Hunting legend

Chapter 161 Worship

Today's dungeons have been built into a hidden underground fortifications. In addition to the time of war, most of the time, the residents of the dungeons still live on the ground. Since the Brotherhood successfully integrated the major forces on the ground and established the Brotherhood, the original residents of the dungeon began to slow down. Slowly returning to the ground life, with the construction of the small city slowly on track, more and more people who passed here chose to stay and began to settle here. After several years of development, the dungeon has restored its former prosperity, which can be called the prosperity of people. In view of what the Brotherhood has done to the Liberty City With a grateful heart, the residents here changed the name of the small town to Dragon Slayer City to commemorate the stone.

The early morning sun shines on the body to give people a warm feeling. It is now late autumn, but the streets are still lively. The cold weather does not stop people's desire to go to the street. Looking at the shops with various goods, there is also a warm smile on the stone surface. In these shops The most placed are some handicraft products, which look good,

Stone took Zixuan's little hand and walked on the street. After today, tomorrow will be their wedding day. Wu Chengzhu has already begun to prepare for a new house. However, in view of Stone's simple and low-key request, the guests invited to this wedding are limited to the residents of Dragon City.

Now, all the core members of the Brotherhood have gathered together. When the stone wedding is completed, they will begin to travel around the world and wait for the Holy Clothes to wake up. At that time, they can discuss with the Holy Clothes to solve the problem of going to Titan.

The wedding of Stone and Zixuan is indeed lively. The scene of celebrating in the whole city is really shocking. There are red and colorful flowers everywhere, a festive and lively scene.

At noon, under the personal marriage of Wu Chengzhu, Stone and Zixuan both entered the small square in front of the city owner's mansion. With a sound of *, the wedding ceremony officially began.

The wedding ceremony is always the same. In addition to making a fuss with the bride and groom, the real highlight is the wine fight at the wedding banquet. For Mo Yu and others, who have not tasted the taste of mellow wine for a long time, today is not only a good day, but the most important thing is to meet friends and make new friends at the banquet.

The banquet lasted from noon to late at night, and even Stone and Zixuan accompanied everyone to drink a little. However, for those who have gained their original ability, no matter how much wine they drink, they will not get drunk. On the contrary, those who are unconvinced and want to be separated from Mo Yu and others, a high-level dragon-killing city, a All of them are delirious and drunk.

Fortunately, Wu Chengzhu had made arrangements, and someone immediately came forward to clean up the mess, helped these rare drunken people to their respective rooms, and settled down well. Stone and Zixuan naturally entered the bridal chamber and enjoyed their two-person world.

"Shit, am I dreaming today?"

Stone smiled and said to Zixuan, "You didn't dream. It's me Stone who was dreaming. I really didn't expect that Stone would marry such a beautiful and understanding wife like you one day."

Zixuan's smile immediately showed a trace of shyness and opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

Stone continued: "In those years, when I first saw you here, my heart stopped beating at that moment. For the first time, I understood what love at first sight was. But when I woke up, there was a burst of confusion and fear in my heart. I knew that I had fallen deeply in love with you, but at that time I had nothing and no fixed place. I couldn't give you anything at all, and I dared not confess to you. I was worried that you had already had a favorite person, and I was even more worried that you would look at me at all. No, I didn't feel anything, so I hesitated again and again at that time and couldn't summon up the courage to express my admiration to you. I was afraid of being rejected by you. In that case, I would have nothing.

Zixuan looked at the man beside her who had fallen into memories with a light smile on his face, and her heart was full of sweetness.

The stone seemed to think of something, the corners of his mouth moved, and his smile became brighter under the warm light of energy beads.

"Zixuan, I don't know why. In the face of that dragon, thousands of mutant monsters, and even the front line of life and death, I have never hesitated in my heart, let alone fear. In fact, when I saw my grandfather die in my arms, my heart died at that time, and I was alive. What on earth are you living for? Is it just because you are still alive? If it hadn't been for Wang Cai and me, I'm afraid I would have given up my attachment to life. It was because of Wang Cai that I summoned up the courage to leave the small mountain village, find my background, and give myself a reason to live. It was only when I met you that I really realized that there is still love in the world, and the purpose of life is It is so that love can be passed on, so I finally summoned up the courage to confess to you. Fortunately, you didn't refuse me, and unexpectedly. At that time, you also fell in love with me. For a man, the happiest thing in the world is this, so in the rest of the journey of my life, I will definitely cherish everything I still have now and cherish you!"

Zixuan began to have tears in her eyes and waved her hand. The room immediately fell into darkness. Just as the stone was about to speak, a small soft mouth had come over and blocked the stone's mouth.

Out of the window, the stars are shining, and a bright moon hangs high in the sky. The cold moonlight covers the vast earth, creating a dreamy and wonderful scene.

