Hunting legend

Chapter 43 New Home [Newcomer]

After ten days of hard work, a prototype of a building about 300 meters long and 20 meters wide and up to 10 meters appeared in front of everyone.

I have to say that the giant brother's efficiency is amazing, and almost all the heavy work is done by the brothers independently. In the important position of the main body of the house, all the logs used are those that two people can't hold together.

Speaking of which, I have to thank the little boy for sending two long knives to the giant brothers, which saved them a lot of energy on the way to work.

On the empty field, a middle-aged man is teaching a group of people who have nothing to do to weave the thick ropes of ordinary people' arms with the rattan next to him. This is a work handed over by the giant brothers and is about to come in handy.

Not far away, Carlo is surrounded by a group of people, including men and women of all ages, most of whom are Carlo's people.

"Psage, should we consider getting some protective facilities around this house, such as fences, so as to prevent those dragon beasts from suddenly coming out of the woods and destroying the village?"

Carlo nodded and said, "I have discussed this with the Giant Brothers, but they really can't find time at present, but when the housing problem is solved, they will start this matter immediately!"

"Patrion, in the future, we will all live and work in peace and contentment here, and consider whether to open up a world and grow some edible wild fruits and vegetables."

"Although we don't have seeds, we can transplant things in the forest. It won't be long before we can eat ready-made fruits and vegetables near our home."

"Well, that's a good idea. It's also a good pastime to grow vegetables in your spare time, but the most important thing is that we have to wait for our housing problem to be solved."

Carlo sat in the crowd and listened patiently to some good ideas of the people, but he didn't know where to go. In his heart, he felt that he had no idea at all and didn't know how to arrange some things. And the giant brothers are busy building houses all day and have no time to negotiate with themselves.

When the sun went down, Carlo suddenly heard cheers in the distance. When he turned his eyes, he saw the three-headed pterosaur hovering over everyone's head.

"You are finally back!"

When he said this, Carlo almost burst into tears.

Mo Yu patted Carlo on the shoulder and said, "We are back. This time we will stay here to solve all the problems, and we will also invest in the construction of the house."

Carlo shook his head and said, "You just come back. Let's build the house by ourselves!"

Mo Yu smiled and said, "This is our common home, and we should also do our part, unless you don't welcome us outsiders."

Carlo smiled bitterly, nodded, and agreed.

The return of the Brotherhood is like a strong needle, and the whole tribe is refreshed and indescribably relaxed.

The next morning, Stone and others called everyone together and began to tell them to do what they could, but all these things had been discussed by Stone early in the morning.

Stone does not want to interfere with the design concept of the Giant Brothers, but sincerely acts as an assistant and occasionally gives some advice, which greatly improves the progress of the project with the efforts of everyone.

Half a month passed, and the construction of the house was finally completely completed. The rest was to set up a protective barrier around the house to ensure that the huge dragon and beast would not easily enter the tribal living area, so as to give the people living in the house a buffer time.

With the efforts of stones and others, the protective wooden piles at the outermost part of the village finally stood up quickly. All of them were carved into the ground. The seven-meter-high wooden piles were scattered all over the surrounding ground, crisscrossed, no less than ten thousand. The gap between the stakes and the stakes could only accommodate only one. Adults barely pass.

Behind this pile is a wall of wooden piles of the same thickness, and the gap between the piles and piles can't even reach into the palms. The only intersection in and out of the village is the gate, but it is so strong that even the giant brothers can't lift the heavy wooden row-like gate. They can only use a winch to drive thick ropes and use two sets of pulleys made of energy crystals to slowly lift the gate.

solves the problem of safety, and the rest is the comfort of living.

The ten-meter-high house can be regarded as suspended. It can only climb up with the help of wooden ladders separated by a certain distance and return to their respective rooms through a common corridor. The wooden ground of the room is six meters high from the real ground, so that the people living in the house can't see from the outside. The impact of those stakes.

As for the tallest building in the whole village, it is the observation tower located in the corners of the fence, with a height of 30 meters, and you can clearly see the movement in the distance. The above platform can accommodate ten people at the same time, which can be regarded as an early warning station. There are people on duty 24 hours a day. However, for the safety of these people, Stone has contributed two telescopes and two low-light night vision devices. In this way, they only have three telescopes left.

