Gate of the Cross

Chapter 107 The Little Boy Holding His Thighs

As Xinjie said, he only asked Nanali to wait a moment and then walk out of the door.

The blush on Nanali's face has not faded, and the scene just now left a deep impression on her. At the beginning, when she knocked on the door, she didn't think so much at all. She just wanted to tell Xinjie about this matter as soon as she thought, and Xinjie was very calm, which even affected her and made her calm down from the initial panic. But the problem is that when she calmed down, she inevitably noticed the abnormal change in Xinjie's special position. Although she still didn't understand what it meant, she also knew that it was a very shameful thing. After all, she was still a minor girl.

"Let's go to the street." Xinjie said to Nanali, who was still bowing her head, that he was different from Nanali and was not affected by this matter at all.

"Well, okay." Nanali whispered, lowering her head and closely following Xinjie.

When the two came to the street, they found that many people had gathered on the street. They basically had a piece of white paper, which was exactly the kind Nanali had just shown to Xinjie. You don't have to leave the hotel too far to hear their comments:

"Hey, do you think it's true? The flower of life is sighing in the forest?

"I think it's true. You think, the sigh forest is outside the town of Vinoa. Didn't the guild ask us to find the flower of life and give it to the mayor of Vinoa town? Maybe this is the hint of the professional guild!"

"Yes! That's true! Why didn't I think of it before? It's really stupid... But do you know how to get to the Sigh Forest?"

"I don't know. I haven't even heard it before."

"What should I do?"

"What should I do? Of course, let's go to Vinoa Town first! Whether it's true or not, it's better than guessing here!"

"Yes, I heard that all the combat professional places in the city, as well as bars, banks, hospitals and other places with more people, have received this paper. I don't know who did it?"

"No one has anything to do with us. Anyway, we just need to become regular. Go and contact your friends! Who knows how many flowers of life there are? In case you go late and are finished by others, will you be miserable? Are you willing to wait for the next time to become a regular?

"What are you kidding? Next time is next year!"

"That's fine, let's go!"


Such a conversation is being staged in more than one place in France, and more and more people have begun to organize teams and rush to the town of Vinoa. Presumably, the tourism industry in the town of Vinoa will be booming for a while.

"It seems that we don't have to inform others." Xinjie saw this situation and said, "It won't be long before they know." He also cares about Yayi Zhixia and Gao Moyang, but he doesn't have to inform them in this situation. At this speed, the news will soon reach them. Presumably they should set out with the adventurers of Arute Village, right?

"They are coming."

At this time, Xinjie saw Gene and Snow Dragon Soul walking together not far away.


Nanali suddenly raised her head and said, "Promise me something."

She spoke quickly and in a hurry, and Xinjie almost didn't hear it.

"What's the matter?"

"Don't tell them what happened just now, for sure!" Nanali tried to make her tone look more normal, "Otherwise, otherwise..."

Nanali thought for a long time and didn't come up with anything that could threaten Xinjie. Finally, she gritted her teeth and said directly, "...Otherwise, I will never talk to you again!"

What kind of threat is this?

Although he was very puzzled by Nanali's behavior, Xinjie nodded, "I know."

Hearing Xinjie's promise, Nanali was relieved. Maybe he wouldn't care, but Nanali valued this matter very much. With Xinjie's personality, he may regard this as an insignificant little thing. Isn't it shameful then?

"Oh, that's great, saved." Nanali patted her chest and said.

"What is saved?"

At this time, Gene and the Snow Dragon Soul also came closer. Gene happened to hear Nanali's words and asked doubtfully.

"Nothing... By the way, how's it going?" Nanali quickly changed the topic when she heard Gene ask about this.

When it comes to this matter, Gene also put down his curiosity and said solemnly, "The current situation is that almost everyone in France has this thing."

Gene raised his right hand and grabbed a handful of white paper with the same words written on it, "The flower of life sighs in the depths of the forest outside the town of Vinoa."

The snowy dragon soul nodded and added, "Gine and I have also asked the rest of the Knights and the Great Church, and they have also got this, as well as the soldiers' group, the breeder's home... In short, all the professional trainees in France City have begun to prepare to rush to the town of Vinoa for fear of being told goodbye. People take the lead.

"So they all believe what's written on this paper?" Xinjie asked.