At dawn, Stone and Zixuan got up early. They looked at each other and thought of last night's lingering, and their faces couldn't help blushing.

The two simply dressed up, opened the door and went out. From afar, they saw the little boy leaning against the door in a daze.

The stone coughed gently twice, and the little boy immediately woke up and said, "Genius just woke up. Why don't you have more rest?"

Stone smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work last night. We owe you more and more!"

The little boy waved his hand and said, "I told you a long time ago that the energyized body will not feel tired, but speaking of it, those people shouted that they wanted to make trouble in the bridal chamber. If it hadn't been for the help of the split, they would really couldn't handle it."

Stone smiled and asked, "Brother Mo, where are they now? Were they drunk last night?"

Xiaoguai shook his head and said, "We are no longer ordinary people. Even if we let them drink a meal of liquor, we will never get drunk. On the contrary, those good friends who want to get them drunk have suffered. At this moment, I'm afraid they should wake up."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Yuhong's voice sounded, "Little boy, you worked hard last night, but it's not easy for us. If we hadn't drunk those friends who wanted to make trouble in the bridal chamber, I'm afraid that no matter how many people you are, you won't be able to stand the door."

The little boy immediately laughed and said, "If we hadn't been worried about spying on their privacy and the perception could not be opened, we wouldn't have been so tired."

Seeing Zixuan's little face turn red again, the stone arched his hand to the little boy and said, "Don't mention the old story. Anyway, everyone worked hard last night. In the next two days, everyone played here happily for two days, and we will be on our way the road the day after tomorrow."

Mo Yu immediately asked, "Shitou, where are you going in such a hurry?"

Stone said, "I want to take Zixuan to a small mountain village to worship my grandfather. I haven't been back for so many years. Now that I have a family, I should naturally let grandpa meet his granddaughter-in-law."

Mo Yu immediately said, "Brother, that's right. These good brothers of our Brotherhood should also go to worship the old man. Let me take care of this matter. Let's leave early the day after tomorrow!"

The stone nodded and said, "Thank you, brother!"

Mo Yu sighed and said, "The old man is not only your grandfather. Since we are brothers, we should also call grandpa, which is right!"

In the next two days, Stone finally convinced his father-in-law that they would live together and not be separated in the future. In order to improve the overall strength of the brothers in Longcheng, Stone and Xiaoguai began to selectively teach them some more practical skills and taught them the most basic rune system to enlightenment. Extremely prosperous, I hope he can pass on this rune system.

There are all banquets in the world. When Stone and others are finally about to leave, Wu Chengzhu and others naturally don't want Stone and others to leave so soon. However, when they see Stone, they insist on leaving, but they can only give up, but they are very admonished them to come here often to see their old friends in the future.

Stone and others said goodbye to Xinrong and others one by one, and immediately flew up and flew to the flying saucer hovering in mid-air. As for Uncle De, he had the help of the little Taisui and the little obedient. After the group entered the flying saucer, Stone immediately started the flying saucer and circled a few times in the sky over the Dragon Slaughter City, which was the last goodbye to the crowd before leaving. Go to the Dragon City and go in the direction of the small mountain village.

With the powerful search function of the flying saucer, it only took Stone and others two hours to arrive at the sky over a small mountain village that had long been completely different. After Stone determined the location of Grandpa's tombstone, Stone immediately took everyone to leave the flying saucer and landed on the ground.

It has been nearly ten years since the stone left the small mountain village. The long-abandoned mountain village has long been completely out. The houses originally made of wood, earth and stone have all decayed and collapsed. If it hadn't been for the pool where the stone has been known from childhood to adult, the familiar Bailong River would have hardly found this piece of stone. A small mountain village.

The wooden card is still there, but it is incomplete. The two big words [Grandpa] on it have been blurred, and the grass is almost flooded here. The stone did not let others help, but together with Zixuan, he personally cleaned up the barren grass around Grandpa's cemetery. The stone made a new tombstone for Grandpa with energy crystals, and carefully engraved Grandpa's name on it. Then he greeted everyone and began to worship.

Mo Yu and Mang Han had already prepared two large boxes, which were full of incense candles and so on. The thick incense of their arms was lit. The stone pulled out their pistol and fired three shots at the sky. Then he knelt with Zixuan in front of his grandfather's grave and had already burst into tears.

"Grandpa, I brought your granddaughter-in-law back to see you. Over the years, Stone hasn't been able to come back to see you. When I finish everything, I will come back with Zixuan and build a house here and stay with you forever!"

Behind the stone, Mo Yu and others also knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the tombstone with a solemn face, and their hearts were also full of endless sorrow. If the old man hadn't saved the stone and raised him, I'm afraid that the world would have been a different look now. From a certain point of view, if the stone was big If you are a hero, this unknown old man is the real hero behind the scenes!