Hunting legend

Chapter 80 Unicorn Python

After arriving at the dungeon, everyone ate something hastily. At the strong request of Stone, Wu Shaojun took Stone and the others to the monitoring room.

Stone did not expect that there was a man with glasses in the monitoring room who was concentrating on operating something on a computer.

"Homo, Captain Mo!"

Seeing someone coming in, the young man wearing black-framed glasses nodded to Mo Yu and quickly walked to the stone. Looking at the stone, he said excitedly, "It's worthy of being our great hero. He actually succeeded in saving everyone!"

Stone smiled and said, "Chen Geng, I can't afford the title of hero. This time it's just that everyone is lucky!"

Chen Geng didn't expect that Stone could remember his name, not to mention how happy he was. Hurry up and ask everyone what's going on.

Stone asked, "When I escaped with everyone before, I saw that all the cameras you had installed near the mine were destroyed. I want to come to confirm and see if I can still see the picture near the mine."

Chen Geng nodded and said, "I've been doing one thing before you came in." Pointing to a computer on the table, Chen Yu continued: "We have installed a total of six wireless cameras around the mine, three of which have been completely scrapped, and the remaining three images returned after being destroyed are unrecognizable at all. I am trying to merge and analyze the images sent back by the three cameras with software. I believe it. The picture should not be too bad! But everyone will have to wait for about ten minutes.

The stone nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work! In any case, the picture must be restored!"

Looking at the extremely nervous appearance of the stone, Wu Shaojun asked, "What the hell happened there? How could you care so much! I don't even want to take a short break. You know, it's going to be dawn!"

The stone frowned and said, "When I escaped from the mine, I felt an extremely horrible breath of energy. The source should be an extremely large mutant. According to my judgment, the other party is coming towards the mine.

Wu Shaojun thought for a moment and asked, "Can we deal with it?"

The stone shook his head and said, "Judging only by the strength of energy, all of us are not opponents. Although we can all hide underground, my real worry is that the other party will destroy the buildings in the county, which may have a certain impact on the dungeon.

Wu Shaojun said, "Since the other party is coming to the mine, he will definitely fight with the military. When they lose both sides, we will just stir them up!"

Stone shook his head and said, "Although there are three armored vehicles in the army of these two hundred people, I'm afraid it won't do much harm to unknown mutants. And as far as I know, another army sent by the military will come in three days at most. We'd better plan early!"

Wu Shaojun was about to say something when Chen Geng suddenly shouted, "Oh, my God! Look at the big screen! What is that?"

The huge image on the screen keeps shaking, and you can't see anything at all. After a while, the picture stabilized, and everyone immediately found that something was wrong.

The whole site in front of the mine can be seen clearly on the LCD screen. I don't know why the armored vehicle originally parked at the mouth of the mine was turned upside down. Several army green tents in the center of the site all collapsed to the ground, and several trucks also tilted and turned to the ground. The front of the car was like being hit by a heavy object. It's just that the headlights of the car still tenaciously hit a few white beams of light into the air ahead.

There was no one on the messy field. Looking at the armored car whose wheels were still slowly turning, everyone stared at the LCD screen for fear of missing some details.

In the corner of the picture, a dark thick wooden stake suddenly fell down and hit the ground. The picture began to shake again. When the picture stabilized again, there was a deep ditch on the ground where the wooden stake fell just now.

Something suddenly flashed in Stone's mind and shouted out excitedly.

"This is a big snake. What we saw just now is a tail!"

Chen Yu also suddenly woke up and shouted with a frightened face, "It's indeed a snake. What I saw before was the tail, but the scales on it were the size of a bowl mouth, which was really beyond imagination, so I didn't dare to confirm it."

Mo Yu suddenly shouted, "After watching it for a long time, why is there no sound at all? Didn't the sound turn on?"

Chen Geng blushed and shouted loudly because of excitement: "The sound sensor on the camera is broken, and it can only send back the picture."

At this moment, everyone suddenly heard a few muffled sounds, and the sound actually reached a depth of more than ten meters. Wu Shaojun's face suddenly looked extremely different and shouted, "Chen Geng, open all the communication channels for me, issue emergency orders, and all people will enter the first-level combat readiness state!"

It seemed to be a big joke for everyone. A few huge fires suddenly exploded on the field in front of the mine, and the huge LCD screen suddenly lit up. A big python with sharp corners on its head suddenly occupied the whole picture, and there was a violent shaking. The LCD screen suddenly turned into a pure white curtain. What I can't see it.

Everyone stared at the blank picture in front of them and hadn't recovered for a long time.

"It's really horrible! There are such huge snakes in the world. This is simply the legendary unicorn!" Mo Yu muttered and didn't notice Wu Shaojun's dull expression beside him at all.

After a few muffled noises, the stone suddenly slapped the table heavily and shouted, "City lord, it's time for you to make a decision. The whole dungeon is waiting for your order!"

Wu Shaojun, who woke up, looked at the stone and said helplessly, "This monster is too big to easily turn an armored vehicle upside down. What else do you think we can do?"

The stone roared, "Don't give up easily at any time!" As the city owner, you must take responsibility! Don't forget that there are more than 2,000 people in the dungeon now, all looking at you, Lord Wu!"

Wu Shaojun was stunned, and his eyes suddenly returned to Qingming. He grabbed the telephone in Chen Geng's hand and shouted, "I'm Wu Shaojun. Now I'm conveying an emergency order. Our dungeon is now facing an unprecedented crisis. A huge mutant python has entered the county, right on our head. All non-combatants are requested to remain calm and enter the shelter in order. Others, please continue to stick to your posts and wait for further instructions at any time!"

