Blood Eater

Chapter 163 Bullying

She clearly blames, but in fact she is caring. Yang Yi is not really stupid. Of course, she knows what's good or wrong.

"With your words, even if I lose the throne, I am worth it. Ruoxi, come on, don't worry about me. Eat more. If you haven't seen each other for a few days, you have lost weight.

Somewhere in Chu Ruoxi's heart became softer and softer, even if his sweet words were lies, he could not move when he heard "losing the throne, it was worth it".

Yang Yiping kept helping her pick up vegetables and looked at the mountain-like rice bowls. The chopsticks in Chu Ruoxi's hand were extremely heavy. The vows after rebirth were vivid in his eyes, but there was a place in his heart that no longer seemed to belong to him. It was no longer under his control, like a wild horse, like a moth to the fire, going to a place where he couldn't go...< /P>

The old servant entered the house and said something in Yang Yiping's ear. Yang Yiping smiled and nodded.

"Ruoxi, it's getting late. Let's go back to the palace."

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the breeze hits the face without feeling cold, but it feels refreshed. I don't realize it's early summer.

Chu Ruoxi originally wanted to ride a horse alone, but Yang Yiping insisted on refusing, saying that when they were "lost", they obviously rode together. How could they go back and be found and picked up a horse halfway? Didn't he deliberately make life suspicious?

He held Chu Ruoxi's waist in one hand and pulled the reins in the other. The warm breath lingered in her ears and around her neck. She did not feel uncomfortable. Her back was close to his chest and looked at the clear night sky from afar. She tried to convince herself and said to herself: He was a person who could fight with Yang Sheng, stir up the muddy water of Dazhou. You have to use him to restore the country, what is your chastity...

Thinking about it, Yang Yiping suddenly pulled the reins behind him, and the horse under him hissed. Before Chu Ruoxi could react, he fell to the ground with the horse.


Yang Yiping held her in his arms and pulled her whole body into Yang Yiping's body. In addition to being scared, there was nothing wrong. "Your Highness..."

Chu Ruoxi, who was panicked, thought he had met the assassin again and called Yang Yiping in a trembling voice.

The horse fluttered twice, stood up, ran a few steps and shouted a few times, stood on one side and shook the ponytail, but did not leave.

"Ouch!" Chu Ruoxi had Yang Yi's flat back, but only a slight bruise. Yang Yiping under her body let out a scream. She jumped up quickly, "Your Highness, are you all right?"

"I... I'm fine, don't worry." Yang Yiping covered his right elbow, sat up and comforted the panicked Chu Ruoxi, "It's okay, didn't you... fall on you?"

"You are bleeding and said it's okay!" Chu Ruoxi pulled out his handkerchief and wanted to bandage him. "How can this happen? Your equestrian skills are good. This is just a small slope. How can you fall so miserably?"

Yang Yiping's brocade robe was scratched by the small shrubs and stones on the ground, and his elbows were even more red. Chu Ruoxi, who was crying anxiously, explained, "It's okay, Ruoxi, here is a little far from the capital, but even if I, a fool can't tell the difference between southeast and northwest, I still have you. Don't do anything and break the skin. I'm afraid I can't hide it. Father."

"You mean...did it on purpose?" Chu Ruoxi's face suddenly darkened, reflecting the cold moonlight becoming more and more ugly. "If you want to deceive the emperor, you don't have to throw yourself as a dead pig, just in case..."

"Woo..." Chu Ruoxi was angry, but his words were strangled by Yang Yiping with extremely despicable and shameless means. He took advantage of her unpreparedness and directly gagged her mouth, "You... want to die!"

It was not easy for Chu Ruoxi to push him away, but his raised palms could not fall down. He raised his bleeding arm pitifully, "You look angry... It's very cute. I know it's wrong, but... You see, it was very painful, but when I kissed you, the wound was healed."

It was a completely shameless defense. Chu Ruoxi annoyed him and was amused by his stupid appearance. He pushed his palm and stood up, "You are a scoundrel, I don't bother to pay attention to you."

After saying that, no matter how Yang Yiping begged for mercy, he pretended not to look back and looked around. The terrain here was uneven and desolate. How could Yang Yiping make Qiao Alin not suspicious and successfully find himself?

"Don't worry, your people will find us soon." Yang Yiping seemed to guess what she was thinking. He jumped up and stood up, walked to her side, and put a wisp of hair blown by the wind in her ear behind her ear.

This subtle action made Chu Ruoxi's body tremble, and the feeling of acquaintance hit his heart. Qin Muhan in his previous life...

She turned her head and pushed him away, "Don't touch me!"

Yang Yiping staggered back a few steps before standing firmly, which surprised Chu Ruoxi, "What's wrong with your feet?"

He limped up and asked, "Ruoxi, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Ruoxi's sudden indifference made him uncomfortable. The feeling of not being able to completely capture her and completely approaching her heart has always been there. At that moment, it became more and more intense.

Chu Ruoxi opened the topic, "This time I can feel at ease. Seeing you like this, it's too late for the emperor's heartache. How can he be willing to blame and doubt you!"

