Blood Eater

Chapter 214, The Battle of the Trapped Beast

The strange roar that resounded at the bottom of the valley was not strange. Chu Ruoxi was the fierce beast under the valley. On that day, Yang Yiping also started to attack them.

The cry was nearby. She followed the sound. The branches clicked, and the shrubs were crushed and broken. Her face changed greatly and the sky was about to dawn, but the monsters in the valley also came.

At present, the two have no skills and are inferior to ordinary people. How can they escape?


Liang Ziyang had never seen the power of the fierce beast. He actually took a step in the direction of the sound and was pulled by Chu Ruoxi, "Don't go there, dangerous!"

"What a big body!"

Liang Ziyang exclaimed, and the darkness was about to be erased by the light. The faint light fell, and the body of the huge thing was faintly variable. He suddenly woke up, "There are monsters in this damn place. Be careful."

As he spoke, his hand instinctively took Chu Ruoxi into his arms and protected her, "Let's go!"

Liang Ziyang was sensitive and took her to turn around and run away.

Chu Ruoxi's body was soft and slowed down his rhythm. Liang Ziyang staggered with her in his arms and ran to the mountains and forests, hoping to find a hiding place with the lush trees.

The actions of the two shocked the strange screaming monster. Unfortunately, listening to their roar, Chu Ruoxi felt that the monster might be hungry...

"Damn it, why is this thing with such a nose?"

Liang Ziyang cursed angrily. Seeing Chu Ruoxi with a pale face in his arms, he gently tightened her with a panic look. "Don't be afraid. When we get to the forest, there are many trees, and the monster is huge and slow to react, we will find an opportunity to avoid it."


Hiding in this embrace, she was not afraid, and she was even more secretly surprised. Liang Zi**'s basal bone was indeed different from ordinary people. He was also scattered by the cartilage. Looking at him like this, he recovered much faster than herself.

"Be careful!" Chu Ruoxi pulled Liang Ziyang's arm and shouted.

A small fierce beast came out of nowhere and rushed to the two of them with a strange cry.

Liang Ziyang rolled with Chu Ruoxi in his arms and dodged the fatal blow. Looking at the position where the two were standing just now, he had been overwhelmed by a huge monster, and even the branches with thick wrists could not be spared.

"It hurts!"

Chu Ruoxi's back was cut by the gravel on the ground and couldn't help whispering.

Liang Ziyang's appearance was also a little embarrassed. He didn't care about it and hurt her. He felt a little guilty, "Ruoxi, are you okay? I'm..."


Chu Ruoxi threw the sand in his hand and hit the monster. They were rough and useless at all. Fortunately, Liang Ziyang reacted faster. He casually threw stones and straightened the monster's eyes. The monster shouted "Wow... Whoo" and his injured eyes flowed blood. It seemed that it was completely stimulated. Angry.

"No, if it goes on like this, we will die here." Chu Ruoxi pulled the shirt on his chest, "Go to the lake!"

She remembers correctly that these monsters will only be fierce on the shore, but will not escape from the water.

Liang Ziyang's eyes were slightly gloomy, but there was no time for him to think about it. The enraged monster was like a mad demon. It rolled up the leaves and branches on the ground and rushed up with terrible popularity. Other monsters were also stimulated when they saw their companions injured. For a moment, the roar of the valley was deafening, and even the earth was trembling. .

"You hide behind the tree and don't move!"

At the critical moment, Liang Ziyang threw her body behind the tree and dealt with the monster that jumped on her alone.

This is too lifeless.

Chu Ruoxi wanted to stop it, but he couldn't stop it. He shouted urgently, "Liang Ziyang, don't fight hard. Go to the lake. They don't know watery."

It's late! It seems that Liang Ziyang was trying to protect her and lead away the deadly beasts alone. With his "smallness" body, he was far more flexible than those huge things, and even let him run to the opposite place of Chu Ruoxi.

"Ruoxi, don't come out..."

The sky has dawned, and the situation in the valley can be roughly seen.

Chu Ruoxi is no stranger to here. He fell on the water from here with Yang Yiping that day. At present, Liang Ziyang ran in the direction of the cave where Dong Fu lived that day. She was very happy. Since he sent people down early in the morning, those people regularly found a habitable cave and mostly gathered there. The cartilage in Liang Ziyang's house was not completely removed, and his martial arts skills were greatly reduced. It was excellent to have someone to help deal with the beasts.

Things are not as easy as Chu Ruoxi thought. This is the nest of these monsters. They shuttle to the bottom of the valley, and the things in the way are forcibly broken by them. The speed is not comparable to ordinary people. Liang Ziyang didn't run far, and he was directly rushed down from the big monster behind him. He had no weapons in his hand and fought with his bare hands. They were thick skin. Thick, can't do much.

Chu Ruoxi couldn't watch Liang Ziyang being eaten by the monster. He tried his arm strength and found that the sequelae of cartilage were still there, and his body was still weak, but it was much better than before.

She came out and walked towards Liang Ziyang,

"Don't die, go to the lake quickly!"


