Blood Eater

Chapter 123 The Temptation of Meat

Yang Yiping was a little embarrassed. Several brocade robes were scratched, silver red on his elbows, bright red blood spread to his wrists, and the hem of the right corner of the robe was even worse, and the scars on his calves could be faintly seen.

When he saw Chu Ruoxi, he raised his eyebrows and looked proud. He shook the rabbit's ears at her. He quickly stepped forward and sent it to her, "Look, it's so fat!"

The rabbit trembled with fear and made a sad "squeak" sound.

Chu Ruoxi was not in the mood to talk to the rabbit and reached out to stroke his injured arm. "What's the matter? Does anyone want to assassinate you?"

She always felt that the queen had sent people to follow her, trying to poison the "stupid" prince in this wilderness so as not to stay in the palace.

Yang Yiping smiled heroically and waved his arm to signal that nothing had happened. "Don't worry, it was just being teased by this bad rabbit. It ran to the cliff desperately, causing me to step into the air and almost fall to death."


Chu Ruoxi looked at Yang Yiping suspiciously. He was as light as a swallow, and the high wall may not trap him. Even if there is a cliff, it should not hurt like this!

Yang Yiping seemed to see the suspicion in her heart and stuffed the rabbit into her hand. "Don't guess. If you don't want to catch a rabbit to make you happy, and there is nothing else in your eyes, how can that small cliff fall to me?"

"No, you shed a lot of blood. You can't catch a cold like this. Let's go back to the palace first and find an imperial doctor to help you treat you!"

Chu Ruoxi held the rabbit in her hand and refused to delay any longer. She must ask Yang Yiping to return to the palace.

"It's not easy to go to the paddock, but I didn't even see a tiger or robe. I went back like this. When my father asked, I didn't have the face to answer. No, I'm going to go to the headhunting tiger and take off the tiger's skin and give it to my father as a cushion!"

"Nonsense! The emperor didn't come. Those fierce beasts are not so easy to see. Don't cringe. If you don't follow me back to find the imperial doctor, I... I will ignore you.

Chu Ruoxi returned the rabbit in his hand to Yang Yiping and was annoyed: "Give it back to you, I don't even want your life for a rabbit. It turns out that your king of Jin is so promising, and I dare not take your life to get back!"

"Are you really angry? Okay, okay, I'll go back with you. You keep the rabbit. I don't want to be laughed at: the king of Jin broke into the paddock with fierce momentum, but he didn't even catch a rabbit, so he ran away.

Yang Yiping accompanied her smiling and flattering good-behaved appearance, which made Chu Ruoxi angry and funny. She held the rabbit in her arms, gently stroked its back, and pouted, "Say the ugly words again. No matter how fat the gray is, you are not allowed to fight with the "king" with it. I want to eat and live well."


Yang Yiping came to his senses. First, he was funny, but his handsome face turned black. "Ruoxi, you actually compare me with the 'king'. He is a beast, and I am the handsome prince of the Zhou Dynasty! Don't go... Make it clear..."

Chu Ruoxi held the 'huihui', kicked the horse in the stomach, ran far away, and giggled, "The prince and the king are indeed right! The maidservant took a step forward and didn't serve him.

Not long after saying that, Chu Ruoxi regretted it. Yang Yiping's equestrianism was far above her, and the kicking horse caught up in a blink of an eye. She couldn't help but wonder why the prince who did not walk out of the door in the past could ride the horse so well?

Yang Yiping turned his head and smiled ghostly, "Who told you that the master didn't say to leave, so I can escape first!"

Chu Ruoxi slowed down and changed the topic, "I dared to ask the master. The horse is so bumpy that your wound is not in the way, right?"

"Ha ha, why did you say this again?" Yang Yiping smiled and said, "It's just a little scratched. It doesn't matter, but when you go back like this, I'm afraid you will be scolded by your father. It's better for your sister Ruoxi to help you at that time!"

Churuoxi frowned, put away the joke, and was a little worried: "The two of us broke into the paddock. You are quite injured, but it's really difficult to cross the emperor. You are a 'fool'. How can you get through your injury?"

"Don't worry about this. Just say that the horse is unruly. My equestrian is mediocre, and I'm just thrown off the horse!"

All people and horses are united, and the equestrian skills are not good!

Chu Ruoxi slandered in her heart. After thinking about it, it was really reasonable to say this. It was good to go to catch rabbits and hurt him. Emperor Yongle pitied his son and was afraid that he would resent him, the woman who bewitched him to catch rabbits!

"Well, that's all!"

The two returned to Shangdexing Palace, and as a result, someone with intention reported their whereabouts to the emperor.

Emperor Yongle scolded a few words, and still felt pity for Yang Yiping. He, who ordered his attendant, to take good care of the king of Jin, and announced the paddock hunting three days later!

Chu Ruoxi's mind moved, and Emperor Yongle announced the hunting time early. I'm afraid that these days will seem calm, and I don't know how many people will secretly enter the fence.

She always felt that Yang Yiping's injury was not so simple, and it was not like she had shed so much blood in a fight with others, but it was like she found that she had touched some mechanism in the paddock and became like this.

It's just that Yang Yiping has something to hide from himself and doesn't want to say it.


"The emperor ordered to hunt three days later. Although his father arranged it himself, he can't say that he is fully sure. Today, he circled around the paddock with the king of Jin. There must be some secrets about his injury. I think Phoenix Yu should still keep his hand in case of emergency."