"Whether you believe it or not, there are not many people who go to see the bustle." Gene replied, "Captain, what should I do?"

"Let's get ready to go." Xinjie looked at the hurried people in the distance and said.

"Go to Vinoa Town?"


"Forget it... Anyway, we planned to do the same yesterday, but we always feel uncomfortable to be put in such a way." Gene said sullenly.

There is no doubt that this matter can spread in one night. Obviously, it was the ninja who eavesdropped on their conversation. Although he didn't know what method he used to spread the news in such a short time, now it has become like this, and Vinoa Town has to go anyway. After all, the matter of sighing forest is not inferred by Xinjie, which is also the only clue now. I'm afraid that if you go late, you will really get a hair as others have said.

"How to get there?"

"We have never been to the town of Vinoa before. We can only walk there on foot. It's better to go through the Vinoa Cave and start from the south gate."

"Nanali, how long will it take?"

"The journey is not long, and it can be reached in less than half a day, but the number of demons gathered in the Vino Cave is relatively large, which may delay the journey."

"Well, it doesn't matter. I'll pack up first and come back right away."

While Xinjie entered the hotel, a man ran towards them from a distance and shouted as he ran:

"Wait for me!"

Robert? Why are you here to find Ajie?

When the man ran to them, Gene found that he was an acquaintance, Robert Bruce, a young swordsman of the Swordsman League. When he ran to the four people, he was already out of breath.

At this time, Xinjie came out of the hotel and carried a big package in his hand. Every time he went out on an adventure, Xinjie was always responsible for the logistics of the team. He was comprehensive and thoughtful.

"Robert, why are you here?"

Xinjie saw Robert at first sight. He was out of breath and knew at a glance that he had been running all the way.

"Brother Xinjie...Brother...I...I..."

"Don't worry, take your time." Seeing his appearance, Xinjie said, thinking that he would take a breath later.

"Thank you, Brother Xinjie is really a gentle person."

Robert took two deep breaths and stabilized his mood. Then he said, "The teacher asked me to come to my brother and participate in the mission with him. Fortunately, I caught up with him. Otherwise, I will find someone else to take me to Vinoa Village."

"Teacher?" Xinjie noticed his name.

Robert touched his head with embarrassment, "That... The teacher said that no matter whether I can become a regular this time or not, he will accept me as a disciple."

"So it is." Xinjie knew in his heart that Disol had told him about this. Robert is limited to qualifications, and I'm afraid he can only become a full-time swordsman in his life. But his enthusiasm for this profession moved Disol, so maybe this is also Dissol's compensation for him, right?

"Are you ready?" Xinjie's problem.

"It's all ready! I have brought weapons, armor, pets, potions and food, and the teacher also gave me a lot of funds..."

Robert said cautiously that he had only been in this world for a month and knew that he was weak, so he had done a complete preparation. In addition, Disol's special advice, he also seemed more cautious for fear of causing trouble to others. Disol originally asked him to find any swordsman of the Swords League to take him. No one should refuse for the face of Disol, not to mention the atmosphere inside the Swords League is still very good.

However, the first thing he thought of was Xinjie. He often stayed with Disol. Naturally, he knew that among their group of swordsmen, Xinjie was the one with the greatest hope placed by Disol. In addition, he has always respected Xinjie. The last time Xinjie invited him when he was at the party, so he thought that Xinjie was the best choice. Naturally, he had to hold the thickest thighs.

As expected, after hearing his words, Xinjie nodded and said, "Then let's go!"

"Yes, Brother Xinjie!" Robert straightened his waist and liver, and made a swordsman's salute to Xinjie.

His serious appearance made the onlookers a little funny. This young swordsman is really interesting.

Starting from the south gate of France, today happens to be the head of the soldier regiment, that is, the mentor of the soldier profession, Ori. When he saw him, Gene said hello to him, "Good soldier leader!"

"Jen Gray Mane, you oily guy! The people of our regiment will become slippery with you after staying for a long time! What are you going to do?" Ory responded rudely and seemed to be very familiar with Gene.

"Hey, soldier, don't do this - do I look like that kind of person?"

"Well, you don't look like it, but you are that kind of person! Let's see what Bi Anza has been brought to by you. He used to be a diligent person - now he doesn't come to the regiment on duty!"

"I'll go! No, that's because his wife wants to have a baby, can it be my fault?