grave-keeping note

40. Standing dog

40. Standing dog

I'm sweating, and the second master is thinking about it. So what is the child born? I don't know. It's very terrible that the second master would do this. It's an experiment with my children.

I almost feel that the second master is a big bastard.

This book makes me unable to sleep, but I know that my children are still young, and I will stop it.

When the mayor called, I fell asleep on the counter.

I answered the phone, and the mayor just asked me about my current situation and didn't mention Shuiling.

The next day, I called Li Fu.

"What happened when I left?"

"No, everything is peaceful. I know you have returned to Xinla City."

I stared at Li Fu, and there was nothing he didn't know.

"Are you ready to go to Shuiling?"

"I'm ready."

"Is the urn ready?"

Li Fu was stunned for a moment, and then scolded me.

Three days after I met the mayor, I was going to take people into Shuiling again.

A week later, I took someone to go through that hole again. When I got there, it was full of water. I knew it was impossible.

I pulled Li Fu to the other side.

"This road doesn't work. Do you think there is anything you can do?"

"Yes, it's through the hole they cut. I don't think there should be any danger for someone."

I was also thinking about this, but the hole cut there, no one else came out except Li Fu, and Li Fu did not go in, but just turned around the side.

Li Fu and I sat behind, lit a cigarette and thought about it for a long time. In fact, my heart is still very contradictory. When a gravekeeper went to break the tomb, he was simply perverse and a little un peed by the world.

Finally, I took these 11 people to the lake and went to the top of Shuiling, and I told them.

"Don't touch anything or try to take anything. Although anything can make you afford a car, a house and raise a mistress, you can't touch it unless you are willing to put your life there."

I said this and looked at them. Li Fu stood aside with a straight face. Two people held it and withdrew, and the mayor got angry at that time. In fact, this is very normal. How many people went in and how many came out? This is a game of life, and your mayor doesn't give much money.

I called the mayor aside.

"It's enough to leave four. You also raise the cost, and other people don't have to follow them."

"Is it okay? You don't have to be afraid. It doesn't matter if you're all dead. I won't blame you.


Finally, four, plus Li Fu five.

I went in first, and they followed in. The reporter's camera outside kept flashing, like a god in the sky. I always felt that it was the flash of death.

In, it is a layer, one layer, which should put things, but there is nothing on it. Walking in, it is the door, which has been opened.

Those people went in from here and never came back.

I hesitated for a moment, but still got in and stood four dogs and one corner. The totem full of people is a dog, who doesn't wear a dog's leather hat, doesn't eat dog meat, and doesn't sit in the south pit.

It is said that the dog saved Nurhachi's life. That's just a legend. In fact, it is the totem of a nation. Each nation has its own totem, which is different.

The four standing dogs are so fierce that they can jump out and bite people at any time.

There is nothing else in this hall except four dogs, and the door is also opened. It seems that the person who entered before has also passed two doors. I don't think it is possible to pass three doors.

I probed in, and sure enough, the body there lay horizontally, emitting an unpleasant smell.

I don't know what happened and they all fell down, but no matter what, they have to go in.

I glanced at Li Fu, and Li Fu said.

"Don't hurt me."

I stretched out and pulled him. He howled. The movement scared me. This guy could be called out like this.

I let go of my hand, and Li Fu's face turned white. He was probably scared when he saw such a corpse. In fact, everyone is afraid of death. I looked at the other four people, and the four of them seemed to have no expression.

"What conditions did the mayor give you? Are you so desperate? It's too late to go out now."

All four shook their heads and did not speak.

I turned my head and entered the door. I stood there with a wall in the middle, separating the room, with a head on the left table and a lower body on the right side. What evil is this? I haven't heard from the second master. I guess what kind of burial style this is. I don't understand.

I hesitated for a moment, but still went in. These people died strangely, with different and exaggerated expressions. I couldn't see how he died. I turned around and called an expert. I guess he didn't want to come in, but he had to come in.

"Look, how did these people die?"

He didn't squat down to look, but just stood to watch. Maybe he was too afraid. He looked at it for a long time and shook his head. I thought to myself, bullshit expert.

I squatted down to look and didn't see it. It was just a horrible expression, and my face didn't seem to have changed. It's not poison. I stood up and looked at other places. There must be something horrible that scared these people to death. What kind of horror should it be?

I walked slowly in and suddenly heard something. I looked back and understood that one of these people was scared and the other was beaten. These heads and bodies on the table are organs.

Divided and accumulated grievances.

When the head and body move, they combine to attack me in an instant. Other people who understand are afraid at all. This is a kind of witchcraft, and grievances accumulate.

Li Fu jumped in and pushed a bone. The position he pushed was on the lower side, and the body was scattered. I pushed it as usual, and it was really easy to use. Li Fu should understand that wizards always do this kind of thing.

Everything passed, and the expert came in, and his face was still tense.

Li Fu came to me and whispered.

"I think we'd better get out of here."


"This road is wrong, full of evil spirits."

