grave-keeping note

22. That toe

22. That toe

I told Li Fu what happened yesterday. Li Fu didn't say anything for a long time. This time he believed that such a thing really happened.

That day, Li Fu and I sat in a small shop in Tulun City drinking and eating pork stewed sauerkraut. It snowed outside. It was not big. This was the first snow this year.

We were drinking, and the five came in, and he came straight to me.

After he sat down, he looked at Li Fu and said.

"Is it Wizard Li?"

I was stunned. Obviously, this boy knows a lot. Li Fu ignored him. He only cared about eating, but I could see that he suppressed some excitement.

The five heads turned to me.

"I think the second master needs to solve this matter. I can't find him. I hope you can tell me where he is."

"I won't tell you, but when I see him, I will tell you."

The five just smiled and got up to leave.

"Don't go and have a drink. I don't believe you are a descendant of that family. Maybe it's just pretending."

"I don't need to prove this to anyone."

The five walked to the door.

"That five, I think we should have a good talk. Maybe we don't need the second master to solve this matter."

The five hesitated for a moment, came back, sat down, and asked the waiter to get the set meal.

Those five are very good to drink, and the white wine is basically two cups.

Li Fu is also struggling with the issue of those five identities. He asked more than five times.

The five are a little annoying.

"Do you know what's different about that family from others? And what others can't imitate, it's innate."

Li Fu sneered.

"I think I should know such a big place, I know, I shouldn't know, I also know."

I guess this is to let Li Fu say it. This place is not big, but you can't say that you know everything. If you don't do it well, let those five be blown off.

"Then tell me about it."

"The toes of that family are different from ordinary people. The second toes are separated and divided into two halves, like two snakes."

In shock, he took off his shoes and took off his socks. Sure enough, the two toes were separated, and you couldn't see them when you closed them. That was one. You can see two of them apart, like two snakes, and extremely flexible.

The company said after putting on the shoes.

"This time you believe that I am the descendant of that family, right?"

"Impossible, as far as I know, when your family lived in the Zajia compound, they all died there. As for what happened, no one knows now. I also guess, but one thing is certain that no one survived."

The five did not argue with Li Fu anymore, and he felt that it was useless. When he stood up and walked, Li Fu was a little drunk. After the five left, Li Fu said.

"I think this person is very suspicious."

Needless to say, those five things still need to be investigated, and maybe everything will be understood. If the five are really descendants of this family, it will be lively. There will be more things in it.

The second master took the brunt. Although he guarded the tomb for that family, although it was full of letters from a friend, the property of that family was not easy to talk about. This time, he came to him for fragrance and pure. I don't know what kind of fragrance the second master had.

It seems that this is here to collect debts. I don't know how the second master will make it.

Perhaps, the second master is also a little easier. If the descendants of the family appear, then the second master will no longer have to guard the tomb, which is the cross he carries on his body all his life.

I think it seems that if you want to figure out these things, you have to wait for the second master to come back.

Li Fu called me three days later.

"There are really five people who are likely to be descendants of that family."

"What is the possibility?"

"It's just uncertain, 18 percent."

I didn't expect it to be true, so what can we do now? Wait for the second master, the matter of this family has something to do with the second master. They are looking for the second master. We can't deal with it, and they may not pee me.

I don't know when the second master will come back, but I'm sure the second master will come back, because the black water man and the Taoist priest still need him to solve it, and I can't deal with these goods at all.

The five came back to Xinla City every three days. He asked the second master if he had come back. I told him that he didn't come back. He turned around and left without saying a word. I think the five is a very strange person.

Li Fu called me in the middle of the night and told me that he went to Zha's compound. I was stunned for a moment and thought it was normal. If he was really from that family, he would go home to Zha's compound.

"So what?"

"I think those five must be looking for something, otherwise what are you going to do in the middle of the night?"

I think it's right. Li Fu and I made an appointment to go to the Zhajia compound in Yincun. We watched from afar. The light of the Zha family was not turned on, and there was nothing for a long time. Li Fu and I went there. The script of the door was not locked. Maybe this was the first time the Zha family opened this big iron door. We pushed the door in, and Li Fu went in and shouted.

I was shocked. The five were actually sitting in the yard. On this cold day, my spirit must not be normal.

I thought the five jumped up and scolded us, but the five didn't. He actually let us sit in the room and said that we were too hard, which was obviously satirizing us.

We came out of Zhajia compound and walked back.

"What is this boy doing here?"

"Maybe, just take a look, there is no other meaning."

Li Fu and I waited outside and came out at dawn, carrying a bag of things, which surprised me and Li Fu.

"Follow this boy."

Li Fu and I followed the five. No one expected that the five had entered the compound, not through the main entrance, but a secret door behind the compound. None of us noticed it.

The five went in. Li Fu and I didn't dare to go in. Last time, we almost lost our lives. This time I didn't dare to go in, and Li Fu didn't dare to go in.

