Hunting legend

Chapter 55 Pre-Battle Preparation

I have to say that the overall response of the residents of the whole dungeon is quite fast. When Stone and his party came to Area A, all the fighters were assembled.

The so-called Area A is actually a large underground warehouse. Looking at the people standing in a formation in front of him, Stone estimated the number of people, and it turned out to be almost 1,000.

Wu Shaojun briefly explained the situation outside and began to mobilize before the war. I have to admit that Wu Shaojun's eloquence is very good and very provocative.

According to Wu Shaojun's arrangement, all 35 capable people in the dungeon were gathered together, led by Uncle Zhong, who is the most prestigious among the capable people, to form an advance team. Direct ambush near the mine.

With the self-suffice of all the members of the Brotherhood, Mo Yu and others acted as an independent team to cooperate with the task of covering Uncle Zhong's team.

As for other ordinary soldiers, half of the personnel were left to guard the safety of the dungeon. The rest of the personnel were divided into several independent teams, and the tasks assigned by each team were different.

The operation has finally begun.

Stone and his party left the dungeon with Uncle Zhong and reached the ground. Soon, they arrived at the last street where the rats had stopped.

Uncle Zhong waved to a man and saw a short middle-aged man come out of the team. He suddenly lay on the ground and put his ears close to the ground, as if he were looking for something.

After a while, the middle-aged man stood up and walked to Uncle Zhong and said, "The rats are still moving forward. It can be confirmed that their routes are the same and there are no trapters."

"Very good, thank you for your hard work!"

nodded, and the middle-aged man walked into the team.

"Listen, we are now behind the mouse group. After catching up with the mouse group, please pay attention to keep a distance and don't make extracurricular branches. Our task is to follow the rats and drive them into the mine! While the situation has not changed, please don't act rashly!"

After saying that, Uncle Zhong replied a few words to the walkie-talkie on his shoulder.

It wasn't long before everyone heard a dense strange sound. Soon, they saw the vast group of rats in the distance, and they could hardly see the end at a glance.

Uncle Zhong waved his hand and everyone stopped immediately.

"The distance is too close. Let's wait."

A sudden sound came from the walkie-talkie. It was Wu Shaojun who stayed in the dungeon to command the overall situation.

Uncle Zhong, the reconnaissance team we sent has already got results. The previous inference of the Stone Brothers was correct. The destination of their march is the crystal mine, and everything remains unchanged according to the original plan. No one can act rashly until all the rats enter the mine!"

Yes! Second, the head of the family.

Uncle Zhong immediately passed the news to everyone, and everyone suddenly felt that the pressure on him was much less.

"Go on!"

Finally, before dark, all the rats poured into the mine. Uncle Zhong and others immediately ambushed around the mine and waited for the instructions above.

The stone looked around. It looks like a messy stone hill, full of scattered broken stones. Only a cement road about ten meters wide has been built to the mouth of the mine at the foot of the mountain. Three large green trucks are parked scattered on the roadside, and many places on the body have begun to fall off and are rusty.

They hid behind a pile of rocks, staring at the mouth of the mine 20 meters away.

According to the plan, after Uncle Zhong's main force arrived at the mine. The logistics team sent by Wu Shaojun should be almost present.

It was getting dark, and Uncle Zhong began to get anxious. From time to time, he asked the walkie-talkie when the logistics team could arrive.

The whole logistics team is the most important link in the success of this operation, because their task is to inject a large amount of fuel into the mine to create chaos and let them kill each other while closing the mine after all the rats enter the mine. The capable team led by Uncle Zhong is the main force to deal with the aftermath. Once the rats fall into madness, I'm afraid that the previous arrangement will not play much role. At that time, they will be responsible for completely cleaning up the battlefield.

Several beams of light shot over from afar, and Uncle Zhong suddenly smiled and finally came.

"All personnel are distributed according to the battle formation, pay close attention to the movement of the mine entrance, and you can't do it without my orders!" After saying that, Uncle Zhong greeted the motorcade.

A tanker stopped, followed by a fleet of trucks stopped one after another, and the crowd who jumped out of the carriage began to carry out large and small objects.

"Hey, Uncle Zhong!" The driver of the tanker opened the door and jumped down. "This is a thousand exhortations from the second head of the house. I have to give it to you."

"What is so important that you, the staff officer, need to send it in person!"

"Mine Structure Map!"

Within before Uncle Zhong could speak, the middle-aged man, who had begun to gray hair, began to give orders behind him.

"Listen to everyone. Our current actions are about the survival of the dungeon. Thousands of mutant rats and a number of horrible mutant ants are now in the mine in front of you. All your actions must be kept quiet. The mice are extremely shocked. I don't want to say more about anything else. Now, please start acting according to the previous division of labor!"

The crowd suddenly dispersed, and groups of three or five began to act.

Watching several young people climb into the tanker and start connecting the oil pipe, Uncle Zhong couldn't help asking, "Why don't you drive the car a little further?"

