Hunting legend

Chapter 96 Battle in the second half of the night

Before dark, the lights of the whole hotel finally turned on. Yuanlang put down the wrench in his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead happily.

"Well done! Yuen Long, I didn't expect you to repair this gasoline generator.

Yuen Long saluted the company commander Jin who came to him and said, "The deputy commander is flattered. Before he became a soldier, my father was an auto repairman, so I also learned some repair skills from my father."

Money smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Hurry up and go upstairs to rest."

Yuan Long nodded and said, "When I fill the generator tank with gasoline, this task will be completed."

Money nodded and walked out of the basement.

In the conference room, all the earliest members of the Brotherhood gathered together, and Money also attended the meeting with several of his subordinates.

Wang Cai lay quietly in the corner of the wall, and the little boy was carefully helping him remove the lice hidden in his hair. The man's face was full of great enjoyment.

"Tomorrow morning, the convoy will leave for its destination. The place we are going to enter was a no man's land before the disaster.

Dai Jun glanced at the laptop screen in front of him and said, "According to satellite images, the vegetation density of this no man's land has reached five times that before the disaster. That is to say, after we go deep into the jungle, we will face all kinds of strange mutants. I hope everyone can be psychologically prepared and actively respond Yes!"

Looking at the solemn team members, Dai Jun, who was in charge of the meeting, continued to say, "Today, we will gather everyone together, hoping to brainstorm and make a detailed action plan to complete the task of rescuing the Luli people in a month."

Dai Jun called Lu Li, began to ask all the details about other people, and acted as an interpreter to report all known intelligence clues to everyone. The crowd began to discuss fiercely.

An hour later, in the face of few intelligence clues, everyone still had a relatively appropriate plan. After assigning their respective responsibilities, everyone began to disperse to the floor of the accommodation.

The stone lay on a soft big ** and couldn't sleep. The roar of the machine in the basement was like a dense drum beat, and it couldn't help ringing in his ear. Since his body has been transformed again, his hearing has reached a horrible level. As long as his mind is focused and within 50 meters, any subtle sound will be ruthlessly amplified and fed back to his ear nerves. It's okay during the day. All kinds of chaotic sounds will disturb his mind, but once he goes to bed at night, once he closes his eyes, the nightmare begins.

I couldn't help turning the stones, and I was really not sleepy at all, so I had no choice but to call out the little boy. Rubbing his eyes, the little boy said impatiently, "What's the problem! As your ability increases day by day, your perception ability in all aspects will naturally improve accordingly. These are all related to the energy growth in your body. You should remember that the energy absorbed from the outside world can always be borrowed, not really your own energy. Only through continuous practice of skills, breakthroughs, the ability obtained through cultivation is really your own, and only the energy obtained in this way. You can recover slowly after consumption.

The little boy standing at the head of the bed stretched his body for a while and said, "The fact that you can't sleep can only show that your body is about to make a breakthrough. When you successfully break through, you can consciously control your hearing and other abilities. Naturally, you will not be negatively brought by this ability. Face effect. In a word, on the road to growth, you still have to practice well and work hard!"

Stone sighed and said, "Calling you out is to let you solve the problem, but you have been nagging for a long time, but you still haven't solved my current problem. I just want to sleep peacefully."

The little boy pointed to Wang Cai, who was huddled in the corner of the wall and said with a smile, "Wang Cai's hearing has far surpassed that of human beings, but his body has also undergone several transformations. According to reason, he should be even more unable to sleep, but look at him now, how peacefully he sleeps between half asleep. This is The key to solving the problem!"

"Half dream and half awake?" The stone seems to have something to understand.

Xiaoguai nodded and said, "Usually, when practicing, the mind will sink into the consciousness space. At this time, all kinds of external interference will be spontaneously blocked by the body. However, if there is an invasion by a foreign enemy at this time, the body will instinctively transmit dangerous information to the brain. That is to say, the body can spontaneously respond to external interference. This is human instinctive consciousness. You just need to consciously exercise your instinctive consciousness, and you can do two-purpose over time. This is also the half-dream and half-awake state of Wang Cai.

Stone nodded and said, "This is indeed a good way, that is, to selectively deal with external interference, and at the same time, you can practice skills in your sleep, which is simply killing two birds with one stone!"

The little boy smiled but didn't say anything, and slipped back to the stone's body and fell asleep.

The stone's index finger sighed softly, and the electric light turned off. The cover was recovered, the stone closed his eyes, relaxed his limbs, and began to practice his crystal jade skill.

Consciousness is indeed controllable. Just as the mind was about to completely sink into the consciousness space, the stone finally controlled the last line of consciousness and let it control its own body.