"Here we are, Ruoxi." There was a faint sound of horseshoes, and Yang Yi flattened some blood on Chu Ruoxi's skirt. "Both of them are injured and can't ride horses, so they get lost and can't go back..."

"No, there is more than one group of people." Chu Ruoxi subconsciously grabbed Yang Yiping's clothes, "Is there still a fight?"

"The assassin led Qiao Alin here. Don't worry, it's okay."

So that's it. Chu Ruoxi followed the reputation. Presumably, the so-called assassin was just his people pretending to be.

Yang Yiping whistled gently, and his horse ran over. He held the reins and patted the horse's buttocks. The horse raised its head and sounded.

Yang Yiping pulled out the "Longyin" sword, reflecting a cold light shining in the night.

Soon, the sound of horses' hoofs ran towards his two places.

"Miss, is that you?"

Joe Alin was not sure and asked from afar.

"Alin... I'm here!" Chu Ruoxi waved to him happily, "I'm here."

Yang Yiping smiled at her with satisfaction, "It's up to you how to act when you go back to the palace."

Seeing the two people in confusion, Emperor Yongle's anger subsided a lot.

He looked tired, and his eyes looked at Yang Yiping like stars in the night sky, with a faint light. Pinger, where have you been with Ruoxi? How did you get hurt like this? Why don't you go back to the palace early?"

"Father, I... I didn't protect Ruoxi's sister..."


Prince Rui, who had been cold when he came back, let out a dissatisfied and hummed more disdainfully. Although it was slight, it still fell into Chu Ruoxi's ears.

In front of the overall situation, Chu Ruoxi's confused son and daughter's private affairs are much more sober. They want to fool the emperor, accommodate the king of Jin, and win the sympathy of the king of Rui, so that he misunderstand that he is not willing to be with the king of Jin. It is really not easy to do these things.

"Your Majesty, the king of Jin...he..." Chu Ruoxi interrupted Yang Yiping's words, with tears in her eyes, looking at Emperor Yongle's pitiful appearance, but just "he...he..." couldn't say the following words.

"Ruoxi, but Ping'er bullied you?" Seeing her aggrieved appearance, the queen glanced at Yang Yiping with dissatisfaction and asked her.

Chu Ruoxi's words made the queen laugh and cry, "Your Highness... He can't ride a horse at all and throw me to death. He is a fool!"

On Yongle Emperor's tired face, his eyebrows flashed, coughed twice, and then said, "Don't worry, Ruoxi. I will let the imperial hospital help you diagnose and treat you well. Ping'er is so presumptuous today. I won't spare him. I will definitely help you with this tone and won't let you suffer."

Chu Yuanshan was worried about his daughter and had been in the middle of the news in the palace. He heard that Emperor Yongle spoiled Chu Ruoxi so much and was proud of it, but Yang Yiping was a chess piece he was willing to support the upper position. At this critical moment, how could he have a stain on his body?

"Ruoxi was favored and pity by the emperor, and the old minister was grateful. However, today's matter can't be blamed by His Royal Highness the King of Jin. They are all those slaves who did not take good care of with the bodyguards. Not to mention the loss of His Royal Highness and Ruoxi, they were almost killed by assassins. Please ask the emperor to investigate clearly and don't blame the King of Jin."

When Yongle Emperor heard this, he knew that Chu Yuanshan had the intention to defend the king of Jin, and he was the only one who knew that the king of Jin pretended to be stupid. Of course, he knew that his son would not do such a stupid thing for no reason. He was willing to protect his shortcomings and couldn't find an excuse to let Chu Yuanshan say this. He took the opportunity and nod, "What Chu Qing also said It makes sense. It seems that I have to arrange some good slaves for the king of Jin.

"My father is wise, and the old prince is right. Today's matter is indeed a poor care of me, which made my brother cause so many troubles." When Prince Rui saw that his father did not mention Yang Yiping's injury, he was told by Chu Yuanshan that he had the intention of letting Yang Yiping pass the test smoothly. How could he give up? By helping Yang Yiping escape, he led to Yang Yiping's words of causing trouble.

"Although the emperor's younger brother is resolute, he has always been close to his son and will never do such a ruthless thing as today. The son's minister guessed that it was not the emperor brother who really shot the son. There should be someone else. The son dared to ask his father to investigate clearly and never indulge those evil slaves to damage the emperor."

The words of Prince Rui made Emperor Yongle feel cold. As a flesh-and-law brother, the king of Jin shot his brother regardless of his brotherhood, whether it was for the throne or not, but this ruthless act was unforgivable.

He looked coldly and looked at the king of Jin. Did he misread it? This ten-year stupid prince is not as outstanding as he saw? Is it a person who can kill his own brother for his own benefit?

Yang Yiping's clear and clean eyes met the Yongle Emperor impartially. He looked at the Yongle Emperor indifferently and wanted to explain but could not explain. The message conveyed to Yongle Emperor in his eyes was like asking him to believe him...

"Your Majesty, it's only to blame Ruoxi. His Royal Highness the King of Jin is simple-hearted. He shot arrows at the Prince Rui. He was rebellious and unforgivable, but Ruoxi asked the emperor to forgive the King of Jin." Chu Ruoxi's maintenance of Yang Yiping changed the face of Prince Rui.