Gate of the Cross

Chapter 278 The Cursed Family

"What are you thinking about?"

Time has passed. It has been three months since Xinjie returned from Abanis Village. At this moment, it has entered autumn. Xinjie held his chin with one hand and looked out of the window with glare eyes. I don't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, a pair of hands wrapped around his waist, and a soft body pressed against his back.

Feel the soft feeling from his back, and Xinjie knew who it was even if he didn't have to look back. "Nanali."

Xinjie is now sitting at the table by the window, and many materials are spread out disorderly in front of him, but Xinjie is not in the mood to look at them. He turns his head and sees Nanali with long red hair looking at him gently.

"I have a headache." He said lightly.

"Are you still thinking about that? Ajie, don't get into the horns. It's not good for your health to be so hard. You can always think of it slowly. Nanali took Xinjie's hand and asked him to hold her, and she also changed her posture so that she could sit more comfortably in Xinjie's arms.

Xinjie shook his head, "Since I came back from the maze of the cursed, I feel that there is something more in my brain. I'm sure something must have happened after being hit by Pabtisma's death magic, but I just can't remember that it must be a very important thing..."

"But Saber Youxi and Icarus said that you were just in a coma for a moment. Don't you believe what they said?" Nanali has discussed this issue with Xinjie many times, but she has always been puzzled.

Xinjie looked down at Nanali in his arms and couldn't help kissing her gently. After frightening Nanali with an "ah", she continued to say:

"It's not like this. It's because I believe in them that I feel that I have forgotten important things." Xinjie continued, "What's more, after listening to what Bemieus said, I'm more sure about this matter."

"Hmm!" As soon as Xinjie heard about Bermius, Nanali suddenly became unhappy. "I didn't expect that the priests of Astia would also lie. They were obviously a cursed clan, but I didn't know what they meant. If it hadn't been for their recommendation that you to become a professional teacher, I would definitely be with him. It's not over."

Hearing Nanali's angry words, Xinjie couldn't help but smile.

After he returned three months ago, Bemius fulfilled his promise. When Xinjie went to Disol, he was told that he had obtained the qualification recommended by Brumel, the highest priest of Astia - and became a swordsmanship teacher after a few people of Disol, Red Moon and Thomas.

This also means that Xinjie can be apprenticed like Disol from now on, and as the first person to reach the professional normal class among all adventurers from different worlds, this incident caused a sensation in the whole Kingdom of France.

You should know that there are only a handful of adventurers who have reached the royal class in the whole kingdom. After all, the second mission released by Astia - that is, to defeat the mythical beast Slipnier, only Xinjie and Nagato Youxi have done it. Although many people have completed the second transfer through other channels under the arrangement of their professional mentors, that is a very small number after all.

As for professional teachers, Xinjie became the first person from a different world after the open call. Therefore, Xinjie's name resounded throughout the Kingdom of France, and for this reason, the newcomers who came to the Kingdom of France once again set off a frenzy of swordsmen.

But these are not enough to dispel Xinjie's doubts, because he clearly remembers the words of Bemieus after they defeated Kaifa and Paboutisma:

"They were knocked down by you? How can this happen? Then our plan...ah! It's okay! ...Cough...opener! Thank you for defeating the cursed one... er... that... demon clan. I believe that your heroic deeds will certainly cause a sensation in the whole Kingdom of France. By the way, do you want to find your guild president? Maybe you can get a higher class!"

It is obvious that he was hiding something from Bemius's words. After they defeated their opponents, Bemius showed not happiness, but surprise, as if the result was not what he expected.

In fact, Xinjie had some doubts from the beginning when he met Bemius, but he didn't pay attention to it.

After defeating the enemy, the dialogue with Bemius made Xinjie more suspicious. Did he not think that we would defeat the opponent, but only because our strong strength was beyond his expectation?

Although Bemius tried to distract him by letting Xinjie get a higher class, he did not succeed. If other adventurers from other alien worlds would be ecstatic when they heard the news, after all, getting the professional normal class is already the peak that the combat profession can achieve in this country. It can be said that almost all combat professions are aimed at this matter.

It's a pity that Xinjie is not an ordinary time traveler. He doesn't care much about the professional class, especially after knowing about the opener. Therefore, the loophole in Bemius's words obviously attracted his attention, but he did not show it at that time, but after returning to France, he immediately began to investigate from the cursed clan.

The results of the investigation confirmed Xinjie's speculation that the cursed clan often appeared in the human realm before the war of the hammer. They were a clan that kept fighting with the gods. The real identity is unknown. Unfortunately, Xinjie used the privilege of his professional teacher to read all the history books, but he couldn't find detailed skills about them.

But I also learned something about them. Although it was not very detailed, it was like seeing the sun, which made Xinjie understand a lot of things.

According to wild history, the cursed clan brings disasters to human beings most of the time and fights with gods. And the only thing that clearly records the existence of the cursed clan is the hammer war. In this war, it is said that the three generals who followed Libelius were all cursed. After the War of the Goat, the cursed clans and gods were regarded as ancient legends and spread among the people.

From the information, Xinjie finally learned the identity of the enemy who was defeated by them. They were called Kaifa and Paptisma respectively. At that time, they were called the two kings. They were the leaders of the cursed clan and had strong power. More importantly, they were sealed by the defeat of the god of war, Libelius, who had not yet defected from the divine realm at that time.

"The bosses you defeated on the 1st to 50th floor are actually used to guard the two kings!"

After understanding the context of the matter, Guimu Guima made a bold inference:

"The purpose of that priest is not to seal the demon clan, but to use your ability to liberate them so that the power of the cursed clan can be used by them!"