grave-keeping note

6. Blade coffin

6. Blade coffin

I didn't expect this to happen, and I didn't expect it to happen.

"What should I do?"

"Didn't you say halfway up the mountain? What did I tell you? Don't go to that bomb shelter. If you don't listen, it will cause trouble. You, a very gloomy person, will get unclean things everywhere.

I know that I have been extremely unlucky in my life. I always encounter things like this, which makes me extremely uncomfortable and even feel panic.

"I just need to ignore this."

"Wrong, I'm afraid that person won't let you go."

"Then what can he do to me?"

"I don't know about this. I'm afraid it won't be so easy for him to find you, so you should think about it."

"Then I'll go."

"That's your own business."

Li Fu dried a glass of white wine and turned around and left.

"You can't leave me alone, can you? You are not that kind of person."

I don't think that because I am a very yin person, this man wants to buy a blade coffin, which must have something to do with something, which I'm absolutely sure.

I still hesitated for a long time and went to the bomb shelter halfway up the mountain alone. I went to this bomb shelter once when I was a child. It should have been in the third grade. Later, I always dreamed of this bomb shelter. There was always something that seemed to seduce me. However, I control myself, and the most important reason is that I feel scared there.

That day, I arrived halfway up the mountain and sat on the side of the bomb shelter and smoked.

This air-raid shelter was my fear when I was a child. In fact, I knew that one of them lasted in my life. It turns out that nothing has gone out of life.

I don't know what to do. Now I'm alone. Anyway, I have to go in.

In the end, I went in.

I hesitated and decided to go in the middle, leaving only the middle. Maybe the blade coffin was in the middle.

The channel in the middle is actually different from the two sides. Every one meter, there is a half-meter wide and half-meter deep groove from top to bottom. I don't know what it is for. I haven't figured it out. When I got to the middle, there were two more channels facing left and right, but half narrower than the middle one. I stood there and hesitated. I didn't know which one to choose. If I chose the wrong one, it would be endless mistakes.

I sat down and smoked against the wall. I feel my hands shaking.

When I smoked halfway, I actually smelled the pure fragrance. I shudled and stood up. Could it be that? In my feeling, Na Wan is not dead, and I even firmly believe that she is not dead.

However, the pure fragrance only lasted for a while, and then it was gone. This makes my heart flur even more. I heard footsteps and hid on the left aisle.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, which is familiar to me. If there is no guess correctly, it should be Li Fu, who scared me a very much. I poked my head out and scared Li Fu out loud. He held it in his hand and scolded me for a long time.

"Don't you say you won't come?"

"I'm worried about you."

"Put it, you are 'worrying' about the blade coffin."

Li Fu didn't say anything.

Li Fu and I studied for a long time, and still went to the right. In fact, I subconsciously felt that I should go to the left, and the left side felt more dangerous. Only danger could it be possible to find the blade coffin.

But I didn't say. I walked in front of me, and the passage turned every three meters. I don't know how many turns I turned. I saw a bayonet. Li Fu went over and picked it up and said it.

"Japanese Army Knife."

Li Fu walked forward with a saber, and I followed behind. I was a little afraid of the back. It's better to walk in front.

Ten minutes later, I felt something was wrong, and the elbow turned endlessly.


I said coldly, and Li Fu trembling.

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't think it's right."

"What's wrong?"

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a sound, like a cry of something. I didn't hear it. Li Fu also nervously raised his saber, which was a little funny.

That sound disappeared after a while, which makes you feel terrible.

We walked further, and a turn was a ten-square-meter small room, which was actually full of white bones and piles. Li Fu looked carefully and said for a long time.

"It's not shot or killed by a bayonet. I guess it should be a matter of the Japanese period."

I thought of the Pingdingshan tragedy, and my heart trembled.

"Don't move, let's go around."

After Li Fu finished speaking, he carefully passed through, and then entered the passage below, which went down.

After more than a dozen steps, there was an iron door, which was locked. Li Fu cut dozens of locks with a bayonet and opened it. I took down the lock knife, threw it aside, opened the iron door, and a smell came, and I coughed.

When I looked in, a tall man jumped up, and Li Fu also shouted in horror.

In this basement, there are actually sitting on the wall and bones, one by one, sitting in a whole circle. Li Fu went in with a bayonet. He didn't find anything other than these bones.

These bones can't tell who the bones are, but sitting so neatly must be a well-trained person, and their posture is basically not much different.

"What kind of person's bones?"

I asked Li Fu.

"I don't know. If you sit there, who knows who you are?"

Li Fu's mouth sometimes makes you want to smoke him.

There is no way to go. It seems that we can only go back. This road is not right.

Li Fu did not return, but looked around. For a long time, he stood in front of a skeleton.

"What are you doing?"

"I think this bone is interesting."

I walked over and saw that his left hand pointed to the middle finger and pointed to the opposite wall. I looked back and didn't find anything wrong with the wall.

Li Fu and I arrived at the wall. He stabbed the wall with a bayonet and made an "empty" sound. It's obviously empty.

"You remove the bones below."

Li Fu actually ordered me like the second master.

