grave-keeping note

58. The door on the coffin

58. The door on the coffin

That day, Na Wan took my hand, cried for a long time, and then left. I felt sad.

After dawn, I went to Gong Xiaogang's house. Ji Xiao lay gently on **. Except after his pale face, there seemed to be no big change.

Gong Xiaogang pulled me to another room and squatted on the ground.

I forgot to tell him that these thirteen needles may kill him. Even if he doesn't want his life, it will hurt for a lifetime, just like this.

For a long time, Gong Xiao just stood up with sweat on his face.

"Thank you, Xiaoqing is normal now. I hope you can let her go."

"Yes, as long as you are happy, I'm just coming to have a look."

Actually, I don't think so, but what else can I do when I see Gong Xiaogang's treat Ji Xiaoqing like that?

That day, I returned to Xinla City and sat in front of the window. My heart was in a mess. I didn't know if that Wan would help me. I went to Shuiling in the middle of the night, and I was worried that my child would have problems. I sat until dawn, and Li Fu came and sat next to me and said.

"Don't worry, I think the second master will find a way."

I'm afraid this is the worst thing for the sudden appearance of the coffin man. The coffin man doesn't tell you anything at all. Achieving the purpose is the principle.

It is the most terrible for such a person.

I didn't expect that Na Wan would replace her with Ji Xiaoqing. From this point of view, I thought Na Wan was kind. In fact, she was selfish for herself, but it is understandable that people want to live a life by this time.

I don't know why it was like this, and I invisibly made a defense for Na Wan.

I've been waiting for Na Wan to disappear, but Na Wan didn't appear again. This is what worries me most. Maybe Na Wan is angry. If I continue to wait like this, I can't stand it. My child is still in the hands of the coffin, and I can't wait.

I called Li Fu, and Li Fu said that he was busy, and he was afraid that he could not deal with the matter of the coffin man, and he was afraid of delaying my affairs. This is obviously a push, and I can't blame Li Fu.

I went to Zhengfei's house, and the door was still locked. I went to Gongwen's house.

I told the story, and Gong Wen was stunned at that time.

"Your second master mentioned this matter. I didn't believe it at that time, and he never mentioned it again. There was really a coffin man."

Gong Wen thought for a long time, picked up the phone and called Zheng Fei.

I came here half an hour later, and my mental state was not very good.

He didn't mean to see me.

After sitting down, he looked at me and said.

"You must be fine."


I told the story, Zheng Fei said.

"I know that the coffin man appeared. I know very little about the coffin man. I even said that I just knew about the coffin man. I have also learned about it in the past few days. Basically, there are no clues. Your second master knows a lot, but it seems that there is nothing he can do."

"I don't know about this. My second master is old, and I don't want him to interfere in this matter anymore."

"I'm afraid I can't help you with this. You'd better think of another way!"

Gongwen took a look at Zhengfei.

"Can't you really help him?"

"I think he should know."

Actually, I'm a little confused now, looking around for people. After I went back that day, the second master was not at home. Gu Ye asked me if I had found the child? I shook my head.

"When did the second master leave?"

"It's been an hour, and I haven't said what to do."

I stayed in Xinla City for half an hour and then went to the tomb. I really couldn't stay. I feel more and more dangerous.

When I was about to enter the tomb, when I arrived at the entrance, I felt like a wall, transparent, but I felt the wall. If I couldn't get in, I knew it was gentle.

I shouted that Wan, but there was no response. I sat there and waited until dark, but Na Wan didn't appear.

I turned around and went to Shuiling. Anyway, I also want to get the child out.

When I arrived at Shuiling, I took off my clothes and went down.

At the bottom of the water, those coffins were all there. I approached a coffin, opened the lid of the coffin, and a coffin man appeared. He rushed out and stared at me.

I couldn't hold back. I rushed up and landed. I knew that they would definitely come out.

When I came up and put on my clothes, a coffin floated to the surface and then leaned against the shore.

A coffin man came out of it.

"You can't talk about children."

"It's enough to achieve your goal. You don't have to worry so much. I know the pain of your new pull. This child is the continuation of your new pull."

It seems that the coffin man knows us very well and knows a lot about us.

"I can agree to your terms."

"Xinla City."


"Then wait."

The coffin man went into the coffin again. The coffin went into the water, and another coffin came up in half an hour. This coffin was big enough. It was as big as a house, which scared me.

The coffin actually had a door. An old man came out of it and walked in a strange posture.

He went ashore and said.

"Do you agree?"

"Yes, I agree."

"Tell me how to get into the city."

I was stunned for a moment, and I forgot about it.

"You let the child go first, and then I'll tell you."

I just thought that the child is safe and safe.

"We coffin people get things when they do things, which is probably different from the way you do things. We don't have anyone to trust except our own people."

I was stunned there, and the second master suddenly appeared, which made me trembling.

"Old turn, do you still think I really can't do anything about you? I just want you to appear. As soon as you disappear, it will be 30 years, and I can still die for you. I didn't expect you to become a spirit, 120 years old, right?

The coffin man who asked the second master to turn his head saw the second master and said with his eyebrows.

"Little miscellaneous hair, you can still live."

