Blood Eater

Chapter 51 Can't Breathe

The stupid words of the third prince Yang Yiping made Chu Ruoxi give him a white eye from the bottom of his heart. If he can't defeat these assassins, will he still be ordered to complain to your father?

"Your Highness's idea is excellent. At present, it's important to save your life first."

Yang Yiping grinned and looked very loving, "Sister Ruoxi, I will protect you."


There was a sarcasm laugh, and the man known as Lao Wu chased him so tightly. "What a pair of bitter mandarin ducks make your grandfather panic and difficult to do it."

"Give it to me." Yang Yiping suddenly said.

Chu Ruoxi didn't know why, "What?"

"Give me the sword." Yang Yiping took the sword in Chu Ruoxi's hand and looked angry, "This man is so annoying. I killed him so that he won't chase us."

Chu Ruoxi quickly stopped him, "No, you can't beat him."

Yang Yiping looked behind him an uncantly and ran faster. "Sister Ruoxi, all three of them are here."

He was a little anxious and kept swinging the sword in his hand and splitting the obstacles on the road. In this way, the branches cut off by the sword effectively slowed down the three people chasing behind.

"Your Highness..." There is a kind of despair in Chu Ruoxi's voice. If you remember correctly, this is the cliff of the West Mountain and there is no way to go.

In front of us is a dark and deep nihilistic space, with an abyss under its feet. The shadow in the opposite void is a mountain peak. The two have no wings and can't fly over.

"Run, let's see where you are going?" Lao Wu's proud laughter was particularly mysterious on the edge of this empty cliff, which made people shudder.

Behind him, two pairs of cold eyes stared at Yang Yiping, like a eagle hovering in the air. The target locked the old hen on the ground and waited for a fatal blow.

"I'll kill you." Yang Yiping beside him suddenly broke out and rushed to the nearest Lao Wu. The sword in his hand danced loudly and there were no rules, but he forced Lao Wu to retreat repeatedly.

Chu Ruoxi stood on the edge of the cliff and was shocked by Yang Yiping's crazy measures. The explosive power of the fool really can't be underestimated.

Lao Wu noticed that Yang Yiping had no martial arts skills, and quickly stabilized his body and smiled, "I said how powerful your surname is Yang. It turned out that it was so bad that there was not even a person who could get on the stage. Send a fool to help the dog emperor."

Huiming, who was blindfolded, looked at Yang Yiping coldly, raised his arm and stopped the man behind him. "Let Lao Wu go by himself. The dog emperor owes Lao Wu, and he will ask for it himself."

The man turned his head and walked towards Chu Ruoxi, his eyes full of murderousness, and his body was very similar to the pure round little Shami.

Chu Ruoxi's heart is pounding. Will he be the person he is looking for?

"The treacherous minister is unjust, and the phoenix eats blood!"

The long sword that was about to be cut on Chu Ruoxi stopped suddenly because of her words, and even Lao Wu, who fought with Yang Yiping, was stunned for a moment.

Only the fool Yang Yiping present was not harassed by this sentence. Give him a chance, and the fool can also turn the world around.

"Pu", Lao Wu hummed, Yang Yiping's long sword stabbed him without hesitation, the blood sword was pulled out, and Yang Yiping made up a sword...

"Old Five!"

Huiming rushed up, forced Yang Yiping with one slap, and rescued Lao Wu.

The masked man in front of Chu Ruoxi saw Lao Wu injured and shouted "Five Uncle" in a hurry. He split down on Chu Ruoxi, "I killed you traitors."


Yang Yiping exclaimed, and the long sword in his hand flew out and went straight into the masked man who wanted to attack Chu Ruoxi. He ran desperately and rushed to Chu Ruoxi, who was already stupid and did not know how to avoid.

At the moment when the masked little Shami and Chu Ruoxi may die, Huiming shouted, "Be careful."

A strong wind came from the air, bringing Yang Yiping's long sword with dead leaves and remnants, with amazing strength...

Chu Ruoxi felt as if he had been pushed violently, and his body involuntarily stepped back two steps. One of his center of gravity was unstable and fell backwards - there was a bottomless abyss behind him.

Yang Yiping came on his body and stretched out his hand to her, but saw that he was getting farther and farther away from her, and the anxiety in his eyes disappeared.

"Your Highness."

Chu Ruoxi, who fell into the abyss, couldn't help calling Yang Yiping in despair. For the first time, he felt so helpless and helpless.

Chu Ruoxi feels that she will die ugly and will be smashed to pieces...

"Ruoxi..." A voice sounded above her head. She opened her eyes wide and looked at the fast-falling dark shadow, and her eyes were hot. "Fool!"


I'm freezing to death!

What a familiar feeling - she sank into the bottomless abyss, and the cold and piercing water squeezed up from all directions, making her unable to breathe, so cold, so cold!

"Bang" was another huge sound of water, which made Chu Ruoxi in the water suddenly wake up and fell into the water.

She dived desperately into the lake.


The lake is rippled, and a figure is floating and sinking.

"Your Highness!"

Chu Ruoxi shouted excitedly and quickly swam towards him.

