Gate of the Cross

Chapter 11 Skills

It was already night when Xinjie left the arena.

At this time, it was late autumn. Just after the fire season in July, the night was cold and windy, and there was still a bustling flange street during the day. As the night came, it began to gradually calm down. This is also a consistent feature of the city of France. Residents of France have never had the habit of walking on the streets at night, especially on days when there are no festive festivals. Moreover, in this late autumn, most people - whether it is the indigenous people of Fran or those adventurers from the alien world, are more willing to stay in warm and comfortable rooms to roast the heat.

Although there are almost no pedestrians on the streets, the French Avenue is still brightly lit. The city has been known as the "first fortress of the mainland" since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and this name has been circulating throughout the Kingdom of France and even other neighboring countries for thousands of years.

The Adventurer Hotel is open 24 hours a day, but now it has passed dinner time. There are basically no people on the first floor. After ordering the hotel to prepare something to eat for himself, Xinjie returned to his room on the second floor.

Entering the room, when he took off the national sword he had been wearing today and hung it on the wall and sat down to rest, Xinjie felt a burst of fatigue. From getting up this morning to now, he has been busy all day, and he has been through the battle of the trial cave - it was not until then that Xinjie remembered that he still There is a wound.

It's just that the door was pushed open before his stool was hot.

"Xinjie, ha, I knew you would definitely come back first!"

It was Gene who came in. Although he was as tired as Xinjie for a day, he looked excited and inexplicably. "The man in the room next to you was just about to leave, so I booked his room. The rent here is really not expensive. I sold those magic stones to Rococo and paid the rent. Less."

As Gene spoke, he sat down consciously. At this time, Xinjie's food was also delivered. Gene was overjoyed and hungry. He ordered to add a pair of bowls and chopsticks to himself and began to eat.

Xinjie saw his appearance and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"Hmm!" Gene swallowed a mouthful of rice, picked up another spoonful of soup, took a few breaths, and then replied, "Azante, the head of the Knights, oh, it should be called a mentor now. What a great man. He told me a lot about knights!"

Gene carefully took out a badge from his arms, and Xinjie immediately recognized it. It was the same as the apprentice swordsman badge given to him by Disol. The badge part of the kingdom was the same, but the sword above was replaced by a long gun.

How's it going? It looks good, didn't it? The regimental commander said that as long as I can practice well, I will soon be promoted to the official knight. What about you, Xinjie, should also be a swordsman now, right?

Xinjie took out the badge he got from Dissol and handed it to him. Gene took the two badges together and carefully compared them. "Oh, yours is a sword, here you are. By the way, didn't your tutor say anything? My tutor told me a lot about chivalry!"

It seems that Gene was a class for the head of the Knights. Seeing that Gene was eating happily, Xinjie stopped talking. He ate quickly, but not much. After eating, he put down his chopsticks and stood up and went to the window to open the window.

Gene suddenly felt a cold wind blowing. He looked up and saw Xinjie standing by the window. The window was wide open. He seemed to be looking out at something and hurriedly shouted, "It's so cold. Why are you opening the window?"

"Look at the moon." Xinjie said softly. Seeing the moon, I don't know why he thought of his relatives and friends in his world. The earth should be okay, and where is Meiling? Do they think of themselves now?

In the final analysis, there is still a lack of belonging to the world. This kind of thing, even if he has successfully taken office today and officially became a citizen of the Kingdom of France, has not changed.

"What's so beautiful about the moon? I said close the window quickly. Hey, it's really cold!"

Xinjie closed the window, but still stood by the window, turned around and said, "Where are we going tomorrow?"

Gene has almost eaten at this moment. He raised his head and said strangely, "Why do you remember to ask this... But you are right? I think you should learn skills first. After all, the regiment leader has also recommended several skill mentors to me!"

"skills?" After Jean said this, Xinjie took back his memories of the world and Meiling and said, "The president of Disol asked me to find the red moon." Hearing Gene talk about his skills, he remembered Disol's instructions and said it by the way.

"Red moon? The regiment leader also recommended him to me. I heard that he is also here. Why don't we go to see him tomorrow?

Xinjie raised his head and looked at Gene.

"Don't look at me like that!" Gene saw Xinjie looking at him and scratched his hair with some embarrassment. "I think you are relatively calm and seem to give people a very reliable look. Anyway, I am not suitable for that kind of worrying thing. I will listen to you in the future, captain!"

Feeling the sincerity from the bottom of Gene's heart, Xinjie felt that there seemed to be some kind of bond between himself and Gene, and nodded slightly.

