Hunting legend

Chapter 38 Ape Man

Stone's painstaking efforts have not been in vain. Looking at the reckless man sitting in the sun practicing his skills, Stone's heart was full of joy. Although he has not known Mang Han for a long time, it can be seen that Mang Man does not seem to care about things outside him. He always likes to act frankly. It is rare that he is so careful about this set of skills.

Looking at the left and right, the stone sat down against the corner. The midday sun still brings people a kind of warmth in this cold season. The stone stretched out his legs and began to take a nap with his eyes narrowed. He had been looking forward to his prosperity and didn't know where to go.

"Rock!" Hearing Mo Yu's shout, Stone opened his eyes, rubbed his sore neck, and stood up.

"It's time for lunch!" Taking one of Mo Yu's hind legs, Stone opened his mouth and bit him, "Hmm! It tastes good and fresh."

"Thank you for Wang Cai. He made all the food today." Mo Yu said excitedly, "After the morning exercise, I ordered Meng Tian and Cui Ming to play some game. As you know, the orc's food smell was really too heavy, but these two guys quietly brought Wang Cai and wanted to turn around and scold them, but when we saw the pile of prey, we couldn't say anything."

"It's okay. Don't scold them. If it weren't for Wang Cai's greed, no one could call him. By the way, it's not safe in the nearby forest, and it's not bad to have Wang Cai to accompany them. After saying that, Stone asked, "What are you going to do with that orangutan?"

"To be honest, I'm also worried about this! Kill him, but I feel that I can't do it, but I just let it go, and I'm not willing to be worried!"

Looking at Mo Yu's loss, Stone asked, "He was hungry all night. Did you give him anything to eat?"

Mo Yu shook his head. After nibbling the bones in his hand, the stone wiped his mouth, "Let's go and have a look!"

Going to a place, he saw Wang Cai gnawing a pile of meat and bones in front of the hut where the chimpanzees were imprisoned. The stone immediately grabbed one from his mouth. "I know how to eat it. Help me call Dai Jun over." After saying that, he pulled Mo Yu up and walked to the door.

Mo Yu reached out and took off the iron brazier inserted in the door buckle and opened the door. Before he could see the situation in the room, a dark shadow suddenly rushed over.

"Look for death!" Mo Yu was careful to kick it away and heard a scream. The chimpanzee was kicked to the ground and rolled over. Looking at the chimpanzee with his hands tied and struggling desperately, the stone stepped forward, cut the rope with an iron ruler, and stuffed the meat bones that had just been snatched from Wang Cai's mouth.

When he looked down at the meat bone in his hand, the chimpanzee suddenly smashed the bone into the stone door. As soon as Stone waved his hand, the bone fell into his hand. Just as he wanted to do something, he heard someone behind him shouting, "Captain! Help!" Looking back, Wang Cai was biting Dai Jun's trousers, and Dai Jun's little face was pale. How dare you be dragged here! Stone is happy, public revenge! Stone suddenly thought of this word. He ran over and kicked Wang Cai fiercely, and then this guy let go of his mouth.

Dai Jun was trying to explain something when Stone stopped him, "Brother, I'm sorry, I asked him to call you here, which shocked you!"

"No, no!" Dai Jun waved his hands desperately.

"I want you to help me ask that orangutan." After saying that, Stone walked into the hut.

Looking at the big dog coming in behind the stone, the chimpanzee suddenly became honest, withdrew to the corner of the wall and squatted down.

"What does the vice captain want to ask?"

"I want him to know that we plan to let him go, but there are conditions. If we meet again in the future, he must help us unconditionally!"

Hearing this sentence, Mo Yu asked, "It doesn't matter if you let him go, but what conditions do you want a beast to promise you? How can this be possible?"

shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I just feel that since they have the same wisdom as human beings, they should know the most basic truth. I heard that most chimpanzees play enslaved roles. I think as the best of his kind, he should also be aware of it.

Turning back, Stone said to Dai Jun, "Just tell him like this. We will let him go unconditionally and hope that he will not work for the Orc Alliance again. If possible, I hope he can help those enslaved compatriots. After a pause, Stone said, "If he can do it, our Brotherhood will be his strong support!"

After listening to Stone's order, Dai Jun's eyes looked at Mo Yu.

"There is no need to hesitate. The vice captain's decision is my decision!"

nodded, and Dai Jun began to convey the stone's words. Listening to those rustling sounds, the stone began to have a headache again. Suddenly, the little boy who had been silent began to speak, "Stone, I have a way to understand the beast language." Stone was stunned and asked in his heart, "What can I do?"

"Since I can integrate with the other party's body, I can naturally know some thoughts in the depths of the other party's consciousness. In other words, although I can't understand what the other party is saying, I can clearly know what the other party is thinking, so that I can communicate!"

Stone suddenly understood that it was like he could indirectly understand what Wang Cai was thinking through Xiaoguai, but Wang Cai could not communicate directly with him for the time being. But the chimpanzees in front of them are very different. The other party has evolved from a simple beast to an orc with enough wisdom. From a certain perspective, it should be easier to communicate with chimpanzees than Wang Cai. Stone suddenly had an idea in his heart.

After listening to Dai Jun's animal words, the chimpanzee suddenly stood up and stared at Dai Jun for a long time, but there was no expression on his face. Dai Jun said a few more words in a row, and the chimpanzee shook his head, said a few words and then squatted down. Dai Jun turned his face and sighed and shook his head helplessly at the stone.

"He said that they had been completely destroyed, and it was just a dead end to go back. Instead, he hoped that we would kill him here, so that his former people might have a better life."

