Hunting legend

Chapter 133 Mysterious Flying Saucer

It's like a dream in the world. When the little boy saw the huge dish-shaped aircraft in front of him, his eyes almost fell out. Compared with the mobile phone picture, the scene is more shocking.

Xiaoguai really didn't expect that someone in the world could make a giant spaceship like a beautiful handicraft. There is no trace of riveting on the overall silver-gray shell, which is completely integrated. Even the portholes are made of what material they are made of. They look like crystals, but they are not transparent. However, Xiaoguai can be sure that these portholes must be transparent, but they can't be seen inside from the outside.

The whole flying saucer is only about six meters high, but nearly ten meters wide. Looking at a deep ditch extending to the bottom of the flying saucer, Xiaoguai immediately confirmed that the spacecraft was likely to land forcibly after getting out of control, which caused such a large area of damage. After sliding nearly two kilometers, the spacecraft stopped. Just looking at the flying saucer, the external structure is not damaged at all. The silver-gray appearance is still as bright as new, and I don't know what material it is made of.

While the little boy was thinking nonsense, two short figures suddenly appeared in front of the little boy and did not find the little boy in a stealth state.

The big eyes account for almost one-third of the dwarf's face. If you can't see the pupils, it is dark. The head is bare, and the nose is only two small holes, but the mouth is about the same size as that of a normal human. As for the pointed ears, they are very similar to the legendary elves. The arms are so long that they can almost reach the knees. He was wearing a one-piece dress, which covered his neck tightly. Like the color of the outside of the flying saucer, it was silver-gray. I don't know what material it was made of, and it seemed to be extremely soft and close-fitting.

Two dwarfs less than 1.5 meters tall walked into the depths of the jungle with a short stick-like thing in their hands. The little boy turned his eyes and immediately ran to the flying saucer. After turning around the flying saucer, he didn't find any portal or anything like that. He couldn't even see the small cracks on the whole flying saucer, which made Xiaoguai extremely angry.

Reaching out and touching the flying saucer, the little boy immediately felt a burst of warmth, similar to human body temperature. Looking at no one around, Xiaoguai condensed an energy dagger and quietly stabbed the flying saucer. Just when he touched the surface of the flying saucer, a huge suction suddenly came from the flying saucer, which absorbed the energy on the energy dagger in an instant. If the little boy hadn't reacted quickly and given up the energy dagger in time, I'm afraid that the energy in his body would be absorbed completely.

Xiaoguai was shocked by the sudden changes. He really didn't expect that this flying saucer was so magical that it could defend independently. Fortunately, I didn't use energy when I touched the flying saucer before, otherwise, my energyized body would be absorbed clean by the flying saucer.

After thinking about it, the little boy simply hid in the distance and quietly waited for the two dwarfs to come back, trying to follow them into the inside of the flying saucer.

Just a face-to-face with the flying saucer, the little monster almost suffered a big loss. Not only this, but even the released spiritual perception, once it reaches the surface of the flying saucer, it will immediately be blocked by a strange force place, which cannot penetrate at all, and naturally cannot detect the situation inside the flying saucer.

Xiaoguai sighed. Today's operation is indeed a little unsmooth. This spacecraft is already so powerful. I'm afraid that the two aliens themselves are not vegetarian. I don't know if there are their companions in the spacecraft. If they manipulate this spacecraft to deal with everyone, I'm afraid The Brotherhood is going to be completely finished.

Thinking of this, Xiaoguai began to be serious, transmitted the information from this side to Stone through his split, and solemnly reminded Stone that all people have entered a state of first-class combat readiness. There can be no carelessness. The strength of the opponent has far exceeded the technology known to mankind.

After receiving the message sent back by Xiaoguai, Stone immediately gathered everyone together, explained the information passed back by Xiaoguai to everyone, and began to discuss the action plan again.

Just when the little boy began to be a little impatient, the two dwarfs finally came back, carrying two beasts about the size of a dwarf on their backs. They were too far away to see what they were.

The little boy took a deep breath and looked a little nervous.

When the two dwarfs came to the spaceship, the little boy immediately followed him gently, held his breath, and stood less than a meter behind the dwarf.

I don't know what the dwarf had done. Obviously, his body did not touch the flying saucer. A door suddenly appeared silently in the abdomen of the flying saucer. The two dwarfs raised their steps and walked in one after another. Just as soon as Xiaoguai entered the inside of the flying saucer, the door behind him suddenly closed and melted into a whole with the surrounding walls, without any trace.

