Hunting legend

Chapter 98 Strangeness of the Pool

Everyone goes all the way in the direction of the stream. As you move forward, the terrain becomes more and more steep, and the road begins to become narrow.

Dai Jun could only ask the team to divide into two teams and walk against the valleys on both sides of the stream.

The more you go in, the denser the vegetation becomes. Gradually, even the space above the stream was covered by the branches and leaves on both sides, and the stones walking in the front had to wave their weapons and begin to clean up the road ahead.

Dai Jun raised his wrist from time to time to identify the direction for fear of going in the wrong direction.

Money walked at the end of the team and kept in touch with Dai Jun in front of him from time to time. His task is to ensure that no one falls behind, and also pay attention to whether there is any abnormality behind him. Orcs are usually very cunning, especially after mutiny has gained wisdom, and they already have certain strategic ideas.

Mo Yu held his black gold knife tightly in his right hand, but the dragon horn in his left hand. I can't say what the mood is. At this time, Mo Yu hopes that a few mutant beasts will jump out and fight with them, so that these newly joined soldiers can be enlightened. Since successfully killing the dragon, these standard soldiers have begun to have some arrogant psychological changes, and they don't pay much attention to the orcs they are looking for.

This is a problem, and it's a big problem! In the jungle, as long as there is the slightest care, you are likely to die at any time.

Looking at the reckless men installed in the critical part of the team, Mo Yu was a little relieved.

Since he officially entered the jungle, Xie Liang's eyes have hardly left the LCD screen in his hand. Since the team has solar panels, the power supply has no longer become a problem. Xie Liang has almost never been separated from the life detector in his hand. He has already developed a habit. No matter where he goes, he will subconsciously pay attention to the surrounding environment, lest some mutant monsters will quietly approach them.

Looking at the time displayed on the mobile phone, it was past three o'clock in the afternoon. Looking around, there are bushes full of people's height. If it weren't for the guidance of the stream, they really didn't know where to go.

Stone has always insisted that no creature can be separated from the water source. As long as it can find the place where the water finally converges along the stream, traces of orc activities can be found nearby, and then track it all the way, and there will definitely gain something.

Finally, at nearly four o'clock, they finally saw a large pool with an area of ten mu. Everyone suddenly became excited and ran to the pool one after another.

Stone took a look at Dai Jun and said, "Arrange people to start setting up the barracks, but it's better to stay away from the pool, and the distance must be 100 meters away."

Seeing Stone's serious expression, Dai Jun nodded and began to arrange it.

Mo Yu stood by the pool, looked at the bottomless pool, and then looked at the tall and dense trees around him. Mo Yu glanced at the motionless dragon horn in his hand.

"There is an extremely difficult monster that lives in the water. When they attack, there is no energy fluctuation at all. That is to say, Longjiao will also lose its place of use.

Turning around and looking at the stone, Mo Yu said, "I always feel that there must be some monster hidden in such a big pool. Otherwise, it's really incredible."

Stone nodded and said, "Once upon a time, in such a stream, I had seen a transparent water monster that could change its shape at will. At that time, if it hadn't been for the help of the little boy, I would have been dead. We must be careful."

Mo Yu nodded and walked to the barracks under construction.

The stone looked around, and no one was idle. They were all busy with their work. Some people are cleaning up the weeds and shrubs around the barracks, and some people are collecting dead branches and fallen leaves in the distance. Even the little boy appeared and patrolled around with Wang Cai.

After a few circles around the barracks, the stone came to the pool again. Looking around for a while, Stone had a question in his heart. Previously, when I looked at the momentum of the waterfall, I was afraid that the water flowed uninterrupted, but the pool that eventually flowed into seemed to be like a bottomless hole, and it was really strange that it would never be filled with dissatisfaction.

Looking at the green pool, the question in the stone's heart is deeper. The stream is clear and transparent. How can it change its color when it flows into the pool?

The tall trees formed many reflections in the pool. Looking at the unknown shrubs on the shore, the stone took out the little golden dragon. At the energy, a one-meter-long golden dragon sword was instantly formed. The stone lifted the golden dragon sword and walked slowly along the pool to the distance.

Seeing the abnormality of the stone, Mo Yu explained a few words to the team members around him, and he ran to the stone.

"Stone, did you find anything?"

Shaking his head, Stone said, "Not yet, but I always feel something is wrong in my heart."

Mo Yu said, "Be careful to sail the ten-thousand-year-old ship. Before it got dark, the two of us would simply search carefully along the pool to see if we could find anything.

The stone nodded, and the golden dragon sword carefully moved the grass underground, hoping to find traces of animal activity.

Looking at the several large iron pots that had been set up, Zixuan patted the dust on her hands, called four soldiers, picked up two small iron buckets, and came to the pool.

