Gate of the Cross

Chapter 310 Arrogant Rin

Xinjie looked at Rin Farsaka in disbelief and didn't understand what she wanted to do.

What kind of person is Rin Farsaka?

When she met her for the first time, she gave Xinjie the feeling that she was an unreasonable young lady. She completely ignored the feelings of others, was self-centered and went her own way. Although she was outstanding, she was generally not liked. Even in order to save her, Xinjie consumed a spell. You know, this is the link between Master and Servant, with only three per person, which shows its importance.

But it's incredible that the first spell between Xinjie and Rin Tosaka was consumed to save her as a servant.

However, with more contact and understanding later, Xinjie gradually changed his view of her.

Although she is a little ruthless to people in her attitude, she is serious. Generally speaking, she is a little devil who is both reasonable and cold.

Especially after knowing Tosaka Rin's past through Katsuragi, Shinjie has a little more understanding of Tosaka Rin.

This is an excellent and powerful girl. After experiencing those things in her childhood, she has become a powerful and serious and persistent girl. There is no doubt that Rin Tosaka is very excellent. If she can remove the strange attribute of "the more she is at a critical moment, the more likely she is to mess things up", then she can really be regarded as a perfect girl.

But it's not bad now. Xinjie thought that if it hadn't been for this attribute, I'm afraid that neither she nor Saber would have had a chance to come to this world.

This strong, kind and a little poisonous tongue, both Xinjie and Gene have been complained about by her poisonous tongue. In addition, arrogance is also one of her essential attributes, but according to Guimu Guimadi, "arrogance is the armor". After removing the armor of arrogance, the only thing left is Jiao.

These things just flashed in Xinjie's mind. When he came to his senses and looked at Rin Tosaka, he seemed to find that something was wrong with her.

She, who has always been strong, actually lowered her head at this moment. If you look carefully, you can still see that her ears are red... Is this shy?

"Rin, what are you doing?"

Xinjie felt that the two could no longer go on like this, so he took the initiative to break the silence.


Seeing her stammering appearance, Xinjie was even more confused, "What's the matter with you coming to me?"

Tosaka Rin, who heard Xinjie's words, slowly looked up at Xinjie, with a hesitant look in his eyes, as if he had made a difficult decision. Finally, she raised her head and said two words to Xinjie:

"Replenish the demon."


Xinjie doubted whether he had misheard what Tosaka Rin had just said.

"I said... I'll come to you to repair the demon, idiot!"

After saying this, Rin Tosaka rushed directly to Xinjie and pushed him down in **.

"Wait... Wait, Lin, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at Rin Tosaka quickly and skillfully untied his clothes and change her own clothes, leaving only close-fitting underwear, Xinjie was a little confused about the situation. It's not the first time between the two. During the period when the Snow Dragon Soul moved to live with them, Rin Tosaka and Saber often came to him at night. Although it was also sneaky, they didn't want to do this today.

"Idiot! Everyone knows that I consumed too much magic today, so I guessed that I was going to come to you... I'm so ashamed!"

So that's it. Rin Tosaka will also be shy because of this kind of thing! Xinjie, who figured out the situation, just planned to speak, but felt that his split had entered a warm and wet place. Naturally, he knew what was going on after the battlefield. Seeing Tosaka Rin sitting on his body blushing with a satisfied and shy look, Xinjie himself also felt an indescribable sense of comfort.

So without saying a word, he turned over and pressed Tosaka Rin under his body. Next, everything was without saying, and it was indeed a very pleasant thing to mendemon.

The next morning, Xinjie woke up early and only felt refreshed and indescribably happy. Standing in front of the window and stretching herself, she turned her head to look at Yuansaka Rin. She still closed her eyes, and her own big ** still left traces of last night's battle. Just looking at this, I knew that the battle last night was indeed very fierce.

Xinjie pitifully pulled up the quilt for Tosaka Rin and thought that it would be better to let her sleep a little longer, so he carefully walked out of the door without making a sound.

"Yooooooooo! Ajie, get up so early!"

To Xinjie's surprise, the first person he met when he came downstairs was Gene Gray Mane.

"Gin, why are you here?"

Gene, who was reading the newspaper while drinking coffee, squeezed his eyes at Xinjie. "Today is a rare holiday for the Knights, so I rushed over early in the morning. It seems that you have fought a hard battle, and you are the only one who has got up - although it's really early now.

Xinjie nodded. He just came back yesterday and sent the news to Gene and the others, but he didn't have time to say the specifics.

"Well, I knew you would be fine, but then on earth, what happened to the seal of the cross? Do you have to untie the last seal to know the truth?

Xinjie sat opposite Gene, poured himself a cup of coffee, took a sip, and said slowly, "I think it should be like this. I'm going to tell Brumel first and see what he said. You came just in time. How about going with me?"

"Me?" Gene put down the cup in his hand and was a little surprised. "Don't you go with your harem group?"

Automatically ignoring some of the words Gene said, Xinjie explained, "It's just to tell Brumel about this. There is no need to go to so many people. Let them have a good rest."

Speaking of this, Xinjie remembered the lingering situation with Tosaka Rin last night, and his expression couldn't help changing.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly show such a strange expression?"

Gene's observation ability is very keen, and Xinjie has always maintained the attribute of facial paralysis. At this moment, although the expression on his face has only changed slightly, it is still caught by him, and he can't help but be surprised.

"I suddenly thought of something, how about it? Do you want to go together?"

"Go, of course!" Gene nodded heavily, "I haven't been out for a long time. By the way, call Lyon and A Xiao. They are also on holiday today."

"No problem, pack up and go!"


After saying this, Gene looked at Xinjie again. He felt that today's Xinjie seemed to be a little different from usual, but he couldn't tell what was different. After thinking for a long time, he shook his head, drank all the coffee in the cup and stood up.