grave-keeping note

1. Bright red pendant

1. Bright red pendant

Zhajia is also a mysterious topic in this city. Some people even pretend to be Zhajia, but no one believes it. In fact, the Zha family is not surnamed Zha. That is a big family behind the Zha family in a really dangerous period.

The fourth master of that family is a master of that family, and no one in the courtyard of this city does not know.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the ancestors of Fourth Master Shao came to this city alone in order to avoid war and famine. When the shopkeeper saw that he was honest, hard-working, listening, reliable, and never caring about losses and cheap, he liked this handsome descendant very much, so he made him become a "handman" and no longer did those dirty and tiring rough jobs, but only responsible for the arrangement of long-term and short-term workers. But Shao Zu still left this job and did that job and was always idle. Because he comes from a poor family, cares for his colleagues, and has clear rewards and punishments, so everyone respects him, believes him, and is willing to listen to his arrangement. Therefore, whether it is spring and autumn harvest, or feeding cattle and sheep, he has arranged the way to live. After three years of observation and testing, the shopkeeper resolutely decided to marry his beloved daughter to him. When he got married, he was given more than 20 mu of good land and a small yard.

After Shao Zu got into a family, he set up another door and struggled. He got up early and worked hard, was frugal and calculating. With his usual savings, his father-in-law's gifts and his mother-in-law's secret Zhou Ji, his scene soon became prosperous.

Later, Shao Zu had four sons and thirteen grandchildren. Under his influence and **, the children and grandchildren are all shrewd and capable. After nearly 100 years of efforts and development, in the prosperous era of Kangqian in the Qing Dynasty, the family was already full of people and jumped above his father-in-law and became the largest family in the local area. In the Jiaqing period, for various reasons, the clan began to polarise, poor, rich, and the land was gradually annexed by the rich. In order to live, the poor have no choice but to become helpers or tenants of the rich. After three years of drought in Guangxu, the crops were extinct, and the city was starving. The rich family took the opportunity to gather land at a low price, and exchanged eight liters of grain for one mu of good land. At the end of Guangxu, the rich family had more than 5,000 mu of arable land, covering a radius of nearly 100 miles. From Yamaguchi Huiyuan in the east, to Weijia in the west, from the waves in the south to Xinbin in the north, there is the land of Dongli Village everywhere. Every year, thousands of more than 50 mules are collected and rented grain teams are transported back from all directions without stopping. Each mule hangs a big bell around its neck and is decorated with bright red pendants, which is full of prestige. The bells ring from spring to summer, from autumn to winter. It is said that the rented grain has never been transported. In addition, there are many shops on this city street: grain shops, pawnshops, restaurants, tea houses, pharmacies, silk and satin houses... During the Republic of China, half of the shops in Xiaonan Lane in Golue Town belonged to that house. Most of the shopkeepers in the shop are invited southerners. They are scheme and good at management, and their business is very prosperous. 5,000 mu of land leased grain and silver earned by many shops continued to flow into the courtyard of Dongli Village.

After the development, it began to build large-scale construction and luxury houses. We hired people to cut rough wood from Changbai Mountain, transported exquisite stone carvings from Suzhou, and hired skilled craftsmen to build 16 neat and beautiful quadrangle courtyards on the 12-acre flat land in the north of the city. After that, 16 more courtyards were built with the same drawings in 10 mu of land on the East Mountain. So far, the luxurious, solemn and elegant courtyard has been basically built.

The compound is located from west to east, divided into two rows, with a total of 32 courtyards. In front of the gate is a straight village road, and there are pharmacies, shops, restaurants, dyeing rooms, mills, etc. outside the village road. People in the courtyard can meet their basic living needs without going out. After the completion of the courtyard, there is a cliff ditch ten feet deep in front of it, and three feet high cliff behind the courtyard, which can't be climbed by thieves. A gate was built at the north and south of the street, and people were sent to guard it at night and during the chaotic years. As soon as the door is closed and the top bar is closed, outsiders can't enter at all. In order to ensure the safety of the compound and pray for the protection of the gods, the Niangniang Temple was built next to the North Headgou, the Seven Star Temple under the cliff, and the Master Temple was built in the north. In 1835, a four- or five-foot-high monument building was erected above the south gate of the courtyard.

32 quadrangles, two streets, two gates, three temples and a monument building form a complete residential community, with a total length of more than 300 meters and a width of about 100 meters. Standing in the distance and watching, it is lined up, blue, like a 10,000-ton ship. The monument building is like a mast standing in the bow of the ship, sailing to the other side in the wind and waves.

The compound has begun to take shape for nearly 200 years. During this period, the wind and rain have been eroded, and the vicissitudes of the world have changed several times, and the scenery is no longer there. However, its ingenious design and gorgeous architecture can be regarded as a model of residential architecture and a wonderful work of ancient art. A brick, a wood and a stone in the courtyard reveal the extraordinary wisdom and exquisite architectural skills of the working people.

And now it is still amazing to look at that compound carefully. Although the upper and lower rows of 32 courtyards are different, they are much the same. They are all five-opened two floors. In front of each courtyard is the gate and the porter, and there are horse stones and horse stakes in front of the gate. The gate is all located in the north of the doorway, and the thick door is covered with copper and iron hoops, which is strong and beautiful. Carved and painted on the lint, luxurious and luxurious. Entering the gate, first the front yard, also known as the Long Institute of Technology. Only the four porters facing inside are divided into two floors, and the two lower floors near the gate are clerk houses. The long-term workers live here, which is convenient to get in and out, and also have the responsibility of guarding the door. The other two porter feed the mules. The second floor is the housekeeper and the accountant.