We went home separately. The night in Xinla City is still very quiet, and it seems to be another world compared with other parts of the city.

I don't know when the second master will come back. I dare not leave Xinla City for too long. What I'm most worried about is the black water man and the Taoist priest.

When I went to Shuiling, the lake there was frozen and the passage was still open. It didn't seem to be reduced by the cold and tourists.

I want to go in, but I still haven't entered. I think something will happen if I go in. It's better not to go in. The day after I left Shuiling, Li Fu told me that Shuiling was closed yesterday afternoon.


"I'm not sure. I'm about to go there. Will you go?"

"I'm not going. Go and have a look. Let me know if you have any news."

Li Fu gave me the news an hour later, which was extremely evil. At that time, I almost didn't sit on the ground when I heard the news. I didn't believe it at all. It was absolutely impossible.

I ran to Shuiling and it was blocked. I saw the secretary-general. He waved it. I went in and ran to the ice.

It is the middle of the lake. Under the ice, there is an open coffin. In the coffin, it turned out to be the second master, closing his eyes tightly.

I believed it at that time that what Li Fu said was not true.

I fell on the ice at once.

"Second Master, Second Master..."

My tears flowed out. What the hell happened? The second master obviously returned to Xinla City. How could he be here? Did those black water and Taoist priests come out of the water mausoleum? Revenge against the second master?

I don't know, Li Fu pulled me up and whispered.

"Don't cry now. When you cry, let's see what happens."

The reality is right in front of us. What else should we see? I don't know what Li Fu means. My head is in a mess.

The Secretary-General called me aside and asked me.

"What do you think is going to deal with this?"

"Let's see."

I suddenly calmed down. Maybe I need to calm down more at this time.

"It's up to you!"

I went to the ice again and looked at the coffin and the second master below. I couldn't figure out how the second master got in. How could such a thing happen to him?

I don't understand. I asked someone to circle the place, and Li Fu and I went to the shore to discuss a solution.

"A big ice hole from the other side, and then go down to see the situation. You can't open it in the right position. Go down."


I asked.

"Maybe you don't know much about this. Don't ask. That's all we can do."

It seems that you can only listen to Li Fu.

I found the ice brazing. After making a hole, I decided to go down. I wore a wetsuit to go down. Li Fu hesitated for a moment and decided to go down with me. I won't let him go down. The water was too cold and it was easy to get sick.

Li Fu still went down with me. I know that maybe something happened underwater and I can't deal with it by myself. When we went down, we felt extremely uncomfortable.

When we were about to get to the coffin, we felt that the water was warm, and the cold gradually disappeared. We slowed down because we didn't feel something wrong. Li Fu and I were slowly swimming forward.

Li Fu suddenly stopped and sank, and I felt something was wrong. He seems to be struggling a little.

I didn't feel anything, but I was very panicked.

Li Fu waved his hand at me and swam back. I hesitated for a moment and folded my head to swim back. It took a lot of time to find the ice hole. We were almost frozen before we found it. If the people above hadn't pulled us, I'm afraid it would be difficult for us to go up.

After we went up, Li Fu winped at me, and I knew that I didn't want to say anything.

Li Fu and I went to his house.

Li Fu lit the fire. He hasn't recovered for half an hour, and Li Fu is also trembling. I guess it's lucky not to get sick this time.

We drank strong liquor for an hour and a half before we were a little hot.

"Why did you suddenly come back?"

"My leg is cramped."

I don't believe this. Li Fu must not have told the truth. I didn't see him cramp at all. If he has a cramp, he will ask for help.

I didn't ask again, there must be a problem. Li Fu doesn't want to say anything, and I can't ask again. He wanted to say such a thing, so he said it. If he didn't want to say it, it's useless to ask.

When I returned to Xinla City, there was nothing to do there. Everything was fine, but there were only a few people living in a building, and they always seemed so lonely.

I sat in front of the window of the corridor and smoked. The children ran around the corridor. They never knew that they were lonely here. However, they have added vitality and vitality to this place.

But now I'm starting to worry about their future. New people are different from others. Of course, I don't want them to feel it or know it.

I haven't been thinking about what happened to the second master. I have to go tomorrow. I don't know how to deal with it. I fell asleep in the middle of the night.

I got up early, cleaned up, and went to Shuiling. Even at this time, I don't know how to deal with it. When I went, Li Fu had already arrived. I am very grateful to Li Fu.

Li Fu has been hesitating. I walked to the center of the lake and looked at the second master lying in the coffin. I couldn't see anything wrong.

I squatted there, and the second master was pale and couldn't see anything wrong.

Li Fu came over and squatted down and whispered.

"This is probably a set. The black water man and Taoist priest may not be in Shuiling."

I'm excited, and that's what I'm worried about. I looked at Li Fu, and his expression was so serious.

"Are you sure?"


I knew that this matter was troublesome. It was definitely not a good thing that the black water man came out. I always thought they would die in it. It was Shuiling, not any other place, but I also forgot that they were black water mans and Taoist priests.