The cry of the monster drowned Chu Ruoxi's call. The injured one was stoned in the forehead by Liang Ziyang and was stunned and even more angry. Under the siege of other big monsters, Liang Ziyang couldn't take care of it. He saw that the crazy big monster swept Liang Ziyang with a big head like a drum and his long fangs swept in front of him. .

"Liang Ziyang!" Chu Ruoxi looked in her eyes and was anxious. Her heart ached. She thought that Liang Ziyang had suffered something wrong, and tears came out at once.

A silver light danced in the air. After Liang Ziyang's long hair, a red mark crossed his handsome and arrogant face, and blood beads gushed out.

The big monster's fangs flew off his mask, but also left a blood mark on his face.

Chu Ruoxi has never liked the silver mask that is almost inseparable from Liang Ziyang. At this moment, he became his protector!


The man's roar actually covered the monster's roar. He was hurt by the monster's face. Behind the flying hair, his dark face, a pair of blood-red eyes. After the shocking roar, his body was like a flying eagle, rising in the air and jumping directly to the monster that hurt him with unparalleled momentum. Pulling the monster, there was another roar. The branch in his hand was not inferior and inserted directly from the monster's head.

Liang Ziyang's brave appearance stunned Chu Ruoxi. When a person's potential exploded, it was so incredible. Has the cartilage on his body dispersed?

The answer is no.

Liang Ziyang hit, but his physical strength was overdrawn, and the crazy monster was completely crazy. The terrible scream made Chu Ruoxi, who was a little far away, feel frightened, and his huge body rolled on the ground in pain and fell Liang Ziyang to the ground.

Liang Ziyang, who was struggling, was unable to resist other big monsters. Seeing that he was going to suffer a big loss, Chu Ruoxi cried, "Liang Ziyang, please, ignore those beasts and go to the lake immediately!"

At this time, she didn't think so much. There was only one thought in her heart. She must not let the beast hurt Liang Ziyang and took a step and ran to him. "The beast can't be watery. When it's in the water, it will be safe."

"Idiot, who let you come here."

The monster noticed Chu Ruoxi, and one of them left Liang Ziyang and rushed back at her. Liang Ziyang was so angry that he scolded. He picked up a stone and threw it hard at the big monster. He quickly ran to Chu Ruoxi, "Don't come over, go to the water. Let's run together."

At the speed of life and death, Liang Ziyang actually crossed the monster and took Chu Ruoxi's hand and said, "Don't be afraid. When I recover, these beasts will find their own death!"

His hand was as strong as ever, running with her. The blood stains on his cheeks had never dried up and flowed down his neck to his chest. He didn't know how much he had hurt, but his appearance made Chu Ruoxi sad.

From the roar just now, it can be seen that Liang Ziyang cares very much about his face. He has always given people a sense of isolation from the world and a cold place. How can he tolerate being hurt by livestock all the time!


Her mind was all on the injured Liang Ziyang, and he ran with him. It was not until her body cooled down and the splash hit her face that she came to her senses. The two had jumped into the lake!

The fierce beast chasing behind him refused to give up its prey and chased it to the shallow water area on the shore, but did not know that water was their weakness. After trying to go into the water, they did not dare to move forward. Only the big monster stabbed by Liang Ziyang rushed into the water crazily, and the lake was stirred by it.

"Beast!" Liang Ziyang held Chu Ruoxi away from the shore of the lake and was not in his heart. He wanted to go back and give it a fatal blow, which was stopped by Chu Ruoxi.

"You're injured. Don't pay attention to these beasts. Let's go there." Chu Ruoxi pointed to the other side of the lake. The shore of the lake was separated by a cliff, and the big monster could not pass there for a while.

Liang Ziyang held her body, "Okay, are you okay? Don't let go and hold me."

Holding him in the water will only make him feel his hands and feet can't let go. Chu Ruoxi shook his head, "I'm fine. The lake is cold, but it seems to be effective in relieving cartilage powder!"

"Hmm!" Liang Ziyang waded in the water and was careful and alert, as if he didn't pay much attention to her words and responded casually.

Under the cliff is the dark path to leave the tomb of the living dead. Chu Ruoxi looked at the bare stone wall and tightened his heart. Three days will be the day of Prince Yang Yiping's wedding with him. Will he come here to find himself?

"It's so dangerous!"

With a hula, the two stood up from the water. There were many pebbles here, stepping on the bare stone, and the footboard was a little stiff. Liang Ziyang picked her up horizontally. "Be careful of the sharp underground stones and stabbing your feet."

The wet drops of water dripped down his hairline, and the wound on his face was washed by the lake. The light red blood was mixed with drops of water. The wound was not very deep, but it was also terrible enough.

He didn't care about himself, but cared about her being hurt by gravel. There was a faint warmth between her eyebrows. This look, like the person in the previous life, made her heart hot and even more sad: Liang Ziyang is Liang Ziyang, and will not be someone else.

"What are you doing!" Liang Ziyang no longer has a mask on his face. He is not used to being stroked on his face. He turned his head and avoided Chu Ruoxi's fingers, and his eyes became evil. "Look, I'm not free. Do you want to take advantage of me?"