I gently picked up the bones and moved them to one side. There was a dark hole underneath that could reach into one hand.

"Put your hand in."

"Do you want to die?"

Li Fu raised his bayonet and stared at me.

"I don't know who wants to die?"

This guy actually picked up the bayonet and looked at me. I don't have a temper. At this time, human nature is changeable. Who knows what's mind is thinking? If Li Fu killed me here and leaned me against the wall for a year, who would he know who I would be?

I put my hand in and felt cold. I was extremely nervous. I touched a handle that should be able to turn. I turned it without saying anything. I thought everyone was dead.

I thought this wall would open a door or something. I didn't expect that the big iron door behind me was closed, and you seemed to lock it automatically. After ringing more than a dozen times, it didn't ring.

I took out my hand, then stood up and looked at the big iron gate.

Li Fu's bayonet is still held.

I walked over and pulled the iron door, but it didn't move at all. I knew that this handle was the one that locked the iron door. I put my hand in again and turned the handle. Li Fu trembling and opened a small door in the middle of the big iron door. The small door slid down and I couldn't see it.

I think it should be this place. Li Fu put down the bayonet, looked at me and said.

"I didn't expect it."

I ignored him. I will let him have good fruit to eat about him holding a bayonet at me.

I went in. After walking a few meters, I turned left and saw a coffin, which should be a blade coffin.

Li Fu slowly walked over and walked to the side of the blade coffin. Li Fu stretched out his hand to touch it, but he didn't know where he touched. He shouted. As soon as I trembleed, Li Fu's hand came out of blood. He leaned back.

This blade coffin is indeed exquisite. I have seen the relief pattern on it for a long time. I don't know who it is. It is full of things that record the same thing, which is probably a major event in this person's life.

Look closely, the edge of the coffin cover is as sharp as a knife, and Li Fu's hand was cut on it. I think the severity of this blade coffin should be the cover. It seems that I don't want people to open it.

I sat down to smoke, and Li Fu also sat down with me. His blood was still bleeding.

I observed the blade coffin and carved four pictures on the surface of my coffin.

High walls and big tiles, four-in-four courtyard, a child playing, this should be the birth of this person, and it seems that he was born in a rich man's family. Li Fu didn't care whether he bleed or not. He also looked at it and said for a long time.

"This child was born in an official family."

I don't understand.

"Look at that brick carving, that is a crane, which had a strict hierarchy in the Qing Dynasty."

Li Fu said so, I understand.

The second picture is this man's teenager. In the school, six children are studying there. I didn't care too much, and Li Fu spoke again.

"Look at the child sitting next to him, the one in the middle of the front row, and the one next to him should be the owner of this coffin."

I looked at it for a long time, but I didn't see anything.

"The one sitting in the middle should be the prince, and the owner of this coffin should be accompanied by the reading. Of course, the official position of his family should also be not small."

I didn't expect Li Fu to be so careful.

"You know a lot."

"It's not that I know a lot. I've seen a lot. Of course, I've seen this kind of relief coffin, but I haven't seen it in this way."

The third picture is this man's youth, but I can't determine who is the owner of the coffin on the screen. A team of horses is running.

"It seems that this is the horse team that reported the good news. This young man is the champion, the top of the list, and the flower exploration, but he is definitely not a scholar or a scholar. Because looking at the person riding the horse in the front, it should be the second-grade member of the dynasty.

I have a little different eyes on Li Fu, and I really know a lot.

The fourth picture is the imperial uniform. Looking at the chest, it should be the third grade.

Li Fu and I stood up and went to the opposite side to look. The other four pictures were basically glory and wealth, mansion, girl, madam and lady.

When we walked to the coffin, there was only one pattern of Yipin. This person should be as high as Yipin, which surprised me. How could such a person be here?

Walking to the end of the coffin, a person was dismembered by five bodies, which seems to be the end of this person. I jivered.

"This person has such a high official character, how can he be here?"

"You are so stupid. You just lifted it here, but it was stolen here, and the coffin could not be opened, so you kept it here."

I understand that Li Fu's words make sense.

"Let's go."

"What are you doing?"

"Do you think you can open it? These people didn't open it, and we won't open it easily. Go back and think about it again. Anyway, we can't run away.

We went back, and the way back was not the way we came in, but we quickly walked out.

Li Fu and I went back to the antique store. I bought beer and sat there to drink. Li Fu killed all the bottles at once.

"I didn't expect that it was really unintentional."

Li Fu is a little excited.

"What the hell is going on with this blade coffin?"

"I don't know, but I just know that this is a coffin of an important minister."

As we were talking, the man came in, sat down and picked up a bottle of beer and opened it. I locked my eyebrows. This person is interesting and familiar. What I am most annoyed with is such a person.

"Have you found the blade salary?"

He also said that he was paid. I didn't say anything and took a look at Li Fu.

"Yes, that's right."

Li Fu finished speaking and looked at this person.

"Well, I'll pay, and you take me there."

"Who do you think you are? Why should I tell you?"

After Li Fu finished speaking, he opened another bottle of beer.