Hunting legend

Chapter 49 Unexpected Gain

After some discussion, Stone and the others began to move forward again, but this time, there were two more members in their team, which could only be the two splits of the little boy.

For the little boy with sufficient energy now, there is no problem in creating two more solits, but according to the holy clothes, two are enough.

The two splits protected the stone in the central position one after the other, and the minimum energy shield on their bodies was not opened. They were not as careful as the stones. On the contrary, they deliberately made some noises, but their bodies were in a state of invisibility.

In good words, these two splits are the bait. Since the creatures living in this dark world have found someone sneaking in, they have only destroyed the road signs they left behind. That is to say, they have not exposed the stone, but the other party has doubts.

Anyway, there is no way to go. It's better to let these people lead them the way. This is the plan that Xiaoguai came up with.

Sure enough, not long after moving forward, the stone and the little boy heard the whining sound at the same time. Under the control of the little boy, the two splits who were exactly the same as human beings immediately pretended to fall to the ground, and their bodies were revealed.

The holy clothes had already prompted the two a second before the crisis, and the stone and the little boy immediately stopped in place, and their bodies remained absolutely still.

This time, because of the other party's careless intention, several blurred figures finally appeared in the perception of the stone and the little boy. Almost at the moment when the image was formed, the stone's heart became faster.

Although the little man can't see the other party's face clearly, the stone can be sure that this is exactly what Nika said about.

Looking at the dwarfs surrounding the two bodies in front and behind, the stone and the little boy couldn't help laughing. There are a total of six dwarfs, but no matter how hard they try, they can't move the two bodies. Fortunately, a dwarf finally reacted and called the other three helpless companions. The six dwarfs shouted slogans, slowly moved the little obedient body behind the stone to the front, put the two bodies in one place, began to sit on the ground and rest. They raised their right hand high, as if they were wiping. Sweat.

In perception, the two splits were inserted with a few stones of cilia that had previously seen for themselves. The little boy was finally sure that it was these dwarfs who had put cold arrows on the stone outside before, but I don't know if they all participated.

The little boy quickly told Stone about the discovery. Stone was surprised and asked, "Has your split been hurt?"

Xiaoguai said, "The bottom of their normal skin is a fully energized body, and the toxins in the cilia will not erode energy, so even if their bodies are full of such things, their bodies will never be affected in any way."

While the two were talking, a dwarf who was leaning over to check his pockets suddenly became alert and didn't see any movement. Suddenly, the dwarfs around him suddenly had a thin wooden stick with almost the length of their bodies.

The stone immediately stopped communicating with the little boy and saw the dwarves turn their necks around and look around, refocusing their attention to the two bodies on the ground.

Finally, I heard a dwarf speak. Although it sounds a little ignorant, the little boy can still hear it. The language these dwarfs speak is not much different from what Carlo taught him, just like Mandarin and local dialects, and there is a little bit of pronunciation. Same.

The little boy who understood the first sentence immediately breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the dwarf who had previously searched his coat pocket suddenly found that the two bodies, both in appearance and dress, were exactly like cast in a mold. After a moment of surprise, he misunderstood his companions, which was completely false. Shocking.

"They are just a pair of twins!"

This is the sentence that makes Xiaoguai feel that he is still not cautious enough, which can completely make the appearance of the two bodies different.

With this episode, the dwarfs who were extremely cautious also began to relax and speak freely instead of being silent as before.

Half an hour passed, and these dwarfs just stayed still and had no intention of leaving at all. The little boy began to feel a little calm. He stood still like a wooden man for a long time, but he could only watch these dwarfs talk about some stories that he didn't know at all. It was really not a pleasant thing.

Just as Xiaoguai's patience was about to reach the bottom line, there was a sudden sound in the distance. It sounded like something huge was coming this way. Xiaoguai immediately came to his spirit. Although there was still no discovery in his perception, he believed that the truth was getting closer and closer to them.

Not long after, Xiaoguai's perception captured the image. The moment he saw the whole picture clearly, Xiaoguai immediately became excited. In an instant, he began to doubt whether he was in a dream.

In perception, the group of dwarfs sitting on the ground stood up one after another, and there were more dwarfs not far behind them. The most surprising thing is that among these dwarfs, there were two-meter-high Voldemers, and two dwarfs sat on their backs, although However, you can only see a faint appearance, but it is certain that the Voldemort under their seat has become the pet of these dwarfs.

