The chief wife should not escape

012 Do you have an illusion

"Gu...Gu Sheng?!" Ye Xiaolan covered her mouth in surprise and looked at the man in a suit in front of her in disbelief.

How could Gu Sheng come here! Isn't he in the United States?

Good education made Ye Xiaolan quickly adjust her mood. Ye Xiaolan coughed slightly and said, "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm looking for Fu Qingsi." Gu Sheng had a gloomy face, and this damn woman moved away when he was away!

But...let him...find...ah.

"Oh--, look for light silk." Ye Xiaolan nodded with a clear nod, "She just went to bed."

Gu Sheng's face is more gloomy.

He is looking for her here, and the damn woman is sleeping!

It's heartless!

"Wake her up." Gu Sheng suddenly smiled, which made Ye Xiaolan shiver.

Light silk, light silk, don't blame me, blame this man for being so terrible.

So, Ye Xiaolan turned around and walked to the room to wake up Fu Qingsi.

"Forget it." Gu Sheng suddenly changed his mind, "I'll go."

"Ah?" Ye Xiaolan was stunned and looked at Gu Sheng confusedly.

Gu Sheng went straight into the room, closed the door, and moved freely.

Ye Xiaolan wants to roar. What, is this her family? Even if he is her best friend's husband, he can't do this!

Although, she can't do anything about Gu Sheng...

She curled her lips feebly, and suddenly had an idea. She gently walked to the door, put her ears to the door, and listened attentively to the movement inside.

Actually, eavesdropping is also very loving! Do you say yes?

As soon as he entered the door, Gu Sheng saw the figure curled up in **.

The soft and dark long hair covers the face, and the white silk suspender pajamas perfectly outline the beautiful figure.

Seeing Fu Qingsi's soft and quiet appearance, Gu Sheng's heart couldn't help softening.

He walked to the bedside and couldn't help slowing down.

"Liar..." Fu Qingsi suddenly moved and muttered, "Hate you, Gu Sheng..."

Gu Sheng was shocked.

Hate him? How can it be!

How did he allow her to hate him!

Malicious, the thought of punishment surged to his heart. Gu Sheng bent down and squeezed Fu Qingsi's cute and tight nose tightly with his thumb and forefinger.

Fu Qingsi frowned tightly and opened her mouth to breathe hard due to lack of oxygen.

Gu Sheng thought Fu Qingsi would wake up soon, but who knew...

She actually stretched out a hand and waved it in the air. With a crisp applause, Fu Qingsi's hand hit Gu Sheng's... face.

Gu Sheng suddenly loosened his finger and covered the half of the face patted by Fu Qingsi.

Damn it!

Fu Qingsi in her sleep did not know all this, but felt that a demon seemed to be chasing her just now, and then strangled her neck, reflecting that her hand was swinging in the air.

The demon suddenly disappeared, and the feeling of almost suffocation also disappeared.

So Fu Qingsi smiled with a reassuring smile and fell asleep.

At this time, she did not know that the culprit who caused her dream was Gu Sheng.

Of course, I didn't know that Gu Sheng found her unconsciously.

If she knows, she will definitely move before he arrives, absolutely!

Gu Sheng felt a little cute when he saw Fu Qingsi's smile.

Take off his coat, and he naturally lay next to Fu Qingsi and hugged her.

At this moment, I eavesdropped on Ye Xiaolan's tragedy outside the door. I didn't hear anything except a crisp sound that seemed to hit the body.

And she doesn't know that the two people in it have already fallen asleep...

And the ** she expected never happened.


"Ah--!!" The next day, Fu Qingsi, who found herself in Gu Sheng's arms, naturally let out a high decibel scream. Obviously, what happened at this moment was not accepted by her.

Why did Gu Sheng fall asleep next to her!

This must be her illusion...

In order to prove that this was an illusion, Fu Qingsi closed her eyes hard. After a minute, when she opened it again, Gu Sheng had already opened her eyes and looked at her leisurely.

"Ah-huh, huh!!" Fu Qingsi couldn't help screaming again and was covered her mouth as soon as she opened her mouth to make a syllable.

"Stop shouting." Gu Sheng joked, "You're not dreaming."

"You, how did you find it here!" Fu Qingsi swallowed and asked with difficulty.

What has happened now has exceeded her ability.

This man obviously hated her so much a month ago, but now why does he suddenly have such a good attitude towards her?

This is really incredible!

"Should I ask you this?" Gu Sheng asked rhetorical.


"Who asked you to move out of my house?"

"I..." Fu Qingsi didn't know what to say. She couldn't say that she moved out to escape the traces of Gu Sheng, right?

And why did this man suddenly change his sex? Become so... domineering?

She thought she knew enough about Gu Sheng, not just a little distance and indifference, but now Fu Qingsi found that she didn't know him so well.

"Move back with me today." Gu Sheng's resolute tone cannot be opposed.

"Oh..." The extremely reluctant answer, Fu Qingsi gave in, because she didn't know what Gu Sheng would do if she objected.

Gu Sheng's hand has been resting on her waist, which is very uncomfortable. She struggled to leave his arms, but was held in Gu Sheng's arms harder. During the struggle, their clothes were messy.

This world is fantastic. What happened to Gu Sheng in the month when he went to the United States to change him so much!

"Knock..." Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Fu Qingsi looked at Gu Sheng aggrievedly, and Gu Sheng finally let go as if his conscience had found it.

Fu Qingsi was rescued and usually opened the door.

It is indeed Ye Xiaolan outside the door, and so. Now the third person in this room except for her and Gu Sheng is Ye Xiaolan.

"Light silk you--" Ye Xiaolan just wanted to say something, but she saw Fu Qingsi blushing, and the sling on her shoulder fell down slightly. ** not far behind her lay the same undressed Gu Sheng.

Ye Xiaolan blinked, as if she suddenly understood what Fu Qingsi and Gu Sheng were doing just now.

So she laughed and shouted, "It's okay, you go on~"

Then he whispered to Fu Qingsi, "I understand the couple quarreled at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed. You haven't seen each other for a day, not to mention that you and Gu Sheng haven't seen each other for a month. Take it easy..."

"It's not what you think!" Fu Qingsi's face turned redder. Where did she think of?

"I know..." Ye Xiaolan smiled deeper, and then left the room and closed the door thoughtfully, leaving Fu Qingsi standing there crying without tears.

What is this?

Turn around and look at Gu Sheng with some complaint. Gu Sheng raised his eyebrows. Did this woman complain about him?

This courage is getting fatter and fatter! You have to** well, otherwise how will you live in the future?

Then start from now!