Gate of the Cross

Chapter 233 When the second dimension meets the third dimension

"I really didn't expect that the Elder Hard, who was usually not very angry, was so terrible when he got angry that even the Oznik next to him was so powerful!"

Thinking of the battle not long ago, the crowd guarding at the door was beaten with no power to fight back, Robert was a little frightened: "What kind of profession is he? The skill called Qigong bullets seems to be more powerful than random shooting!"

Not long ago, Oznik gave a lesson to those who rushed to Hard to fight for Saber, and let them know the truth of heaven and earth. With the two skills of Yangyan and Qigong bullets alone, they let those rabbles fly all over the sky.

At the end, Oznik stood there and stared at the crowd domineeringly: "Who else!"

People were frightened by his tyrant, and no one dared to come forward, and someone recognized him, "Isn't he Oznik? The blockers in the cave under the sea!"

When I heard that the guy in front of me actually turned the whole seabed upside down with his own efforts more than half a year ago, and finally forced the flan side to close the undersea channel, no one dared to stand out.

"Well, you scum with less than five combat effectiveness dare to come here to make trouble? I don't even look at where it is. I can't even get through this level and still want to trouble him!" Oznik pointed to Xinjie beside him and said, "He is the man who even defeated me. You'd better weigh your own level! Why are you still standing here? Why don't you get out of here? Waiting for me to do it?"

As soon as he saw Oznik make that horse-by-step punching action again, everyone suddenly dispersed like birds and beasts. A farce, that's the end.

Recollection of Oznick's last words, Xinjie could only smile bitterly. He knew that Oznick was for his own good and didn't want these people to bother him again. In fact, he is much worse than Oznik. If he is one-on-one, he will lose in the battle with Oznik for more than ten minutes at most. He is far inferior to speed, strength and skill.

Oznik also said this to thank him for his help. After those people left, Xinjie knew that he had met Hard in the arena as soon as Xinjie's words. After seeing Oznik, he immediately recognized Oznik as the one he taught when he was young. A teenager who has passed Qigong.

After hearing Oznik use the qigong bullet he taught to make a splash at the bottom of the sea, he was not angry, but fortunately praised him, thinking that he was advertising for the qigong bullet and immediately asked for release.

The right to speak for a skill mentor is still very useful, not to mention that he and Disol, the chief swordsman, are still friends, and the palace also had to give face and release this "disciple of the Qigong bullet skill mentor", so the palace law enforcement team ran for nothing.

It was for this reason that Oznik stayed here, and after seeing that Xinjie was in trouble, he was obliged to block the gun for him.

Now Xinjie and Saber are staying with the trainee swordsmen led by Robert. They were more or less injured in the previous events, which made Xinjie a little embarrassed. Anyway, they made it because of themselves.

"Senior, there is something that I decided without your consent. I hope you don't blame me."

Seeing Robert's hesitant appearance, Xinjie felt a little strange. He was not of this personality, so he asked, "What's the matter?"

"That... It's like this. Because the previous situation was too chaotic, I promised them that as long as they could stop those guys, I promised to let Elder Saber sign and take photos for them."

Xinjie couldn't laugh or cry when he heard Robert's words. Unexpectedly, the simple teenager also learned to use foreign objects for himself.

Seeing that Xinjie didn't say anything, Robert thought Xinjie was angry and immediately stood up and promised, "But don't worry! Senior, those guys are still useful for me to talk! As long as I don't mention it, they don't dare to fart!"

After hearing his words, Xinjie looked at the trainee swordsmen sitting around the three of them. They had men and women. Although they did not speak at this moment, the hot eyes of Saber beside him had betrayed them.

No wonder they worked so hard. Thinking of their desperate appearance before and looking at their current eyes, Xinjie finally understood how they were so energetic.

"Robert, you must do what you promise others. No matter what is forced by the situation or any other circumstances, I don't want you to be a capricious person. If you really do this, it will really disappoint me.

"Senior, you mean..." Robert looked at Xinjie in disbelief.

"Well, go tell them and fulfill your previous promise to them." Xinjie nodded and looked at Saber, "Saber, are you okay?"

"I listen to Jie." Saber said.

