grave-keeping note

49. Blue-faced purple skin

49. Blue-faced purple skin

I followed the second master along the drops of blood. I don't know where the black water man was injured and how he was injured. With blood dripping like this, it seems that the wound will not be small. He should be bandaged, but he did not bandage and let the blood drip down.

The blood droplet actually went to the backyard and then went under the wall. It seemed that it had turned over from the wall.

My second master and I climbed over the wall, and the blood drops were still there. We followed. Half an hour later, we arrived at the tomb in Crescent Mountain, where there were still people guarding, but they all fell asleep.

The blood drop stopped in front of a coffin.

The second master pointed and said softly.

"Fight, open the coffin, and the heart is there and take it out."

I quietly went over and opened the lid of the coffin. Sure enough, the heart was there. The heart escaped by itself and entered the coffin. It was really evil.

I took out my heart, the second master took out the plastic bag, and I put my heart in.

The second master went to Yin Village. When he arrived at Yin Village, the second master put his heart in a tomb of the ancestral tomb.

He sat in front of the second master's window.

"It seems that the Blackwater Man is really serious."

"It's not a good thing that they are mixed up with Zheng Fei."

The second master didn't say anything more. He asked me to stay here and go back to Xinla City by myself.

I stay in Yincun and guard this heart. Maybe the black water people will come after dawn, but they don't. Until noon, it rained, and there were no black water people.

The Black Waterman didn't come, but the five came. I don't know what the five came to Yincun for. I watched him enter the courtyard, and I immediately followed him. After the five went in, he came out in a moment. He didn't take anything. I don't know what he was going to do?

After the five left, I went in. In the Wan room, there was a circle, which was the attached number of the Black Waterman. I didn't expect that the Black Waterman actually taught the attached number to the five. It seemed that they were using the five.

It seems that the five have never given up the damage to Na Wan. He just wants to die.

I went back to the small building and sat there looking at the courtyard. I hope Na Wan will not come. I'm afraid the attached number is really right.

At night, I smelled pure fragrance. I was worried and looked at the village road. That Wan came, but she didn't enter the courtyard. She entered the small building. When she saw me, she didn't smile.

"There is an evil spirit in the courtyard of Zhajia, which makes me panic."

"That Wu Nade came and drew an appendix in your room, which is the appendix of the Black Water Man."

After listening, his face was a little deformed.

"That Wu Nade, I want you to look good. I have never let you die, just because I still want to keep a descendant for that family. If so, it's meaningless to leave this behind or not."

That Wan is in a bad mood.

"You go to that compound with me."

"I'm worried that you will be very dangerous if the Black Waterman is there."

"Don't worry about this."

I followed Na Wan to the compound, and we entered through the back door.

After entering the yard, Na Wan went straight into the room of the five. The five did not sleep and sat there reading some books. He was shocked when he saw the Wan's "Howling" voice.

"What are you doing?"

"That Wu Nade, you have always wanted me to die. Today, you drew that appendix again. It seems that you really don't want to live."

"You shouldn't be born like this. In fact, you are dead and have been dead for a long time. This world is not your world."

The five Nade's face turned white and his words were shaking.

"This world belongs to any creature, no matter how it exists, but only people like you can't live. Even your ancestral tomb wants to be defeated, and you don't deserve to be a person."

Nan approached the five Nade step by step.

The five Nade were scared to pee and shouted. I didn't expect that the Taoist priest appeared behind me. The moment I turned around, my fist also went out. The Taoist priest didn't expect that I would take action and punch him in the face. The fist was so strong that I felt very painful. The Taoist priest screamed and fell to the ground.

"That five, I'll give you a discount today."

After saying that, she took my hand and left.

After we left the compound, we returned to the small building in Yin Village.

"It seems that the Blackwater people have done it. You don't have to worry. I'll go back to the tomb immediately and I'll clean them up."

That Wan has left.

I didn't expect that the Taoist priest had been living in that compound and never came out. It seemed that he was doing something behind him. After that Wan left, I entered the ancestral tomb. I left the small building for more than two hours. After I entered, I entered the tomb room with my heart. My heart was gone, and my heart in the plastic bag was gone. My heart tightened. It was over. It was strange that the second master didn't clean up.

I called the second master.

"I lost my heart."

The second master didn't get angry and told me to go back to Xinla City.

I think the second master must be waiting for me in the room with a knife.

I pushed the second master's door and didn't go in. I stood there looking at the second master.

"Come in! Drink some."

The second master didn't have a knife, and his face was quite good-looking. There were dishes on the table. It seemed that he had just got it, and there were two bottles of white wine.

I hesitated.

"Come in!"

I went in, but it was not closed. I think I can run at any time.

I sat down and stared at the second master. If he moves, I will run. The second master said after pouring the wine for me.

"It's okay. I just lost my heart. I've done it."

My heart was put down at once. This two-hand guy didn't tell me, which scared me to death.

After drinking two glasses of wine, the second master looked at my hand. At this time, I found that my hand was broken. I guess it was too cruel when I hit the Taoist priest.