"That's it. I'll go to rest first. I'm really tired today. See you tomorrow!"

Turn around and leave, leaving Xinjie a back and a table of cold rice...

The next day.

"Are you the red moon?"

Xinjie and Gene were lucky enough to meet the red moon on the first floor of the Adventurer Hotel.

Like Xinjie, Hongyue has a long sword tied around his waist, but his sword is a slender and exquisite Western sword, which is much better than the bargain in Xinjie's hand.

"Yes, I'm the red moon. What's wrong with you? If you have something to say, just say it quickly. I'm going out on a long trip."

Xinjie's eyes swept over the hand of Hongyue holding the long sword around his waist. His gloves were a little broken and seemed to be some years old, and the soft leather armor, which should have been bright, also seemed to have lost its former luster and protested silently. It seems that its owner's economic situation is not very good recently.

"We want to learn skills from you."

As soon as he heard the word "skill", the impatient tone of the red moon immediately changed, "Skill? Why didn't you say it earlier? Come on, let's sit down and talk slowly.

He suddenly changed his attitude and became extremely enthusiastic. Xinjie and Gene looked at each other. Gene seemed to want to say something, but when he saw Xinjie shaking his head imperceptiblely at him, he put up with it again and sat down with Xingjie to the table with the red moon.

"If you can come to me to learn skills, you should be a reloading profession. Well, a swordsman and a knight are really promising professions! Hahaha..." Hongyue said with a smile as soon as she sat down.

"What skills can you teach us?" Xinjie asked directly.

Red Moon spread out his hands, "The swordsman teenager is really direct. Well, I won't go around the circle. I can teach you how to combo. This is a very important means of combat. If you master this skill, you can attack multiple enemies in one round. After you are familiar with it, the power is very amazing, not just you. Even many of the Tomahawk fighters came to me to learn this skill!"

After listening to his words, Gene asked doubtfully, "Is it so powerful? Why do I think you are exaggerating?

"Youth, this is not an exaggeration at all. You know, the fatal defect of the reloading profession is that there is no effective means to deal with a large number of enemies, although the attack is strong enough. But think about it, how long will it take to deal with a group of demons alone in the wild? After learning combos, a large area can be solved in one round.

Red Moon is like a good teacher teaching. After listening to it, Gene thought about it and felt that what he said seemed to be reasonable, so he nodded.


"Do you mean the learning conditions? Swordsman?" Hongyue smiled at Xinjie and waved her hand gracefully. "There are no conditions. I can learn this triple-packing profession. I'm not Shavat. Even if the archer comes to me with a close weapon, I won't refuse them." Speaking of this, he paused and continued, "Of course, there must be a part of the fee. After all, guiding you to learn skills is also an effort."

His last sentence seems to be a little confident, and Gene doesn't care about it. He just wants to learn this quickly. Although he doesn't understand what it means, it feels like a very powerful skill.

So he immediately asked, "Is it the study fee?" It doesn't matter. How much is it? With that, I'm ready to pay for it. Anyway, it's only dozens of gigabytes at most, but it's a few days' rent. When you learn skills, you can earn it decisively.

"Well, 100G each of you."

Red Moon's words directly made Gene's hand, which had just reached into his arms, stop again, "How much? 100G? Is that right? How dare you ask us for ten days' rent for a skill?

Red Moon seemed to be a little embarrassed when she saw Gene's reaction. "I can't help it. Now there are more and more archers. The kingdom's financial support for the archers' guild is far stronger than that of swordsmen, and it has to make some extra money."

Gene is going to be angry. We are not GDH. You can slaughter it as you want. Unexpectedly, Xinjie next to him has put a bag of gold coins on the table, "200G, ours."

"Xinjie, where did you get the money? No, I mean you don't have to pay for me, no! I mean, why did you give him money? How can a skill be so expensive!"

Xinjie reached out and pressed Gene's shoulder, motioned him to calm down, and turned his head to the red moon, "You will teach us seriously, right?"

"That's natural!" Hongyue took the 200G and looked at Xinjie differently. "It's a good habit to be calm under any circumstances. Well, you follow me."

Watching Red Moon stand up and walk underground - in addition to the first floor to the third floor, the Adventurer Hotel also has the first basement floor, and the Red Moon is now walking towards the first basement floor.

Xinjie gently patted Gene on the shoulder, and Gene also reacted and put away his indigidness. The two followed the red moon down the stairs together.