Hunting legend

Chapter 263 Mutant Raptor

Finally, when it was time to set off, looking at a green light door in front of him, Stone asked, "Ancestor, is this the gate of time and space?"

Taisui's ancestor nodded and said, "Have you seen those green lights?" Those are the doors of time and space formed by the disordered magnetic flow. As long as you enter, you can reach another world, but you can't return the same way after entering. This is a single channel.

Stone glanced around and said, "Ancestor, I want to ask what conditions are needed to artificially create a door of time and space connecting another world?"

The ancestor of Taisui said: "First of all, if the energy in your body is to reach its peak state, secondly, you must convert this energy into pure magnetic force, and then try to find a place with a dense magnetic field to interfere with the earth's magnetic flow created by yourself. If the conditions are right, the door of time and space will appear in your face. Before."

Stone nodded and said to the ancestors of Taisui, "Don't worry, I will return safely with everyone soon, and I will ask you about the Liberal League!"

Taisui's ancestor nodded and said, "You should remember that only by uniting the strength of all people can you achieve what you want in your heart. Remember!"

Stone nodded and told everyone that they finally checked the luggage and equipment they carried with them. They entered the door of time and space one by one, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The ancestor of Taisui sighed for a long time, and his eyes began to moisten. He waved his hand. The green circular arch immediately disappeared without a trace. The ancestor of Taisui was silent for a long time, and then turned around and slowly walked out of the valley.

The departure of Stone and others will directly affect the energy balance of the world. No one knows what will happen. In the hearts of the ancestors of Taisui now, there is another most important thing for him to do, that is, how to explain Stone's disappearance to Dai Jun.

According to the understanding of Taisui's ancestors, Stone and others have successfully entered another world. Although when they come back, time will stay at the moment when they enter the gate of time and space. Everything seems to have never happened, but without Stone, the world where they exist, history The wheels will roll as usual. If they can't stop the expansion of these gates of time and space before they come back, as long as any beast comes to their world from another world, it will inevitably be used by mutant orcs, which will cause a global biological mutation. At that time, they will walk on the earth. The surface is no longer those dangerous mutant orcs, but giant mutant beasts that are quite large and more deadly. At that time, human beings will be completely destroyed, and the parallel world they enter in a primitive state will disappear forever due to the extreme imbalance of energy.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the stone can successfully complete the task, the ancestors of Taisui must prevent these gates of time and space all over the earth from expanding.

In addition to sending as many splits as possible, the ancestors of Taisui can't think of any other methods. In fact, for the ancestors of Taisui, who can be almost infinitely split and replicated, the number of splits will definitely be more than the number of the door of time and space. What really worries him is that the strong among the mutant orcs know the secrets of the door of time and space. , will sneak in and stop them.

Looking at a growing dark shadow flying towards him in the distance, he suddenly shouted and hit the wall beside him fiercely. Dozens of bricks hit the ground more than 20 meters away with the broken hole, making a loud noise in the quiet night. The sound.

The sound immediately shocked the people in charge of patrolling around. Almost instantly, the danger signal was transmitted to every corner of Qingshan City with the firelight on the wall in the distance.

More and more people began to notice the black strange birds hovering in the sky, and countless sharp whistles began to remember. The torches began to burn in all corners, and the crowd began to run towards the square near the tower.

He exhaled a long breath and finally transmitted the dangerous signal, and then relied on the people of Qingshan City, the leaders of the Freedom League brothers distributed everywhere, to fight back.

Unknownly, it was not expected that those who attacked Qingshan City would be some huge birds of prey with a body size of more than five meters. These monsters were just a low-altitude dive, and there was an immediate scream from the ground.

The nameless first reaction is to remind everyone to hide in the room and try not to be exposed to the open area. Everyone's reaction was not slow. Hearing the nameless call, they immediately ran to the nearest room.

Seeing the chasing raptors, those capable people who began to stand outside without a name extinguished all the torches around them. It was immediately dark around, and even the moon in the sky was covered by a few dark clouds, and the ground suddenly became out of reach.

Some capable people who are good at long-range attacks immediately attacked the huge shadow hovering in the air at night and listened to the continuous whistling in the air. With the howling of raptors, the nameless immediately relieved. In this darkness, these huge mutant raptors have completely become mobile targets that have been beaten. Son, those with their own abilities have the upper hand.

There are about 30 or 40 dark shadows hovering in mid-air. After a long time, they can't see clearly what birds of these raptors have mutated, but occasionally heard a few clear eagle roars in mid-air.

Without the light, these raptors can no longer determine their target, but each attack of those capable people will immediately expose their position. These rough and thick-skinned mutant raptors seem to be completely immune to ordinary energy attacks, but each attack will still make them very vulnerable. Sful of pain.

The battle between the two sides slowly turned into a tug-of-war. Neither side could do anything for a while. The nameless began to feel uneasy. In the face of these sudden mutant raptors, no one could think of a better way for a moment, and could only put hope at dawn.

Gradually, the ordinary people hiding in the private houses slowly ran out of the house and quietly, looking nervously in the air, thinking about how to deal with these mutant raptors.

The energy attack is actually ineffective for these flat-haired beasts, which makes those who were originally confident and capable on the field a little rest assured. They no longer care about their own safety and get out of the hidden place, intending to lure these mutant birds of prey in mid-air to fly lower, allowing them to use their own close attack. Means of attack.

Standing on the high tower without a name, he saw all the changes below. Although the light was not very good, he had seen the intentions of those capable people and knew that these flat-haired beasts had aroused the fighting spirit in the hearts of these capable people, and a fierce battle was inevitable!

The nameless tried to look farther. From afar, he could see the uncertain firelight on the wall. The light showed that the soldiers guarding near the wall had not found traces of mutant orcs for the time being, which made the nameless a little relieved.

These mutant raptors who are not good at attacking at night actually choose such a time to attack Qingshan City, which really makes the nameless feel a little puzzled. He was wondering whether the appearance of these mutant raptors was a mutant orc playing a trick, but the lights above the wall had made him rule out this idea.

Suddenly, a tragic scream stopped abruptly, and there was a burst of cheers from below. Looking at the huge black shadow on the ground, the nameless heart was also happy. The trick to seduce the enemy finally saw the effect, but it was a little too risky.

Successfully killing a mutant raptor restored the fighting spirit of these people who had lost confidence. They began to work in pairs. One was responsible for luring the raptor in mid-air, and the other hid aside and was ready to kill the mutant raptors at any time. However, after three mutant raptors were killed, their Its mutant raptor will never be fooled again, and it seems to fly higher, but it has not given up.

Less than two hours before dawn, no one knows that both sides are waiting, and the battle at dawn will be the most tragic!