In the following days, Stone and others began to teach these people some knitting skills, teaching them to weave ropes and weave simple linen cloth with a fiber similar to the flax tree, which made these people realize for the first time that their world was changing.

Not only that, it took Stone and others half a day to dig a water-storage cave above the cliff of the waterfall, ten meters above the water surface below, and then opened a small hole under the cave to connect the long-prepared hollow wood one by one, cross the water and bury it. In a long-digged shallow ditch that leads from the shore to the village 500 meters away, under the action of huge water pressure, the water flow formed by the waterfall directly leads to the residential building through the pipeline formed by hollow wood, which is fixed on a wooden frame that can be freely raised. When the water is supplied every day, as long as the height is lowered. The clear water in the hollow wood will flow along a tilted hollow wood into a wooden groove made of the thickest hollow wood that surrounds the house, and then each household will store the water in simple containers of different sizes made of hollow wood. After each household collects clean water, the people responsible for closing the water source will use the lifting platform to raise the height of the pipe mouth. Under the effect of the water level difference, the water source will be disconnected.

Knowledge can indeed change people's lives and everything. Stone and others' status in the village suddenly rose to the status of gods. Everyone's eyes on him are full of respect.

Another morning, when the water source was opened, the corridor above the wooden house was immediately full of people. Everyone gathered water happily and stood on the stone on the open ground and looked at the scene in front of him. Suddenly, there was a feeling that they could not even say.

"It's still a little imperfect!" The stone sighed softly.

"This is better than their original life."

The stone glanced at Mo Yu behind him and said, "We should now try to transport thousands of pounds of coal on the coal mine in the distance and prepare to teach them how to burn porcelain, make steel, and make iron tools and weapons."

Mo Yu nodded and said, "The defense of the whole village is too passive. We must equip these people with some weapons for close combat and long-range attack. Otherwise, if there are really a large number of dinosaurs or those giants coming in groups, these stakes will not play much role."

Stone nodded and said, "If all these things are carried out at the same time, I'm afraid it's not enough on the hands. This is a problem."

Carlo, who has never been silent, suddenly said, "I have a way, but I have to wait for the porcelain and those metal tools you said to be made before my method can work."

Xiaoguai asked curiously, "Isn't your idea to use these iron tools and porcelain to attract people outside to come here to do hard work?"

Carlo said, "That's what I think. At the earliest, Sifang City was a good trading place, and the hunters of our major tribes would take some of the fur, teeth and bones of the dragon beasts they harvested there to exchange what they wanted. If we produce those imaginary things now, we just need to take a few pieces out. Let's show the world of noodles. It won't be long before a turbulent crowd will come to us to look for treasure. At that time, there will be no one to worry about it.

The little boy slapped and said, "Good idea. Now it seems that our village is a little smaller, and I'm afraid it will be greatly expanded at that time!"

Mo Yu suddenly said, "The idea is good, but it is estimated that it can't be implemented within half a year."

Carlo immediately asked, "Why?"

Mo Yu said: "According to my observation during this period, the number of soldiers in the village who can become a qualified soldier is less than 200, and these people are almost all the young people in the village. They are usually responsible for the normal life and operation of the village. In case of an emergency, less than 150 soldiers can really be sent out. It is impossible to guarantee the safety of the village, so at present, in addition to building the living facilities of the village more perfectly, we have to take a lot of time to train these people and try to make them stronger. Only on this basis can we let the outside world know the existence of our tribe and that we have what they dream of in our hands. While attracting them, we will not be destroyed by their greed and ambition!"

Carlo nodded and said, "It's true. The totem sacred objects almost made our tribe perish, not to mention those treasures that are attractive to all!"

"A man is innocent and guilty. That's exactly what I said! We must have enough strength to make good use of the knowledge and technology we have!"

Stone said, "Anyway, the two things must be carried out at the same time, and the crisis outside does not leave us much time. Even if we are sleepless every day, we have to implement these things quickly. At lunch today, we must have a detailed plan so that those people can have a little Psychological preparation!"

Carlo said, "You can rest assured that what we are about to do is related to everyone's vital interests, and I believe that all people will fully support us."

Mo Yu said, "What we are about to carry out will require some people to follow us out to collect ore, and then try to transport it back. The whole process will be a little troublesome, because there is no way at all and we have to walk through the jungle."

"It's not easy to walk by land. Let's go in the air. We just have to work hard on those pterosaurs!"