Shitou and Xiaoguai looked at the group of dwarfs with wide eyes, as if they had suddenly walked to the fairy tale kingdom. It's just that there is no imaginary sunshine, green grass and snow white here, but only darkness and a strange atmosphere.

The two bodies of the Voldemort on the ground listened to it. The dwarf riding on their back immediately grabbed the long hair on the Voldemort and climbed to the crotch of the Voldemort, and then put his hands on the thick legs of the Voldemort and slid to the ground. The two Voldemort did not move. It was not until then that the stone first found that this The two ambush beasts have been blindfolded.

The dwarf who had previously rode on the Voldemort seemed to have a high status among these dwarfs. Under their command, they began to slowly carry the two bodies on the ground, but it seemed that things were not going so smoothly. A dwarf immediately lost his temper and actually used a horse similar to hang around his waist. The whip hit the dwarfs around the body, and they didn't know what they were cursing.

The dwarf who was whipped immediately cheered up and shouted slogans. The body finally moved. Looking at their appearance, it seemed that they were going to move the body to the back of the Voldemort beast. It's just that their bodies are really not high. Although they can barely lift the body on the ground with their hands, no matter how high their hands are raised, they can't put the head of the corpse to the back of the voltam.

After several efforts, finally, due to weakness, the body fell down and knocked down a few of the dwarfs who had no time to run away, and lay on the ground screamed.

The previous adult finally understood that these men were not lazy, but that the body was too heavy. Thinking of this section, the whip that was originally held high in his hand was immediately put down. The dwarfs who avoided far away came up carefully.

Waving a few gestures, everyone gathered together, and everyone began to work together to carry the body. This time, the truth of strength was finally verified again, and the body was easily lifted up. The adult with the whip immediately walked to ambush beast. The whip rubned twice in the void, and two crisp sounds immediately came from the air. The stone secretly praised himself. Unexpectedly, the dwarf could throw it away. It's really incredible to get a whip.

What's more incredible is that after hearing these two crisp sounds, the two ambushes suddenly lay on the ground and suddenly became very low.

In the sound of the trumpet, the two bodies finally successfully moved to the back of the Voldemort beast, and there were two crisp sounds. The voldemort beast struggled twice and immediately stood up from the ground. To Stone's incredible surprise, the Voldemort turned around and walked towards the road without any instructions, and the dwarfs also formed a formation to follow several big men who had previously rode on the back of the Voldemort and walked forward.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it was only until these dwarfs were about to get out of the perception of the holy clothes that the two carefully followed to see where these dwarfs' nests were.

"Little boy, the vision of these dwarfs does not seem to be affected by these black fogs. Do you see what the reason is?"

"I don't understand. Among other things, your eyes have perspective and night vision, and still can't penetrate the black fog in front of you, which means that these dwarfs may not be looking with their eyes, but have adopted a means similar to our perception. Otherwise, this is really difficult to explain."

Stone thought for a moment and said, "There is another question, how did these dwarfs deliver the message? The previous dwarfs just sat on the ground and rested for half an hour, and then the large army came. And I can't understand how they commanded the two voldemorts except for those few whips.

The holy clothes, who were silent for a while, suddenly said, "If you want to figure out these problems, you will know as long as you get to their nest. One of the questions in front of him is, what is the purpose of these people at the cost of moving the two bodies?

"I can't say. Looking at the viciousness of their action, the two split bodies have naturally become two bodies in their eyes. What is the use of a human body for them?

Stone suddenly said, "There is one thing that everyone should pay attention to. The place where the dozen giants led by the big man before last appeared was on the edge of the dark world. With the means of these dwarfs, I'm afraid that all these giants are all dead now. If this holds, we may be able to follow these dwarfs to find the giants.

Shengyi said, "As soon as I came in, I began to analyze what the black fog was until the result just came out. This black fog actually presents a rare energy characteristic, which is completely different from all the energy we know, but this energy has a characteristic that it can absorb the energy of various plants in nature to gradually strengthen itself. In other words, as long as this black fog is given enough time, they can completely cover the whole planet. By that time, I'm afraid that human beings will have already perished.

The stone immediately asked, "Does the unstable energy factor of our world have anything to do with this?"

The holy clothes said, "This black fog is the root cause of everything!"