I believe what Li Fu said about this**.

"But when I came in and went out, those reporters didn't know what they would say. Even if they went out, they would sit here for two days and then take some photos out."

Li Fu scolded me.


I turned around and saw four chains hanging on the shed. I don't know what they are for.

"What do you think that chain is for?"

"I don't know."

Li Fu is angry, this guy.

"If you are afraid, go out."

Li Fu stopped talking. I smoked and looked at the chain. I didn't expect that the chain would move and collect it up. What's going on? I jumped up, and the experts were shocked. Li Fu didn't move. Looking at the chain, he probably knew something.

The chain was put up, and then the roof pressed down.


Li Fu jumped up and ran out. He didn't run out. The door closed, and Li Fu turned around and scolded me.

"You are an old man. This time we are dead. Let's wait to eat meat pie!"

The experts panicked and looked at me.

I can't help it. Just die and die worry-free.

Li Fu ran around here, looking for the exit and messed up the bodies on the ground.

When he stopped, he stretched out his tongue like a dog. Slowly under the shed, my heart beats wildly, and the feeling of being flattened must be uncomfortable.

Li Fu stared at me.

"You don't have to look at me. There's nothing I can do."

Li Fu stood up and suddenly shouted.

"Faling as it was, the head is the head and the body is the body."

I looked at the messy bones on the ground and felt a little dizzy. Li Fu didn't care about that and began to mess around.

Those experts also moved. The speed was probably the fastest I had ever seen. Thirteen bodies were finished in just ten minutes, and the shed was only one-third.

I looked at Li Fu and was happy. Li Fu didn't see it at all. I just looked at the shed. The shed is still under.

"No, those bodies are in a mess, and you can't tell who is who."

Li Fu almost didn't howd.

"If I had known that this bastard was bullshit, I wouldn't have let you in. It's really unfair to die."

"Li Fu, I can see that you are a wizard. If you belong to an animal on land, you will be finished with water."

Li Fu shook his head. In fact, I have known for a long time that the second master told me that once the corpse is broken, everything will be broken. Then the grievance comes out, and you can only rely on it when you encounter vitality.

"Hold your breath for three minutes."

I told them that they were stunned. At this moment, I know what I say, that is, if I ask them to kill Li Fu, they will agree and have no objection.

Is it easy to use? Don't cheat us anymore."

Li Fu howled.

Those people stared at Li Fu. If Li Fu spoke again, they might kill Li Fu with their eyes. It is difficult to hold your breath for three minutes, and it is only about one minute for ordinary people.

But this time they have done it all, and the shed has fallen up, which shows that people's potential is still very powerful.

Everything is calm.

"I won't play with you."

Li Fu turned around and left. I ignored him. He couldn't open the door at all. Li Fu finally came back, and I ignored him.

"Pile the chain down, but I don't know what will happen. You can't blame me. I don't have anything else to move here except this operable."

Four people went to pull the chain, and Li Fu and I stood aside to watch.

I didn't expect that Li Fu would be so afraid of death, which surprised me. This may be the reason why Li Fu stole the tomb for a lifetime without dying.

The iron chain was pulled down 30 or 40 meters, and a lot of it was piled up in the ground before it could be pulled.

The slow genius reacted. The shed went up and staggered, and you can see the space above.

"Climb from the chain."

After I finished speaking, I grabbed an iron chain and climbed up, and the others watched. When I went up, it was a hanging coffin. Four iron chains hung the coffin. It was a coffin forest. Hundreds of coffins hung there. It was so shocking. People who have been to the Potala Palace should know that it was that kind of shock.

I was stunned there. The coffin was half a coffin. The second master told me that the half coffin was incomplete. The coffin was cut from the middle.

I only know so much about the half coffin. Li Fu is shouting.

"Can you go up?"

I just waved my hand. They climbed up, and they came up, and they were all stunned there. They recovered for a long time, but they didn't move. The person who took the photo began to take pictures.

Actually, it's enough to have these photos this time. If I really open Shuiling, it's hard for me to say that the mayor still pees and I don't pee.

I also decided to stop here. I want to find a way out.

Li Fu slowly walked over and looked in from the mouth of the half coffin. After reading it, he had a voice.

The man who took the picture was so scared that his camera almost fell to the ground. Everyone looked at Li Fu and Li Fu squatted on the ground.

I walked over slowly and asked him.

"What's wrong?"

"Look in yourself."

I stared at him and looked inside, and I trembling. What was inside was not a bone, but a river scale. Jiang scale is a kind of fish, but it is different from a fish. It grows into a ball. It will bark like a child. What it eats is human rotten corpses and drowned people's bodies. If not, it will also go ashore and steal holes into the tomb like rats. Therefore, no one eats this kind of fish. People call it corpse fish, but one thing is very strange. After grabbing the river scales, kill it and put it in the tomb. The tomb will be fine and can protect it from being stolen for a hundred years. I don't know if this is true or not, but this kind of fish exists now. It should belong to the species two or three hundred years ago.