The second master didn't ask me how I did it. When we were halfway through, the cup held by the second master suddenly stopped in mid-air. Looking at the door, I turned my back to the door. I didn't know what had happened. I felt a chill on my back. I didn't move or look back. I knew that something must have happened.

The second master slowly put down the glass and slowly stood up.

At this time, I stood up, looked back, and was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Ji Xiao stood at the door with a blue face and purple skin.

How did Ji Xiaoqing become like this?

"I'll come and see my child."

Ji Xiao's soft voice has changed, which makes people feel horrible.

"You will scare the child like this."

After saying that, the second master stared at Ji Xiaoqing.

"Is I ugly?"

The second master took a look at the mirror on the table, and I went to pick it up and handed it to Ji Xiaoqing.

After a light look, Ji Xiao laughed. It was too scary.

Ji Xiao ran away lightly.

My cold sweat is dripping.

"Second Master, what's going on?"

The second master sat down with a gloomy face.

"It seems that I shouldn't have done that at the beginning. This time we are miserable. Ji Xiaoqing wants to enter the ghost road and make himself more capable, and then revenge on us."


"Of course, the road between people and ghosts is different from that lady. In fact, in our world, there are two roads. Ordinary people don't know much about ghosts. They always talk about the aisles. This aisle is not nonsense. There is no problem with walking. People walk and the way is ghosts, so don't talk about the aisles in the future. Suddenly It's a walkway. That's the ghost road. It's gone when you walk. That's walking into the ghost road. Of course, this probability is very small. If someone helps Ji Xiaoqing, she can walk into the ghost road, but it is impossible to walk in and want to go back again. Just like a person dies, it is impossible to come back to life. Unless in another way, that lady is also a way, but the fragrance is not within the reach of ordinary people.

My legs have been shaking. In the face of such a reality, it seems that I can't accept Qinghan. After all, I have lived with Ji Xiaoqing for so many years and have a child, which seems that I can't accept it.

"Is there any way to stop it?"

"If Ji Xiaoqing wants to enter the ghost road, there is nothing anyone can do."

I went back to my room and slept, and the second master also slept.

After dawn, after breakfast, the second master played with the children for a while and asked me to go out.

"Let's go to the five to see who Ji Xiaoqing is with, and maybe there is another way."

We entered the five rooms. The Taoist priest sat aside and jumped up when he saw me. His face was so swollen that he didn't kill him with that punch. It was considered that he picked up a bargain.

When the second master saw the Taoist priest's face, he actually laughed.

The five stood up.

"Second master, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, I don't want to see you if it's okay. I'll be unlucky for half a year at a glance."

The second master sat down, poured a cup of tea, took a sip and said.

"I just want to know who did Ji Xiao's light way?"

The Taoist priest shook his head, indicating that he didn't do it, and the five also shook his head.

"Taoist priest, remember, if you do this, there is no good fruit for you to eat."

After we came out of that compound, I asked the second master.

"Could it be done by the Blackwater?"

"It's hard to say now."

After the second master came out, he went to Gongwen's house.

Gongwen doesn't like the second master, which I can see, but he is cultivated and never shows it. The second master worked at Gongwen's place for a while, looked around, and then left.

After we came out, the second master told me.

"It seems that he has a good relationship with Zhengfei."

The second master entered Zhengfei's house and was sitting in the yard drinking tea. Seeing the second master, he smiled and said.

"Second Master, I'm free today."

"I don't have that idle life. What do you think you're doing here? Go back to your home."

"You have your business, I have my business, and it's endless. I can't go back."

"Don't leave your life here."

"This is not necessarily true. Thank you for saving me."

"I don't go around with you anymore. Who did Ji Xiao's ghostly?"

I was stunned for a moment.

"Don't worry about this. I won't do such a thing. It's not good for anyone."

The second master shook his head.

"It's really strange."

"It's really hard to say about this. I think the Blackwater people have this possibility."

After I came out of Zhengfei's house, the second master and I went to Shuiling. The tourists on the Shuiling were still standing in a row, and the attached number on the surface of the water had disappeared.

The second master sat there, not knowing what he was doing or thinking.

At noon, the second master stood up.

"Go to Tulun City to eat pickled cabbage."

The second master suddenly wanted to go to Tulun City. There must be something wrong there. Let him go. Eating pickled cabbage is probably just an excuse.

We entered the pickled cabbage restaurant and found a seat by the window to sit down. The second master's eyes kept looking out and didn't know what he was looking at. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the second master stood up and we went out.

The second master went to Tulun City. He went in and walked around and came out. He didn't know what to do. He seemed to be waiting for someone to appear, as if he was looking for something. After the second master came out, he went straight west and entered the mountain.

The mountain here is very steep, and it is very difficult and dangerous to walk. After walking dozens of meters, we have to use our hands. After we climbed halfway up the mountain, the second master gasped and sat down.

"I'm old and can't live for a few years."

When the second master said this, I was also a little sad. In this life, the second master has never enjoyed it.