of several dark purple elves into broken meat. Just like the rollers crushed over their bodies, the musculoskeletal bones were directly crushed and shattered.


A huge dark purple screen shrouded the whole fortress. The constantly vibrating space makes the whole huge dark purple screen ripple in circles.

"It's not good!"

"The flame is not yet close, and the space vibration caused can make the defensive magic array fluctuate so much. This defensive magic array... definitely can't resist it."

"What can I do?"

All the dark purple elves panicked.

Although they are all the peak strength of the twelve-star level, can they be in front of the saint? That's totally an ant!


"Only escape!"

"This flame will completely destroy the whole fortress. Those imprisoned human beings will let them die. Let's escape!"

These dark purple elves also realized how terrible the power of the constantly shaking flame was, and immediately abandoned the fortress and fled one by one.




The space vibrates rhythmically, and each vibration makes the huge dark purple barrier ripple. The power of the whole dark purple barrier is constantly weakened.

Although the flame is amazingly powerful, the feasible speed is also very slow, and the progress is extremely slow.

Of course, if the march is slow, the duration of the vibration caused by it becomes particularly long.


As the flames kept approaching, the dark purple screen had cracked. Then with the violent vibration of the space.


The whole dark purple barrier was completely broken by the shock.



The vibration continues and has spread to the top of the fortress.


The layer at the top of the fortress is directly shaken into powder, and then the vibration continues to spread downward. The fortress also turns into powder layer by layer with the vibration.

Most human beings are imprisoned in the middle level, and Maurin is also imprisoned there. Now... they are facing a disaster!

This is also what Aaken Lane didn't expect...