I don't know when the stone in my sleep suddenly opened its eyes. Through several walls, the stone can clearly hear the breathing of other team members sleeping in several rooms next door, and everything seems to be normal. Stone closed his eyes, concentrated, and began to listen carefully to the movement from afar.

With the concentration of the stone spirit, he heard a dense rustling sound, like silkworms eating mulberry leaves, but the quantity seemed to be extremely spectacular. Stone frowned and immediately sent the little boy out.

With the help of visual sharing with the little boy, the stone saw that the street floor was densely covered with black mutant ants. Looking at the ants with thin little finger, the stone only felt that the backbone was chilling. The direction of these ants was moving towards the hotel they were staying in. It was dared that they were shocked when they acted during the day. Seeing that there was less than three kilometers away, the stone jumped up directly, picked up the pistol at the head of the bed and fired three shots in a row.

It was Mo Yu who was the first to arrive at the stone room. As early as when the stone woke up, the dragon horn placed by the pillow suddenly shook violently. Mo Yu, who was awakened, dressed and ran to the stone room. After a few steps, he heard the gunshot from the stone room.

"What's the situation?" Mo Yu asked loudly.

"It's a mutant ant! The number is quite amazing. I'm afraid it's less than two kilometers away from us.

Hearing Stone's words, Mo Yu opened the caller and began to call Dai Jun, briefly explaining the situation. Without saying a word, Dai Jun began to mobilize all the people and began to prepare for the attack.

Stone quietly told Xiaoguai to send a split body and Wang Cai to protect Zixuan, and he ran outside the hotel with Mo Yu.

As soon as he got outside, the stone smelled a pungent smell of gasoline and ran to the heart of the street. He saw Dai Jun and money commanding the soldiers to pour gasoline on the street.

Looking at the soldiers with long guns and short cannons, the stone shouted to the caller: "Listen to me. Our enemies are quite a large number of mutant ants. The fire attack can only slow them down for a while. I ask everyone to set up gasoline barriers within two minutes, and then enter the convoy to prepare to evacuate. !"

Hearing the deputy captain's request for everyone to retreat, money felt a little puzzled. It seemed that he was not fit the status of a soldier to retreat without fighting, but when he saw that Dai Jun, the company commander who was always fighting on the front line, he also looked like a big enemy, and the heart of money was also raised.

In less than two minutes, the money heard a dense rustle. Although the enemy is still not visible, these sounds also make people feel creepy.

The stone stood on the roof of the car shed and saw the ant colony for the first time. When the leading troops of the ant colony entered the center of the 50-meter-long gasoline position laid by Dai Jun, the stone shouted at the caller: "Dai Jun, light the fire! All the fighters quickly get on the car and are ready to evacuate.

Dai Jun raised his pistol and pulled the trigger towards the ground in the distance. With a bang, the bullet hit the ground and stirred up a spark. With a bang, the gasoline all over the ground burst into flames, and the fire swept around.

There was a squeaky scream in the sea of fire, which sounded strange. Money stood high and finally saw the tide-like ant colony by the firelight, and his face was unnaturally ** a few times.

There was a scorching smell in the air, and the creaking sound mixed with the cracking sound of the ant colony's bodies, and the whole sea of fire suddenly became a hell on earth.

The large number of casualties of his companions made the ant king in the center of the ant colony angry and began to drive away the ant colony desperately, hoping to use the body of the ant colony to extinguish the sea of fire in front of him and pave a safe passage with their bodies.

Under the ** power of the ant king, the ant colony rushed to the fire one after another, spitting ant acid while stepping on the companion's body and rushing forward.

The fire was decreasing. When the fire slowly narrowed, the ant colony began to go crazy, rushing to the edge of the street and rushing towards the convoy.

The stone shouted, "Let's go!"

The sound of the car shook, and the convoy began to drive towards the suburbs of the county. Through the reflector, the money at the end of the convoy saw the ant colony chasing the convoy relentlessly. It was dark and could not be seen at a glance.

Money never dreamed that the mutant ants were simply flying and were about to keep up with the convoy. Seeing that the distance of the ant colony congregate from one kilometer to less than 100 meters, the money was a little restless and desperately honked the horn and urged the car in front of them to speed up.

Dai Jun glanced at the rearview mirror and smiled proudly. The boy finally knew that he was afraid. Previously, he wanted to fight with the ant group. I stepped on the accelerator hard, the car trembled, and the speed suddenly became faster.

Money quickly followed the speed of the team and ran for more than ten minutes, finally completely getting rid of the ant colony. Money was relieved and noticed that the clothes on his back had been soaked.