grave-keeping note

31. Two leg bones

31. Two leg bones

I followed Mr. Yi home, but he still didn't let me into the room and let me sit outside and wait for him. Lord Yi came out half an hour ago. He held a rectangular box, which was made of wood. He put it under my feet and looked at me sideways. The look was absolutely strange.

I'm a little uncertain. What on earth does this rickly want to play?

"Don't move something in this box after you open it. Look at it first and then make a decision."

I opened the box, which contained two black things, like bones, but I'm not sure.

"That's two broken leg bones. These two broken leg bones have been there for hundreds of years. That's a fast leg bone."

I shivered for a moment. The bones of my legs for hundreds of years were so gloomy that no one wanted to touch them. This man was evil enough to keep this thing at home.

I see. He used this thing to find the second master.

"What conditions?"

"Of course, there are conditions. You will serve me for a year."

I was stunned for a moment and didn't expect it to be this condition. I hesitated. People like Lord Yi are evil and uncertain.

"Let me think about it again."

I went back to the small building and kept thinking about the meaning of Mr. Yi. I don't think it's that simple, or the second master will come back tonight.

I can't figure out what kind of insidious man is playing. I admit that I'm not an opponent in the face of such a resourceful guy. If so, in order to find the second master, I have to jump even if it's a trap. Jump in and say, life or death is a matter of life.

I haven't slept all night, and I'm more and more worried that the second master will have problems. Li Fu and his son are all playing tricks. Li Fu is a wizard, and his father can't run away from this industry. Even if he can enter his ancestral tomb, it can be seen that it is unusual.

I'm afraid the second master can't deal with these two people. Only Li Fu alone, the second master can't stand it.

I decided to agree to Master Yi's conditions. When I went there, Mr. Yi was sitting in the yard drinking tea.

"You are smart."

Master Yi's strange smile made me trembling. More or less, I felt a little impulsive, but there was no other choice.

Master Yi took out the box again and opened it.

"These are the two legs of the fast catcher, which used to be the fastest leg. In that era, it was the first fast catcher. No one can help you find the second master, but after finding one, I will tell you that you have to deal with the promised conditions, otherwise I can also cure you."

"I will do what I promised."

Master Yi slowly stood up, walked to the box, took out his leg bones and put them on the ground. He took it out with a knife from a small glass bottle.

The small bottle contains small black and red pieces.

Master Yi took out a piece, put it in a teacup, poured water, and melted it. After it melted, I knew it was blood.

"This is this person's blood. I have kept it. Of course, it was passed on to me by my ancestors in case of need. I really used it today."

I trembling. What happened when this arrest was about to die? What was the situation at that time? He is not a chicken.

Master Yi took the blood up and poured it on the leg bones. The two leg bones slowly stood up. I was so scared that I stepped back several steps.

"If you follow him, you can find the second master."

I'm a little doubtful that this kind of evil thing can also work. The two leg bones went out of the door, getting faster and faster, and I had to run to follow.

I felt a little tired when my two legs ran along the mountain road, but I didn't give up.

The road went in the direction of Li Fu's house. Three hours later, I couldn't keep up and had to stop and rest. The two legs were gone. After a while, I came back and ran around me uneasily.

I think this fast catch was not called the first catch in those years, and the speed was fast enough. After I recovered, I began to walk and slowly trotted again.

Four hours later, it was very close to Li Fu's home, but the two leg bones did not go to Li Fu's house, but missed Li Fu's home and went to the mountain, which was west of Chimney Mountain.

To the west, it is a cemetery. After the death of the people here, they are all buried here. There are more than 300 tombs with stone tablets and no stone tablets. The bones of the two legs stopped.

This grave is very quiet. I don't know why the two leg bones brought me here. I was hesitating, and my leg bones slowly walked into the grave. When I got to the middle, I saw a new grave. The leg bones stood there for a while and then ran away.

I know this is this place. Will the second master be buried in this grave by Li Fu and his son? I think it's a little strange.

I began to pick up the grave with my hands. An hour later, I saw the coffin. I opened it, and the second master jumped out and almost didn't scare me to death.

The second master scolded Li Fu, and then hugged me and cried.

The second master did not die, and he also calculated it. After he was caught by Li Fu and his son, he took a small folding iron pipe. After he was buried in, he used this iron pipe to drill a hole in the coffin board and probed the outside of the coffin to let oxygen in the coffin.

The second master was very weak, and he asked me to restore the grave to its original state.

I carried the second master back to the village, and we closed the door, causing no one in the small building.

"What the hell happened that day?"

"That day, I thought I had controlled Lao Li's head. Who knows, Li Fu rushed in with people, took me away, rescued his father, and then they buried me. It was too sinister."

I didn't expect them to be so fast.

"How did you find me?"

I hesitated for a moment.

"Master, catch fast legs."


The second master jumped up at once.

"I promised him that I would take care of him for a year after I rescued you."

"Conspiracy, conspiracy, is not that simple. This immortal has never taken such a small advantage."

My cold sweat came out, and I knew that Master Yi would not save the second master so easily. Is he still looking forward to the death of the second master?

Master Yi came the next day. He was able to climb in from the back wall and the door was locked from the outside.

When he came in, the second master came out.

"Old Zhang, I saved you and let your adopted son take care of me for a year."

"Old man, it won't be so simple, will it?"

