Blood Eater

Chapter 12 Exciting

"How could this happen?" Chu Ruoxi's look changed greatly, but she had a mind, "How are you, brother? Does your father know?"

"The prince was shocked and fell to the prince. Many fierce palace guards were about to take people. They were stopped by the guards in the house and rescued the prince. Seeing that the two groups of people were about to fight, the prince ordered him to drive back to the palace. The maidservant didn't dare to delay and hurried back to tell the lady.

"Miss, I hurt His Royal Highness, but it's a crime of king-laying. What should I do now?" Mother Li waited on one side, listened to Shuixiang's story, and looked at Chu Ruoxi in the bath soup with a frightened face.

Chu Ruoxi held his forehead and showed a helpless expression, "The water is also cold. Let's do this first. I'm going to see my brother."

The big movement in the front yard had long been informed by the people in the house as soon as possible. When Chu Ruoxi planned to go to Yinxuexuan to find Chu Zhicheng, her father Chu Yuanshan had ordered someone to send her to Chunhui Hall to ask questions.

Mother Li and Zhimo and others looked worried. Mother Li took her hand and couldn't bear to go forward. Chu Ruoxi looked pale and comforted, "Father's summoning is just to inquire about the story. I'm not a big deal. Don't worry. Mother and Zhimo can follow me. Everyone else is waiting here. !"

This time, Chu Yuanshan was really angry. When Chu Ruoxi came to Chunhui Hall, his father sat angrily in front of the hall. His brother Chu Zhicheng knelt under the hall and saw his father's appearance.

Chu Ruoxi timidly knelt down and went to see her: "Ruoxi has seen her father."

"Ruoxi, why are you so stupid today?" After a good delay, Chu Ruoxi didn't wait for her father to order her to get up. Her father scolded him, "Do you know that your brothers and sisters have caused a big disaster?"

When Chu Zhicheng saw his father scolding his sister, he cast a comforting look at Chu Ruoxi and helped her clear her, "Father, all the faults are done by the child. It's none of Xi's business, father..."

"Shut up, it's you who don't know how to endure such a big disaster." Chu Yuanshan interrupted Chu Zhicheng's plea with an angry shout and blew his beard, "You think you are a hero in the world. It's enough to be chivalrous and righteous. I have told you many times for my father. You can't be angry in the court. You have to use your brain instead of relying on recklessness."

Chu Ruoxi knelt beside Chu Zhicheng and listened to his father scolding his brother so much. What Chu Zhicheng did was for himself. Although he was ashamed, he could not care so much for the road to restore the country. He could only use him first.

"Father, please don't blame the eldest brother. Today's disasters are all caused by Ruoxi. If your father wants to punish Ruoxi, please punish Ruoxi."

She raised her head, and her face was sad, and tears in her eyes surged up again, but she endured it in her eyes and was about to fall with a gentle blow. "The prince doesn't like Ruoxi. No matter what Ruoxi does, the prince can always find mistakes. No matter how the emperor commits the disaster today, Ruo Xi will bear it alone. It will never involve my father and brother."

"You...stupid words." Chu Yuanshan saw that his daughter was young, but he didn't know the importance. He also thought that he had broken into a child's house this time. He wanted to scold her angrily, but when he thought of her responsibility, he suddenly felt relieved and sighed.

"Your blessing for your father is your filial piety. Your father will not blame you, but you should also think about the timing. Since you are worried that the prince will be annoyed by you for the last Taiye Lake and dare not see him, you should stay in your boudoir and embroider it honestly. How can you be so confused and talk about it."

When Chu Zhicheng saw that his sister was guilty in front of his father in order to help him exonerate himself, how could he bear the young sister being punished? Fortunately, although his father was angry, he did not be angry with her. He was much relieved. Seeing that Chu Yuanshan had more sadistic love for Ruoxi in his words, he straightened up and opened his mouth to defend her.

"Father, although the child made a mistake in this matter, the prince was too much. His sister was young and simple-minded and wanted to help Dazhou and pray for his father. He scolded his sister indiscriminately and didn't listen to half of the explanation. His sister vomited blood for this."

Speaking of his sister spitting blood, he turned his head to look at Chu Ruoxi on one side and couldn't bear it in his eyes. "You are delicate and the ground is cold. Let your father get up first."

Chu Yuanshan heard that his daughter was scolded by the prince and vomited blood. His face turned dark and his heart was angry. The prince was too good or bad. Anyway, Ruoxi was the crown princess who did not enter the palace. She was still young, so why couldn't he take care of her and take care of it more.

"Zhi Mo, help Miss up first." Seeing that his daughter was delicate and weak, his previous anger also subsided. Thinking that the prince was different from ordinary people, he didn't give him an explanation, and he was afraid that he would not even pass the queen.

He nodded to Chu Ruoxi, "Ruoxi, in October after the New Year, you will also be the year of cardamom. After two years of the emperor's imperial decree, you will enter the palace as a concubine. Sooner or later, it will be a matter of mother's world. In the future, you must not be so capricious. You should learn more court etiquette, recuper your temper and behave dignified manners."

"Yes, Ruoxi will follow her father's teachings!" Chu Ruoxi stood up, his eyes drooped slightly, and humbly said yes.