Hunting legend

Chapter 193 The sonorous trio

On the wall, Long Wu's face suddenly became solemn. He heard the little old man's words clearly just now. With this hand, the little old woman can enter the top ten circles of Liberty City.

The werewolf's sunken body has proved the strength of the old woman. It's hard for Long Wu to understand that those black snakes don't seem to be affected by gravity.

Under the wall, the little old woman looked at the electric black snake and seemed to be a little surprised. She saw two black snakes running straight to the door. The little old woman instinctively drew a circle in front of her.

Time seemed to slow down, just like the movie picture was slowing down. The two black snakes were set in mid-air, less than two feet away from the little old woman's door, but they could no longer enter. The snake's tail moved, but it was extremely slow, and everything began to become uncontrollable.

After two cracks, the two black snakes finally exhausted their kinetic energy and fell to the ground under the influence of the gravity field.

The little old woman waved her hands and her fingertips quickly moved in the air. The high heads of the two black snakes fell to the ground unwillingly and could no longer move.

After wiping the sweat on her forehead, the little old woman gently patted her chest and exhaled a long breath.

"Old lady, we can't stand it anymore. Why don't you come and help!"

The little old woman turned around and saw the little old man and the man jumping up and down, avoiding the black snake chasing them, making a crisp explosion sound from time to time in mid-air.

The little old woman frowned. These black snakes were surprisingly fast in the air, and they were also tossed and embarrassed at the speed of the little old man.

Seeing that the little old woman had no intention of do anything, the little old man shouted, "Take action quickly. We'll be done later!"

The little old woman was a little angry and said, "Your speed is so fast that I can't put a gravity shield on you at all!"

A voice shouted from afar: "sister-in-law! Eliminate the gravity on us and try to get close to us!"

Hearing the voice of the man in scorpion, the little old woman immediately had an idea, danced her hands, and the two black snakes fixed on the ground immediately floated in front of her.

"They all move towards me. I have a way to deal with them!"

Almost as the little old woman finished speaking, the little old man appeared beside the little old woman, followed by two black snakes. The little old woman flicked her finger, and the two black snakes suspended in front of her flew faster to the two black snakes chasing the little old man.

In the face of the sudden dark shadow, the two black snake instinctively opened their mouths, bit the dark shadow in front of them, and immediately bit the head of the black snake that could not move. The little old woman released the bound gravity field on the black snake in time and heard two cracks. The black snake, which had been in pain for a long time, struggled forward. However, he drilled into the mouth of the black snake with its mouth wide open, and in a blink of an eye, only a tail was still exposed at the corner of his companion's mouth, shaking.

With two cracks, the swollen black belly fell to the ground like this, and the body kept twisting.

"This is called self-fed fruit!" The little old woman said coldly, "The end of the same end is really happy!"


The little old woman turned her head and saw the man in scorpion dancing, and the bamboo hat beside her kept spinning around her body, blocking the attack of the two black snakes. However, the black snake seemed to have insight into the man's attempt to get close to the little old woman, and trapped the man in his clothes in place one after another.

The little old woman glanced at the stiff werewolf in the distance and shouted at the little old man, "What are you still doing? Hurry up and get rid of those annoying guys! It's up to me."

The little old man immediately woke up and disappeared in place.

The little old woman took a deep breath and pushed her palms forward suddenly. The man in the straw suddenly felt that the black snake's offensive had slowed down. His palms suddenly slapped, and the straw coat on her body immediately exploded around, and the two black snakes bounced away. The man in straw suddenly flashed and immediately came to the little old woman.

Seeing the enemy escape from the encirclement, two black snake tails bounced in the air and immediately chased after them. However, before they flew two meters, their bodies were suddenly fixed in mid-air. The little old woman suddenly slapped her palms and heard the sound of broken bones, and the two black snakes suddenly turned into a pool of paste.

The man waved back the hat, wiped the sweat on his head and said, "Sister, if it weren't for you today, we would fall into the hands of these inconspicuous black snakes."

The little old woman said, "I can't say so. If you hadn't scattered these black snakes, I wouldn't have had a chance to trap them, let alone kill them!" We can't do without anyone in this group. It's better to get rid of those werewolves quickly!"

On the side of the battlefield, the little old man rubbed his sore back and said, "What's going on with these mutant werewolves? They can't be killed at all!"

The man in embarrassment looked at a mutant werewolf whose head collapsed into his neck and said, "What's wrong with these guys' bodies? It seems that it can be regenerated.