Seeing that Xinjie and Saber said so, the haze on Robert's previous face suddenly swept away. To be honest, he still cares about his image of these apprentices, and Xinjie undoubtedly helped him again. What Xinjie said to him is even deeper in his heart. Since then, he has always adhered to the principle of not promising easily and promising, and finally became a model figure for swordsmen in the whole continent.

This is not to mention for the time being. After Robert told the trainees about this, they seemed to be crazy.

"It's worthy of being the demon king, just do what you say!"

"I said, after all, we are our seniors, how can we do the matter of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge!"

"What are you talking about? Although he is usually very strict with us, he actually takes good care of us. Have you never heard of deep love and responsibility?"

Seeing their appearance, Robert also took a long breath. Fortunately, Xinjie promised himself, otherwise... Thinking of this, he was even more grateful to Xinjie.

"Saber, please sign your name and sign here. If you want to sign Altolia, or you can sign Arthur!"

"Saber, my friend is a painter. How about asking her to take a group photo for the two of us? It will be fine in a few minutes."

"Saber, what do you think of the world? Why are you with the new seniors? What's your relationship?"

Surrounded by these people, even Saber didn't know what to do. After hearing their words, it seemed that they knew themselves very well, which made her even more confused and couldn't help looking at Xinjie for help.

"It doesn't matter. They are not malicious. Try to satisfy them." Xinjie said.

Although she didn't know the reason, her trust in Xinjie made her choose to implement it, so those people were even happier.

Originally, Xinjie thought it was none of his business, but he didn't expect that after a while, those trainees who saw Saber surrounded by people and could not find a chance for a while ran to Xinjie. It seemed that this senior had a good temper and was much easier to talk than Luo Demon King.

"Senior, why are you with Saber?"

"Senior, can you reveal your relationship with Saber? Is there any... that's 'that', you know!"

"What's that', don't ask such a shameful Play question! Senior, ignore him and answer me first. Do you have any plans to open a harem? I know I'm not as good as Saber. I don't want to fight for the main palace, but it's okay to be a concubine. Don't you think about it?"

"Please take care of me, I will warm the bed!"

Xinjie's black line finally knew Saber's pain. When he looked at Robert again, he found that the boy had run far away and obviously wanted to stay out of the matter.

"Good Robert, I won't deal with you well later!"


"Saber, are you tired?"

"I'm tired, more tired than fighting."

"Me too."

Xinjie and Saber sat in the hotel room**. At this moment, it was evening. They finally returned to the hotel after struggling with those enthusiastic fans. Rin Tosaka didn't know where she had gone, but Xinjie could feel that she was nearby, so he didn't worry. Both of them were exhausted and leaned against each other and sat **.

"Jay, I want to know why those people know me and do the same to me..." Saber said softly. This was also the first time she spoke to Xinjie in a requestable tone. She felt that she seemed to be more and more like a normal girl.

"Okay, I'll tell you." Xinjie was refreshed, glanced at the door, and told Saber what Guimu Guima told him in the morning, including that she and Rin Farsaka were role in life.

What surprised Xinjie was that Saber did not respond at all after listening to it. He looked down curiously and found that Saber had fallen asleep on his knee.

He gently stroked Saber's face and remembered that Saber used to lie on her knees when he was in Ghana, but he didn't expect it to be the other way around today. Then he raised his head and said to the door, "Come in. Don't hide. You know you can't hide it from me."

The door was pushed away, and Rin Farsaka came in. She looked serious and stared at Xinjie with bright eyes: "What you just said... are true?"

"Yes, Lin, what about you? What do you think?"

"What else can you think?" After hearing Xinjie admit it, Rin Tosaka's serious expression suddenly disappeared and said with a smile, "Of course, I will continue to follow you. After all, you are much better than the coyote."

"Wolf? Why do you know?" Xinjie has a faint bad feeling. He didn't mention the hero in the original plot just now.

Sure enough, Tosaka Rin bowed slightly, shook his fingers with one hand and the other, and said to verify his guess: "Of course, I asked the god of attack. Humph, I may be captured by him in the second dimension, but here... That guy was scared by me and obediently Say everything!"

Only then did Xinjie remember that it seemed that our Lord God was a guy who was attacked!