Hunting legend

Chapter 53 A Game [, Ask for Red Ticket]

Just as the village head was about to tell the truth under the question of two assistants, more than a dozen dwarfs with blowpipes and spears suddenly rushed in without warning and pointed all the weapons in their hands to the village head.

Under the sudden change, the village head did not seem to be surprised. He glanced at the two men shivering in the corner of the wall and said with a righteous face, "We didn't do anything wrong. What are you two afraid of? Stand up like a man! Don't make people laugh!"

He slowly glanced at the group of dwarfs with weapons and bad faces in front of him. The village head turned his eyes to the gate and said in a low voice, "Which adult is coming outside? Please come in and sit down. I, Gu Li, can accompany the adult. It's a great sin to welcome you well!"

"Gu Li, what's the intention of knowing that outsiders have entered the village and deliberately concealed it? It's against the law for you to do this. According to the law, I can kill you on the spot!"

"Oh, it turned out that our town chief came. Why did these guards all change into new faces? For a moment, I really didn't guess that it was the town chief who came."

After saying these words, the village head immediately shouted at the corner, "You two, haven't you seen the world? The mayor likes to joke with me, so why don't you go out to greet me!"

At the urging of the village head, they pulled up their companions. The two stood up and were about to go out. Suddenly, a fancy middle-aged dwarf came into the door, holding a black and shiny cane in his hand, poked their stomachs a few times, and said coldly, "Tonight, who is here? I can't even leave!"

The village head's face changed and said, "We just happened to see a respected old man fall to the ground and fall into a coma because of poisoning. As the village head, I can't be saved. By the time I just finished detoxifying the old man, I haven't been able to wait for him to wake up, town leader It's coming, and it doesn't seem to give me a chance to explain.

The mayor knocked his cane on the ground a few times and said with a smile, "If I don't show up, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until the old man wakes up and ask him questions, and then decide whether to report this matter to me, or whether to hide this person!"

The village head said, "You can say whatever you want. I'm just a small village head, and I don't have the right to speak at all."

The mayor took off the pointed hat on his head, and immediately a dwarf with a weapon took the hat from the mayor's hand. The mayor raised his hand and touched his bare forehead a few times and said, "I have always been extremely disgusted that someone investigated something that should not be investigated and said something that should not be said, so over the years, these annoying things have made my hair fall out. But you people just like to make some trouble for me behind my back, which is really hateful!"

Speaking of this, the mayor raised his cane in his hand and pointed to the village head and said, "On the spot, there are two accomplices!"

The village head realized that there was no room for the matter. He snorted coldly, but turned his eyes to the white-bearded dwarf lying in **. For such a long time, the old man should also wake up.

Looking at the blushing face of the old man lying with his eyes closed, Gu Li, the village head, knew that the old man would wake up soon, and he finally saved a life. Thinking of this, Gu Li's face immediately smiled.

Looking at the dwarf in front of him pointing the pipe at him, Gu Li finally took a look at his two subordinates and said, "It's me Guli who has implicated you!" Slowly closed his eyes.

The mayor waved his hand, and the dwarfs immediately put the blowpipe to their mouths, and the god of death was about to come.

A long sigh suddenly sounded, and almost at the same time, the dwarfs with weapons suddenly fell to the ground. The mayor shouted as if he had seen a ghost, turned around and rushed out of the house, but the gate that had been opened suddenly closed.

There is not even a figure around the door panel in the field of vision. Is there really a ghost in this world? The mayor's bare forehead immediately sweated coldly. At this time, there seemed to be something cold on his neck. The mayor looked back and saw that there was no one at him at all within three meters behind him, but this cold feeling gradually moved to his bald head, just like An invisible hand is touching itself.

"There is a ghost!"

The mayor shouted strangely, and his wide eyes almost fell out. His body shook and fell back like a wooden stake. The board floor immediately shook twice.

The previous noise had made the mayor and two desperate subordinates open their eyes. Although they did not see the dwarfs in front of them fall to the ground for some reason, they still saw the windless and strange scene of the wooden door. As the mayor fell to the ground inexplicably, they immediately looked at Turning to the old man with the white beard lying on the wood**, he clearly heard a long sigh in the room, and his voice sounded a little old, mostly the old man with white beard they rescued.

In the sight, the old man slowly sat up from the wood** and looked calmly at his side.

Gu Li suddenly summoned up the courage to come forward and ask, "Mr., did you save us?"

The old man shook his head and said, "God saved you!" These people just fainted for the time being. I suggest you find some ropes to tie them up quickly.

Hearing that these people were not dead and the people who had just escaped from the edge of death did not need to order, they immediately turned out a bundle of ropes and tied these people on the ground.