"Although I can't live, I live more comfortably than you. Isn't the life in the coffin easy?"

"Little miscellaneous hair, give me Xinla City, and this will be over."

"Old turn, you are really interesting. Your own home is gone. What do you want from others to rebuild it?"

"Little miscellaneous hair, your mouth is still so gloomy. If you don't agree today, I will kill that child. That's your masterpiece."

"Old crutch, let's discuss it again."

"No, you boy has too many ideas and too many negative tricks. We won't talk to you."

"I think you prefer a place, the face of the black water people."

The old man turned his head and listened for a long time.

"I don't want to provoke the Blackwater people. What's more, our family is gone. You did it."

"I'll find a way to get the face of the Blackwater Man for you."

"You want us to become enemies with the Blackwater people. Your move is too dark."

The second master's plan failed.

"Then I'll give you the old and new city. It's useless for me to keep it."

"If you just play tricks, I will make you look good."

The second master went to the old crutch and drew something on the palm of his hand. I didn't understand.

"Then you wait. We will drive here today. After entering, I will let people go."

The old man turned his head into the coffin and then went into the water.

"Let's go!"

I still want to have a look.

"Don't look, there's nothing good."

"Do you really want to give him the old new city? There are still more than 20 old people there. They have to drive them out. It's difficult for them to walk. Doesn't that make them die?

"Do you think it's not easy for me to give them this city? That's the old city for more than a thousand years. That's my nest. Maybe I will go back in the future, not to mention that the ancestral tomb is still there.


"Let's watch the fun!"

I'm not sure. Looking at the appearance of the second master, I don't seem to be very sure.

When I went back that day, until midnight, the second master called me up and said.

"Let's go and pick up the child."

I left with the second master and asked him without saying anything.

We found the child next to the Moon Temple, and the child cried frighteningly. After I hugged him, he hugged me tightly and was still trembling.

After we went back, I called Ji Xiaoqing and told her that she had found the child and let her come tomorrow to discuss the child's matter.

The second master stared at me.

I asked the second master.

"How can it be so fast?"

"The coffin people sneaked for a thousand miles. They walked with the coffin. When they entered the old new city, they sent a sound, and the coffin people left here released the child."

The second master seems to have something on his mind.

I went back to my room and slept. I was a little tired during this period.

Early, Ji Xiaoqing and Gong Xiaogang came.

The child cried when he saw Ji Xiao hugging him.

"I think I will raise the child."

"You told the second master about this, and that's what I mean, but the second master doesn't agree."

Ji Xiao gently hugged the child to find the second master.

They quarreled in the room, and the second master scolded fiercely. Ji Xiaoqing also scolded the second master as an asshole, an old bastard, and immortal.

I went in.

"Second master, it is still beneficial for the child to follow his mother. No matter when, it is also our new person."

When the second master came up, he slapped me with a big mouth and scolded me.

"It's not something, get out of here, get out..."

Ji Xiao walked away with the child in his arms, and the second master ignored me for a week.

What I didn't expect was that a week later, the second master asked me to follow him to Laoxin Lacheng.

"I won't go. I will walk for more than 20 days and 40 days back and forth."

"Are your wings hard and you don't care?"

"You didn't say anything."

"Then I'll tell you today that the coffin people are controlled by me in the middle of Xinla City, and they can't get in and out. Let's go and deal with them."

I was stunned, and as expected, the second master tamped. I didn't expect that the coffin man would be fooled.

"How could they be fooled? You're not lying to me, are you?"

"There is always something wrong with their IQ, otherwise I wouldn't have destroyed their home back then."

I still followed the second master. Along the way, the second master did not speak and obviously walked much slower than before. After all, he was in his 70s.

Twenty-three days later, we entered the boundary of Xinla City and walked for another hour. Sure enough, hundreds of coffins were placed in one place. When the old man saw me and the second master, he jumped up and scolded the second master.

The second master said with an evil smile.

"Old turn, you have been living for a hundred years, and you don't have a head to think about who I am."

"Little miscellaneous hair, you trapped us here. It's your ability. You let us go, and we don't want the city, and this matter will be over."

"Your condition is not high, but like your coffin people, I never trust anyone."

The old man turned his head and went crazy. He rushed forward, hit something, and went back.

I knew that the second master probably used the number.

The second master looked at me and said.

"I will burn the coffin in a moment to make them worse."

"I think it's okay. The hatred is getting bigger and bigger. If you let them go, maybe it's over."

"Stupid boy, you are kind, how can they finish it? Who burned your house and there is no place to live, will you be finished?"

The second master's words are reasonable, and I think so. This matter can't be finished.

After the second master lit a fire outside, the old man turned his head and scolded the second master.

"Little miscellaneous hair, you are too dark! It's enough for us to live in the coffin. If you still force us, then we will work hard.

"You don't feel blushing when you say this. What do you spell? Can you come out? Let me tell you, I didn't want to provoke you in the first place, but you robbed the children. You can do this. I believe it, but I gave you a chance and gave you time. Do you still think I was a hairy boy 30 years ago? "Number" is our culture. What do you have? Probably remembering or knots, what era is this?

The second master said so much at once, and then lit the fire, and the fire unexpectedly rushed into that circle. Then it boiled.