Damn dry duck, don't move if you can't swim.

The lake is very large and the lake is cold. It took her a lot of effort to drag Yang Yiping to the shore. In the darkness, the gem on his purple and gold crown emitted a faint light.

I vaguely saw his pale face, his blue and purple lips closed, and he closed his eyes and didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

"Your Highness!"

I fainted. I was scratching like a night owl in the water just now. Why did I become a lying corpse as soon as I got ashore?

"Your Highness, wake up! Third Highness."

A trace of fear flashed in Chu Ruoxi's heart for no reason. He would not really drown like this.

"Damn it, if you die, you have to let me chop your claws and die again."

Thinking that in order to save him to go ashore, his magic claws ate a lot of her tofu.

Chu Ruoxi put him flat on the ground and pressed his stomach. The water overflowed from his mouth, but he still didn't wake up. His body was getting colder and colder.

Looking at his blurred face, a chill surged from the bottom of his heart to his whole body, eroding his limbs and bones. Will he die like this...

Fear, deep fear!

At the moment she fell off the cliff, there was only despair and no fear in her heart.

She was very excited and more happy to see his figure fall into the lake with her. The fool jumped down without hesitation in order to be with her.

With his clenched fists released, Chu Ruoxi bent down.

His lips are cold and cold, but she feels very secure.

The coldness was slowly eroded by the heat. Chu Ruoxi forgot everything and had only one thought in her heart. Give him the air and not let him die.

She took a deep breath, pulled his cheek, and slowly sent it to her mouth.

Tears slipped quietly and dripped on the face of the man under her. She didn't know, inhale, cross the air...

"Wow, is it... raining?"

The vague words made Chu Ruoxi happy, " woke up!"

She wanted to straighten up, but fell heavily on Yang Yiping's body.

It was not very real in the dark, but Yang Yi's dark eyes were close to him and turned around, "Are you Ruoxi's sister?"

When did he wake up?

And the damn Yang Yiping, his hand pressed on her waist, which is why she remembered but was crushed by his strength.

"I'm so dizzy... Is it raining? Why is my face so wet, ah! My clothes are all soaked.

Yang Yiping's body moved, Chu Ruoxi fell on him and felt the subtle changes in his body, and his hand slid on her wet back, which made her creepy.

"In hell! You apprentice, let me go."

Chu Ruoxi opened his hand with a "bang" and sat up, blushing with anger. Fortunately, it was a dark night, and her shy expression really couldn't look directly.

Yang Yiping looked panicked and suddenly hugged Chu Ruoxi: "No, I don't want to be in hell. Mourning said that there are many evil spirits in hell."

If it can be repeated, Chu Ruoxi will choose to let this oily fool drown in the deep pool behind him. When he wakes up, he knows what he has just done to him.

"Let go of me, you idiot." Chu Ruoxi pushed him away and said angrily, "Sit down, fool. Who let you jump down? Do you know you will fall to death?"

"sister Ruoxi, I... want to be with you."


Yang Yiping saw Chu Ruoxi looking at him and saying nothing, and said timidly, "If I don't come down, I can't be with you. I was almost suffocated when I dreamed just now. Fortunately, you came and gave me a lot of delicious food. I was so happy that I didn't feel uncomfortable at once.

"Dreams are all fake." Chu Ruoxi stood up and really hope he didn't know anything. The body is thrilling, shivering with cold, cold!

Just now, I only cared about saving people and lost my temper and didn't care. Now I just want to explore the environment, but I find that I can't stand the cold.

"It's so cold!" She trembled her hands and stopped Yang Yiping from approaching. She looked up at the sky. The night sky was small, but beautiful. With a little starlight, she could not see the moon.

"Sister Ruoxi, I'm also very cold. There don't seem to be any bad people here. Let's go back."

Chu Ruoxi's expression changed slightly and resisted the impulse. It's not okay. Now it's just a temporary expedient measure to save him alone...

"Your Highness, can you still go?"

Chu Ruoxi doesn't know if Yang Yiping will understand that the two fell under the cliff. Nothing is light at night and may not be able to go out.


He answered very simply.

"Let's go."

The two failed to find a way out. What's more sad is that the two masters have no firestones, no fire source, and no light. The two are trapped in endless darkness.

After leaning against a big stone under the cliff, Chu Ruoxi gave up the search for the blind lamp and touched the fire and sighed faintly.

In the dark, the gems on Yang Yiping's head glowed softly, making her heart feel a little at ease, at least not alone.

"Wangle, huh."

"What's the sound?"

Chu Ruoxi involuntarily reached out and grabbed Yang Yiping.

Yang Yiping looked at the lake behind him and was a little uneasy: "Ruoxi, is there something in the water? Isn't it true that we have gone to hell?"

When is it? He still said this nonsense to scare the girls.

"Nonsense." Chu Ruoxi scolded him and helped him strengthen himself.

stared at the surface of the water and couldn't see clearly, but the sound of water lingered nearby. Her heart was raised. There was really something in the water, and it was not a small thing.

"Your Highness, don't move." Chu Ruoxi whispered in Yang Yiping's ear and secretly pulled a stone in his hand.