Enter the gate and walk about ten feet away, which is the second door and the back wall of the hall. The two doors are all located in the north room of the hall, and a pair of stone lions are placed at the second door, which is majestic. The bluestone gate pier is carved with exquisite patterns, such as elk horses, flowers, birds, insects and fish, as well as cash trees and treasure pots. It is really a stone and a scene, each is different. The carved decorations on the two-door lintel are more complicated and exquisite, and some are also hung with imperial gold plaques.

Entering the second door is the main courtyard. The surrounding halls, wing rooms and main rooms all have a two-story attic. The first floor of the four halls facing the inner courtyard is full of carved lattice doors, which are skillful and magnificent. Three of the halls are connected, spacious and bright, and are places for guests. Inside, there are beds, coffee tables, Eight Immortals tables, Taishi chairs, porcelain and flower arrangements on the ancient shelf, and celebrity calligraphy and paintings are hung on the walls, which are antique, elegant and chic. The south end of the hall is a leisure room, which is an occasional accommodation for distinguished guests. Under the carved beams and painted buildings on the second floor of the hall, valuables are stored. The decoration of the attic at the top of the second door is the most exquisite. It is carved and depicts gold doors and windows, woven brocade hanging, small and exquisite, refreshing and quiet, called "embroidered building", is a place for ladies to play the piano, embroider flowers and paint.

Directly opposite the living room is the upper room in the main courtyard, and there are four wing rooms on each side. The wing room is the residence of the son and daughter-in-law. Between the main room, the wing room and the living room is a patio, which is four feet long and five feet wide, which should be said to be "not more than ten feet wide". The whole patio is surrounded by high rooms, which are not breathable, and there is only a line of sky in the middle. It is said that it is to hoard gas and gather wealth.

The upper room is also called the main room, with a total of five rooms, which is the most prominent and important part of the whole courtyard and the living place of the highest ruler of the courtyard. There are three corridors in the middle of the main room, and the interior is connected, one is bright and dark. In the middle is the hall house, with the Eight Immortals Table and the Taishi chair for the divine axis; in the south is the master's room, and in the north is the lady's house. The north room of the main room is the house; at the south end, there is a four-foot-wide passage leading directly to the backyard.

Through the narrow aisle and entered the backyard, I suddenly felt that it was a bright world. The backyard is about three feet wide and more than four feet long. It is spacious and bright, safe and secluded. Planting strange flowers and grass on the ground and raising rare birds and animals under the eaves is really unique and interesting. The cliff at the back of the courtyard is chiseled with three-eyed caves, which are wide and deep, warm in winter and cool in summer. Some store grain and cotton, and some place spare utensils.

Throughout the compound, there are only 16 courtyards in each row, lined up and supported by each other. The porter and the porter are connected, the main room and the main room are connected. The rear wall of the wing room is against the back wall, and the two ends of the room are guarded, like a castle, just like a barracks, with severe barriers, and unfathomable. There are five deep in the courtyard, the front is low and the back is high, which means to rise step by step. The walls are sewn with grinding bricks, bonded with white gray, and the walls are thick, anti-theft and thermal insulation. Live in it, away from the hustle and bustle, quiet and comfortable, spacious and safe.

In the early 1950s, the nobles of the Shao family were destroyed. Some were suppressed, some were controlled, and some fled to other places. The compound and tens of thousands of property were confiscated by the government and given to the poor. So the compound changed its owner and moved into the common people. Because each courtyard is housed by seven or eight families, for the convenience of life, people are constantly demolished and built according to their own ideas and needs, and the original pattern has been gradually broken. During the Cultural Revolution, many exquisite carvings were smashed, a large number of ancient calligraphy and paintings were burned, and those precious imperial plaques were smashed and thrown into the deep ditch. Nearly 200 years of smoke and fire, wind and rain erosion, coupled with man-made destruction, now, the courtyard has been dilapidated, some even collapsed, and many carved and painted beams are exposed to the sun and rain. What's more terrible is that the ditch in front of the door continues to collapse, only a few feet away from the house. If we don't take decisive measures, that compound, a rare folk architectural treasure, will slip into the bottom of the ditch and disappear from our sight forever in the near future.

The compound has fallen to this point, and there is no room for redemption.

The mayor is going to requisition the compound and build a villa today, saying that it is a feng shui treasure. I called the mayor and asked him to repair it. The city has this ability. I asked him to think that the old yards in Shanxi are a culture, but the mayor's opinion has not changed.

I have been to that compound several times, because I don't want to go again, but it makes me a little uncomfortable. Although I have fallen, I can also see the momentum of those years. At least, there is a Yin Village, and there is still a yard called Zhajia Courtyard. Maybe it is called Zhajia Courtyard for preservation reasons.

There was also a group of people in the city who wanted to stop it, but they didn't stop it. I'm afraid that compound will no longer be seen, which is definitely a pity.

That land is indeed a feng shui treasure, as the second master said, and Li Fu also said. However, the second master did not want the land, but the land that supported the mountains and rivers. There must be a reason for this.

This land has always been a place that has been talked about. It was finally bought by a coal owner in Taiyuan. There is a Qiao family compound in Taiyuan. It has played the Qiao family compound on TV, but it is not exactly the same. With the interpretation part, in fact, the Qiao family courtyard is not like that at all.

Qiaojia Courtyard is located in Qiaojiabao Village, Qi County, Shanxi Province, 54 kilometers north of Taiyuan and 2 kilometers south of Dongguan Town. It is also known as "in Zhongtang" and is the residence of Qiao Zhiyong, a famous commercial and financial capitalist in China in the Qing Dynasty. It was built during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. Since then, there have been two additions and one expansion. After several generations of continuous efforts, a magnificent architectural group was built in the early years of the Republic of China, which embodies the unique style of northern residential buildings in the Qing Dynasty.