Wu Shaojun put down the telephone and said to Uncle Zhong opposite, "Now the situation is unknown. I want to take a team out to investigate the situation in person. Everything here is left to you, the deputy city owner!"

Uncle Zhong shouted, "As the lord of the city, you must stay here to stabilize the hearts of the people, and leave the affairs outside to me!" Keep in touch!"

After saying that, I will go out with a group of capable people who have been waiting outside who have received messages for a long time.

Wu Shaojun called Uncle Zhong, took a look at the stone standing aside, and suddenly took off his clothes in front of everyone. When Uncle Zhong saw Wu Shaojun's dark green armor shining on his body, he was suddenly stunned.

"You put these on me. Ordinary things can't penetrate it!"

Uncle Zhong suddenly looked back at the stone. He finally understood that Wu Shaojun was undamaged by his energy spike because the stone gave him a set of crystal armor.

Wu Shaojun personally helped Uncle Zhong wear his armor and said, "I want everyone to live well. There is no absolute certainty. Don't act rashly!"

Looking at the enviable crowd behind Uncle Zhong, Stone suddenly said, "In this operation, our Brotherhood will be with everyone. When the time is ripe, I promise that everyone present today will have such a set of armor!"

Although you don't understand the benefits of wearing this set of armor, since it is made by stone, it naturally has its special features. Everyone is full of expectations.

In this operation, Uncle Zhong took out all the capable team, and together with Stone's people, there were nearly 30 people in total.

Although they just go out to explore the situation, once they have the opportunity to kill the python, they will definitely not hesitate to take action to solve this great scourge.

It's finally dawn, but it gives people a dull and depressing feeling.

The lieutenant is in a terrible mood now. First, the riot in the middle of the night tossed people a lot. Although there were no casualties on his side, only eight close guards guarding him were knocked to the ground, but the barrel of an armored vehicle was easily cut off by the other party, almost losing all its combat effectiveness and completely turning into a turtle shell. He could only watch the other party escape from the barracks and have no place to chase him.

Just settling everything and trying to make up for it, a one-horned python with a sharp horn on its head suddenly climbed down from the mountain above the mine like a dragon coming to the world.

The thick body of the bucket is full of bowl-sized scales, which are colorful under the headlights. Fortunately, the previous riots made everyone more vigilant, and all the trucks in a row turned on the headlights, illuminating the whole camp like daylight. This made everyone find this uninvited guest at the first time.

The appearance of the python subverted everyone's traditional psychology, and the barracks exploded in an instant. Several timid soldiers were scared to death. They boldly raised their guns and shot at the python desperately. Unfortunately, the bullet hit the python. Except for a trace of sparks, the python seemed to have no sense, staring at these ant-like creatures in front of them.

I don't know who it was. While the python was not paying attention, it actually launched a high-explosive grenade at the python with a rocket launcher. With a huge explosion sound, the python opened its mouth and made a terrible and painful roar. The soldier carrying the rocket launcher suddenly overjoyed and waited for the giant python to moan and die. But when the smoke and dust dissipated, the brave soldier immediately widened his eyes and opened his mouth and looked at the python with a high head high in midair without injury. Next, he suddenly felt that the sky above his head suddenly darkened. When he raised his head, a thick tail hit his head fiercely. Come down. The poor soldier became a puddle of meat mud, accompanied by only a severely deformed rocket launcher.

Although the high-explosive grenade did not cause any damage to the python, it made the python feel pain and directly aroused its ferocity.

The huge tail swept away, and the innocent armored vehicle parked at the mouth of the mine was directly turned upside down. Under continuous sweeping, the barracks were immediately razed to the ground.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the lieutenant began to decide to retreat. When the last wave of cluster high explosives* was thrown at the python, the lieutenant got on the last intact armored vehicle and began to retreat to the center of the county with everyone.

The armored car was followed by four green pickup trucks, and the accelerators all stepped on the bottom. Less than 100 people have survived. When the sky gradually lit up, he saw the unrelenting python behind him through the rearview mirror, and the lieutenant couldn't help cursing loudly. He quickly ordered everyone to disperse, and he personally drove an armored car and a python in a circle in the residential area.

After stepping on the accelerator and working so hard, the lieutenant barely opened a distance of less than 50 meters from the python. The lieutenant secretly congratulated himself. Fortunately, when he chose the equipment this time, he chose a wheeled armored vehicle. If he changed to that kind of tracked armored vehicle, he was afraid that he would leave his life here.

Looking at an alley in front, the lieutenant rushed in with an armored car, and the gun barrel bombarded the rooms on both sides of the rear several times. In the loud noise, several three-storey buildings on both sides suddenly collapsed, blocking a four-meter-wide alley and successfully blocking the python from moving forward. Road.

Seeing the goal achieved, the lieutenant pushed the door and shouted, "Bring me a rocket launcher and get out of the car and walk!"

Two soldiers carried out two rocket launchers, and the remaining two hung all the remaining ten* of the armored vehicles on their bodies. Everyone began to trot with the lieutenant, climbed over several courtyard walls one after another, and hid in a three-story residential building.

Lieutenant took everyone to the roof, hid behind the window, and whispered to everyone, "Somethings such as snakes are extremely ** for vibration. I hope everyone can keep quiet as much as possible and move lightly. Only in this way can we avoid the search of pythons."

There were loud noises in the distance. The lieutenant frowned, raised the high-power telescope hanging on his chest, and began to observe carefully.