Hunting legend

Chapter 71 General Mansion

I don't know how long it took, Sheng Yi suddenly reminded Xiaoguai and Stone to be careful.

The two immediately opened their perception to the maximum, and after a while, they realized that someone was coming towards them, and the number of people seemed to be quite large.

When these people came close, Stone suddenly felt his blood boiling, because in his vision, six dark elves were followed by a giant, which was one of the two ambush beasts they had been tracking all the way.

There is no need to remind that the little boy has smelled the familiar smell of the Voldemort beast, and his whole body suddenly felt like a hormone, and his expression began to become uplifting.

"Stone, it seems that there are some secrets hidden here, but the strange thing is that I still can't feel the two splits. Are they with the other Voldemort beast?"

"Little boy, don't worry. Our first task now is to rescue Hal first. We can come back to this place at any time. Besides, this Voldemort beast may not take us to find the previous dwarfs."

Xiaoguai thought for a moment and said, "At present, this is the only way, but now there are too many of them, and it is a little difficult to start for a while. We can only wait for the opportunity."

Stone said, "It's not too late. Let's follow them first. Opportunities will appear at any time."

When he got to the light, Xiaoguai immediately focused his eyes on the warrior who had spoken to the leader Jenny before, followed two meters behind him and was ready to sneak into his body at any time.

The Voldemort seems to be familiar with everything here. There is no need for anyone to lead the way at all. One person runs to the front. Obviously, the route they walk is not to the casino hall, but to the garden where the little boy was thrown away.

When I was puzzled, someone in the crowd finally spoke.

"You are the confidants of the leader, so you don't have to take action on the next thing, so as not to be recognized by the other party, or it's much safer for us real ghosts to take action."

"In this case, the two of us will send you here and wait for the good information of several people. The commander asked me to tell you that as long as you can complete this task, all your previous requirements will be fulfilled by our leader for you to ensure that you will have no worries in the future!"

"In this case, let's go first!"

Watching those people remove a big stone from the corner and drilled in from a hole exposed on the ground, the two warriors turned around and were ready to leave.

With two muffled bangs, the two warriors immediately fainted before they could figure out what was going on.

Almost ten minutes later, the two martial artists woke up and immediately became alert, but even if they searched the whole garden and found nothing unusual, they could only leave the back garden full of suspicion, taking this experience as a shame and a secret forever hidden in their hearts.

Stone and Xiaoguai are now on their way to the chief's mansion. After the memories previously copied from the two warriors' brains, Xiaoguai has known the exact route of the chief's mansion. Not only that, he also had a general understanding of the situation when Commander Hal was attacked.

said, "Since they call themselves ghosts, they must act quite secretly. In addition to their sensitive sense of smell, Voldemorts should not pose much threat to these dark elves. They must just hope to use Voldemers' keen sense of smell to find out Hal's leader, but with mine The idea is that since it has been confirmed that Commander Hal is in the general's mansion, I'm afraid that the ambush beast should hide in an unknown place now, and I'm afraid that those ghosts have successfully sneaked into the general's mansion. Let's just go in and have a look.

Stone said, "You keep a split to guard the gate, and let's go straight through the main door!"

Xiaoguai said, "No problem, but we don't know much about the structure of the house. After entering, we need to pay more attention to avoid any secret tunnels or something."

Stone said, "You can rest assured about this. Under my perspective, this house will no longer have any secrets, but the perspective distance can only penetrate a wall, and it is inevitable that there will be omissions."

While talking, the two avoided the fighting crowd and walked in through a large open door. The moment he entered, the stone was immediately relieved. The whole house had more space than he expected. Because of this, the stone could straighten his waist. Although the ceiling was within reach, it was still relatively comfortable to walk between them.

This is a square hall with a staircase in the opposite corner, which should be the only passage to the upstairs. The decoration in the hall is extremely simple. In addition to a bar wooden table in the center, the surrounding chairs are more eye-catching.

There are three wooden doors on both sides of the wall of the hall, all of which are hidden. The stones are full of eyesight, and the sight is full of black fog, and even the perception is greatly weakened here.

"Stone, this room is strange. Except for this hall, all the other spaces are shrouded in a strange force place, and my perception is useless."

"Little boy, it seems that the owner of this room has opened some kind of rune array. At present, except for this hall, all the rooms are shrouded in a black fog. Although I can faintly see the bright light, I believe that the light emitted by the torch burning has been difficult to penetrate the black fog."

"Stone, what should we do now?"

"Can you make a perceptual connection with the split who guards the gate outside now?"

"There is no problem at all. I can see everything outside clearly."

"Very good. As long as we can establish contact with the outside, we are not afraid of getting lost in this room. This general manager seems to have been prepared for a long time. It seems that our leader Hal is still safe now. We only need to search one room and one room to find him.

"The current situation can only be like this, but I don't think what we need to do now is to find Hal. He will naturally appear in the outside world during the day. What we really need to do now is to find the four ghosts. As long as we stop them, our goal will have been achieved."

After thinking about it, Stone asked, "What good ideas do you have?"

Xiaoguai said, "Our perception is hindered. I believe that those ghosts are the same. I'm afraid they are searching room by room as we think. We can simply go straight to the top floor and find them from top to bottom."

Stone said, "Your analysis makes sense, but I still don't understand where the general manager lives in such a big house. Up to now, we haven't noticed anything, and this room is too quiet."

Xiaoguai thought for a moment and said, "Why hasn't Shengyi been talking for a long time? We should listen to his thoughts. After all, he is much better than us in this area."

The holy garment, which has been silent for a long time, immediately said, "Don't think nonsense. The goal we are looking for is definitely in this room. With the ability of the two of you, you will naturally not let the target slip away from under your eyes. The worst plan is to sit here and wait for the rabbit. But I'm different. From the beginning, I've been investigating the whereabouts of the Voldemort beast, and now I have finally found out, but it seems that we seem to underestimate the means of those ghosts.

The little boy immediately asked, "What's going on?"

Shengyi said, "This general manager is not simple. The outer wall of the whole house is set with runes, which is basically an array. In addition to blocking all perception and exploration, the most important thing is a strategy to divert everyone's attention. To put it simply, the Voldemort has been found, and we people On the contrary, I don't realize it."