Looking at the werewolf's head slowly coming out of his neck, the little old man said helplessly, "This is the sixth time. Brother, try to see if you can plant his head down."

The man in the clothes frowned and stroked his fingers. The hat on his head immediately flew to the distance, drew a beautiful arc in mid-air, and flew towards the neck of a werewolf.

Under the high-speed rotating force, the moving knives on the edge of the bamboo hat lit up a layer of silver-white arc and cut it to the werewolf's neck.

The eyes of the wolf, who had just stretched his head out of his neck, immediately flashed a glimmer of fear. However, the blade on the edge of the bamboo hat just touched the wolf's neck and immediately bounced away.

"Sister-in-law, this guy's neck is super tough. I'll try again, I need your help!"

"I understand, just let this guy see what gravity cutting is!"

When the high-speed rotating bamboo hat flew back along a beautiful arc, the little old woman's right hand kept drawing a circle in the air. The bamboo hat suddenly trembled, and the surrounding air began to hiss, and the speed of the bamboo hat rose to reach an unprecedented height.

With a bang, the head of the wolf flew into the distance in an instant. The man in aweed waved his hands, and the hat came and went. The six werewolves trapped in the gravity field were all separated.

The little old woman stared at several headless wolf corpses standing in front of her until she was sure that they had lost their vitality. Then she withdrew the gravity field and watched the headless wolf corpses fall softly to the ground. The little old woman's fingertips touched, and the three slowly rose into the air and floated to the head of the city.

Someone moved the tables, chairs and benches and handed tea to the three people.

"Thank you for your hard work, please take a break first."

Looking at the polite nameless, the little old woman smiled and said, "I really can't see that you are young. You really have a good way to deal with these things!"

With a nameless smile, he said, "I'm just doing my best. I have something to offend. Please forgive me."

The little old woman took a sip of tea and smiled without saying anything, but looked into the distance.

There, the phalanx of the orc army was quietly changing, and all the orcs suddenly began to make a strange sound. It sounds like thousands of troops and horses are shouting, but the sound is much lower.

With the emergence of this strange sound, the phalanx suddenly began to move forward, and the target was Liberty City.

Not only nameless, all capable people stood up, and the orc army finally began the final counterattack, and the free city was in danger!

Looking at several ordinary capable people who were obviously a little flustered and were quietly retreating, they shouted anonymously: "Everyone keep calm, take your positions, and get ready to fight!"

Long Wu's eyes immediately glanced at those who tried to retreat in the array and shouted, "Those who retreat in the array, kill!"

In Long Wu's murderous eyes, several capable people finally returned to their posts. Long Wu's tone immediately eased and said, "Don't mess up. What we have to do now is to keep here. The reinforcements led by the city owner are coming soon. Think about your family. Once we retreat now, the whole Liberty City will immediately fall into a doomed place. It's a man. Give me courage. We are condescending and have nothing to worry about!"

Long Wu's words immediately encouraged morale. Those ordinary people with ordinary abilities who had never experienced such a battle immediately found their backbone, began to forget their fear, and stared at every move of the Orc Legion. The energy in their bodies was already ready to go.

Seeing the Orc Legion approaching the city wall, Ghost Seven immediately began to establish contact with Xiaoguai and reported the situation here. After a while, Xiaoguai began to follow Dai Jun's instructions and issued orders to the participating personnel--

Once the city is destroyed, the advance team led by money will immediately launch a long-range attack on the orc legion, which must disrupt the enemy's position. When the orc army began to fall into chaos, other teams immediately launched a full-line attack on the orc legion. Be sure to block the enemy at the entrance of the Liberty City. When all the capable people of the Liberty City launch a big counterattack, the team immediately advanced and must annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop!

The money that received the order immediately cheered up and began to mobilize a thousand soldiers. Finally, they could show their skills and try the power of the energy gun, and these young soldiers immediately became excited. ** Surging, he couldn't wait to attack the orc army in the scope immediately.

Money waved his hand and said, "As the leading force, we must take action at the most appropriate time to give the enemy a fatal blow. Only in this way can they fall into chaos. So keep your minds calm at all times! From now on, everyone will prepare me to fight. Without my order, you are absolutely not allowed to fire!"

The team immediately moved quietly. In the scope, the heads of the orcs had been locked all the way. When the money was ordered, the soldiers would immediately pull the trigger.