Hunting legend

Chapter 17 Trapped

The battle was very fierce. Mo Yu never thought that his elite team with only six people would be trapped in this valley, and the opponent was only seven wolves and seven mutant werewolves. Seeing the leader of the werewolf wearing his comrades-stained military uniform, Mo Yu's one-eyed eyes suddenly turned scarlet, "Send me! The reinforcements are coming soon, and you must avenge your dead brothers!"

The team in front of them originally had a total of ten people. Their initial task was only to be responsible for opening the road from the base outpost to an iron ore vein. Unexpectedly, on the way back after success, they encountered an ambush from the orc tribe. After successfully killing the other six werewolves, they also sacrificed three people, one of whom was He disappeared for no reason during the battle and his whereabouts are unknown.

The war between humans and orcs has lasted for several years, and their team has fought dozens of battles with orcs, large and small, which is inexperienced. Unfortunately, this task was just to explore the road and make road signs. Therefore, they did not bring any heavy weapons in their hands, and they were thrilled along the way and successfully completed the task. Unexpectedly, when they were resting on the way back, they encountered an ambush and were forced back to this valley. The losses were great.

I didn't expect that these werewolves were getting smarter and smarter. They even knew how to ambush them, drove them to this valley, and then killed them individually. Thinking of this, Mo Yu's one-eyed narrowed into a slit, and his pale face turned red.

Have you ever suffered such a big loss in the past few years?

"Report the ammunition situation?" Mo Yu, as the captain, shouted beside him, "Hurry up!" After a while, he met the previous thin team member and replied, "Report to the captain, * has been used up, and there are only ten rifle bullets left." After taking a breath, the little man said again, "But there are still 50 pistol bullets!"

"Futa! Six * only killed three beasts! This is so fucking cowardly!" As a captain, Mo Yan has never suffered such a big loss.

They are now in a valley, backed by a big mountain. The peaks are steep. The werewolves can't go up and attack them from behind, but they have no way out. Although there are many harmless vines growing on it, after several attempts, people have cut off the idea of climbing up. And in front of us is a rare open area, with some low shrubs scattered around. These werewolves were cunningly and seemed to be very clear about the range of their guns. At first, they suddenly rushed out of the opposite jungle and rushed directly towards them, allowing them to shoot a bullet in the midst of nervousness. However, these guys actually knew how to stop at the outer edge of the range. After several raids of the wolves and harassment, they did not send it. I feel that there are not many bullets left. And these werewolves stood up and looked at this side provocatively. In the process of opposition, several other werewolves quietly lurked on their flanks, which caused casualties.

Thinking of the tragedy of two of his comrades-in-arms who died with the werewolf before their death, Mo Yu began to be silent. This battle is not easy to fight. Looking at the arrogant werewolf in the distance, Mo Yu knew that these guys were waiting for dark. Seeing that the sky slowly faded, Mo Yu began to worry.

has been dealing with these werewolves all afternoon. According to the time calculation, another team that originally came to pick up according to the plan should have arrived long ago, but now... It seems that everything can only be done by himself. Mo Yu clenched his fist and finally made up his mind.

The werewolves in front of him were clearly afraid of their bullets. Looking at the simple one folded into two sections* beside his feet, Mo Yu closed his one eye speechlessly, "What kind of world is this? Werewolves can also use *!" He couldn't believe it if he had been killed before, but in recent years he has found the same * in the hands of different orcs. He didn't know whether this was designed and invented by the orcs themselves or imitated from human beings. Anyway, the mere use of this * by the orcs has become a great crisis for human beings. But he doesn't understand a little bit more. These orcs can be united. Why can't they human beings?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking down at his hand. Although the curved hooked nails had already been completely frustrated by himself, his thin and dark hands were still like animal claws. Suddenly, there was a kind of grief and indignation in my heart. Is it because this part of my hands and feet have mutated, and the human beings who are safely hiding under the earth will regard this part of their people as aliens? He has told himself more than once that the mutation is always only the body, but their hearts as human beings have never changed!

Thinking of this, Mo Yu proudly raised his head and looked at the distance with a trace of chill in his eyes, "I have to pull a cushion even if I die!"

The wolf is very ferocious, and the mutant werewolf is more ferocious and not afraid of death. Compared with other beasts, wolves prefer to attack in groups, and the werewolf in front of them is very good at ambush. In close combat, ordinary humans have no hope at all. Werewolves who can walk upright are often about two meters tall. Their hind legs bounce strongly and their front paws are extremely sharp. Even the special combat uniforms they are equipped with can't stand the two attacks of the same parts of the werewolves, and their clothes will be cut. Let the wolf's paws touch the skin directly, and the consequences will be either disabled or dead! There is no luck at all.

Mo Yu is very clear about the cruel facts in front of him. Their only hope now is the superb wisdom of human beings. Thinking of this, Mo Yu, who stared at the cliff next to him, began to have a plan in his heart.