Almost at the same time, Stone opened his eyes and looked at Mo Yu in front of him and said, "I lost contact with the little boy. He has successfully entered the inside of the flying saucer. At present, we can only wait for his news here to make plans."

Mo Yu nodded and returned to the middle of the team.

The little boy who has turned into a transparent person is looking curiously at the inside of the flying saucer. Here, there are some constantly shining instruments and equipment, and the interior of the whole flying saucer is extremely compact. Passing through several automatic doors one after another, the little boy followed the two aliens to a place similar to a storage room, where there were dozens of animal corpses without any repetition.

Before the little boy could take a closer look, the two aliens put down the two animal corpses on their backs and walked out. The little boy quickly turned around and clung to the wall, allowing the two expressionless aliens.

Looking at the automatic door that was slowly closing, Xiaoguai quickly followed the footsteps of the two aliens. I followed them to a relatively spacious space.

One of the thin aliens took a few steps, sat down in an extremely strange chair in the center of the space, and pressed his hands in front of him. Suddenly, a row of light curtains of different sizes suddenly appeared in front of the empty one. When the alien waved his fingers to operate on the light curtain, with the flash of light and shadow, Xiaoguai suddenly found that everything in front of him had disappeared. He actually stood where the original flying saucer landed, and the trees around him were clearly visible, as if it were within reach.

The sudden scene change made Xiaoguai a little confused for a moment. After sett down, he found that he was in mid-air and nothing under his feet. Looking around blankly, the flying saucer had long disappeared without a trace, and even the two aliens disappeared.

Xiaoguai subconsciously stamped his feet, and the soles of his feet were solid and powerful. Xiaoguai suddenly woke up and quickly concentrated to improve his perceived energy. Sure enough, when two faint lights and shadows appeared in my mind, all the truth came out.

Xiaoguai smiled self-deprecatingly. He was still not calm enough, but the alien's technology was really amazing.

It turns out that Xiaogua still stays inside the flying saucer from beginning to end. The situation just now is just a scientific and technological means for aliens. It blurs everything except itself, and it looks like it's really on the outside of the flying saucer, with a sense of the scene.

Xiaoguai looked at the familiar environment around him and sighed with emotion. The technology of this flying saucer itself has surpassed many times that of human beings. If these two aliens really have bad intentions with human beings, I'm afraid that they will be vulnerable in front of the flying saucer with the technology that humans have now.

Just when Xiaoguai was distracted, the surrounding picture suddenly shook a few times, and the light seemed to be much dim. Xiaoguai could immediately clearly see all the facilities inside the flying saucer.

Watching the alien not far in front of him stand up from his chair and talk to another alien. The little boy is so confused that he doesn't know what the two aliens are talking about.

After observing for a long time, the little boy didn't understand what they were talking about. After thinking about it, Xiaoguai decided to look around in the flying saucer alone.

For the sake of safety, Xiaoguai separated a split to stay with two aliens. In Xiaoguai's imagination, the interior of the flying saucer should be relatively safe.

The little boy is more careful and tries to avoid touching the inside of the flying saucer. Perception was also exerted to the extreme by him. Whenever you feel obstacles, Xiaoguai will never touch it. When Xiaoguai came to the end of a passage, he suddenly became worried. This was obviously the previous storage room, but he didn't know how to open the door.

The little boy suddenly had an impulse to open a door with an energy sword, but he just wanted to think about it. After taking a few deep breaths, the little boy calmed down and thought of the way. Suddenly, an inspiration flashed in Xiaoguai's mind. The alien did not seem to touch the wall or make any abnormal movements before, and the door opened, which seemed to indicate that the doors were automatic sensing type.

After thinking about it, Xiaoguai appeared. Sure enough, a thin crack began to appear on the wall in front of him, which was slowly getting bigger. The little boy dodged in and immediately entered a state of invisibility. The automatic door behind him immediately closed quietly.

The little boy explored and found that the two aliens did not seem to have any abnormality, so he was relieved and began to study the animal carcasses in the room.

After turning around, the little boy didn't find a repetitive animal. However, they have the same characteristic, that is, they all enter a state of deep sleep and seem to be anaesthetized by drugs.

Xiaoguai carefully explored and found that these animals were all mutated creatures. If possible, they should have brains in their brains. I don't know if these aliens have taken a fancy to these brains.

Xiaoguai looked around and found nothing else before he appeared and was ready to go out. At the moment when his body was just revealed, a door suddenly appeared quietly on his side. After thinking about it, he immediately got in and disappeared into the air again.