"We can't move forward any further. The vibration brought by the wheels will disturb the mice under the mine. If they swarmed out, you and I will be buried in the sea of rats today!"

"Hey! Or is Brother Li thinking about everything?"

smiled, and the middle-aged man patted Uncle Zhong on the shoulder and said, "Take me to see your layout. With this structural diagram, we must rearrange the deployment."

nodded, and Uncle Zhong walked forward with the middle-aged man.

The night sky suddenly lit up. Looking up, the stone saw several spotlights on several mountain walls around the mine, shining around the mine like daylight.

With the lighting, the logistics team's action is faster. Strangely, the movements of the people in the action looked a little strange. After careful observation for a while, the stone suddenly smiled. The reason why these sneaky guys are so weird, raising their feet and letting go is to avoid making noise and alarming the rats.

Laughing back, Stone still admires the people in front of him.

Before the disaster, these people were just ordinary people. It can be seen that many of them are still farmers, but these ordinary people hardly make any noise during the whole operation. Cooperate tacitly and act in unison. Stone believes that if he changes his group of people, he will definitely not be able to do it.

The stone noticed that there was a steel pipe with a thick arm at the mouth of the mine, along the steel pipe, a long hose that went all the way to the bottom of the tanker. This is the key!

The young man standing in front of the steel pipe waved his arm, and a man in front of the tanker immediately turned off the oil release switch. As the hose began to swell, there was a strong smell of gasoline in the air.

The second group immediately began to act. They rolled the car tires they got in the direction of the hole and rolled directly into the mine.

Uncle Zhong whispered to the middle-aged man beside him, "Brother Li, this is too big! Are you afraid that you can't roll in 300 tires before and after, and you are not afraid of alarming mice?

"Don't worry, this is not ordinary gasoline, but with good materials in it!"

"What's going on?"

"Didn't we arrest a group specializing in manufacturing* in our county a few years ago? This gasoline is mixed with a lot of psychedelic**.

Looking at Uncle Zhong's worried appearance, the middle-aged man smiled and said, "These ** have no effect on people except for taking them directly, but after dissolving with gasoline, it will produce a chemical reaction, which has a super paralysis effect on small animals such as mice."

Uncle Zhong nodded and suddenly realized.

"A staff officer is a staff officer, and he is worthy of being the most valued talent in our family!"

"Let's go! Don't flatter me. Who doesn't know that you are the most powerful in the dungeon now!"

"Okay, we're all old. Whether you can survive tonight or not depends on now!"

Sure enough, maybe * water works, and there is still no abnormality at the mouth of the cave. Looking at the large number of people on the venue, Uncle Zhong asked, "What are they doing?"

"Set up the battlefield!"

I saw those people carrying their pockets and sprinkling some granular things on the ground. With little time, the field was covered with a thick layer, directly covering the area of 100 square meters around the mine, but there was a blank area of five or six meters away from the mouth of the cave.

"That's not an ordinary thing. It's all the plastic particles we found in the plastic factory. Once the burning mice escape, it will be their nightmare!"

After explaining these, the middle-aged man pointed to the structure map of the mine in his hand and said, "This mine was built ten years ago and was officially mined six years ago. The veins are distributed in rock formations 200 meters deep underground. Therefore, the whole mine formed a diagonal line to 200 meters underground, where there are a total of six horizontal excavation channels. It can be said that we can catch turtles in the urn this time because God is standing on our side, God's will!"

A man suddenly came over to the two and looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Report to Staff Officer Li that the blasting team has been buried*, and all the other action teams have completed the tasks as required. Please give instructions!"

nodded, and Staff Officer Li raised his wrist to look at the time and opened the caller on his shoulder.

"Report the second head of the family, everything went well, and did not disturb the rats. All the combat units have entered the combat state and can start action!"

"Very good! From now on, you are the supreme commander of the operation. You don't have to report any decision to me. You can act cheaply!"

slowed down, and another instruction came from the caller, "Remember, don't carry it!" I want you all to live!"

Staff Officer Li took a last look at the time, and it was already 8 p.m. Without hesitation, he waved his big hand.


With a bang, a burst of black smoke rolled up at the mouth of the mine, and gasoline began to burn.

"Please note all members of the blasting group. I am the supreme commander of the operation. Don't act rashly without my order!"

The soldiers distributed around stared nervously at the black hole smoked by the flames, and everyone pinched a cold sweat in their hearts.

The operation looks extremely smooth. So far, the fire has been burning for more than ten minutes. With the smell of rubber burning in the air, the fire seems to be decreasing, but the black smoke is getting thicker and thicker.

The team members clenched all kinds of weapons in their hands.

The knife control in the county was once quite strict, resulting in the scene of kitchen knives and axes in the hands of the team members today. Everyone pinned their hopes on the burning flames at the mouth of the cave. As long as this fire can wipe them out half, they will be a little sure about the next battle. The rat disaster a few months ago was vivid, and no one dared to take a chance!