Blood Eater

Chapter 16 Let's faint together

"It's so good." The queen was overjoyed and didn't expect the prince's original intention, "Come here, serve the prince to change his clothes."

On the moon, the night was getting colder. Chu Ruoxi's legs were almost paralyzed, cold and hungry. She knelt alone under the jade steps. Occasionally, the palace people who came and went carefully bypassed her side, but silently as if she did not exist, which made Chu Ruoxi's heart rise with a trace of anger.

Turning to think about it, his anger faded, and there was a chance in his heart. The prince was ambitious, but he was not a mature and knew how to endure the restrained emperor.

He couldn't calm down and was in a hurry to demonstrate to the Chu family, but he didn't know that the Chu family was deeply rooted. In order to protect himself, he could only jump over the wall in a hurry, and the king and minister's goal was just around the corner.

And this is the result that Chu Ruoxi expects today.

As she was thinking about it, a seductive vegetable fragrance floated faintly. As the palace people who passed the meal quickly past her, her intestines were knotted. She could not stand the stimulation, and her stomach involuntarily protested and cooed.

Cold! Hungry!

Chu Ruoxi looked at the jade steps in front of him and did not squint. I endured it! Your prince is not very old, but his heart is vicious. But in terms of scheming, it's always a little worse.

When the prince withdrew from the banquet, Chu Ruoxi grabbed a little maid who was going to flash by her. Her voice was weak and her eyes were blurred. She said intermittently, "Auntie, help me tell...Prince...Your Highness, I...I'm dizzy." After saying that, his hand slid down weakly.

The little maid looked frightened when she heard the words, thinking that His Royal Highness was annoyed with you and asked me to send a message. Isn't she looking for death?

Chu Ruoxi is not an ordinary person. She doesn't go to send a message. If something happens at that time, she can't afford it. She hesitated for a moment and said, "Girl, please wait a moment."

The little maid turned back to the Longxiang Hall and asked the eunuch at the door to send a message. The eunuch also hesitated a little, looked at Chu Ruoxi, and then turned into the room.

Chu Ruoxi smiled and bowed his head to play with his fingers.

Only for a moment, the eunuch came out and sent a message, "Girl, Your Highness has just fallen asleep. The Empress took good care of the Prince. She was tired and slept in the warm pavilion. Please forgive me. I dare not disturb the two masters."

The eunuch bent down at Chu Ruoxi and retreated to the door of the palace, no longer paying attention to Chu Ruoxi.


The intermittent cough sounded in front of the empty Longxiang Hall, and the cool breeze suddenly rose, and the palace guarding the door couldn't help trembling.

After a fragrant look, Chu Ruoxi felt that the sourness in her nose was getting stronger and stronger. Almost, she raised her hand and looked at the closed door, "Your Highness... I..." A few eager coughs, her body softened, and she fell down to one side. "Father save me..."


Chu Ruoxi fainted and closed her eyes, scaring the palace people. The eunuchs looked at each other and still dared to run to report to the empress and the crown prince.

"How could this happen? Why didn't you guys report it early?"

The queen placed the fainted Chu Ruoxi in the Qingyao Palace near the Longxiang Hall and summoned the imperial doctor to come for medical treatment. Hearing that Chu Ruoxi was stained with wind and cold, causing old diseases, she couldn't bear to faint. She was so angry that she wanted to issue a decree to blame the palace people on duty.