The old man got out of bed, walked to the weapons scattered on the ground, picked up a blowpipe that looked like a wooden stick and asked, "Is this the most powerful weapon of the dwarves?"

Gu Li looked at the old man in front of him with a suspicious face and said, "The powerful thing is to blow the needle. If you are poisoned, you will die unless you take the antidote immediately."

Looking at the old man's puzzled appearance, Gu Li squatted down, took a small pocket made of grass from a dwarf, opened it for the old man to take a look, and said, "This is a needle blowing, a sharp thorn on the back of an animal called poisonous and obscene."

Looking at the old man's eyebrows slowly unfolding, Gu Li thought for a moment and summoned up the courage to ask, "Sir, where are you from? What was the matter with God saving us?"

The white-bearded dwarf said, "I came from the outside world. In a hunting operation, I was caught by a pterosaur. During the fighting, the pterosaur fell into a black fog, and then I don't know how I came here."

Gu Li immediately asked nervously, "Mr., what is the outside world like? Is it as dark as here?

The white-bearded dwarf glanced at several torches in the corner of the hut and said, "The outside world is wonderful. Except for the sun setting at night, the whole earth, including the sky, is bright during the day. Because the sun is everywhere, the dwarfs of our tribe often come from the bottom of the valley. Climbing out of the crack and running to the plain, thousands of people work together to catch the beasts dozens of times bigger than us. One day's harvest is equivalent to the crops we planted for a year.

Guli turned around and said to the two subordinates around him, "Did you hear that? The mayor has been deceiving everyone. Our world is not dark from the beginning. My father is right. The formation of black fog is man-made. Those so-called adults must have done something to hide something."

The white-bearded dwarf pretended to hesitate and deliberately asked, "Are the adults you talking about those giants who are taller than the house we live in?"

Guli shook his head and said, "We will call people with power like the mayor. As for the giant you mentioned, it is just a legend, because we have never seen anyone taller than our house, but I have seen two taller than us before. Human beings several times, is that what you call a giant?

Hearing this, the white-bearded dwarf was overjoyed, but the expression on his face did not change at all. He just looked at Gu Li's eyes with a kind of sympathy.

"There are indeed giants in the world, which are several times larger than the human beings you have seen, because I have seen them with my own eyes several times."

Looking at the three people with their mouths open in front of them, the white-bearded dwarf asked, "What happened to you just now that you once saw two different human beings?"

Gu Li glanced at the two subordinates beside him and said, "I'm sorry, I have hidden something from you, but I don't want you to be hurt."

He nodded and said, "Village head, please rest assured. Kia and I absolutely understand that the mayor will kill us just by saving Grandpa White Beard, let alone others."

Gu Li looked back at the white-bearded dwarf and said, "I also accidentally found a stranger entering the village. Fortunately, I was alert. If they saw it, I'm afraid they would die on the spot. Because I saw with my own eyes several passing villagers killed by them.

The white-bearded dwarf immediately asked, "Where have they been?"

Gu Li said, "At that time, I was convenient in a small ditch. When I saw this group of people's fierce appearance, I didn't dare to follow them. I didn't dare to take a breath when I lay on the ground. At that time, the two human beings seemed to have died. They lay on the backs of two giant beasts I had never seen before and walked far along the path on the edge of the cliff. After a long time, I regained my strength and slowly walked back, but I didn't dare to stay alone in the house. Then I ran to the more people's square to strengthen my courage. ."

At this moment, the bald mayor sleeping on the ground moved a few times and seemed to be about to wake up. Guli immediately asked, "What should these people do?"

Looking at Gu Li looking at himself for help, the white-bearded dwarf said, "The god is with me. Since you saved me, I will deal with this matter."

Gu Li immediately said with a relaxed face, "Thank you, sir. I don't know what we should call you?" The white-bearded dwarf said, "You can just call me elder."

The old man with white beard wrapped his long beard around his waist and slowly reached the ground. Suddenly, he slapped the mayor's fat face a few times. The mayor moaned/groaned, and immediately opened his eyes and woke up.

When he saw the old man with a white beard in front of him, the mayor shouted strangely and asked, "Who are you?"

The white-bearded dwarf smiled and said, "Who do you think I am? Tell me, why did you kill my savior?"

The mayor immediately ** a few times with a fat face and was about to struggle to sit up, but immediately found the hemp rope wrapped around his body.

"Hurry up and let me go, otherwise, I can guarantee that the whole village will bury you!"

The white-bearded dwarf smiled and said, "I can assure you that such a thing will never happen, because I, representing justice, came!"