Blood Eater

Chapter 19 It's getting late

"Shh, hide quickly."

Chu Ruoxi was a backhanded man who wanted to get rid of the person behind him, but sadly found that he was not Guo Yanran from his previous life. The hands that pressed her body could not shake at all. She felt that he was harmless, so she relaxed a little.

Chu Ruoxi stared at the man beside him and doubted that he was so bold. In this palace, he hid here in the middle of the night without fear of death.

In the darkness, two stars flashed like a meteor in the night sky. I couldn't see his face clearly. I just felt that he was looking at myself and said in a serious tone, "Don't tell them that I'm here. If I find Xiaohei, I will go back."

Chu Ruoxi glanced at a few lights not far away and gently "wooed" to signal him to let go. He hesitated for a moment, as if he was worried, and then said, "Don't tell your father that your father will scold me."


With a loose mouth, Chu Ruoxi took a deep breath and looked sideways at the man. In the dimness, he felt that he should be sixteen or seven years old. Against the afterglow of the fire, a nobleness emanating from his bones appeared on his white face. He was dressed in a navy blue robe, and the brocade gold silk showed a little golden light. It was by no means a palace costume. She was shocked and said, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"I... my father ordered me to live here, so I live here? Who are you?"

Chu Ruoxi stood up in shock and didn't care what he said for a moment, "Are you the prince?"

When the teenager saw her get up, he also stood up straight, frowned and looked at Chu Ruoxi, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then said, "Yes."

With deep puzzlement, he turned his head slightly and looked at Chu Ruoxi doubtfully, as if Chu Ruoxi asked, which was even more strange.

Only then did Chu Ruoxi find that he was much taller than himself. After thinking that he was a traitor, the misery of the palace came to her mind, and the hatred in her heart arose, and the teenager in front of her still looked at herself innocently.

Chu Ruoxi bit her lower lip, her fists tightened, and the hatred in her eyes flashed away and lowered her head. Now is not the time to be angry. She bumped into the enemy. How to explain and how to get out is the top priority.

"" It seems that he doesn't know her. Chu Ruoxi is a little calm. It's so dark that he may not see her clearly. As long as he gets out first and waits out of the palace, and won't admit it in the future, no one can do anything about it. "It's getting late. Your Highness has no other orders. I'll leave first."


When Chu Ruoxi saw that he was a little strange, she was suspicious and found an excuse to get out, and there was a cat call. The corners of his mouth smiled, and a row of snow-white appeared in the darkness, a little excited. "Xiaohei, I'm here."

He left Chu Ruoxi and found it with a trace of joy in his words, "Xiaohei, I finally found you."

After saying that, his mouth "targeted" towards the place where the cat barked.

"Over there, over there." Hearing the movement on this side, the palace people gathered around with the palace lamp.

"Third Highness? Is that you, Your Highness?" A small eunuch recognized the teenager at a glance. He was a little excited and his words were even more relaxed. "Quick, the Third Highness is here."

"Shh, don't come here, Xiaohei is here." He was a little dissatisfied with the approach of the palace people and waved his hands repeatedly.

Chu Ruoxi's eyes flashed and looked at the young man's back with a sharp light in his eyes. Third Highness? The remnants of the future generations of the damn traitor Yang Zicheng.

Chu Ruoxi stretched out her hand and wiped her lips that had just been covered by his hand. While everyone was attracted by the sudden appearance of the teenager, she quietly hurried away through the night.

Fortunately, there were not many people in the Zhengde Palace and did not encounter any trouble. She returned to the Qingyao Palace, which was thrilling. The fifth update was approaching. The slaves in the Qingyao Palace began to get up and prepare to serve her master, and she was almost bumped into several times.

Chu Ruoxi returned to the room, and the incense burner was fragrant. The eunuch and maids who brushed her had never woken up. She smiled in her heart and it was time to help them with the antidote.

I took out a little spice from the sachet and added it to the incense burner before lying back. After tossing for so long, I was really sleepy, but I couldn't sleep. The shadow of the teenager flashed in my mind and frowned. How could there be a prince in the palace?

I didn't feel it at first, but now I think about it, why is what he said so naive!

Unconsciously, she stretched out her hand to the cloth in her arms. Before she came to take it out, there was the sound of britling footsteps. She quickly lay down and closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"You bastard, why do you sleep so much one by one?"

Hearing the sound, it was Mother Zhang beside the Empress. She kicked up the palace man who was asleep leaning on the chair lap. Those poor palace people hurriedly pleaded guilty in a daze.

"For good, the Empress is pitiful and ordered the old slave to come to visit the little lady of the Chu family. If you are so neglectful, what's wrong with the little lady, you ten heads can't bear the blame."

M Mother Zhang's voice was thin, but she was very harsh, and the palace people were scared to kowtow their heads desperately.

She hummed softly, so that the palace people did not dare to ask any more. She gently walked to Chu Ruoxi's bed and saw that she could not wake up. She gently called out, "Little lady, little lady."

Chu Ruoxi muttered a sentence, but no one heard it clearly, which made Mother Zhang very anxious. She hurriedly let go, "Doctor, please take a closer look. The little lady was very good."

Dr. Zeng was on duty. Before dawn, she was summoned by the queen to the imperial hospital. Knowing that the identity of the person lying ** was unusual, she came forward to explore her pulse carefully.

After confirming that she was carefree, she nodded to Mother Zhang, "Please rest assured that Miss Chu has recovered and is fine. When she wakes up, she will order someone to send soup, and it will be fine today."

Mother Zhang's eyes lit up and said, "Thank you for your hard work. I'm going to ask the Empress to rest assured."

"The subordinate immediately went to prepare the soup and left first."

Mother Zhang sent Dr. Zeng out with a smile and taught the palace attendants a few words before hurriedly leaving.

Chu Ruoxi lay on **, her eyes turned under her eyes, and secretly thought in her heart: It seems that she fainted in the palace, and the queen and the prince are still afraid of the Chu family, but they don't know what Chu Yuanshan is thinking?

If this incident can create an irreparable break between Chu Yuanshan and the royal family, even a small crack will not be in vain to kneel in the Longxiang Hall for so long.

Chu Zhicheng saw it and said angrily to Zhimo, "Yesterday you accompanied Xi'er to the palace. Come on, what's wrong with Xi'er?"

Zhimo came forward and only whispered, "back to the prince" and was interrupted by Chu Ruoxi.

She took Chu Zhicheng's hand and reluctantly smiled, "Xier is fine, and the prince is also very good. The empress told me that when I feel better and then take me to the palace, this matter is over."