Hunting legend

Chapter 270 Jialong

It's easier said than done. It's really not easy to drive the unknown dinosaur in front of it back to its own world.

The most basic one, in the face of unfamiliar creatures, should theoretically avoid using strong ones.

Push, motionless. Pull, he shook his head lightly and immediately overturned the self-righteous capable man to the ground, covered in mud and embarrassed.

stared at a pair of big black eyes and looked innocently at these strange humans in front of him. The dinosaur didn't know what was thinking in his mind.

After watching it for a long time, people began to feel that the curious dinosaur in front of them began to become cute, and the sparse short fluff on the originally bare head seemed to be much more pleasing to the eye.

The inspired person took out a piece of three pounds of mutant fish from his backpack and handed it to the mouth of the dinosaur, but the unknown dinosaur just lowered his head** and sniffed it, and his head flashed to one side, as if he was extremely disgusted with the fishy smell.

An older capable man said, "This guy is not a vegetarian. Get some grass to show it!"

Someone immediately said, "This guy has triangular sharp teeth, which doesn't look like a herbivore."

"Try it and you'll know!"

Immediately, someone pulled a handful of green grass on the edge of the field and carefully handed it to the dinosaur's mouth. The little dinosaur sniffed gently, and his eyes suddenly flashed a strange light. He saw a scarlet tongue suddenly roll up, and the grass in the capable man's hand suddenly came to the mouth of the little dinosaur. He chewed a few times, raised his neck, and a handful of grass went into his stomach.

It seemed that the intention was not enough. The little dinosaur stretched its neck and began to be rubbed on the person who had the ability to feed it grass just now. Unexpectedly, it began to act cute, and there was a burst of laughter at the scene immediately.

"Everyone, try to pick those tender grass and try to introduce it into the door of time and space, so as not to have many dreams at night!"

Since the alliance leader gave the order, the capable people immediately acted separately and made a large bundle of grass in a while.

Of course, the task of seduction was entrusted to the young capable person who had previously fed the grass to the dinosaurs, and slowly passed the grass to the young capable person. The little dinosaur seemed to eat very well and did not notice that he had turned around in place under the temptation of the grass.

Under the anonymous instruction, someone has long found a long wooden stick, lifted a small bundle of grass at the front end, and quietly handed it to the young capable person.

The grass hangs high in front of the small dinosaur's head, just blocking the sight of the little dinosaur. The little dinosaur stretched its neck as hard as possible, which barely reached the grass. The young capable person slowly moved the wooden stick. Under the temptation of the bundle of green grass, the little dinosaur took a historic step forward step by step, and did not notice that half of his body had entered the door of time and space.

Just as everyone held their breath and thought that the completion was about to be completed, the two thick hind legs of the little dinosaur suddenly stopped, and the muscles on their bodies seemed to tighten in an instant.

Everyone immediately became nervous, and the little dinosaur suddenly slowly moved backwards. The nameless immediately realized that something was wrong and shouted, "Senior Tu, it's up to you!"

The native walkers were on guard against the occurrence of emergencies from the beginning. Hearing the nameless shouts, the people in front of them began to show their abilities.

The ground at the foot of the little dinosaur suddenly rose, forming a great tilt angle. With the efforts of the earth walkers, a thick earth wall larger than the gate of time and space successfully stood up from the ground and forcibly pushed the little dinosaur into the gate of time and space, like a huge door panel, successfully closing the gate of time and space.

There was an immediate cheer in the crowd, but most of the young capable people still felt a little sorry. In their hearts, they still hoped that the little dinosaur could stay in the world.

Just as everyone began to study how to make this door of time and space disappear completely, the change suddenly emerged. Suddenly, there was a dull impact from the one-meter-thick earth wall that closed the door of time and space. Looking at the cobweb-like cracks that were expanding on the surface, the earth walker began to use his special ability without saying a word, and a thicker earth wall supported it up.

The dull impact sound continues, and the frequency becomes faster.

"Everyone concentrate your energy and bombard those green lights to see if you can completely close this door!"

With the nameless hoarse sound, the capable began to bombard those green tangible and qualitative magnets without reservation.

Suddenly, a loud noise came, and the three-meter-thick earth wall laid by the earth walker collapsed in an instant. In the rapid shooting of the soil, the previous little dinosaur appeared in front of the crowd again, but at this time, the little dinosaur was four feet facing the sky, and its snow-white belly fluctuated sharply, and the head hanging on the ground was bloody and half-open. The half-closed eyes looked dim and obviously were forcibly knocked out of the door of time and space.

The situation is urgent and the destruction is continuing. Everyone knows that the current situation is extremely bad. Unfortunately, their attack is like hitting the air, and those green lights are not affected at all.

The earth walker did not need to be ordered without a name, and a thicker earth wall with ten times the gravity closed the door of time and space again.