Qiao Alin stood behind Chu Ruoxi and nodded, "Alin will follow the instructions of the lady and then arrange it. In order to ensure that everything goes well, the second head has asked the second head to help the mountain to help the young lady. The open and secret cooperation will not make the dog emperor better!"

"Is the master coming to the palace?"

Chu Ruoxi was slightly surprised. Master Huiming, a Taoist monk in Tianen Temple, was the head of Fenghuang Yuer, which really shocked her. The royal family respected him very much. He came to the palace and really added wings to the hunting of the prince this time.

"Yes, now I'm drinking tea with the emperor!"

Qiao Alin was a little puzzled that Chu Ruoxi did not kill the emperor directly. "With our current power and the same opportunity, we can completely eliminate the dog emperor. Why didn't you order to take action?"

A trace of hatred flashed in Chu Ruoxi's smart eyes and sighed gently, "Not yet. If the emperor dies, the prince will naturally ascend the throne. Even if he is not the prince, he is mostly Prince Rui. Both of them are more difficult to deal with than Yongle Emperor."

She comforted Qiao Alin: "Don't worry, the dog emperor must die. The Zhou Dynasty will definitely be subverted by Daqi."

"Miss is very right, but..."

Joe Arlington didn't seem to be sure.

Chu Ruoxi frowned slightly: "But there are some mistakes, but it's okay to say it!"

"In a hurry, I'm not sure. It seems that the man who made friends with the young lady also came to the palace?"

"Good friends? You mean..."

Chu Ruoxi's face is unhappy. What does it mean to make friends?

"That's the masked man!"


Chu Ruoxi's eyebrows jumped, and it was indeed the "dragon shadow" to protect the royal family, and he did not fall a step!

"Alin is not sure that his figure is extremely fast, which can be said to be a flash. If Alin's invisibility is excellent, I'm afraid it will be difficult to detect his existence, but his long loose hair, even if it is in a hurry, will be impressive."

Chu Ruoxi frowned and looked at the ethereal cigarette curling up in the room, and her face was a little dark.

"Alin, Liang Ziyang's identity is still uncertain. At present, there is a way to try first, but his martial arts skills are unfathomable. I'm afraid that if he is a little careless, it will be difficult to get out, so he should prepare well!"

"Miss, don't worry, if you can't deal with him with real knives and guns, and the cartilage fragrance of the twelve sisters Shasha can be used. She is the descendant of the most popular disciple of the owner of the Chenxiang Pavilion in those years. Although she was finally expelled from the owner of the Chenxiang Pavilion, she has learned enough."

Qiao Alin's words made Chu Ruoxi show her eyebrows slightly. She nodded gently, but did not say her worries.

The woman in purple beside Liang Ziyang's soul fragrance is far more powerful than the fragrance of cartilage. She looks more like the direct descendant of the owner of the Xiangxiang Pavilion. I'm afraid that the trick of the twelve sisters is not as good as her.

"That's good. Unfortunately, Lao Wu, Lao Liu and other leaders have exposed their identities because of the Tian'en Temple and dare not let them participate in this action. At present, they can only work hard. I have a way to deal with Liang Ziyang. You should act separately at that time. Remember not to fight hard and retreat completely is the best strategy!"

Chu Ruoxi and Qiao Alin explained that it was already dark. Emperor Yongle held a banquet in the palace, and the crown princess was naturally the guest.

She came and found that Lin Shuangqing had arrived early. She was dressed in moon-white gauze, which may be because of the cold weather. She put on snow feather shoulders and wore a milky pink satin skirt. Her slender waist was not enough to hold, showing her exquisite figure.

A beautiful hair gently pulls the silver jade purple moon hairpin, and is alone in a corner. The elegant figure floats like a fairy. On the contrary, it is fresh among a group of well-dressed women, and the dust-free is eye-catching.

For a moment, she looked at Chu Ruoxi. She smiled and nodded slightly to her. Chu Ruoxi smiled back at her and came forward to visit the emperor and queen.

"sister Ruoxi! You are finally here." Yang Yiping saw Chu Ruoxi, raised his veiled arm and his eyes were shining.

The queen glanced at him dissatisfiedly. The corners of the prince's mouth raised slightly, showing a sarcastic smile, pretending not to see it, and holding up the cup to drink.

Emperor Yongle coughed softly, and Yang Yiping found that he had lost his temper. He looked at Emperor Yongle in fear and dared not call Chu Ruoxi again.

"Ruoxi, your father held a banquet. You are actually late. You should really be punished!"

The prince laughed and sent the wine bottle to Chu Ruoxi. "Drink three cups first. It is rumored that you are so good at drinking. Do you want me to be punished for you?"

The prince set a punishment and took the initiative to help her receive the punishment. The indescribable ambiguity between talking and laughing fell in the eyes of Emperor Yongle and the queen, only as he flirted with Chu Ruoxi, and his love was suddenly relieved.

Chu Ruoxi sneered in his heart and took the opportunity to block the cup back. "Your Highness cares, Ruoxi dares not disapprove, please help Ruoxi drink three cups!"

The prince gently picked up the cup and smiled, "Okay!"

Chu Ruoxi looked at the prince and drank it all. She only deeply admired his acting skills and felt as if there was an icicle hitting her body. She looked at it casually. She happened to look at a courtier, but he moved the cold and doubtful eyes to him as if nothing had happened.

Seeing the official robe he was wearing, Chu Ruoxi was shocked. How could such a humble minister go to the banquet on such an important occasion!