"Old Zhang, you are right. I didn't make it so simple before, but now we have fought all our lives. If you die, I don't think it's interesting to live. This is the main reason why I saved you."

After saying that, the second master was stunned.

I went to work for Mr. Yi. I don't like this old man, or I can't go, but I'm worried that this old man will make trouble, so I still go.

Mr. Yi doesn't have much to do. His life is very regular every day, and he doesn't bother me. He is much better than the second master. A year is not long, but I always feel that this ricke is very strange and I can't figure it out. There is always something in him that scares me.

The fourth day, the second master came.

"I want my adopted son to go back. I can't live without him. You can put forward other conditions."

Master Yi coo cooed and shook his head.

"You can put up any conditions."

"six shapes and six hearts."

"No, he was stolen by Li Fu and his son."

Master Yan was stunned.

"Isn't that in your ancestral tomb? The ancestral tomb is not a free market, and it does not mean that anyone who wants to enter can enter.

"Li Fu's father, this old thing is hidden. For so many years, I thought he was a loser. Who knows, he turned out to be an old fox, a more powerful character than Li Fu."

Master Yan is obviously also stunned.

"It seems that he has nothing amazing in his life."

"If there is, we won't know."

"In this case, you have nothing to change. Let your adopted son stay with me for a year! This child is good."

The second master shook his head and left.

"I want to find the sixth heart of the second master."

"You can think it's beautiful. If you can find it, I'll look for it. Li Fu and his son are incompetent characters. They play gloomy, and your second master and I know 1% of those evil skills. How do you think you want to rob them?"

I didn't expect that Li Fu and his son would be so powerful in the eyes of Mr. Yi, but they hid very deeply.

In the afternoon, I told Mr. Yi that I was going out. He actually agreed.

I went to the lake, and those people were still tossing around. Li Fu was not here, and Ji Xiaoqing was there. I called her over.

"Li Fu's father can help you."

Ji Xiao was stunned for a moment, nodded and went back.

I don't think I can cure this old guy. Let them treat you. This trick is a little insidious, but this is the only way to deal with such a person.

In fact, Li Fu has been following the archaeological team during that time because the deputy mayor has caught his handle. He dares not go, but he pretends to be a bear. Even if he can enter the mausoleum, he will not go in. Maybe at that time, he moved those things away, not in Li Fu's old house. That The old man is too ghostly.

I went back to the village to see the second master, and then went back to the second master.

Master Yan didn't ask me what I was going to do. I don't think this old man is annoying in other aspects except for strange things. Unlike the second master, he is endless and has a bad temper.

It snowed, and the whole mountain turned white. At this time, the second master should start hunting again. I have been here for two months.

That day, Master Yan asked me to enter his room.

"Go back! I'm afraid that the old guy will die, and it's meaningless for me to live.

I was stunned for a moment. Thank you, Master Yi, I went back.

The second master was happy to see me come back. He took me into the mountain to hunt.

When it was getting dark, he came back with two pheasants. After packing up, he stewed them and asked me to call Mr.

I went to call Master Yi, but he didn't come. He asked me to tell the second master that he was endless with him. Don't think he wanted to fix it with him. Tell him to live well and keep his life to compete with him.

I really don't understand what these two old guys are playing.

I went back and told the second master that the second master laughed, which was a happy laugh.

When the second snow fell, the second master asked me to go upstairs.

"Tomorrow we will go to Li Fu and get back the six-shaped and six hearts."

I'm a little worried, but the second master said, so I'll get it back. I went to the lake first. Those people had collected it. The lake was frozen. They had nothing to do this year. There was nothing to do with the dead and the loss of property. Ji Xiaoqing also had a rest. She has been staying at my house.

When I went back, she was making dumplings.

She told me that Li Fu's father was not found, but Li Fu was found. The deputy mayor put pressure on him and told him that after the beginning of spring, Li Fu's father would arrest Li Fu if he did not come out to help us.

My goal has been achieved, and I don't think Li Fu will just stand up like this and stretch out his head to let people cut it.

I went back to the small building, and the second master made a stove in the room, and the stove was stewed with sauerkraut.

"Three days later, Li Fu will come."

The second master told me that I took a look at the second master.

"What about the new handle?"

The second master stared at me, this guy.

On the third day, someone knocked on the door, and it turned out to be Li Fu. He wore filial piety and came in and said.

"My father is dead, come and tell the second master."

The second master said for a moment.

"I know, I'll go."

I don't know what Li Fu was playing. He almost killed the second master and had a face. The second master was also so strange that he promised Li Fu to see the old guy.

The second master took me there the next day. The lacquer coffin stopped in the yard of the old house of the Li family and had entered the coffin, but the coffin nail did not hit it.

I doubt that Li Fu's father is too good at dying.

A leader of the archaeological team also came. I know that he came to explore the truth, and they didn't believe it. It was too time to die.

Many people stared at the coffin, and of course wanted to see if the old man was dead.

Li Fu is a smart person after all, and he has understood it for a long time.

He opened the lid of the coffin.

"Let's say goodbye to my father! It will be soiled tomorrow."

Everyone went to look. I followed the second master and looked in. It really looked like a dead man, but some people still suspected that no one would put their hands in to see if the person was dead. If you die, it is very unlucky and disrespectful to the owner.

Li Fu covered a piece of paper on his faces to let everyone see that the paper did not move for several minutes. Obviously, it was really dead.