At this time, the people on the court are all relieved. With the cooperation of these two masters, even if there is a Tyrannosaurus Rex over there, they may not be able to break through this earth wall that can trap the elder.

Without warning, the earth wall that supported the gravity field suddenly cracked. With a powerful horrible cry, a strange dinosaur wrapped in thick bone armor came out of the door of time and space. Although it was less than two meters tall, its head was almost 70 centimeters wide. The tight bone armor wrapped around the head, and everyone took a breath of cold air. When the whole body of the monster appeared in front of everyone, they found that the monster was nearly six meters long and about 1.5 meters wide, and there was a basketball-sized bone hammer at the end of the thick tail of the calf. Look With several rows of bone spurs on the monster's back, everyone's first reaction was that the dinosaur, which had been armed with teeth, was quite dangerous.

While everyone was about to destroy the dinosaur with bone armor all over its body, another strange roar came. An extremely horrible huge head came out of the door of time and space. Looking at this ferocious head, which was nearly one meter wide and with a face, everyone felt that the back spine had begun to sweat coldly. .

The monster opened its mouth and immediately salivated. What frightened people was not the monster's cold eyes staring at everyone, but the sharp teeth full of the thickness of the child's arms.

Looking at the ugly face of the square crocodile, he shouted anonymously, "Dish it!"

The energy attack hit this huge head and immediately angered the monster, which only exposed half of its body. The monster instinctively opened its mouth, and an energy spike immediately penetrated the fat scarlet tongue in the monster's mouth.

The mouth is the weakest part of the monster. The previous energy attack that hit other parts of the head is exactly like tickling the monster, but this blow to the tongue made the monster heartbroken and completely stimulated the monster's fierceness.

The monster began to desperately want to squeeze out of the door frame, and then everyone found that the originally wide door of time and space could not accommodate the monster and stuck the monster.

Everyone was surprised and happy that the monster was so large that it was beyond everyone's imagination. Fortunately, the door was narrow enough. Otherwise, if this beast was allowed to run out, they would all become each other's rations.

Looking at the armor dragon that had shrank aside and was trembling, everyone finally understood. The little dinosaur and this armored dragon were probably to escape the pursuit of the big dinosaur trapped in the portal, so they desperately broke open the earth wall and fled to their world, but the little dinosaur looked innocent and should have been injured by this armored dragon.

Looking at the appearance of the armored dragon, people are not sure whether the armored dragon is a carnivorous animal. Considering to avoid causing more trouble, the nameless just sent people to watch the armored dragon, and did not mean to hurt it. On the contrary, it shows a ferocious giant, a monster with a huge mouth, emitting a strong terrorist pressure to everyone. Everyone has made up their mind to deal a heavy hit even if it can't be killed.

The big-mouthed monster suffered a few more sullen losses in a row, and finally learned to be obedient. He closed his mouth, shook his body, and began to hit the door of time and space.

This seemingly transparent and shapeless green door frame can completely ignore the energy attack of the capable person, but in another world, every impact of the big mouth monster makes the seemingly solid green light appear scattered, and even the figure with the big mouth monster looks blurred and distorted.

The situation is already quite bad, and no one can be sure what will happen if this big-mouthed monster continues. Maybe the big mouth monster will disappear one after another with the disappearance of the door of time and space, but maybe the big mouth monster can forcibly break through the door of time and space into their world.

In a word, killing this big-mouthed monster is the safest way, and the door of time and space can be dealt with at the end.

The attack began to become more fierce, but the big mouth with its mouth tightly closed was rough and thick, and the energy attack could not do anything about it. At most, it could only make the big mouth monster feel painful and furious.

The target of the attack began to turn to the big eyes of the big mouth monster that have become blood red, but the eyes of the big mouth monster seem to be quite ** to the wind, and the energy attack will inevitably bring a trace of wind, which can always make the big mouth monster close its eyelids in time to avoid the key points.

The little old man's proud [No Empty Needle] has also lost his previous unfavorable advantages. In addition to making the reaction of the big-mouthed monster more violent, it still can't hurt the other party.

Looking at these little people jumping up and down in front of him, the big-mouthed monster fell into a state of rage. In its own world, it was the dominant side. Many guys who weighed more than several tons all died under their minions, but they couldn't help the little ones in front of them. A villain.

The impact began to become more violent. The green door frame of the door of time and space began to deform and twist, and the body of the big mouth seemed to squeeze a little more. Everyone was really anxious.

Seeing that the sworn partner had been struggling for a long time and failed to come over, Jialong, who had been trembling, began to calm down, turned around and slowly walked towards the little dinosaur that was still struggling on the ground.

Several capable people responsible for guarding the armored dragon immediately became nervous, but when they saw that the armored dragon just walked to the little dinosaur and bowed their heads and ate the grass on the ground, they were greatly shocked. After making trouble for a long time, this armored dragon turned out to be a vegetarian, which made them bear their hearts for a long time.