grave-keeping note

6. Bionic

6. Bionic

I was stunned, holding my sword in my hands, and the skeleton did not stop. She walked slowly towards me, as if I felt that Wan was walking towards me.

"Cut it down."

The second master shouted, but I couldn't do it. I felt that she was the one who cried, and I couldn't cut it down.

The second master rushed over, grabbed the sword and waved it.


I shouted. The second master's sword did not stop at all. He cut it on the skeleton. The sword was very sharp, but the sword passed through the skeleton of the grid and did not respond. She was a dead body.

The second master was stunned there, and Ge Ge's bones stopped, at least not moving forward, which was what I hoped. At this moment, that feeling disappeared.

"Are you alive?"

The second master scolded me and couldn't wait to cut me down with a sword.


Li Fu said.


"Some bones can be bionic, imitating the person you like, which makes you think she is the person you like."

I was stunned at once. How could this be possible? It's too weird, too weird.

The second master held his sword and looked at Gege's bones, and I retreated to one side.

When we heard the "murmur", the second master did not move, and the skeleton moved again. We looked at the second master.

"Second Master, you have to take action."

Li Fu shouted. But the second master did not move until Ge Ge's bones took the sword. The second master shouted and jumped away. I know that bionics have an effect.

Gig's bones held his sword, and laughter came. We are all extremely nervous. It seems that one of us is going to be unlucky.

Ge's body actually ran to Li Fu with his sword. The second master laughed, "Gaga..." and I strangled him. At this time, he could still laugh. Li Fu dodged. The speed of Gege's bones was not fast, and he could completely avoid it.

When Li Fu stood, I knew that the bionics had begun again, and even Li Fu stretched out his arms and made a cow hug.

When Gege's bone sword was split down, I rushed over and kicked down Gege's bone. Li Fu woke up and broke out in a cold sweat.

"That's not the way, second master, think of a way."

"Let's not touch the skeleton. At least now she is not enough to kill us. Just kicked, he has a foot. She will get whatever you give her. Don't touch her."

This is what I didn't expect.

"What should I do? Even bionics will die."

Let's stay away from her now. I'll find a way.

We all hid, and Gege's bones got up again, held up their swords, and ran to Li Fu. It was still Li Fu.

"TMD, she chose me."

Li Fu jumped up and down.

"Second Master, hurry up, if Li Fu dies, then it will be us."

Li Fu has been keeping a distance from Gege's bones. With this distance, bionics don't seem to work.

The second master turned out the rope from the bag.

"Tie her up."

This is the worst move.

"Who is going to tie it? Are you going?"

The second master will kick me when he comes up. I took the rope around the back of the grid bone and tied the rope to her leg bone. After that, I couldn't see the person behind me and didn't feel it.

The second master drew and tied his legs. When I tied my legs the next day, Gege's bones stood, looked back at me, and then waved a sword. I jumped away and half of my hair was cut off. I strangled it and almost peed.

Guge's bones also cut off the tied rope.

"Second Master, your move is really bad."

"You can't figure it out!"

It's my biggest mistake to fool around with this bastard.

Li Fu shouted.

"Second master, don't let her chase me. I have a way."

Li Fu is more sinister. If you don't chase him, who will you chase? The second master pointed at me and asked me to seduce Ge Ge's bones. I have to go to his eighth uncle, so I have to go over and provoke this skeleton that should not be provoked.

This grid bone really came to me. Seeing the situation, Li Fu immediately ran to the backpack, opened the bag, and turned out the messy things.

When the wizard made a fire, he burned himself, "squeaking" and jumping around. The second master helped put out the fire. I'm going to your eighth grandmother. You want to play me to death!

Li Fu made a fire again and rushed to the skeleton of Gege, who was trapped by the fire together.

"I let you chase me, and this time I will turn you into ashes."

Guge's body was scattered, and then it really turned into ashes. I closed my eyes and it was a little tragic.

Li Fu sat down and took a long breath.

"How did you get out of the stall wall?"

"I don't know. I fell asleep. I thought I was dead and woke up in the coffin."

What Li Fu said should be true.

The second master smoked, looked around, and said for a long time.

"It's really evil today."

"This is Shuiling, that is, the big tomb. It's not surprising to encounter such a thing. Ten years ago, I went home after stealing the tomb. My sister's bone actually sat on our kang and looked at me. Do you think it's scary?"

I don't know if what Li Fu said is true or false, but it may be normal for grave robbers to encounter these things. I have also heard a lot of strange things according to hearsay. They are all jokes and ghost stories. I know that it is definitely not a ghost story today.

The second master stood up and lifted the coffin in the east. There was a picture on it, which was the coffin room. A black spot was in the middle, which should be the entrance.

The second master looked at it for a long time and said.

"Where is this black spot?"

Li Fu and I looked at it for a long time, but we didn't understand it. The picture was very obvious. The location of the black spot should be in the middle of the earth, but there was nothing in the ground. Li Fu took a few swords, and it was indeed a spark, and nothing was found.

I suddenly shouted and scared the second master and Li Fu to death, "Damn!" One sound.

"Are you sick? Screaming all day long.

Li Fu said.

"Look at this picture, it's upside down. The black spots should be on the ceiling."