Hearing Dai Jun's words, Stone was a little surprised. He stepped forward and grabbed the chimpanzee's big hand. Looking up to see the human figure in front of him, the chimpanzee slowly lowered its head and shrank tighter. The stone could be seen clearly. At the moment when the orangutan lowered his head, a drop of crystal things fell down.

"Get started!" The stone began to give orders to the little boy.

The chimpanzee suddenly felt that the palm of its hand was cold, and it seemed that something penetrated into the body along the palm of its hand. Instinctively, he wanted to break free from the palm of the stone, but as soon as he struggled, his hand was held tighter by the other party, and the chimpanzee began to panic.

"Luli, don't be afraid, I'm here to help you!" The sudden sound in his mind made the orangutan, who had begun to feel uneasy, more restless. He raised his head and looked around in horror.

"Who are you? Why is it in my mind?" Hearing that the chimpanzee, which had been silent for a long time, began to speak again, Dai Jun wanted to come forward to talk. He was immediately pulled by Mo Yu. Following the captain's eyes, Dai Jun found that just now it was just a chimpanzee closing their eyes and talking to himself. After thinking about it carefully, and seeing that the stone had also closed his eyes, Dai Jun suddenly became excited. Is the deputy captain using any special way to communicate with chimpanzees? Thinking of this, Dai Jun took Mo Yu's hand, and the two walked out gently and closed the door, leaving Wang Cai quietly waiting beside the stone.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I am the only one who can help you." Stone pretended to convey his thoughts deeply through the past.

"No one can help me, and I don't need anyone's help!" Feeling the mood fluctuation in Luli, Stone instructed the little boy to speed up.

There was a loud noise in his head, and the stone suddenly felt that he had arrived in a strange place. Looking at the dark cave in front of him, the stone began to look around, looking at the dense trees around, ubiquitous vines and lilies. The stone realized that he was in the jungle.

Suddenly, it was dark in front of him. The stone saw a beast suddenly jump out of the cave and rushed directly at him. The stone subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but saw that the beast directly passed through his body. Only then did the stone understand that this was a gorilla, just walking upright. It looked strong and powerful. .

Watching the orangutan slowly walk into the jungle, the momentum began to pay attention to the cave in front of him.

The time was not long, and the cave began to make noise. Suddenly, the stone heard a familiar sound and saw a group of orangutans coming out of the cave. The stone was about to come forward to say hello, but the village turned a blind eye to the stone and ignored it. Looking at a group of orangutans passing through his body, Stone realized that what he saw was only something deep in his memory.

In a trance, I don't know how long it took. Luli came back with the orangutans. It could be seen that they were very panicked. The orangutans running in the front of them couldn't even pick up the fruits that fell to the ground and rushed directly into the cave. Stone suddenly heard a wolf howl, and the orangutan community began to chaos. All the orangutans rushed to the cave desperately. Stone saw something shouting in vain, but no one paid attention to him. At this time, a group of werewolves surrounded them. Several strong orangutans and Luli began to attack the werewolves together. Unexpectedly, there were too many werewolves, but in a few rounds, they were defeated. Looking at the bright steel knife on their necks, Luli looked back resentfully and shrank in the hole. Looking at the same kind on the battlefield, he looked up to the sky and roared, stretching his neck to the steel knife to ask for death. The leading wolf kicked fiercely and said a few words. Seeing that Lu Li ignored it, two werewolves rushed to the cave with knives. After a while, they grabbed two small orangutans and walked to Lu Li. The head wolf said something again and snorted contemptuously. The head wolf stopped talking nonsense and cut it with a knife. A little orangutan died. Just as the wolf was about to kill the second little orangutan, he roared again and raised his hands high. The wolf smiled proudly and walked to the depths of the jungle. Not far behind him was a group of orangutans with tied arms.

With a bang, the scene in front of the stone suddenly changed and returned to reality again.

"If you want to save your people, please believe me and listen to my arrangement!" Through the little boy, Stone conveyed his words to the past. Lu Li didn't say anything, but the stone could clearly feel that although Lu Li's mood was low, it fluctuated greatly through the little boy. Through the little boy's explanation, Stone knew that Lu Li had already known that Stone had just entered his consciousness space and explored his memory. There is a psychological struggle now.

The stone waited patiently for the result, didn't have much time, and Lu Li began to react.

"Human, how are you going to help me? The number of opponents is several times more than the deployment of troops here, and they are all distributed in the depths of the dangerous jungle. Maybe they have died in the horror of the jungle before you find their hiding place.

Stone smiled and continued to convey his consciousness, "No matter what our strength is, at least I believe that if we cooperate with us, your people have a glimmer of hope to live freely. Our common enemy is the alliance of ferocious, cunning and unfaithful orcs. Of course, you apes can choose not to join the war between us, but with your wisdom, do you think that's possible?

"Ape man, what do you mean?"

"You have evolved from chimpanzees to apes. The ancestors of us humans are apes, and the ancestors of you chimpanzees. In other words, you will become exactly like us humans in the near future, because we have a common ancestor. Who else can help you if I don't help you?

"But some of you human beings and the orc alliance are in collusion!"

"That's inevitable. We even killed lion-faced people. Do you think the Orc Alliance will still be polite to us?"

"Good! I believe you. What do you want me to do?

"Let's join us for the time being. When the time is ripe, we will save your people together. Then we will go or stay. That's your freedom!"

"My name is Lu Li, what's your name?"

"You can call me Stone, and you will be an eternal friend of our Brotherhood!"

"Very good, I'm officially joining the Brotherhood now, my friend!"