Putting down the iron bucket, Zixuan pointed to the pool and said, "You two should fill up the water in the iron pot as soon as possible, but pay attention to safety and try not to be too close to the pool."

nodded, and a soldier began to untie a bundle of rope wrapped around his waist. Looking at the strange rope with the thickness of the chopsticks, Zixuan asked curiously, "What is this rope made of? Why does it look like rubber?"

Hearing Zixuan's question, the young soldier said, "This is not an ordinary rope. Do you remember the dragon we killed? This is the dragon tendon on the dragon's body. Don't look down on it. We have specially tested it. The same thick wire rope is not as strong as it.

After saying that, the young soldier put the dragon tendon on the ear of the iron bucket, threw the bucket into the pool, and ploped, stirring up the boss's splash.

The stone in the distance suddenly stopped and stared at the place where the soldier fed water with a strange face. As soon as Mo Yu wanted to ask something, the stone suddenly pointed down to the water and said, "Brother, have you noticed? The ripples of the water were still there just now, but I didn't see the ripples pass to the middle of the pool all the time. This is too strange!"

Mo Yu was stunned and saw the stone suddenly pick up a piece of soil on the ground and throw it into the center of the pool. The soil fell on the surface of the water, but instead of sinking, it collapsed and became a pool of mud. Mo Yu looked carefully this time. There seemed to be something floating on the surface of the water. He didn't really see it and covered the mud.

Stone's face suddenly changed greatly and shouted to the caller, "All personnel are not allowed to approach the surface of the water. They will immediately enter the first-level combat readiness. The enemy is in the water!"

Mo Yu really didn't react for a while, so the stone had to hold his arm and pull him to the camp. Seeing the stone coming, Dai Jun ran forward and asked, "Deputy captain, what on earth happened?"

Stone pulled Dai Jun aside and said, "This time we are in great trouble. The enemy should be the water monster I told you before, which is quite difficult to deal with!"

Dai Jun was silent for a moment and asked, "Is it more terrible than the dragon?"

The stone pointed to the water in the distance and said, "Have you noticed that the color of the pool here is green, but the color within three meters near the shore is extremely normal. It should not be like this. I also tried just now. There is something on the surface of the water, and the mud I threw down casually is actually placed on the surface of the water. If I guess right, this guy must be quite huge. I'm afraid the green layer on the surface of water is caused by the body of the water monster.

The expression on Dai Jun's face became more solemn and asked, "Deputy captain, do you mean that the body of the water monster is almost as large as a pool?"

Stone hesitated for a moment and nodded and said, "It's very likely. If so, I believe that the dragon is no match for him.

Dai Jun's face suddenly showed an unbelievable expression and asked, "It's so powerful!"

Stone said, "The most powerful thing about the water monster is that its body can split almost infinitely. The opponent you will face is actually a pool of highly corrosive transparency**. Ordinary attacks can't hurt it at all, not even energy puncture. Because after its body is divided, it will merge again. In addition to being quite afraid of fire, only an energy ball like Zixuan can cause damage to its body, which is really difficult to deal with.

Dai Jun suddenly asked, "So many of us are moving around the monster. Why haven't we seen any changes?"

Stone said, "I have encountered a water monster before, but the area of their bodies is less than six square meters. They seem to like to move at night for easy hiding."

Dai Jun thought for a moment and said, "It really doesn't work. Let's just leave here before it's dark."

Mo Yu, who was beside him, suddenly said, "You must not do this unless you have to!"

Pointing to the soldiers in the distance, Mo Yu continued: "The previous killing of the dragon has made them proud. Now let them retreat. I'm afraid they won't accept it until they see the real side of the water monster. What's more, this is the first challenge we encounter when our brother alliance really enters the jungle. If we retreat without a fight, it will not only seriously affect morale, but on the contrary, everyone will never improve. We must fight this battle, and we must win it without casualties!"

Stone nodded and said, "In this case, let's start preparing for the war before the water monster takes action!"

As Dai Jun's emergency order was conveyed, all the personnel stopped their affairs and gathered together. The stone called out the little boy and asked him to imitate the water monster to show the infinitely divided and ever-changing means. Then he explained some of the weaknesses and characteristics of the water monster to everyone. Seeing the excited look of those soldiers, Stone sighed secretly. These guys were really like what Mo Yu said. He didn't know the height of the sky.

After Shitou finished speaking, Dai Jun began to arrange manpower to prepare for the pre-war defense. The problem of eating could no longer be taken care of. Zixuan could only boil a few large pots of boiling water, so that everyone could fill their stomachs by eating some smoked fish fillets with boiling water.

Fire attack, this is the only defense method they can think of. All the people began to take action. Even Stone and Mo Yu went to battle in person, collected everything that could be burned, and became lumberjacks.

The sky gradually darkened, and the stones ate something randomly and began to arrange in front of the open camp.