They didn't look at the picture, but looked at the ceiling together. Sure enough, there was a black spot in the ceiling.

"Li Fu, you prick with a sword."

The second master said.

"Do not talk much, and you can prick whoever you love."

Li Fu threw his sword to the ground.

I didn't have to look at me, so I picked up the sword and couldn't reach the ceiling.

"Li Fu, hug me."

"Hold you, isn't that the same as me?"

"What on earth do you want? Your boy's shaft is like a well. Believe it or not, I will stabb you to death with a sword?

I felt that I had become evil. Li Fu stood up, reluctantly walked over, picked it up, and stabbed it up with a sword. This is the first time I used a sword, and it is also the most evil sword in the world. A sword went down and something flowed out of the small hole and sprayed me and Li Fu. We jumped away. We didn't know what was spraying on our bodies. Something, sticky and fishy, after a few minutes, I felt itchy and then bubbled.

"Second Master, what is it?"

The second master looked at it for a long time and shook his head.

"Life and death are up to fate."

What the second master said, Li Fu and I stared and wanted to stare him to death.

The small hole is still spraying this kind of thing. If it continues like this, I'm afraid we will all be flooded in it. The second master has hidden on the bed coffin. Li Fu and I also hid on the bed coffin, but this is not a solution.

The worst thing was found, and small holes suddenly appeared on the walls, spraying it.

The small bubbles on Li Fu's hands and I were extremely itchy. As soon as we scratched, the broken water flowed to other places, and there were such small bubbles in other places. We Li Fu panicked.

"What about the second master?"

I asked the second master.

"There's nothing I can do. There is no doctor here. It's dead or alive. I suffer by myself."

The second master's speech can make people lively.

"Master, this is a matter of time. If you don't see, the venom will slowly rise. I'm afraid you won't be so comfortable."

The second master ignored me and sat there smoking leisurely, as if he was not in a hurry.

When we heard the sound of frogs, I understood that it was frog poison. Let me go. How many poisonous frogs do they need? I'm numb when I think about it. It's numb everywhere. I can't hear the frog's cry. Anyway, it's going crazy.

The second master's eyes have not been idle, and I guess his head is not idle, turning quickly.

Li Fu also looked around and was trying to find an exit. I'm afraid it's not that easy. This time, he was not poisoned and was also suspended. Thinking of this, I relaxed, whistled, took out the cigarette and lit it.


I said.

The second master turned around and gave me a kick.

"Comfort your grandma's feet."

I'll go. He set fire casually. I can't even light a match. I scolded the second master fiercely in my heart.

I waited for the turnaround, but no. A few hours have passed, and the poison frog liquid is still flowing. I'm also a little hairy. It's definitely not a good choice to die in this venom.

"This kind of organ is in the big tomb, but it's not venom, water, or sand. It's really vicious. I won't let you die well."

"Li Fu, how much do you think they hate tomb robbers?"

Li Fu stared at the second master and said.

"Don't talk nonsense, grave robber."

The second master pulled his mouth and shook his head.

I looked at the bed coffin and pulled the drawing board open. This was the bed coffin with a sword. I got in, and the second master and Li Fu didn't know it. After I went down, I patted the coffin board, and one side turned over and turned around one by one. There were words on it, I don't know, Manwen, and there were always Manwen, which made me absolutely uncomfortable. If I knew Manwen, no one had to ask. I think this is a hint. Maybe I will escape by myself, and then these two goods will be thrown away. Here.

I have no choice but to go up and call the second master.

"What's your name? What about the soul?

I got angry as soon as I heard it.

"Who are you talking to?"

As soon as the second master heard it, the fire came up. Li Fu stood there laughing, but he could still laugh.

"Do you think you have enough days to live?"

The second master caught me at once.

"Don't, don't, there is an outlet."

I pointed to it. The second master let go of me and jumped down. Li Fu wanted to go down, and I stopped him.

"I'm second, you're third, and the space below is small, one by one."

"Your uncle's, it's not a thing, old and small, and there is no good thing."

Li Fu stood aside.

The second master didn't move for a long time.

"Second Master..."

I shouted.

It took the second master to come up again after a long time.

"It's the entrance."

"What does it say?"

"Entrance, enter the tiger's mouth, do you want to enter or not?"

I was stunned at once. It's better to enter a tiger's mouth than to enter a frog's mouth.

Li Fu also hesitated. Is it good to enter the tiger's mouth? That's what I think.

"What's the matter with you two? If you don't go in, I will enter. After entering, the entrance will be closed.

The second master actually chose to go in. I thought it was to ask for our opinions. I took myself too seriously. Maybe in the eyes of the second master, I was a fart.

The second master actually went in. Do we still have a choice? It's better to let the tiger eat and die more happily if you stay here.

The second master drilled over, and we drilled through. A rectangular stone room, a pool, a pool, and the sound of frogs became louder. When I got closer, I strangled them. They were all poisonous frogs, golden yellow, with venom coming from my body, and I shivered for a long time.

The pool in the middle is the largest. The second master walked slowly by the pool. He actually bent down and looked in. He didn't know what he was looking at. Suddenly, the second master leaned against the wall and gasped.